[MBZ] OT -- Navigator wings and ribbons on the priest

2007-01-05 Thread wilton strickland
Captain Engler, USN (Ret) said, We've earned the right to salute.  AMEN. 

Wilton Strickland
LtCol, USAF (Ret) 

[MBZ] OT--Navigator wings and ribbons on the priest

2007-01-03 Thread wilton strickland
Bob Certain, President Ford's pastor, has been seen during the recent
funeral ceremonies wearing navigator wings and military ribbons and
occasionally saluting with the military members.  He may wear them, and he
may salute as he sees fit.  I knew him briefly when he was a young B-52
crewmember flying missions from Guam to Vietnam.  He is a former B-52
navigator who was aboard the first B-52 shotdown over Hanoi on December 18,
1972, during the Linebacker II campaign that led to a settlement ending US
involvement in the war.  Three members of his crew were killed.  He was
captured and held as a POW  until released in March, 1973.  He then attended
devinity school and served for many years as an Air Force chaplain before
retiring as a colonel.
