Mersenne: free f90/C/ for Alpha

1999-09-26 Thread EWMAYER

Dear all:

For those of you wanting to try Mlucas 2.7x (or any other Fortran code) on 
under Linux, Compaq is offering free betas of their f90 compiler for Linux. 
same site lists free betas of the Compaq Linux C compiler, the Compaq Portable
Math Library, and says there will soon be a beta of a C++ compiler for Linux:

I don't run Linux on either of my Alphas yet (If anyone has advice on 
painfree and hopefully $-free ways of installing Linux on an Alpha, without 
away an existing Unix configuration - I'm all ears), but the Linux executable
of Mlucas v2.6 my SPEC98 contact at Compaq provided me earlier this year
(compiled using the aforementioned compiler) was as fast as the f90-for-Unix-
compiled one.

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Mersenne: Error message in Ver.18

1999-09-26 Thread Ian L McLoughlin

Still a bit green on all this ...
I have seen an error message I am not familiar with (i.e. not illegal
669721378183728.3 = 1.130101692988369e +300
possible hardware failure...etc.I see no refernce to this in the Readme file
(as opposed to illegal sumout above)
Any enlightenment on this would be most appreciated!!??

All The Best,

Ian McLoughlin, Chematek U.K.

Tel/Fax : +44(0)1904 679906
Mobile   : +44(0)7801 823421

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Mersenne: File missing?

1999-09-26 Thread Bob Margulies

I am running Prime95 Version 18.1.1, dated 04-01-99. When I press Esc,
in order to suspend execution, I get a message stating that Prime95 is
unable to find a file called Prime95.hlp. This file is not in the which I downloaded. What is wrong?
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Mersenne: Re: Mlucas 2.7 for x86?

1999-09-26 Thread Jason Stratos Papadopoulos

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm not too surprised at this. Since my code appears to be faster than
> FFTW on most high-end CPUs, that tells me that FFTW is probably optimized
> more for the x86 (very few FP registers) than mine, which is geared toward
> hardware with at least 32 FPR's. Normally this means that one uses smaller
> complex FFT radices (say, 4 or 8) on machines with 8-16 FPR's, but Jason
> Papadopoulos tells me that FFTW uses radices as high as 32. Perhaps they
> use conditional compilation to decide what radices to use depending on the
> underlying hardware, and use smaller radices on x86. (Any insights, Jason?)
> If they do use radices >= 8 on x86, they are probably arranging the code
> to minimize register pressure - this could be worth looking at.

FFTW uses a recursive FFT, and includes code that performs a single
radix-n pass for lots of n (all powers of two up to 64, and other
small radices like 3,5,7,9,10,...). You tell it to build you an FFT
of a certain size, and it picks the combination of radices that solve
your problem in minimum time (it uses dynamic programming, finding the
fastest combination for small sizes and then using them as building 
blocks for larger sizes). The combination is encoded in a "plan",
and the FFTW executor reads this when you want to do the FFT for real.

On x86, for medium-size transforms FFTW likes radix-8 a lot. It overflows
the pathetic FPU stack quickly but it also cuts the problem size very
quickly, and so turns out to be a net win over smaller radices.


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Mersenne: Re: Mlucas 2.7 for x86?

1999-09-26 Thread EWMAYER

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Guillermo Ballester Valor) writes:

>The first timing is no good as I expected. These are the result:
>F90 compiler : Microsoft Fortran Power station 4.0 
>   Optimizations: all optimizations enabled.
>   mprime  lfftw  Mlucas
>   (sec/iter)
>Exponent test M(3975659)0.359  0.901   1.604

I'm not too surprised at this. Since my code appears to be faster than
FFTW on most high-end CPUs, that tells me that FFTW is probably optimized
more for the x86 (very few FP registers) than mine, which is geared toward
hardware with at least 32 FPR's. Normally this means that one uses smaller
complex FFT radices (say, 4 or 8) on machines with 8-16 FPR's, but Jason
Papadopoulos tells me that FFTW uses radices as high as 32. Perhaps they
use conditional compilation to decide what radices to use depending on the
underlying hardware, and use smaller radices on x86. (Any insights, Jason?)

If they do use radices >= 8 on x86, they are probably arranging the code
to minimize register pressure - this could be worth looking at.

>my hand-clock. It writes a lot more time than real.

Note that Mlucas uses elapsed time rather than CPU time, so if other stuff
is running, the printed time would be larger than CPU. But if your own
elapsed-time measure disagrees, that implies there is a bug with the f90
date_and_time intrinsic in the MS compiler - try to code a super-simple
program (hacked from mine, if you like - look in the source to see how
the character function char_time gets used in conjunction with the above
intrinsic. If you can reproduce the wrong-timing effect, send e-mail and
your sample code to MS compiler support.

I've had no problems with the time stuff on various Unix systems.

>If the rest of the lfftw code have a similar performance, you perhaps
>will reach a RPI>100%.

Oh, I already do, just not on every platform - but I'm working on it. :)

>I can sent you the executable Mlucas and my tested, no buggy, c-code.

Sure, go ahead and send them, preferably Win-or-PK-zipped. You should
make at least the C code ftp'able as well, that way others can check it
out. If it's close to MacLucasUNIX on some systems, we would at least 
have a generic C code which allows non-power-of-2 runlengths (MLU doesn't).

>Well, sorry to mail you on Sunday.

I don't mind - I only check my e-mail if I have time (and on weekends,
the inclination) to do so.

Best regards,

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Re: Mersenne: Factors Everywhere

1999-09-26 Thread Will Edgington

Will Edgington writes:

[Yes, I'm following up to my own message.:)]


   Note that M(n) has no known factors.

Trying this out just now, the 111 MB of data that I have for prime
exponent Mersennes in the mersfmt reduces to a bit under 20 MB if this
format is used for only the prime exponents with known factors.  Gzip
(using max compression) gets that down to 7.1 MB.

Producing & gzip'ing it from the mersfmt of the data takes only a
couple of minutes on my machine, so adding it to the automatic update
won't slow things down enough to notice.

A quick line count of ungzip'd file (about 2 seconds, from cache:)
produces a count of 1,677,377 known factors of prime exponent Mersenne
numbers (that aren't completely factored).

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Re: Mersenne: Factors Everywhere

1999-09-26 Thread Ken Kriesel

At 11:46 AM 1999/09/26 +0100, you wrote:
>6) PrimeNet trial factoring has moved well into the 10 millions, 
>however George's file contains data only up to 10 million. 
>I know there is a problem with uploading the large files concerned; 
>hopefully, the suggestions above will help to reduce the size of the 
>file, sufficiently to make it feasible to expand the exponent range 
>to cover (at least) the active Primenet assignments for long enough 
>for cheap, high-speed Internet connectivity to become widespread.
>7) I have several hundred megabytes of disk space available on my ftp 
>server, which has reasonable Internet access - at least 8 Mbps 
>connectivity to the Internet core - and would be happy to provide 
>means for anyone interested to upload factoring data (or anything 
>else, strictly relevant to Mersenne or closely-related numbers) for 
>the purpose of making it publicly available.

I encourage you to implement this central repository.

Something that would have accelerated parts of the QA process is the 
ability to query such an online resource for information such as the 

What is the smallest exponent larger than n that has no factor found
when factored to 2^m (possibly but not necessarily gimps default depth)?
What is the largest exponent smaller than n that has no factor found
when factored to 2^m?
What are the exponents with double checked residues between a and b?
What are the exponents with double checked residues between a and b
whose residues are from separate chip architectures and software
(Eg, Intel & prime95 for one, Alpha & MacLucasUnix for the other)?
What are the exponents with singly checked residues between a and b?

(I suppose one could consider doing very short factoring tests to fill
gaps when queries ask for an exponent's factor status; something like
up to 2^40, and add it to the database at that time; not a requirement.)

Something that might aid development of new prime search software 
would be:

What are all the known factors larger than 2^m?
What are all the known factors between 2^m and 2^n for exponents between
a and b?

It is not the raw data, so much as the query response, that needs


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Mersenne Digest V1 #633

1999-09-26 Thread Mersenne Digest

Mersenne Digest   Sunday, September 26 1999   Volume 01 : Number 633


Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 10:11:02 +0100
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: and, from WAY out in left field...

On 25 Sep 99, at 1:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As with all distributed efforts, we all contribute what we can. It's not
> a contest, except perhaps amongst us programmers, in terms of pushing each
> other to continually improve our codes.

There are other ways of contributing as well as simply contributing 
CPU cycles - valuable though that contribution is!

> >Sorry, I am bitter and can't afford a 550 Pentium.
> Hopefully soon - here prices have dropped below 1000 $US for 500MHz systems-
> you can get a 300-400MHz PII virtually for free if you're willing to pay
> $20/month for 36 months of unlimited Internet access. You should try buying
> online, e.g. at or some such store.

UK "shop window" retail prices _look_ awful - but they insist on 
selling you a huge monitor, "high-end" multimedia hardware (possibly 
including an awful scanner and a worse digital camera), a 56K modem 
(built-in WinModem, useless unless you're running Windoze) and a huge 
raft of "free" software (mostly obsolete and/or rubbish they can't 
offload any other way, except as landfill) as well as the bits you 
actually need. You can buy basic systems at quite reasonable prices 
here, if you look in the right place e.g. £440 (ex VAT) for a 
complete PII-400 system. PIII-500 systems are a couple of hundred 
pounds more expensive, but that's Intel pricing policy. In terms of 
"bangs per buck", the systems with the fastest processors are 
relatively poor value for money (especially as the performance of 
"real" programs is not linearly related to the CPU clock speed!)

There is an _enormous_ improvement in speed between a Cyrix 333 and a 
PII-400, _much_ less between a PII-400 and a PIII-600 (or whatever 
the fastest chip Intel do at the moment is - I find it hard even to 
keep track of where the "bleeding edge" is, so fast is the turnover 
of products!)

Bear in mind the transport costs, the complications with customs duty 
& the possible risks involved in dealing in foreign exchange (you 
don't know the exchange rate until the credit card company processes 
the transaction - & they can, and do, manipulate this to your  
disadvantage) I'm not sure that there's any real benefit in dealing 
direct with US suppliers for single unit purchases. Bulk purchasing 
may be an entirely different matter.

Here in the UK, component prices seem to be reasonably competitive, 
especially when purchased through the many outlets which include free 
delivery. This is a major saving on a small order.

> >How do I know that the exponent I am testing has not already run to
> >conclusion.?

If someone else has run your exponent to completion (unlikely) you 
will find out when you check in your completion dates. The PrimeNet 
server will mutter at you.

Brian Beesley
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Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 16:25:43 +0300
From: Jukka Santala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Front-end design

Pierre Abbat wrote:

> I suggest a couple of named pipes for control (the front end writes to one and
> reads from the other, and mprime vice versa). Since writing to a pipe whose
> reader is stuck can get you blocked when the pipe is full, and writing to a
> pipe with nothing at the other end results in a SIGPIPE, mprime should not
> output anything to the pipe unless told to do so, and should trap SIGPIPE and
> turn off output.

The current .ini structure is, I feel, sufficient for controlling the
operation of
the client, and preferrable. However, some signal should exist to force
the client
to re-read these settings after change; at least in *nixes this should
be easy
(Just handle HUP). As for data out of the client, I like to think that
existing save-state files would be enough, or could be made to be
enough. I'm not
sure how much cycles generating them frequently will burn, though, which
could be
a problem. Also the timing data is not easily accessible this way, but I
like the
approach used in the recently posted *nix GUI. And I concur with the
ideas that
the "extended GUI" should, if possible, be separate from the main client
so as not
to run a risk of messing up the results.

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Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 09:36:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jason Stratos Papadopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Mersenne: Front-end design

1999-09-26 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

What would make sense to me is to have a single (X-based?) frontend that is 
able to monitor/control the action of multiple Prime95-style "services".

Today, I look at my personal Primenet report to see if any of my machines 
are "misbehaving" - but finding a turned-off computer using this takes days.

A screen with a few nice colors per machine would be *so* much nicer .-)

How I would implement it:
Have two processes:
- 1 like the "proxy", except different: all the mprime programs send it a 
packet every time they start up (and occasionally when running). Location 
configurable (can't see how to make it auto-conf, except perhaps if the 
primenet server would store its location in my account info and tell the 
clients when they call in for an exponent or update). Always runs.
- 1 display program, that either interrogates the "proxy" or the running 
testers directly through an RPC mechanism.

Much fun. Lots of code to break.

 Harald A

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway

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Re: Mersenne: Factors Everywhere

1999-09-26 Thread Will Edgington

Brian J. Beesley writes:

   1) I don't see any particular need to make available files in human-
   readable format, provided that we provide a specification for the 
   file, and also binary executables for common platforms for converting 
   a machine-readable file to human-readbale format.

I, personally, have no way of producing executables except for Intel
CPUs, and presently only for Linux (I just yesterday got a old P100
machine up running Win98 (and Prime95, of course:)).

I have thought about a binary data format off and on for a while now,
but mostly in terms of making updates easier by designing a format
that can be updated in place (at least most of the time), which is a
different problem.

   On the other hand, it could be that "zipping" a human-readable
   format file provides near-optimal compression.

Most likely, and this avoids having to provide executables to read it:
they're already out there.

   2) Since factors are of the form 2kp+1, it is only neccessary to list 
   p & k. This saves a significant amount of storage (compared with 
   listing p and 2kp+1) and the proper factor is easily recovered.

Unfortunately, it's only this simple when p is odd.  For even p,
factors can be one more than any multiple of p, not just one more than
even multiples of p.  And I'd really rather not have a different
format for even exponents ...

   3) If the data was held in variable-length records in a format 
   similar to


   where n is the number of known factors and k1, k2, k3,... are the 
   multipliers for each of the known factors in turn, this would save 
   much duplication compared with the current format (of factor.txt).

This is also a good idea, but a few of the lines would be _very_ long,
which some text editors and other programs will have problems with.
I'd also suggest dropping n; including it doesn't really add anything
and it can be computed quickly from the other data.  Perhaps something


Note that M(n) has no known factors.

   4) For values of p which fit into a (integer) CPU register and 
   "small" values of k (up to approx. 64K), trial factoring is so fast 
   that I doubt it would be any faster to search a file than to repeat 
   the calculation - even if the file is already available locally. 

Yes, but then there's no way to be sure whether the factor is already
known or not.  There was a bug in an early post-GIMPS-start factorer
of mine that caused it to miss _exactly_ one factor, of M(47).  If I
hadn't had an explicit list of factors to compare with, I would have
never found the bug.

   Perhaps the file should contain a "flag" denoting that factors are 
   known, but have been omitted for this reason.

This might be enough, though.  But note that this can already be done
using the DATABASE format, if you're willing to omit all factors.  Hm;
so perhaps a DATABASE file with all the exponents and trial factoring
extents and a second, human readable, file, as above, is a possibility.

And I've long thought about a small program (& function) to do fast,
binary lookups in large Mersenne data files like these (human readable
or binary), akin to the common UNIX "look" program for dictionary
files, but, of course, doing a numeric search rather than a dictionary

   We should still have a large master file somewhere, but this need not 
   be uploaded frequently.

I update my local copy about twice a week usually; it takes only a
couple hours on my new PIII/450MHz machine and was well under a day
even on my old P233MMX system.  These times include automatically
downloading data out there every few days to a month, as appropriate
for the particular file.

   5) Following on from (4), it seems to make sense to record the 
   highest value of k tested by trial factoring, rather than the maximum 
   number of bits.

This is lacking in the DATABASE format, but my format implies this

And, for a year or more, I've actually been treating the "distance" in
k's to get to the next power of two as a "gap" in the trial factoring
data and thus most of it is just above powers of two.  Note also that
exponents with known factors can be worked on by Prime95 again, after
mersfacgmp or some other factorer pushes the extent past the next
power of two above a factor.

   6) PrimeNet trial factoring has moved well into the 10 millions, 
   however George's file contains data only up to 10 million. 

Yup.  This also means that my factors and his for exponents above 10
million have not been compared for some time.

   I know there is a problem with uploading the large files concerned;
   hopefully, the suggestions above will help to reduce the size of
   the file, sufficiently to make it feasible to expand the exponent
   range to cover (at least) the active Primenet assignments for long
   enough for cheap, high-speed Internet connectivity to become

Or perhaps George should simply shift to the factors of the exponent

Re: Mersenne: Graphical visualisation of computations

1999-09-26 Thread St. Dee

At 01:42 AM 9/26/1999 -0400, Lucas Wiman wrote:
>> not, but, what would it show? A progress bar, maybe... anything else? There
>> isn't really anything else to show. Intermediate results of the LL test
>> don't themselves have a lot of meaning (even the final result, if non-zero,
>> is devoid of much interpretation). There's not a lot you could plot - a
>> graph of the iteration time would only serve to show when you opened
>> Microsoft Word or something...
>Yes, but the point is that they may be pretty. (?)  This probably wouldn't
>alter anyone who already is at GIMPS, but it might attract new members.
>This feature (based on George's postings about his interests in the project)
>would be badly maintaned, and a support headache.

I think it should be emphasized, though, that that pretty-looking SETI
interface is a pig.  On Win* machines, it often more than doubles the time
required to complete a block of data.  All of the people I know who run
SETI went "Ooooh, ah!" when they saw the GUI, then promptly turned it
off because it hogged so many cycles.  The REAL attraction of the SETI
project is the chance to be the person who helps to discover the existence
of E.T.  Face it, that captures the public's imagination much more,
generally, than does hunting for large prime numbers.

I believe the initial attraction to SETI is not the interface, but rather
the chance to discover E.T.

Just my $.02,
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Re: Mersenne: Factors Everywhere

1999-09-26 Thread Brian J. Beesley

Hi everyone,

A few points about publishing known factors.

1) I don't see any particular need to make available files in human-
readable format, provided that we provide a specification for the 
file, and also binary executables for common platforms for converting 
a machine-readable file to human-readbale format. On the other hand, 
it could be that "zipping" a human-readable format file provides near-
optimal compression.

2) Since factors are of the form 2kp+1, it is only neccessary to list 
p & k. This saves a significant amount of storage (compared with 
listing p and 2kp+1) and the proper factor is easily recovered.

3) If the data was held in variable-length records in a format 
similar to


where n is the number of known factors and k1, k2, k3,... are the 
multipliers for each of the known factors in turn, this would save 
much duplication compared with the current format (of factor.txt).

4) For values of p which fit into a (integer) CPU register and 
"small" values of k (up to approx. 64K), trial factoring is so fast 
that I doubt it would be any faster to search a file than to repeat 
the calculation - even if the file is already available locally. 
Therefore I suggest that, in order to reduce substantially the size 
of the frequently-updated publicly-available known factors file, 
"small" values of k are omitted, and a program be provided instead to 
generate the data (with binary executables for common platforms).

Perhaps the file should contain a "flag" denoting that factors are 
known, but have been omitted for this reason.

We should still have a large master file somewhere, but this need not 
be uploaded frequently.

5) Following on from (4), it seems to make sense to record the 
highest value of k tested by trial factoring, rather than the maximum 
number of bits.

6) PrimeNet trial factoring has moved well into the 10 millions, 
however George's file contains data only up to 10 million. 
I know there is a problem with uploading the large files concerned; 
hopefully, the suggestions above will help to reduce the size of the 
file, sufficiently to make it feasible to expand the exponent range 
to cover (at least) the active Primenet assignments for long enough 
for cheap, high-speed Internet connectivity to become widespread.

7) I have several hundred megabytes of disk space available on my ftp 
server, which has reasonable Internet access - at least 8 Mbps 
connectivity to the Internet core - and would be happy to provide 
means for anyone interested to upload factoring data (or anything 
else, strictly relevant to Mersenne or closely-related numbers) for 
the purpose of making it publicly available.

Brian Beesley
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Re: Mersenne: Graphical visualisation of computations

1999-09-26 Thread Michael Oates


I think you should be very careful about how much graphical information is
to be represented.

I have just joined GIMPS recently after using SETI@home. That program has a
nice graphical interface, but many people, my self included, spent much time
and effort to either disable the display, or use a text only version and
various tweaking to speed the machine up. The reason for this is that it
takes a great many CPU cycles to perform the display, cycles that would be
better spent doing the testing. In the case of SETI@home a speed increase of
around 300% was obtained by not having the display!!

Don't get me wrong I would like to see some more information about what is
going on, but not at the expense of loosing time.


>Jukka Santala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Friday 24 September 1999 at 5:25
>> Though you ask this, I find the topic rather appropriate for the list,
>> especially given the angle of "HOW can we visualize the process of
>> mathemathical operations.
>That brings me to the following observation:
>I think few of us fully realize the _enormous_ amount of (highly
>optimized) processing required each iteration to achieve something that
>looks so simple: a squaring, minus 2, mod (2^p-1).
>Remember, you see nothing happening! Prime just tells you: I used
>so-and-so-many BILLION clock cycles on the previous iteration. When a
>computer is ray-tracing (preferrably on some fancy high-end workstation)
>you are immediately dazzled by the picture-perfect pixels appearing on the
>screen in brilliant colours.
>But your result is not for eternity. In GIMPS it is. M7xx tested.
>Composite. Or: M10yy trial-factored to 2^65. No factors below 2^65.
>And you know that YOU discovered that mathematical fact.
>That little 64bit residue or checksum is precious. If you had a grain of
>rice for the number of clock cycles needed to produce just one of those
>bits, you could feed the entire (current) world population for a whole
>year! Is that about right?
>Whatever the correct figure, the program doesn't show you what it's doing.
>Actually, it might be interesting to be able to see, say, just the last
>64 bits (in hex) of the current number L[n] in the Lucas sequence. The
>program displays those bits for L[p-1], right? So why not during the
>The program should IMHO at least -optionally- display a progress bar
>showing graphically what it now only shows in digits:
>progress on current exponent [95.2% completed]. The bar would probably
>grow one pixel longer every couple of hours.
>Any comments on the issue of graphical visualisation?
>Robert van der Peijl
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