Mersenne: RE: ot: p3 motherboards (and out of topic, can't resist)

2000-08-01 Thread Sylvain PEREZ

> > For a good review of the ASUS CUSL2 and how it compares to other
> > popular mobos (overclocking stats are included), see:
> >
> > GamePC uses P95 as their 24-hour burn-in torture test before shipping every unit.


> They may be ok there, but boy, how they write bad html. :)
>[shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] 
>[shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif]
>[shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] 

Please do not post (bad) html in a mailing-list ;-)

By the way, do you know this good one :

My computer never cras
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Mersenne Digest V1 #764

2000-08-01 Thread Mersenne Digest

Mersenne DigestTuesday, August 1 2000Volume 01 : Number 764


Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 08:53:34 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Better late then never?

Hi! All,

  I apologize if some of the following message are a little late,
but I've been "out of commission" recently.  At least they're
better late than never


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Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 08:59:10 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Rambus Memory

Intel benchmarks show little advantage to Rambus!

A new series of benchmarks have emerged that show Rambus memory
provides less oomph than cheaper, standard high-speed memory.

And the odd part is that the tests come from Intel, the major
proponent of Rambus. 

In benchmark tests conducted by Intel, computers equipped with
standard high-speed memory and Intel's 815 chipset outperformed
similarly configured PCs with Rambus memory and the corresponding
820 chipset from the company. 

Full story at:

<< Direct RDRAM >>

Everyone knows (rather, should know) that RDRAM memory
>provides a minor speed boost compared to SDRAM, and the much
>higher cost of RDRAM is completely unjustified.  I've heard that
>Dell is switching back to SDRAM in its computers now, which is a
>Good Thing(TM).

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Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 08:59:15 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: And the winner is

RE: Statistical Analysis of Prime Exponent Mersennes

After much private debate, I'm providing the following I have
inquired and received information about.  Please, don't flame
me or ask me to explain further, as I'm only the messenger and
don't have all the answers myself...

Q: Can all the data be posted to the list?
A: HA! Not likely.  The current size of 1.43TB of "raw" data
   which must be "interpreted" (taking 25+ times the space)
   is too large.  I don't know about others, but I don't have
   the 20+ years to download the data over a 56K modem if 
   posted to the list...

Q: What algorithms are used?
A: 'A variety of standard algorithms and methodologies used
   in traditional and non-traditional statistical analyses.
   Used in large number of complex, unique and even 'unusual'

Q: Is the code and/or program available?
A: 'No. Major chunks of code are proprietary, licensed,
   patented [or pending] or 'otherwise' restricted from
   distribution. Typical PC unable to run; Lack of memory
   or storage.'

Q: Can you provide data on M727, M751, M#39, M#40, M*10M-digit?
A: 'Here is info.'


 M727 - 94.3716% probability - 2 factors
 M727 - 52.8693% probability - 3 factors
 M727 -  6.0014% probability - 4+ factors
 M727 - 91.1834% probability - 313-bit min. factor size
 M727 - 93.0447% probability - 428-bit max. factor size
 M727 - 21.7336% probability - highly composite factors

 M751 - 83.8467% probability - 2 factors
 M751 - 74.2974% probability - 3 factors
 M751 - 19.5801% probability - 4+ factors
 M751 - 87.2999% probability - 281-bit min. factor size
 M751 - 81.0003% probability - 526-bit max. factor size
 M751 - 30.1716% probability - highly composite factors

 M#39 - 53.7390% probability - range=10987349-11013853
 M#39 - 64.0127% probability - range=10914203-11092621
 M#39 - 81.6073% probability - range=10793527-11204183
 M#39 - 97.3391% probability - range=10526447-11390453

 M#40 - 61.4726% probability - range=13430227-13501387
 M#40 - 77.3902% probability - range=13359163-13592549
 M#40 - 86.0715% probability - range=13231913-13684399
 M#40 - 96.5507% probability - range=13092361-13973117

 M#43 - 58.3097% probability - range=41976841-42057331
 M#43 - 71.6352% probability - range=41901683-42138559
 M#43 - 79.7464% probability - range=41753977-42302809
 M#43 - 93.4218% probability - range=41564021-42516373

NOTE: Highly composite means 6 or more factors of the
  factor - 1...


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Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 09:52:44 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: P-1 Database

Wanted: Brave Souls
Re: P-1 Testing small exponents

Besides exponents in the 200,000 - 500,000 range that are avai

Re: ot: p3 motherboards (was Re: Mersenne: Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:53:50 +0200)

2000-08-01 Thread Henrik Olsen

On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Stefan Struiker wrote:
> For a good review of the ASUS CUSL2 and how it compares to other
> popular mobos (overclocking stats are included), see:
> GamePC uses P95 as their 24-hour burn-in torture test before shipping every unit.
They may be ok there, but boy, how they write bad html. :)

   [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] 
[shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif]
   [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif] 
   GamePC [shim.gif] [shim.gif]
   [header-reviews.gif] [shim.gif] [shim.gif]
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Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S   URL=
 Thomas Covenant: I am the savior of The Land.  Linden Avery: Can I help?
 Thomas Covenant: Over my dead body.(dies) (Linden Avery saves The Land.)
  The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Book-A-Minute version

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RE: p3 motherboards (was Re: Mersenne: Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:53:50 +0200)

2000-08-01 Thread Sylvain PEREZ

> The new Intel i815 chipset uses PC133 SDRAM natively, for coppermine 
> up to 1GHz or whatever.  They benchmark similiarly to a 440BX based
> motherboard when both run at the same clock speed (i.e. both at 100Mhz, 
> both at 133MHz with the BX overclocked).

So that new component seems to be very interesting, especially moneywise 
for Intel, but not for the buyers.

> > This cheaper version of this Asus CUV4X MB uses the VIA 82C chips : I 
> > now very happy not having paid the extra 100 $ to buy the Asus Intel's
> > version, which as you say may have given the same result !
> Try the new Asus CUSL2.  From all reports, this is a winner.  Said i815
> chipset, uses PC133 SDRAM.  6 PCI slots, no ISA slots.  has AGP Pro 4X 
> kind that actually works correctly in 4X mode with advanced graphics 
> like the Geforce family), unlike the VIA stuff).  The chipset has a lame
> built in Intel graphics controller, this is probably adequate for 17"
> monitor business systems, but is easily disabled by simply installing a 
> card for higher resolutions or gaming.

OK, but I don't buy motherboards like bread (you know the "baguette" you 
eat with "camembert" here).

Thanks for the info, I'll check this one.

> Prime95 has a working set of about 5MB now when doing lucas lehmer tests 
> current range numbers.  These CPUs only have 256k cache. about 5 or 10 
> a second, the CPU is walking through the 4MB FFT arrays a NUMBER of 
> including both reads *and* writes in rather complex patterns.  Its my
> understanding from what George has told us repeatedly that the LL tests
> positively HAMMER the memory bus to keep the FPU pipeline busy.

Mmmmh, I'm sure George no fool is man, but if my FPU works faster than my 
bus I would have appreciated less usage of the bus ...

> > George also talked about sdram speed, it may be the point too.

Replay to myselft, I've done some researches...

Yes memory was a major bottleneck in this case.
I checked the BIOS, having originaly let it set the SDRAM configuration at 
"Defined by SPD" or something.
In this configuration, it gave CAS latency, RAS precharge and RAS to CAS 
delay of 3T each.
In fact, I noticed this configuration corresponded to an 8ns SDRAM.
But mine is 7ns, so I input manually a config for the 7ns SDRAM, which 
makes only 2T at those delays.
Then Prime iteration went from 0.234 down to 0.219 (very approx 10 percent 

I do conclude it's a kind of bugg in the BIOS because it should have 
detected the 7ns (only) 128M bank that is on the machine.
I may have some complaining to Asus if I get the time to.

Later, still being deceived not to acheive those 0.190 given in George's 
benchmark, I put up the speed from 100 to 112 Mhz, so now my first (and 
light) overclocked machine is going well to its 729 Mhz, with no special 

Now iteration time is 0.196, i'm feeling kind of happier (life is stupid, 
no ?).

But because the weather becomes pretty hot here, i'll watch carefully to 
the cpu temp, so I won't be obliged to glue a sticker "Intel Outside" after 
being blowned out from the box by its own explosion.

Thanks also John for the object field correction.

Sylvain Perez

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RE: ot: p3 motherboards (was Re: Mersenne: Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:53:50 +0200)

2000-08-01 Thread Sylvain PEREZ

> For a good review of the ASUS CUSL2 and how it compares to other
> popular mobos (overclocking stats are included), see:
> GamePC uses P95 as their 24-hour burn-in torture test before shipping every unit.

What a strange idea you have!

Me, I do use plenty of games in order to make a carefull hardware testing __before__ I 
use my computers for Prime95 ;)

Hopefully, summer always gives us many free time to make hardware testing...

Sylvain Perez
> Best Regards,
> Stefanovic
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Re: ot: p3 motherboards (was Re: Mersenne: Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:53:50 +0200)

2000-08-01 Thread Stefan Struiker

> Try the new Asus CUSL2.  From all reports, this is a winner.  Said i815
> chipset, uses PC133 SDRAM.  6 PCI slots, no ISA slots.  has AGP Pro 4X (the
> kind that actually works correctly in 4X mode with advanced graphics cards
> like the Geforce family), unlike the VIA stuff).  The chipset has a lame
> built in Intel graphics controller, this is probably adequate for 17"
> monitor business systems, but is easily disabled by simply installing a AGP
> card for higher resolutions or gaming.

For a good review of the ASUS CUSL2 and how it compares to other
popular mobos (overclocking stats are included), see:

GamePC uses P95 as their 24-hour burn-in torture test before shipping every unit.

Best Regards,

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RE: Mersenne: Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:53:50 +0200

2000-08-01 Thread Pierre Abbat

>I understand. I didn't think at Prime95 so much using the bus (in fact, in 
>Paris the Metro is far more convenient). 

But you wouldn't want it searching all the arrondissements for primes, as then
it would go at a snail's pace.

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