Mersenne Digest V1 #779

2000-09-21 Thread Mersenne Digest

Mersenne Digest  Thursday, September 21 2000  Volume 01 : Number 779


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:16:52 +0200
From: "Martijn Kruithof" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Mersenne: primenet assignment question


If you want double-checks, you can indicate this in the setup, go to the
test/primenet menu, here you can
indicate the type of work you want to do, this overrides the cpu setting. I
can see that your exponent
was reserved 2,4 days ago and expires in 85,6 days. After 88 days your
exponent expires, unless you contact the primenet server earlier. In your
case prime95 will try to connect to the primenet server after 28 days, then
extending the exponent(s) you are working on. You can also do this manually
when connected to the internet. (You can even indicate you want some 100
days by sending vacation information). You do not have to finish the
assignment within the 88 days. Your reservation has to be extended before
the exp column hits 0, and you could theoretically keep this assignment

Please do not start to format your text using outlook, many people will not
be able to read your mails anymore. (You can try to put under Tools /
options / Read / Fonts both the proportional and fixed font to courier new
(font size smaller). And you will see be able to format using fixed fonts
(and see the formatting others apply using a fixed font). This way the
message is still sent unformatted as plain text.)

Kind Regards, Martijn

- - Original Message -
From: "george de fockert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:46 PM
Subject: Mersenne: primenet assignment question

 Dear primers,

 My 533 celeron which I configured for 4 hours/day has been given the
 following assignment  (copied from status page and sorry for the
 anybody knows how to install a fixed font for outlook ?).

  prime  fact  current days
 exponentbits iteration  run / to go / exp   date updated date
 assigned   computer ID  Mhz  Ver
  --  -  -  ---  --
- --
 ---    ---
   5627753 D*  63  37.8  -5.0  55.0  26-Aug-00 17:52  11-Aug-00
 23:02  C274E1CE1 533 v19/v20
 10356833 64   2.4  59.6  85.6   16-Sep-00
 07:37  C274E1CE1 533 v19/v20

 Why ?
 533 * 4/24 is below 100MHz equivalent, so I expect doublechecks.
 Are all exponents doublechecked ?
 This assignment will keep it busy for more than half a year, so it will
 expire !

 Even 4 hours is probably a too high estimate for my 'prime' computer time,
 because during scanning, all CPU time
 goes to waiting for my scanner, I hate polling drivers !

 George de Fockert

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Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 18:41:50 -0700
From: "Osher Doctorow" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mersenne: Will the real operation please stand up?   

From: Osher Doctorow, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mon. Sept. 18, 2000, 6:06PM

In attempting to find a shorter proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) than
the current one, I have become interested in the rather curious expressions
g(x,y) = 1 - x + y and f(x,y) = x + y - xy.   I have elsewhere indicated how
an n-dimensional generalization of the real conjugate of one or both of
these expressions would lead to a super-short proof of FLT - the real
conjugate of g(x.y) is defined as 1 + x - y and the real conjugate of f(x,y)
is defined as x + y -xy.  Abstracts of 46 of my over 100 papers can be found
on the internet at the Institute for Logic of the University of Vienna,, select ABSTRACT and then BY AUTHOR and then
my name.  However, I am here presenting a slightly different problem which
is indirectly linked to Mersenne Primes via the Sophie Germain Prime - FLT -
Fermat Number - Mersenne Number linkage.  To shorten the presentation, I
became curious about the expression (x - y)^^2 = x^^2 - 2xy + y^^2 and how
it relates to f(x,y) = x + y - xy.   Is it possible that either f(x,y) or
f1(x,y) = x + y - 2xy is actually representable as a power of x - y?   The
answer seems to be no in the ordinary sense of power or exponent, but what
about ordinals, cardinals, etc.?   Is it possible that below the second
power, there is a different infinite continuum of exponents from the
familiar one?  If so, then 2 would be the boundary between two continua, and
this might explain its importance in FLT itself.  Setting f(x,y) = xy yields
x + y = 2xy or x 

Mersenne: NFSNET

2000-09-21 Thread Pierre Abbat

Anyone know what happened to Conrad Curry? His page has been saying for months
that 2,679- is 40% sieved, but when I tried to get another range to sieve, the
script appears to have run out of ranges.

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