Mersenne: Combining Prime95 and gmp-ecm

2003-03-01 Thread Alex Kruppa

gmp-ecm version 5 can read ECM residues written by Prime95 to perform
stage 2 on them. Stage 2 is asymptotically faster in gmp-ecm, but
Prime95 has a much faster multiplication for large numbers, so this
feature is mostly interesting for relatively small numbers (i.e. of a
thousand bits) that are to be factored with a large stage 2 limit.
feature is that the B2 value in gmp-ecm is not limited to 2^32, so you
take stage 2 limit to much higher values than Prime95 currently

In order to be able to resume ECM residues from Prime95 (version 22.9 or
later), you will first have to set the GmpEcmHook option (described in
undoc.txt) in prime.ini. Simply add the line


This will cause Prime95 to write the residues from the end of stage 1 to
results.txt if no stage 2 is performed.

These residues in results.txt can be read into gmp-ecm with the -resume
option to do stage 2.

Example: Richard Brent's factorization of F10
(remeber to put the smaller factors 45592577 and 6487031809 into
if you want to try this example yourself)

workdodo.ini :


This computes the lucky curve with sigma=14152267 and a stage 1 bound
of 314263. Note that B2 is set to 1, so that Prime95 will not do a stage
2 but will write the residue instead.

Running Prime95 (or mprime) now outputs

Mersenne number primality test program version 22.12
ECM on P1024: curve #1 with s=14152267, B1=314263, B2=314263
Stage 1 complete. 8133791 transforms, 1 modular inverses. Time: 13.603
Stage 1 GCD complete. Time: 0.000 sec.
There are no more exponents to test.
Please send the results.txt file to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Contact the PrimeNet server for more exponents.

The results.txt file contains

[Wed Feb 26 19:15:13 2003]
N=0x3E(... deleted ...)001; QX=0x275(...deleted...)802; SIGMA=14152267
UID: akruppa, P1024 completed 1 ECM curves, B1=314263, B2=314263

The stage 2 for this residue can be computed with gmp-ecm 5 by running

ecm -resume results.txt 1 314263-1000

which outputs

GMP-ECM 5.0 [powered by GMP 4.1] [ECM]
Save file line has no equal sign after: [Wed Feb 26 19:
Resuming ECM residue saved with Prime95
Input number is 607(... deleted ...)569 (291 digits)
Using B1=1, B2=314263-1000, polynomial x^1, sigma=14152267
Step 1 took 0ms
Step 2 took 2450ms
** Factor found in step 2:
Found probable prime factor of 40 digits:
Probable prime cofactor 130(... deleted ...)577 has 252 digits
Save file line has no equal sign after: UID: akruppa, P

The factor is being found. (Gmp-ecm complains about the lines in
results.txt it does not understand, but the residues should be processed

The parameters to gmp-ecm are:

-resume filename
Which file to read the residues from

The stage 1 limit, which we set to 1 because we have already done the
stage 1 computations with Prime95

The stage 2 range. Prime95 did stage 1 with B1=314263, so we tell
gmp-ecm to do stage 2 from that point on, up to 1000. The lower
limit of the stage 2 range should always be set to the B1 value Prime95
used, the upper limit is the effective B2 value for the ECM curve.

If you would like to do, say, 100 curves on F12 with B1=4400, you
should have in worktodo.ini


After Prime95 has completed the stage 1 for the 100 curves, you can
resume the residues in results.txt with

ecm -resume results.txt 1 4400-184367799127

Note: 184367799127 is the default value for gmp-ecm with B1=44M. You
may want to lower it so that the time spent in Prime95 and gmp-ecm per
curve is roughly the same.

Note 2: remember to remove or rename results.txt after running it
through gmp-ecm, or the next time around it will process the same

Happy factoring, and good luck!

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Mersenne: Factoring 2^n+1 and 2^n-1

1999-11-03 Thread Alex Kruppa


Ernst Mayer once mentioned to me that Prime95 needs twice the FFT size for 2^n+1 
numbers (compared to 2^n+1 numbers). Does that mean that George is using the identity
2^(2n)-1 = (2^n+1)(2^n-1) ? I was wondering why ECM on 2^n+1 numbers took much longer 
than on 2^n-1 of the same size..
That would mean that I can do ECM on, for example, P773 and M773 at the same time by 
doing ECM on M1546, and it will take just as long as ECM on only P773, right? When I
find a factor, I'll just have see which number it divides.

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Re: Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-23 Thread Alex Kruppa

Lucas Wiman wrote:

 P-1 factoring is based upon Fermat's little theorem which states that

 What if we use 2 as a base?  Well, for mersenne numbers, this might be to

The problem is that 2 is not a primitive root (mod Mp). From a computers
point of view, the mod Mp operation is a rotate and add, so if you
start with a single bit set (2d = 10b), that bit will rotate around the
p possible positions like mad but you´ll only ever get values of 2^n,
2^E == 2^n (mod Mp). So you could only find factors of the form


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Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-19 Thread Alex Kruppa


from stuff I saw on the list earlier I put together this estimate:

The chance for Mp being prime if it has no factor below 2^q is
2q/p (if q is reasonably big, at i.e. 2^q much bigger than 2p+1).

If we test the Mersennes in the 10M-digits range for factors
to, say, 2^80, the chance for, say, M33219281, to be a prime
is 1/207620. So the average money you´ll earn for a test in this
range is a little less than 50c. George has estimated that a test
will take about 1 year with current hardware.

We should try to increase this probability before starting any
full LL test, perhaps by using better factoring algorithms.
Will v19 have P-1 code that works with numbers of this size?
But even with P-1, we might not be able to factor that much
further. The time consuming part of P-1 are multiplications
mod Mp just as in the LL test, so the crossover point between
raising the factoring limit and starting the LL test will be a function
of p (the number of interations in the LL test) and less than linear,
that is, we might not get very far.
Do we have estimates already what the optimal bound
values will be for trying P-1 on a given Mp, to minimize the
(time of P-1 test) + (time of LL test * chance of not finding any factor) ?

What would REALLY help here is a transform that allows multiplying
without loss of accuracy (mod Mp), even if you can´t add/sub in the
transformed data. P-1 only exponentiates, you if could exponentiate
every transformed element and then transform back... talk about
bound values! I don´t know of any such transform, if you do, please


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Re: Mersenne: ECM question

1999-05-12 Thread Alex Kruppa

Hi all,

I have a different question concerning P-1 and ECM.
Some time ago I asked which power to put small primes
into when multiplying them into E ( factor = gcd(a^E-1,N) ).

Paul Leyland, I believe, replied that the power for prime p should
be trunc( ln(B1) / ln(p) ) ( log(B1) with base p ),
where B1 is the bound up to which we put primes into E.

But what if there is a stage 2 with a higher bound B2?
Should it be trunc( ln(B2) / ln(p) ) then? Or still the stage 1 bound?
In his Diplomarbeit about ECM
( see ),
Franz-Dieter Berger mentiones on page 40f that his experience
shows that it is better to use the stage 2 bound.

Any opinion from the factoring gurus here on the list?


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Mersenne: Distribution of factors among congruence classes

1999-04-01 Thread Alex Kruppa

Hi all,

I wrote a little program to show the distribution of factors among
congruence classes, especially (mod 8) and (mod 120) (all others were
as uninteresting as you would expect). What surprised me was that the
distribution is not smooth at all, some congruence classes contain a
lot more factors than others. Is there a nice mathematical explanation
for this?
Maybe in the factoring code of Prime95, the sixteen congruence classes
(mod 120) should be arranged so that the luckier classes get tested first,
because if a factor is found, the following classes need to be
checked only up to that factor to find a smaller factor. Finding the factor
early will save a little time.

The factors were from lowM.txt, but only from prime exponent mersennes.


P.S. I have no idea what the factor 55 (mod 120) is doing there. I'll add
something to my program to print out offending factors when I have time.

1   7
8 : 16517   21290

1   7   17  23  31  41  47  49  55  71 
 73 79  89  97  103 113 119
120 :   16752627234030092015192830341985*1  2387   

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