Mersenne: End of list

2004-05-07 Thread Gordon Irlam
This list [EMAIL PROTECTED] is being closed, and posting will no longer
be possible.

The list will continue as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you are not on the new list already, please visit:

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Re: Mersenne: End of list

2004-04-23 Thread Gordon Irlam
> I also run a reasonably current version of mailman on my server, and have 
> sufficient bandwidth and adequate uptime to host this list.   My server has 
> had only a few hours of downtime in the past 3-4 years... I host several 
> other lists, including a rather busy music list with dozens of posts every 
> single day, and 200-300 subscribers.   Any idea roughly how many subscribers 
> this list has?   I show approximately 13000 posts since I first subscribed 
> in august(?) 1996 (yes, I have all that in my mail folders).   thats an 
> average of about 4 messages a day, well within reason.

Thanks.  I will take you up on this offer.

I will send you the subscriber lists momentarily.

> Converting this list to mailman would simply require getting the current 
> subscription list in the form of one address per line, and dropping it into 
> mailman's 'mass subscribe' admin interface  a bonus would be getting the 
> archives in Mailbox format, and dropping them into the pipermail archive 
> feature, this would create searchable online archives back as far as we care 
> to go.

If you are going to archive and publish past postings, please be sure
that any email addresses get obfuscated so that they can't be harvested
by spammers.  I just switched email addresses because I was getting so
much spam, and I would hate to have to do it again.

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Re: Mersenne: End of list

2004-04-22 Thread Gordon Irlam
> single day, and 200-300 subscribers.   Any idea roughly how many subscribers 
> this list has?

There are 700-800 split evenly between the list and the digest.

My preference would be to transfer the list to a system running
mailman that hosts a number of other lists, and is likely to be
reliable over the long term.
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Mersenne: End of list

2004-04-22 Thread Gordon Irlam
FYI.  I intend to end this list shortly.

When it was established some 10 years ago, other venues for discussing
these issues did not exist, and could not easily be created.  Now other
venues and mailing lists exist.

The cost to me of maintaining this list are two fold:

- the need to maintain a server connected to the Internet
  (higher connection costs; difficulty moving from house to house;
  and need to worry about system reliability and uptime)

- time taken upgrading my system (need to upgrade from majordomo
  to mailman; and costs of maintaining the configuration from
  one upgrade to the next)

Since alternatives exist, I am not making very much of a difference by
hosting these lists, and I am doing so at significant cost.  Hence my
decision to end the list.

I will allow discussion of alternative lists people may wish to join
before closing this list.

   gordon (list admin)
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Mersenne: Off topic - historical computing manuals

2003-12-04 Thread Gordon Irlam
I know there are few people interested in computing history on this list.

Would anyone be interested in any of the following historical manuals:

Control Data 6400/6500/6600 Computer Systems Reference Manual, 1969
This was the world's first commercial supercomputer and first
RISC architecture based machine; designed by Seymour Cray.

PDP 11 bus and processor handbooks, ~1973

VAX 11/780 hardware, software, and architecture handbooks, ~1977

Bell System Technical Journal, 1978, Vol 57, No 6, Part 2
This is a special edition devoted to the Unix Time-Sharing System
authored by all of the key players; it might be the first major
publication exploring Unix in detail, I am not sure.

Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, 1984, 63, 8, 2
Another full issue devoted to Unix by key players.

The Oak Language and Oak Virtual Machine Specification Release 0.9, 1994
Oak was subsequently renamed Java.

I checked with the Computer History musuem (a great place if you have
never been), and they didn't want them, but I am having a hard time
just throwing them away.

Let me know if you are interested.  Just give me your address, and I
will mail them to you.

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Mersenne: Contacting the list admin

2003-10-14 Thread Gordon Irlam
Due to the large volume of spam that was being received, I have
disabled the [EMAIL PROTECTED] email address.  This address
was listed in the instructions you received when you first
subscribed as a means to reach the list administrator.  The new
instructions are as follows:

If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list,
(if you have trouble leaving the list, or have questions about the
list itself) please follow the instructions listed at

Or you can just email me...

  thanks and have fun,
   list admin

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Re: Mersenne: Emails and virus (slightly OT) :)

2001-05-14 Thread Gordon Irlam

> I'll try to keep this a little bit on-topic...  Does this mailing list do
> any sort of virus scanning?  I know you can't post to the list unless you're
> actually on the list, but any scanning going on?

No there isn't any virus scanning going on.

There is however a message limit that tends to block most attachments.

FWIW, I work at Postini, , a company that provides
real time email spam and virus blocking services.  Customers simply point
their MX records at us, and then we take care of the rest, filtering
stuff out, and passing on just the good mail.  I don't however run
mail through Postini. provides me a portal on the net without the
Postini filters in place.  This is useful for collecting spam which can
then be used to tune Postini's spam filtering engine.

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Re: Mersenne: Is there any life here?

2001-04-16 Thread Gordon Irlam

> NO Mail lately, just wanted to know if the list is
> active!

Yes, but since you only signed up to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the
last hour, it isn't suprizing you haven't seen any yet.

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] list which you subscribed to a
few days ago, only averages 2-3 (large) messages per week.

gordoni (list admin)
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Re: Mersenne: Undecipherable And Bounced Transmission - probable SPAM!

2000-08-03 Thread Gordon Irlam

> well, it had forged headers similar to spam

Yes.  It was spam.  My apologies.

The annoying thing is it was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rather than [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED] is supposed
to be a secret address that nobody knows about that is the final
address majordomo forwards a message to after it has been accepted
at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and has made it past the anti-spam features
in majordomo designed to block things like this.

Unfortunately it looks like sendmail is leaking information in
the headers it sends out that makes it possible for people to
discover the supposedly secret [EMAIL PROTECTED] address.

I've changed things so that the spammers won't be able to use
this address for spamming the list any longer.  Unfortunately
I don't know how to stop the new outgoing address name from
leaking out in the headers so that a smart spammer who finds
an archived copy of a list message on the web might once again
be able to figure out how to spam the list.

I am open to suggestions.

I use sendmail and majordomo, and my sendmail aliases file looks
something like:

mersenne: "|/home/gordoni/local/linux/majordomo/wrapper resend -l mersenne 
mersenne-digest: mersenne
"|/home/gordoni/local/linux/majordomo/wrapper digest -r -C -l mersenne-digest 

Although the queues aren't actually called "-outgoing-queue99".

gordoni (list admin)
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Re: Mersenne: Digest #732?

2000-05-12 Thread Gordon Irlam

> Was there an issue of the digest numbered 732? (My inbox jumps from 731 to 
> 733, but I don't think I deleted it or ever got it.) If there wasn't, was it 
> because of the wacky chaos which occurred in the mailing list?

Digest #732 mainly consists of repeat postings.  When the list
blew up I nuked all the outgoing mersenne related mail, including
the digest.

If you really want #732, you can temporarily find it, and all
other issues of the Mersenne digest at:

Note, this is a temporary not a permanent back issue archive.
It will be deleted May 19th.

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Mersenne: Mail loop fixed

2000-05-07 Thread Gordon Irlam

Sorry for the mailing loop problem.  It should now be fixed.
I have also deleted all pending messages the system was still
attempting to deliver.

If you notice any further serious problems, please contact
me +1 650 279 2500.


Anyone interested in the cause of the problem feel read on...

My preference is to run on a platform that I have gotten
really reliable and secure, than constantly be upgrading to
the latest release.  But finally, last night, after 3 years
of use, I decided it was time to upgrade the mailserver from
RedHat Linux 4.1 to 6.2.  Or maybe I should really call it
CheapBytes Linux 6.2.

By default /etc/resolv.conf on RedHat Linux contains a line


which says, if it can't find a host with the requested name,
try appending "" on to the name, and then try again.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, except that I have
sendmail configured to map [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I have sendmail configured this way, so
that every time I have to submit my email address to a
website, I can use a names such as [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and that way keep track of whether
anyone is selling my address.

The final piece of the puzzle is there is an address on the
mersenne list:


which for some time has probably been invalid, but not
previously causing any problem.

So, what was happening is a message was coming in for the
mersenne list, the system would start delivering it to
everyone, including [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
when it found this address was unresolvable, it would
append on to it and try delivering the message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which because
of how I have sendmail configured, would map back onto
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and the same message would keep getting
reinjected back into the system over and over again.

The fix is simply to change /etc/resolv.conf to:

search .

which is how I had been managing to avoid this problem in
RedHat 4.2.

   list admin
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Mersenne: Re: pi and 4

2000-02-12 Thread Gordon Irlam

Aha!  You're message was getting blocked because it was
larger than 10k in size.  This irestriction is intended to
help prevent people from sending attachments to the list.

Try splitting your message up into several separate parts
and sending them to the list individually.

  gordoni (list admin)
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Re: Mersenne: Email to mersenne

2000-02-11 Thread Gordon Irlam

> Anyone know why a email with subject "Re: more info on pi" I sent 24 hrs,
> 2-9-00, ago has not appeared on the list? I sent it with a reply all. Then
> today, 2-10-00, I forwarded another copy directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Another message I sent at the same time titled "Pi and Greek" 2-10-00
> showed up on the list right away.
> Where did the two copies of "Re: more info on pi", 2-9-00, go?

You can try sending it to the list again, and cc'ing me at the
same time.  I can watch and figure out the cause of the problem.

There are several possible explanations.  The most likely is that
you using words like "help" or "subscribe" in the first few lines
of your message, and majordomo misidentifies it as a misdirected
admin request.

 gordoni (list admin)
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Re: Mersenne: Mystery message

1999-06-04 Thread Gordon Irlam

Paul Derbyshire wrote:
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote in a message titled "":
> What's with the blank-subject blank message?

This is presumably a bug in majordomo (or posibly sendmail).  My machine
ran out of swap space yesterday (thanks to Netscape chewing up 150M),
and majordomo does not appear to fail gracefully under such
circumstances.  Presumably someone sent a message to the list, and
majordomo only managed to half deliver it, sending out the message, but
forgetting the subject and contents.


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Re: Mersenne: HTML posts

1999-05-20 Thread Gordon Irlam

BTW, if someone wants to solve this problem, the best way to go about it
would be to have the necessary changes integrated back into the baseline
release of majordomo.  I could then pick up these changes.  This way the
changes would be stable, and not break as a result of an upgrade to a
future version of majordomo.  It would also have the big advantage of
solving this problem for everyone in the world, rather than just this
one list.

   gordoni (list admin)

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Mersenne: Sign-on letter to Vice President Gore regarding his opposition to African access to essential medicines

1999-05-14 Thread Gordon Irlam
 in the United States.  But the larger issue is more basic. 
 Why on earth should Vice President Al Gore or any other US
 government employee seek to prevent global competition for
 Taxol, a life saving cancer drug that was invented and
 developed by the US National Institutes of Health?  Taxol
 was in NIH sponsored Phase III trials before the Bush
 Administration gave BMS exclusive rights to use NIH research
 for drug approvals.  What is the moral basis for extending
 the BMS monopoly on Taxol in a country that is so poor?

 As the Vice President of the United States you are in a
position to do much good or much harm in the world.  US voters
will soon be asked to determine if you should be the next
President of the United States.  Please explain why they should
choose you.


James Love
Consumer Project on Technology

Dr. Bernard Pécoul
Project Director
Access to Essential Drugs
Médecins Sans Frontières

Joelle Tanguy
Executive Director
Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres USA
Eric Sawyer
Executive Director 
HIV/AIDS Human Rights Project

Kim Nichols
Development Director
African Services Committee, Inc.

Bas van der Heide
Health Action International Europe

Beryl Leach
Africa Program Coordinator
Health Action International

Lori Wallach
Global Trade Watch

Professor Richard Laing
Boston University
Robert Weissman
Essential Action

David Scondras
Search for a Cure

Bob Lederer
Senior Editor
POZ Magazine

Steve Suppan, PhD
Director of Research
Institute for Agriculture and Trade

Axel Delmotte
Act Up - Paris

Professor Patrick Bond
University of the Witwatersrand
Graduate School of Public and Development Management
Johannesburg, South Africa

Clarence Mini, MD
Treatment Action Campaign
Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, South Africa

Ellen 't Hoen
International Drug Policy Consultant
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

James Love, Director, Consumer Project on Technology
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED], by telephone 202.387.8030,
by fax at 202.234.5176. CPT web page is
>From - Fri May 14 20:19:35 1999
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:33:55 -0700
From: Gordon Irlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.27 i586)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Sign-on letter to Vice President Gore regarding his opposition to 
 African access to essential medicines
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

[I provide this list for free.  In return I ask that you consider
helping me with one of the things that really matters to me...]

Why this issue matters to me:

  Current estimates are 34 million people in Africa have been
  infected by HIV/AIDS.  12 million of them are already dead.
  The numbers are only going to rise.  The numbers are already
  staggering.  To put them in context, the entire combined
  civilian and military death toll associated with World War II
  is variously estimated at around 30 million people.

We all need to figure out how to best respond to the alarming
spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa.  The current US government approach
of seeing this as an opportunity to maximize drug company profits
is totally unacceptable, and must be reversed.  Please send your
name/city/state/address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to sign on to the
letter to Vice-President Gore below to help reverse this policy.

I would be very grateful to you for having done this.

 many thanks,
  gordoni (list admin)

 Original Message 
From: James Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sign-on letter to Vice President Gore regarding his opposition
to African access to essential medicines

 Sign-on letter to Vice President Gore regarding his
 opposition to African access to essential medicines

**   Over the past three years public health groups have
 repeatedly petitioned Vice President Gore (co-chair of the
 US/South Africa Binational Commission) and US trade
 organizations to stop pressuring South Africa and other
 developing countries over to access to medicines. 

**   The disputes involve complex intellectual property and trade
 matters.  In essence, the US government is demanding that
 South Africa, India, Thailand and many other countries not
 enact provisions in WTO/TRIPS rules on intellectual property
 that would lower drug prices.  The US position is that WTO
 rules regarding protection of patent rights are not high

**   Africa is suffering from a mind boggling public health

Mersenne: SurfWatch tester needed

1999-04-22 Thread Gordon Irlam


I reported earlier how SurfWatch was blocking access to all my sites.

When I sent out email on this topic, I didn't bother to first
communicate with SurfWatch.

At the time I was annoyed, and had the attitude: they don't have the
courtesy to tell me they have been blocking my sites for the last two
years, so why should I bother communicating with them before complaining
to the net at large about their practices.

Philip Heede of the Mersenne list decided to take up my case with
SurfWatch, and as a result I believe I am now unblocked.

If someone who uses SurfWatch can confirm for me that the following
sites are now accessible:

that would be great.

I will then remove my "Censored by SurfWatch" baner from the top of my


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Mersenne: Blocking of postings

1999-03-23 Thread Gordon Irlam

We have taken several new steps to protect ourselves and this list from

For some time we have blocked posts from people not listed as list
members.  If your postings haven't made it to the list in the past, this
is probably the reason.  You need to make sure your posting address and
subscription address match, before your messages will be able to get
through.  If not, your message gets discarded, without any error message
getting sent back to you.

We now also block all email from addresses on any of six real time lists
of known spam addresses:
RBL - static IP spam addresses -
ORBS - static IP open relays -
DUL - dialup IP address blocks -
DSSL - dialup IP host names - - open relays - - spam IP addresses -
You should receive an error message if you accidentally run into any of
these blocks.

Additionally, we now block postings with an invalid "From" domain, and
messages to the list without any "From:" line, which used to bypass our
anti-spam measures.

The goal is to significantly cut down on the volume of spam we receive,
while minimaly impacting the operation of the list.  These are new
measures with the possibility of unintended side-effects.

The thought of intentionally blocking email generates a fair amount of
trepidation on my part.  I don't want to accidentally and unknowingly
end up blocking legitimate messages.  So, if you used to be able to post
to the list, but now find yourself unable to do so as a result of these
measures, I *want* to know.  *Please tell me*.  Either send me a message
to me from a non-blocked host, relay a message to me via someone else on
the list, or phone me at +1 (415) 566 7479.

gordoni (list admin)

PS: In other administrative news: we have upgraded to the latest version
of majordomo (this allows us to send a verification message before
subscribing someone (we were having problems with bogus subscription
requests)), we have upgraded to the latest version of sendmail (for
improved spam blocking), we have moved our server from a friend's house
in Mountain View to my new place in San Francisco, and we switched to a
higher speed Internet connection around a month ago.

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Re: Mersenne: Spam

1999-03-17 Thread Gordon Irlam

> So far I've seen two messages sent through the list server, both of which 
> would have been stopped if the server was configured to reject mail
> without Sender/From fields.

Correct.  We have a spam filter in place.  It successfully blocks
several spam messages sent to the list each day.  Unfortunately this
filter is not managing to block spams that don't include a From
address.  Messages without a From address are getting a From address
added that make it look like they came from the list, and are then being
allowed through by the filter.

I need to look into this and try and fix it.

> Slight correction, it originated with,
> a dialup connection, with the rest of the headers faked, so it's actually
> (in this case) the first of the received lines that are the correct one.

No. is simply another name for, the machine hosting the mailing list.  It is also not
a dialup, but instead a permanent ADSL line.

Checking my sendmail logs I can confirm the spam orginally came from  Since Bull is a respected company, either
someone broke into their system, or bull doesn't have mail relaying
disabled, and someone is simply relaying via there.

Sendmail log:

Mar 16 21:52:01 acid sendmail[12992]: VAA12992: from=<>, size=2847,
class=0, pri
=32847, nrcpts=1, msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
proto=ESMTP, rel []

   gordoni (list admin)

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Re: [Meta] List cloggage? was Re: Mersenne: Primes95 for SunOS 4.1.4

1999-02-03 Thread Gordon Irlam

Paul Derbyshire wrote:
> At 11:16 AM 2/2/99 -0500, I wrote:
> >You can always try
> but it only showed up now at 16:37 2/2/99 -0500! Mail slowups at

Nothing out of the ordinary that I am aware of.

The mailer delivers to all 470 subscribers sequentially.  So, if your
name is near the end of the list, and if a many DNS and SMTP timeouts
occur before it gets around to delivering to you, it can sometimes take
several hours.

FWIW, I will be upgrading from a 28.8k analog modem to a
128k/384k+ DSL line in the next month or two.  Although I am not sure
this will appreciably speed up message delivery.

 gordoni (list admin)