Re: Mersenne: Generalized Mersenne Numbers

2003-12-07 Thread Tony Forbes
Brian J. Beesley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Congratulations on the (unverified) discovery of the 40th Mersenne Prime.

I was thinking (always dangerous!) about generalizing Mersenne numbers. The
obvious generalization a^n-1 is uninteresting because they're all composite
whenever a>2 and n>1. However there is an interesting generalization:
Define GM(a,b) = a^b-(a-1), so GM(2,b) = M(b); also GM(a,1) = 1 for all a

The distribution of primes amongst GM(a,b) for small a > 2 and small b does
seem to be interesting - some values of a seem to yield a "richer" sequence
of primes than others. Note also that, in this generalization, some
_composite_ exponents can yield primes.
Another interesting point: the "generalized Mersenne numbers" seem to be
relatively rich in numbers with a square in their factorizations - whereas
Mersenne numbers proper are thought to be square free. (Or is that just
Mersenne numbers with prime exponents?)
A few interesting questions:

(a) Is there a table of status of "generalized Mersenne numbers" anywhere?
Some time ago I had a look at numbers of the form 2^n - 3, i.e. GM(4, 
n/2). Here are my results for 3320 <= n <= 16800:

2^n - 3 is a verified prime for n = 3954, 5630, 6756, 8770, 10572,
2^n - 3 is a probable prime for n = 14400, 16460, 16680.

I don't know if someone else has verified the last three. Also

2^12819 - 7 (GM(8, 4273)) is a probable prime,

2^8824 - 15 (GM(16, 2206)) is a verified prime.

The verified primes were done by factorization of N+1 and N-1, and 

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Mersenne: The first 1000+ digit twin prime?

2002-08-31 Thread Tony Forbes

Thanks to all who responded to my 'what was the first 1000-digit prime' 

Another question: Can anyone tell me who discovered the first twin 
primes of 100+ digits, and when.

I tried various Web pages and found 260497545*2^6625 +/- 1 (2003 digits, 
Atkin & Rickert, 1984), but none smaller or earlier.


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Mersenne: The first 1000+ digit prime

2002-08-20 Thread Tony Forbes

We all know that A. Hurwitz discovered the Mersenne primes 2^4253 - 1 
and 2^4423 - 1 in 1961.

(i) Were these the first two 1000+ digit primes discovered?

(ii) If that is true, then is it generally accepted that the larger one 
(4423) was discovered first? (The story I heard was that left the 
computer running overnight and when he came to look at the results he 
read the printer output backwards, thus seeing 4423 before 4253.)

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Re: Mersenne: Re: Pointers on farming

2000-06-17 Thread Tony Forbes

Steinar H. Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>2. Which type of processor, memory etc will give the most bang for the buck? 
>>  We rarely see anything beyond P2-250's, so I would have to pay retail for 

Here is a calculation I did about six months ago

AMD K6/2 500 MHz (plus fan)45 pounds Sterling
Super-socket-7 motherboard 45 pounds
32M 100Mhz RAM 20 pounds
Old 486 to put it in1 pound

To this one should add the cost of electricity. The computer draws about
40 Watts. A Watt costs about 0.60 pounds per year. For, say, three years
of computation, add

120 Watt-years of electricity  72 pounds
Total 183 pounds

That's 36.6 pence per MHz; or, since I am writing it off after three
years, 0.389 pence per trillion cycles.

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Re: Mersenne: The Second Mersennium Behind Us, How Now For MyriadThe Third?

2000-01-11 Thread Tony Forbes

Aaron Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Dunno 'bout all that, but another problem was that in order to do a "quick
>and dirty" fix of the Y2K problem, a good number of people implemented
>windowing.  Some used a window of 1930-2029 (which most Microsoft software
>uses to interpret 2 digit years), some used 1940-2039, etc.
>That gives those idiots another 29 years to fix the software the right way.

One software company I know of is using a window of 1948-2047. So they
could have a date problem in 2048. Surely this is the real 'Y2K bug'. 

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Mersenne: MM61

1999-12-17 Thread Tony Forbes


Thanks to all who joined in the search for a factor of 2^(2^61-1)-1.
Keep up the good work! There is now a 'progress' page at

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Re: Mersenne: new (third) facotor of M(M(31))

1999-12-08 Thread Tony Forbes

Reto Keiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>hi all
>i've found a new factor of M(M(31)) using Mfac 2.27. i am not
>absolutely sure if it was already found by someone else, but with regard
>to Will Edgingtons list, the factor isn't found yet.
>The factor is 242557615644693265201 ( 2*k*M31 +1 )
>using a k of 56474845800( 112949691600  ( 2*k in Mfac ))

Congratulations and well done! It's certainly new to me.

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Mersenne: MM61

1999-11-27 Thread Tony Forbes

If you have a PC and are interested in joining a coordinated search for
a factor of the double-Mersenne number MM61 (= Mersenne number
M2305843009213693951), have a look at


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Re: Mersenne: Search for a divisor of M_M_61.

1999-10-01 Thread Tony Forbes

My previous announcement contained errors. Here it is again.

You can download 'MFAC' from 

and e-mail me for a range. 

MFAC searches for divisors of double-Mersenne numbers M_M_e = 2^(2^e-1)
- 1 for not-too-large exponents e. MFAC runs on any PC from a 486
upwards and on any system that supports MSDOS. You can even run it
entirely from a bootable diskette. Memory usage is small and the files
require less than a megabyte of disk space. The program is easily
stopped and restarted.
I have volunteered to coordinate a search for factors of M_M_61. 

Let d be a divisor of M_M_61. Then we know that 

  d = N*(2^61 - 1) + 1.

The parameters I intend to send out will set up MFAC to look 
for divisors of M_M_61 with N's in ranges of 204,204,000,000 
To give some idea about timing, an AMD K6/2/400 will do a 
range in about 4 days. 

I intend to out ranges from N = 10^14 approx. to avoid clashing with
work currently in progress by Sturle Sunde.

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Mersenne: Search for a divisor of M_M_61.

1999-09-28 Thread Tony Forbes

After longer-than-expected delay my program is now ready. 

You can download 'MFAC' from 

and e-mail me for a range. 

MFAC searches for divisors of double-Mersenne numbers M_M_e = 
2^(2^e-1) - 1 for not-too-large exponents e. (It can also look 
for factors of Fermat numbers F_e = 2^2^e + 1.). 

MFAC runs on any PC from a 486 upwards and on any system that 
supports MSDOS. You can even run it entirely from a bootable 
diskette. Memory usage is small and the files require less 
than a megabyte of disk space. The program is easily stopped 
and restarted.
I am volunteering to coordinate a search for factors of M_M_61. 

Let d be a divisor of M_M_61. Then we know that 

  d = N*(2^61 - 1) + 1.

The parameters I intend to send out will set up MFAC to look 
for divisors of M_M_61 with N's in ranges of 204,204,000,000 
To give some idea about timing, an AMD K6/2/400 will do a 
range in about 4 days. 

According to Will Edgington, up to N=18,726,396,568 has been 
done. (Note: My N = Will's 2*k.) However it may be that someone 
is seriously continuing the search. Therefore I suggest, unless 
you specifically want to do smaller N's, that I start handing 
out ranges from, say, N = 10^13. One possibility is that we do 
all divisors with N from 10^13 to 10^14 and mop up 0 to 10^13 

A word or two of warning. Unlike GIMPS, where we can be 
confident of finding a new Mersenne prime within a reasonable 
time, it may be the case that we are attempting the impossible. 
All we can do is hope that (i) M_M_61 is composite, and 
(ii) it has a factor small enough to be discoverable.

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Re: Mersenne: Important info on M(M(p)) from Wilfrid Keller

1999-09-24 Thread Tony Forbes

Lucas Wiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> when I found out than Curt Noll had started an attack on M(M(127)) with
>> superior hardware. I imagine that by now he has carried the search much
>> further.
>This is further evidence for why GIMPS is such a good idea! (as if we 
>needed more)

Well, yes ... but in practice when you work on a problem with
considerably more powerful hardware than has previously been applied to
it, there is little cost in starting again from scratch, and it double-
checks the work that has already been done.

>If Curt Noll and you have been working together, your computer time would
>not have been wasted, nor would (presumably) much of his.  This is the
>beauty of distributed computing projects, but this illistrates how *key*
>centrilization is.  

Of course, soon after Curt started working on M_M_127 I collaborated
with him - by retiring!

>Now, I think that it might be a nifty (tm) idea if GIMPS/primenet
>were to start looking for factors of double Mersenne numbers.  If I
>understand correctly, much of the code is already written (changes to
>the P-1 code, and the normal factoring code), and I'm sure that such things
>could interest mathematicians more than finding the next Mersenne prime.

The only feasible approach for M_M_61 and above is trial-division. I
recently blew the dust off by my program MFAC and gave it a run. For
M_M_61 it processes divisors N*M_61 + 1 on an AMD/400 at about 2.2
billion N's per hour. (6 billion/hour for M_M_31.) If people are
interested, and unless someone else can do better, after a bit of
tidying up I can make this program available. 

Then we need a mechanism for handing out work. I am happy to volunteer,
but it will have to be done manually. 

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Re: Mersenne: Important info on M(M(p)) from Wilfrid Keller

1999-09-20 Thread Tony Forbes

>From: Wilfrid Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I had found in 1976 might suggest, I have shown interest in this
>particular kind of Mersenne numbers since many, many years.  Re-
>garding the factor of  M(M(31))  just rediscovered by Lucas Wiman,
>I regret to inform you that it was already "published" in 1983.
>Unfortunately, Guy Haworth's notes (please see the references be-
>low) were released only "privately", but were in fact widely cir-
>culated.  The second prime factor of  M(M(31)),  found by Tony
>Forbes, was also known to me for some years (again, see below).

I must admit that at the time I found it, I suspected this second factor
of M(M(31)) might not be new; it seemed too easy. 

>Search limits  h < L(p)  for factors of  
>"iterated" Mersenne numbers  M(M(p)) as of November 1996  
>  127 6.8 x 10^8

I was working on M(M(127)) about 2 years ago. I completed ranges of h
(for possible divisors 2*h*M(127)+1)

  0 - 12972960 
   36036000 - 39039000
   39039000 - 42042000
   45045000 - 48048000

and was part way through ranges 

   12972960 - 24024000
   24024000 - 36036000
   42042000 - 45045000
   48048000 - 54054000

when I found out than Curt Noll had started an attack on M(M(127)) with
superior hardware. I imagine that by now he has carried the search much

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1999-08-02 Thread Tony Forbes

"Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 01:31:13PM -0600, Aaron Blosser wrote:
>>Egads...I'm not telling *anyone* to NOT use slow computers...I'm
>>"suggesting" they use < p166 for double-checks or factoring.
>>I hope I'm being clear that I don't consider slower computers useless
>>entirely...just useless for doing LL tests in the range of exponents
>>currently being assigned.

>Not useless, just slow. I still think it makes perfect sense.

I remember discussing a while back the problem of undetected errors. I
came to the conclusion that, for example, the probability of getting a
600-ish exponent wrong is about 1/20. I assumed that the error rate
is proportional to number of cycles in the LL test. 

Then someone suggested that it is more realistic for the error rate to
be proportional to the duration of the run. It could be a serious
problem for slow computers that take months and months to do a single LL

An undetected bit error in the wrong place would invalidate the entire
run. On the above assumption the chance of this happening is inversely
proportional to the speed of the computer. For slow computers it could
therfore be considerably worse than the 1/20 I estimated.

On the other hand, factoring is relatively immune because there is not
the long-range interdependence that exists with the LL test. Also the
job of factoring is to find factors. There are no 'negative' results to
collect. It is not a disaster if the occasional factor is missed.

However, it was also pointed out that old processors and memory are more

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Re: Mersenne: Pepin's Test, etc.

1999-07-31 Thread Tony Forbes

"Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>In case anyone else notices that F25 is an "interesting" size - 
>10,100,891 digits - could I save you a whole bundle of time by 
>remarking that F25, F26 and F27 are all known to be composite, we 
>know at least one factor of each of them.

The cofactor of F25 (after dividing out all the known factors) is
currently 'status unknown', isn't it?. 

So it might be worth testing for compositeness. However at present there
seems to be no way of proving it prime if it fails the compositeness

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1999-07-31 Thread Tony Forbes

Sturle Sunde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>I use almost only relatively slow computers.  More than 100 of them.  If 
>they are only 1/5 as fast as what some people think is apropiate, it means 
>that they can do 100 tests in the same time as an appropiate machine does 
>5.  While a very few people think I should stop using those computers for 
>testing, I'm no 23 on the GIMPS (not Primenet) top-100 list.  (I can't 
>find this Mr. "Go Away Loosers With Slow Computers" there, but he is 
>probably working under some pseudonym.)  

The problem I have with slow computers is that I cannot afford to run
them. A 40MHz 486 uses about 20 Watts, a 400MHz AMDK6 about 40 Watts.
However if you have your own hydroelectric power supply, or if someone
else is paying the electricity bill, the situation is different.

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Re: Mersenne: RE: Mersenne Digest V1 #568 & prize question

1999-06-07 Thread Tony Forbes

Paul Leyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> Paul Leyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> a new prize pool of $.11 has been
>> >> proposed (the radix is 10 :-)  If you think it's worth a few
>> >
>> >The radix is always 10.  I guess you mean the radix is 
>> (1+1)*(1+1+1+1+1),
>> That made me laugh! Good point...
>> >or, more concisely, (1+1+1)(1+1) + 1.
>> >
>> >Can anyone represent that number in fewer than (1+1+1)! ones?
>> Yes (but difficult to write in plain ASCII):
>>  (1+1+1+1)
>>  -
>>  \
>>   \i
>>   /
>>  /
>>  -
>>i = 1
>> or: Sum(i=(1) to (1+1+1+1)) over i.
>> Cornelius Caesar  :-)
>But that's cheating!  You're allowed only 1 as a numeric quantity, possibly
>modified with any of +-*/! and sqrt.

How about  


where the square brackets [x] denotes, as usual, the integer part of x.


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Re: Mersenne: usefulness and 486's

1999-05-15 Thread Tony Forbes

"David M. Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>I now have this 486 machine doing the factoring that was 
>being done by the P120. Generally, it is taking almost two weeks per 

You could upgrade to a P120 very cheaply. In England the going rate for
a P120 CPU is about 20.00GBP and 1.00GBP for a suitable motherboard. In
the US I should imagine it's the same numbers in $s. People are almost
giving them away.

>Therefore, my question is even with this two week time, is the 486 
>machine doing "useful work" for GIMPS, or is it merely heating up the 
>CPU? I ask this because in a couple or three weeks I may have access 
>to a quantity (30 to 75) of 486DX-50 machines.  If these machines can 
>contribute useful work to GIMPS, I will happily give them each a mouthful 
>of exponents to factor :-)   

It's a nice thought, but you really need cheap electricity to make it
work. I found that a typical 486DX-33 (I don't have a -50 to hand) uses
about 21 Watts, and that's without an HDD. Multiply by 75 and it could
start to get expensive, although in the winter months you would make a
saving on your heating costs. 

By contrast an AMD/K6/2-400 on a basic motherboard (no sound, no video)
and no HDD draws only about 35 Watts.


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Mersenne: factorization

1999-04-04 Thread Tony Forbes

I know it's a bit feeble the usual standards for ECM factorization, but
I just found this 36-digit factor of 2^2203+1 :


Thus 2^2203+1 = 3 * 13219 * 208613913329 * 743372438374143806443 * 
282324958084937237369 * 848425589476255002200418022118728331 * C571

I apologise if this is not new or not interesting.

I am still trying to find numbers n > 1000 where gcd(n, 30) = 1 and 2^n-
1 and 2^n+1 are completely factorized. Like 2203 would be once the C571
part has been factorized (2^2203-1 is prime). The only ones I know are
1121 and 1141. Anyone know of any more? 


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Re: Mersenne: Double-checking (was Chronons)

1999-03-02 Thread Tony Forbes

George Woltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Finding an error in the first LL test is not rare.  I've said about 1 in
>200 are incorrect.  When the entire 1,400,000 - 2,000,000 range has 
>been double-checked I'll perform some more rigorous analysis of the
>reliability of first-time LL results.

This is slightly worrying. The number of CPU cycles for performing the
LL-test for exponent n is approximately proportional to n^2*log(n).
Assuming, maybe rather naively, that the risk of computer error is
proportional to the number of CPU cycles, the LL-test for a typical
exponent of around 600 could be about 9.7 times less reliable than
for one in the vicinity of 200. 

However, modern Pentium-IIs and memory chips are probably much more
reliable than the 486's and ordinary Pentiums that did the LL-tests in
the range 140 to 200. On the other hand, an error rate of 1/20
is just about acceptable. Do we have any statistics for the larger

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Mersenne: Completely factorized (2^n-1)(2^n+1)

1998-11-16 Thread Tony Forbes

Can anyone help?

I am looking for odd numbers n (not necessarily prime), n not divisible
by 3, n > 1000 such that both 2^n-1 and 2^n+1 have been completely
factorized into primes. 

The Cunningham tables give 1121 and I have been unable to find any more.
However, there has been a lot of recent factorizing activity and my
sources may well be out of date. 

I am also interested to know who found the factors 58142098448088409 and
359071640268582342735956401 of 2^1121+1.


Tony Forbes