Re: Mersenne: [meta] List bug, please fix; Yuri Sorkin, your email is phony

1998-11-16 Thread Paul Derbyshire

At 11:42 PM 11/16/98 +, you wrote:
>No, you don't understand, it is set correctly.

Well, it's very inconvenient, annoying, and decidedly non-standard. I'm on
about eight mailings lists and the others all dothings the normal way.
   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  |
_ | Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: Mersenne: [meta] List bug, please fix; Yuri Sorkin, your email is phony

1998-11-16 Thread Paul Derbyshire

At 11:43 PM 11/16/98 +, you wrote:
>Netscpae Communicator has Reply-to-all

Collabra? I am not going to touch it with a ten foot pole. Collabra 4.0
sometimes hangs *the operating system* for no apparent reason. Because of
these experiences, I don't trust 4.5 further than I can throw it.

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  |
_ | Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: Mersenne: [meta] List bug, please fix; Yuri Sorkin, your email is phony

1998-11-14 Thread Will Edgington

Paul Derbyshire writes:


Since you deleted all the text that you're replying to and your mailer
did not add to the 'References:' header, I cannot even be sure what
you are replying to, but I'll assume you're replying to me since I'm
the only one, as far as I noticed, that said anything about UNIX;
however, since even that reference was just a mention of Linux in a
footnote, it's quite possible I'm mistaken.  On the other hand, I see
that my current mailer, GNU Emacs' vm package, added my note's msg-ID
to the references above despite your mailer not doing so.

   It is somewhat rude or inconsiderate to be unix-centric.

Yes, I suppose it is.  Did you think I was being UNIX-centric?  That
was certainly not my intention, though I must admit a bias in that
direction since I do not often use other systems.  However, I have not
only used other systems at times, I have been systems, network, and
email admin for many such machines, on and off the Internet since
before it was the Internet, over the past 14 or so years.  Being the
kind of group this is, I suspect there are others out there with even
more experience, especially with MSWindows and Macs, but I _have_ used
mailers on all three.  Your assuming otherwise could itself be
construed as rude or inconsiderate, it seems to me.

   I use a PC running Windoze... the mail client, the best free one I
   could find, is Eudora Light.

Many people do use MSWindows and Eudora.  Personally, I found Eudora
so cumbersome and troublesome that I gave up on it quickly, but
perhaps it has improved since and there are certainly a lot of people
out there that prefer it over all mailers.  That doesn't mean it has
no bugs, nor that it follows Internet standards.  Unfortunately, I do
not have recent information on MSWindows mailers, so someone else will
have to help you with that if you want to try something else.  I
presume there are still several newsgroups on the subject, if nothing

   It has an option to reply to the Reply-To or to the Reply-To and
   any addresses Cc:ed but that's it as far as I know...

Now, if one of us had the source to Eudora Light, this could be fixed
- um, OK, perhaps "changed" is a better word - in a jiffy; does anyone
have it?  Somehow, I doubt it, though I've been wrong before, so it's
possible I'm wrong now; thus, I really am asking.  In the mean time,
I'm nearly certain that there are other free emailers out there for
MSWindows that do this and other things (like 'References:') better.

But, as others have noted, this discussion does not really belong on
this list; anyone who's interested is free to contact me directly and,
if there's interest, I'll coordinate a short-term mailing "list" to
get better info on mailers and report back to those that care.


Re: Mersenne: [meta] List bug, please fix; Yuri Sorkin, your email is phony

1998-11-12 Thread Paul Derbyshire


It is somewhat rude or inconsiderate to be unix-centric. I use a PC running
Windoze... the mail client, the best free one I could find, is Eudora
Light. It has an option to reply to the Reply-To or to the Reply-To and any
addresses Cc:ed but that's it as far as I know...

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  |
_ | Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Mersenne: [meta] List bug, please fix; Yuri Sorkin, your email is phony

1998-11-12 Thread Will Edgington

Paul Derbyshire writes:

   To list admins: Please fix the damn listserv software so it sets
   Reply-To: to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will you? Right now it is
   unintelligently just forwarding the messages, leaving the Reply-To
   pointing at the author, and it is tedious to have to keep changing
   the address whenever replying to the list. Also error-prone.

Sorry, I disagree.  Of course, my email programs* allow me to reply to
either just the author (Reply-To or From) or the author and everyone
on the To: and Cc: lists.  In fact, my opinion is that any email
program that doesn't allow both is broken and should be fixed.

   To Yuri Sorkin: your e-mail address bounces... that's not exactly a
   friendly gesture, signing on this list with a bogus address.

Yuri has been on this list and part of GIMPS, including providing and
testing programs, from very early on; I think it's far more likely
that his mail server is experiencing problems.  In any case, the
listserv software automatically drops addresses that bounce too many
times or something similar.  I myself have been caught by that last
two or three times when my mail server was having problems.


* Linux comes with several; I believe that they can all do this.

Mersenne: [meta] List bug, please fix; Yuri Sorkin, your email is phony

1998-11-12 Thread Paul Derbyshire

To list admins: Please fix the damn listserv software so it sets Reply-To:
to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will you? Right now it is unintelligently just
forwarding the messages, leaving the Reply-To pointing at the author, and
it is tedious to have to keep changing the address whenever replying to the
list. Also error-prone.

To Yuri Sorkin: your e-mail address bounces... that's not exactly a
friendly gesture, signing on this list with a bogus address.

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  |
_ | Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|