Mersenne: Another distributed project

2000-04-20 Thread McMac

OK, so I know this might not be that warmly welcomed here, but a
few people have expressed concerns that while finding new Mersennes
is interesting, it has very limited practical value.

A while ago I heard about another distributed project called Casino-21
that would use people's PCs to run climate models and use the results
of these thousands of models to find out what is most likely to happen
over the next 50 years. The run time would be approx. 6 months minimum,
with high memory and disk space requirements as well. I said that I
was interested in the program and then forgot about over the next few

They have just sent me (well, not just me) an e-mail that things are
still moving along, and they have 20'000 odd e-mail addresses showing
interest in the program.

It's certainly an interesting idea, and one with some very real
consequences for science, politics and our general well-being. If
you're interested the site is at

Clients won't be available for some time (and probably only for Linux
and Windows this year) but I think I might move to their project when
they do arrive.

When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

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Mersenne: Another distributed project

1998-11-04 Thread Aaron Cannon

Thought that this might interest you all.

Visit my new and improved home page at

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 11:23:51 -0800 (PST)
Subject: SETI@home Project Update

Dear SETI@home volunteer:

Thank you for signing up for SETI@home.  We're on schedule to
distribute the SETI@home screensaver program in April 1999, and
we'll send you another email when that happens.

On October 30 we began recording data at the world's largest
radio telescope, located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.  Preliminary
versions of the screensaver program and the data distribution
system have been completed.  On November 20 we will begin
testing the system with a group of 100 users analyzing real data
(sorry - no more volunteers needed).  Over the next few months
we will complete the testing, making sure the system will handle
large numbers of users.

We are pleased to thank SETI@home's sponsors and technology
partners: the Planetary Society (a 100,000 member organization
founded by Carl Sagan), Paramount Studios (in conjunction with
their new movie, Star Trek IX:  Insurrection), Sun Microsystems,
EDT, Fuji Film Computer Products, Informix, and individual donors
like you. The screen saver will be free for everyone, but if
you can consider making a tax-deductible donation to SETI@home,
please visit
We also invite you to become a member of The Planetary Society.
You can visit their site at

For further SETI@home information and news, please see

Thank you again for offering to participate in SETI@home.  Our
work is enhanced and inspired by the enthusiasm of thoughtful,
adventurous, and generous people like you.

If you wish to remove your name from the SETI@home email list,
please send an empty email message to this address with subject
header "remove".

Best wishes,

The SETI@home project