On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 06:21:22PM -0400, George Woltman wrote:
>The fourth beta is available.  It fixes a few more bugs.

For a feature request:

Could you please handle some signals with the following (mprime-specific)

SIGUSR1 - Set time to `day time'
SIGUSR2 - Set time to `night time'

This will:
- Make it possible to have more advanced scripts, like having different
  rules for different days.
- Make it possible for a knowing sysadmin to reduce the RAM needed by
  mprime, if he/she thinks it's needed (without killing mprime).
- Make it possible for me to set `nighttime' when I go to bed, because I
  go to bed at the weirdest times ;-)

...all this without changing mprime further, and it shouldn't be too
difficult to implement either (just remember an `external control only'
option, for bypassing the time checks entirely).

/* Steinar */
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