Re: Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-23 Thread Alex Kruppa

Lucas Wiman wrote:

 P-1 factoring is based upon Fermat's little theorem which states that

 What if we use 2 as a base?  Well, for mersenne numbers, this might be to

The problem is that 2 is not a primitive root (mod Mp). From a computers
point of view, the mod Mp operation is a rotate and add, so if you
start with a single bit set (2d = 10b), that bit will rotate around the
p possible positions like mad but you´ll only ever get values of 2^n,
2^E == 2^n (mod Mp). So you could only find factors of the form


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Re: Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-21 Thread Brian J. Beesley

On 19 Jul 99, at 22:21, David M Einstein wrote:

   You will want to do P-1 in addition to, and after seiving. It would be
 foolish to use p-1 to discover a 30 bit factor.

Not half - trial factoring with numbers that small, and _very_ 
heavily constrained, is _extremely_ fast. I tested 159,975 exponents 
(the prime numbers between 33219278 and 3600) for factors up to 
2^32 in less than 20 seconds on a PII-350.

 If you are doing stage
 1 only I believe that I had looked at a b1 of at least 100K which would
 translate to about 140K (I'm trusting your numbers) squarings. I think
 that that is still less than 5% of the number of squarings for a current
 LL test, and would reap factors for about 5% of the numbers so would at
 least break even.

Interesting ...

There is obviously a breakeven point between trial factoring (which 
will _definitely_ find any factors up to the limit specified) and P-1 
(which might not). So, are we in any sort of position to estimate 
where that breakeven point might be, for exponents say around 10 
million? What about smaller exponents, say around 5 million, which 
have (mostly) already been LL tested but haven't been double checked 
yet? (Finding a factor saves running the double check)

The fact that we would still be running trial factoring up to some 
limit (though maybe a little lower than we are at present) would to 
some extent remove the objection that an exhaustive search of at 
least part of the range of possible factors is useful.

There is going to be another breakeven point between P-1 factoring 
and LL testing - if we run a LL test, then (barring accidents) we get 
a definitive result in a predictable time, whereas we could run P-1 
"for ever" on even quite a small exponent without arriving at a 
definite result.
   Not exactly. With a reasonable B1 I doubt that it would be the most
 time consuming part, but a straight euclidean or lehmer algorithm would
 be quite slow.  A divide and conquer algorithm would be much faster, but
 extremely memory hungry (Violating GIMPS's unstated (but very positive)
 invisibility constraint (No noticable effect on the host systems

Can we speculate on approximately how much memory would be needed, as 
a design exercise? In any case, it needn't rule the scheme out 
altogether if we find that some systems aren't able to contribute 
usefully by reason of limited memory. After all, not all systems can 
contribute usefully to some other tasks, e.g. it's a bit pointless to 
try to run a LL test on a 7 million range exponent on a 486, though 
the program _will_ try, if you ask it to!

 I believe that one of the reasons that the next version of
 prime95 will contain a straight FFT multiply is to support a divide and
 conquer GCD, but that is supposition on my part.

I thought maybe it was something to do with making more efficient use 
of the L2 cache by keeping FFT data size reasonable  using a 
recursive method to break large numbers down into small operations 
that would "fit". Implementing this would require a general m * n bit 
multiprecision multiplication function.

   I think that a P-1 would probably be neccessary. There may be enough
 room for ECM to have overcome P-1's free factor of P, but I dont think

ECM actually has a moderate memory load even for small exponents, you 
need to keep _lots_ of n bit work vectors lying about. Though you 
don't need to access all of them all that often, so it doesn't hurt 
_too_ badly if some of them are forced out to a paging file. c.f. LL 
test becomes _impossibly_ slow if you run out of physical memory  
the system starts paging on you.

I wonder if we already have the data we need to make some of the 
estimates I've indicated above, or whether someone will have to go  
try to make them - , if so, whether we actually need to code 
anything, or whether it would be possible to use George's existing
P-1 factoring program to make them.

Brian Beesley
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Re: Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-21 Thread Peter-Lawrence . Montgomery

FAQ author Lucas Wiman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

 Well, this might not be a problem.  If P-1 tries more than one base, 
 all that is required (per Mn) is *one* gcd.  We just multiply the
 remainders from the bases mod Mn, and then take the gcd on the final 
 remainders.  We could have the program prompt the user for the time when 
 the computer is on but not being used when they ask for a P-1 assignment.
 Or, we could have it run so that the program stops functioning when the 
 computer is being used.  It could just save the intermediate files to
 disk, to free up memory for the user who (graciously) gives us their
 CPU cycles.  

You might rerun P-1 with larger limits, but don't bother rerunning
using a new base.  If q is a prime factor of Mp, and r is the largest
prime factor of q-1, then a fraction 1 - 1/r of all possible bases 
will require us to include exponent r in step 1 or step 2 of P-1.
If r  10, this is 99.999% of all potential bases.

The base change can be useful if P-1 finds a composite GCD.
For example 2717 = 11*13*19.  If we start with base b = 7, 
using exponents 4 and 3, then

   b^4 = 2401 == -316 (mod 2717)

  (b^4)^3 == -31554496 == 742 (mod 2717)

Here GCD(b^12 - 1, 2717) = 247 is composite (13*19).
This is because 13-1 divides the exponent 4*3 and because
our choice b = 7 is a cube (also a square) mod 19,
with (19-1)/3 dividing 4*3.  Choosing a b which is not 
a cube modulo 19 lets P-1 factor 247.

Peter Montgomery

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Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-19 Thread Alex Kruppa


from stuff I saw on the list earlier I put together this estimate:

The chance for Mp being prime if it has no factor below 2^q is
2q/p (if q is reasonably big, at i.e. 2^q much bigger than 2p+1).

If we test the Mersennes in the 10M-digits range for factors
to, say, 2^80, the chance for, say, M33219281, to be a prime
is 1/207620. So the average money you´ll earn for a test in this
range is a little less than 50c. George has estimated that a test
will take about 1 year with current hardware.

We should try to increase this probability before starting any
full LL test, perhaps by using better factoring algorithms.
Will v19 have P-1 code that works with numbers of this size?
But even with P-1, we might not be able to factor that much
further. The time consuming part of P-1 are multiplications
mod Mp just as in the LL test, so the crossover point between
raising the factoring limit and starting the LL test will be a function
of p (the number of interations in the LL test) and less than linear,
that is, we might not get very far.
Do we have estimates already what the optimal bound
values will be for trying P-1 on a given Mp, to minimize the
(time of P-1 test) + (time of LL test * chance of not finding any factor) ?

What would REALLY help here is a transform that allows multiplying
without loss of accuracy (mod Mp), even if you can´t add/sub in the
transformed data. P-1 only exponentiates, you if could exponentiate
every transformed element and then transform back... talk about
bound values! I don´t know of any such transform, if you do, please


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Re: Mersenne: Worth it?

1999-07-19 Thread Lucas Wiman

Sorry if this is sending out twice, I wasn't sure that it got sent the
first time...

 As I understand the Pollard P-1 algorithm, the time required for 1 bit of
 the exponent would be equal to 1 iteration of the LL test (one squaring
 mod Mp), so values wouldn't be that hard to create.
(timing values, for comparison with regular factoring)

 The main problem is
 that to get a bound of any reasonable size, and try multiple bases, you
 are looking at a time comperable to the LL test.
(I suppose that on further investigation, with a bound value for factors of
the exponent at 10,000 we are looking at about 14,000 squarings mod Mp, which
is really not all that many)

 Also, one of the keen
 things about GIMPS is that in its search for primes, it came up with loads
 of factoring data for Mersennes.  However, the P-1 algorithm would make any
 factor distribution data a lot less usable (as it would not include P with
 P-1 having a large prime factor).
(That is to say, if the P-1 algorithm was used, it still couldn't find all the
factors 2^64, unless we are talking about incredibly high bound values)

 On the other hand, the P-1 algorithm can take advantage of the special
 form of Mersenne factors.  We know that P-1 must be divisable by the
 Mersenne exponent, and that in 1/2 of the cases, it is divisable by 8.
(we know that the factors must be of the form 2*k*p+1, hence the factor-1
must be divisable by 2*p, or in the form 8*n+/-1, hence the factor-1 must
be divisable by 2 or 8)

 I'm not sure that I understand what you are saying, but the
 following are a few observations that I made when I looked at the
 problem a few years ago.  The major stumbling block for an efficient
 P-1 is the implementation of a time and memory efficient GCD.  If one
 has a good GCD algorithm then a stage 1 only implementation becomes
 cost effective for exponents around 3 million.
 However, the cost savings is tiny, probably less than a
 percent overall. The major benifit is that one does not need to double
 check the exponent.

Yup, silly me.  You are quite correct, of course, that the GCD is the 
most time consuming part.  

I imagine that from what you are saying, it gets more cost-effective
the higher the exponent.  How does it look at around 33219281?

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