> Same here, I think the messages are not getting through.  This is
> intermittant so I think that any of the usual suspects could apply (server
> down, server too busy, weather too nice....)

The entropia.com site seemed to be down some earlier today.  Back up now,
for the time anyway.  I think that's what done caused it :-)

> Right now I am trying to figure out why one computer (just a P5MMX-166)
> locks up every 5 minutes in one room and works fine (10.5 hours since last
> boot running mprime95) on my test bench.  Not getting the primenet
> connection to work reliably is really confusing.  (Is it real or is it
> memo-wrecked?)

Believe it or not, I've had countless problems with that and, remarkably, it
ended up being the flourescent light fixtures near the desk.  It had me
going there, wondering why it works okay in the lab, but when it's on that
guy's desk, no go.

I've even seen problems with some other guy's computer in the next cube was
leaking so much RF that it must have been interfering or something.  All I
knew in that case was that moving the turning off the "suspicious" computer
made the other one more reliable.  Weird.

What's that Oriental art of placing things in a room or house to achieve
harmony?  Feng Shui or something like that? :-)


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