Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-14 Thread Alex Healy

But what about 8?  It's factors are 1 and 8 and 2 and 4.  That doesn't work
too well.

8 = 3 + 5 :   3 is prime 5 is prime.  Q. E. D.
other examples:
4 = 2 + 2
6 = 3 + 3
8 = 5 + 3
10 = 5 + 5 = 3 + 7
etc . . . 

I believe what we are talking about here is Goldbach's Conjecture.  To date
(to my knowledge) it has not been proven.  I once read (somewhere) that
when Goldbach conjectured this, he mailed the idea (or somehow presented
it) to Euler, who never responded.  Any book on number theory would
probably mention this conjecture, most likely in a section on "Unsolved
Problems and Conjectures."

Hope this helps,
Alex Healy

I ran across an interesting statement on the top of a math paper that I
was helping my sister with.  It said that every even number greater than 4
is the sum of two primes.  I am curious if this has been proven and if
anyone knows where I could find more info about this.  Thanks.

Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-14 Thread Jud McCranie

At 07:51 PM 11/13/98 -0800, William Stuart wrote:
Another interesting thing about this conjecture...

If it is correct, then there is no last prime.

And if Goldbach's conjecture is incorrect - then there is no last prime!

| Jud McCranie  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or |
|  |
| 127*2^96744+1 is prime!(29,125 digits, Oct 20, 1998) |

Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-14 Thread Paul Derbyshire

At 07:51 PM 11/13/98 -0800, William Stuart wrote:
Another interesting thing about this conjecture...

If it is correct, then there is no last prime.

There's no last prime anyways. This is Euclid's Theorem and was proven
thousands of years ago, as follows:

Let p1, p2, ... , pn be a finite collection of primes. Let N = (
+ 1. Now N is clearly not divisible by any of the primes. If N is prime,
then it is a prime not in the list. If N is not prime, it can be factored
as N1N2, neither of which is divisible by any of the ps; and both strictly
smaller than N; so eventually by this process you must find a prime factor
of N that is not in the collection. Hence any finite collection of primes
is incomplete, hence there must be infinitely many primes.

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  |
_ | Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-13 Thread Jon Edwards

Ok, let's see.

But what about 8?  It's factors are 1 and 8 and 2 and 4.  That doesn't work
too well.


I ran across an interesting statement on the top of a math paper that I
was helping my sister with.  It said that every even number greater than 4
is the sum of two primes.  I am curious if this has been proven and if
anyone knows where I could find more info about this.  Thanks.

Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-13 Thread Aaron Cannon

I'm sure that it probably has been done, however, I am considering writing
a program to see if I can disprove this theorem.  It is my belief that it
can be disproven because the higher you go, the less primes you have.
Anyway, writing the program will be challenging and give me something to

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ICQ #: 22773363

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 11/13/98 6:55:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,
  I ran across an interesting statement on the top of a math paper that I
  was helping my sister with.  It said that every even number greater than 4
  is the sum of two primes.  I am curious if this has been proven and if
  anyone knows where I could find more info about this.  Thanks.
 I, too, had heard this when in the seventh grade (we did a lot of work with
 theorems and conjectures).  As I recall, this particular one was not or could
 not be proven.  It sure is interesting to consider and who knows in what ways
 this simple theorem could be useful for us.

Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-13 Thread Steve

Try for a list of
interesting conjectures including this one.
Steve Gardner
Check out 84000 computer products at
-Original Message-
From: Aaron Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, November 13, 1998 9:11 PM
Subject: Mersenne: interesting theorem

I ran across an interesting statement on the top of a math paper that I
was helping my sister with.  It said that every even number greater than 4
is the sum of two primes.  I am curious if this has been proven and if
anyone knows where I could find more info about this.  Thanks.

Visit my new and improved home page at

ICQ #: 22773363

Re: Mersenne: interesting theorem

1998-11-13 Thread mark snyder

At 8:51 PM -0500 11/13/98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No, not factors.  The different addends of the number.
4 = 2 + 2 (2 is prime)
6 = 3 + 3 (3 is prime)
8 = 3 + 5 (both prime)
10 = 5+5
12 = 5+7
Well, you get the idea.  Another interesting thing to note which is part of
the theorem is that it can only be done in one way, and exactly one way.  So
what ever the two primes are that add to 250...few secs later 163 and 87, no
other pair of primes will add to 250 according to the theorem.


Not quite.

10= 5 + 5 = 3 + 7,

14 = 7 + 7 = 3 + 11,

34 = 17 + 17 = 31 + 3 = 29 + 5 = 23 + 11.

There are many others...

Anyway, it's not a theorem, it's a conjecture (Goldbach's conjecture). It's
never been proven, nor has anyone found a counterexample.

mark snyder

mark snyder
fitchburg state college