> BTW, I noticed that the CVS archives have changed since I last logged 
> on. I pulled down all the latest files, but they ended up under the 
> 'Mesa' directory instead of the 'MesaCVS' directory that it used to 

Well, actaully, in the last archive you created the MesaCVS directory
and then checked out the archive into that.  In the new archive, Mesa
is in a subdir, so we can have other stuff on the archive without having
it be a part of Mesa.

> be under. I assume this was because of the hardware crash that the 
> CVS repository suffered?

Yeah, we had to rebuild the repository from a cvs checkout because of
some hardware failure at VA Linux.  They have assured us though that
this will never happen again.  And in fact they just sent out a note
saying they are moving things to a tape backed up RAID array.

C.J. Beyer

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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