Re: Metacard Vs. ToolBook

1999-10-26 Thread Ruediger zu Dohna

Hiho, Barry!

At 9:24 Uhr -0600 26.10.1999, Barry Boepple wrote:
I am interested in learning more about Metacard's Internet capabilities.

-Does your scripting language get converted to Java or some other 
native language that will run in current browsers?

No. MetaCard is cross plattform itself. What advantage would Java 
give you but satisfy the hype!

-Is the Metacard company  responsive to your concerns and requests?

Very, very, very much!!!

-How stable is Metacard in the development mode?

MetaCard develops very quickly and about four major new versions are 
released a year with about 3 bugfix releases in between. But there 
are hardly any cases where old stacks don't run in a new version and 
there is a long beta test phase, so you can adopt early.

-Does it have a large overhead for CD distribution?

I don't know of any.

-Is converting from PC to Mac, UNIX etc...reliable and easy?

There are no problems you can accuse MetaCard of. You can do some 
plattform specific stuff, but for normal applications there are no 

Hope these are the two cents you have asked for ;-)

| Ruediger zu Dohna   GINIT GmbH   0721-96681-63[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| PGP-Fingerprint: F1 BF 9D 95 57 26 48 42 FE F8 E8 02 41 1A EE 3E |

re: Metacard Vs. ToolBook

1999-10-26 Thread Leston Drake

Hi Barry,

As a long-time (6+ years) user of Toolbook who is now using MetaCard, I thought that I 
would give you some idea about what to expect from MetaCard. BTW, I have been using 
MetaCard for about 7 months and would never go back to Toolbook.

First, a few things that caused me some initial headaches...

The most obvious thing you will notice is that the IDE for MetaCard is much less 
mature than Toolbook's. To be honest, it took me a couple of weeks before I felt 
comfortable with how things worked. I'm used to it now, and have found some things 
about how it works that I prefer over Toolbook, but the transition was difficult. 
While Asymetrix has focused on creating new, more powerful dialogs and wizards in 
their IDE, MetaCard folks have focused more on building the capabilities of the 
language itself. When was the last time that Asymetrix came out with any kind of 
extended capabilities for OpenScript? I think it was TB4 (several years ago).

The second major problem for me was the way the Debugger in MC works. It's much 
different than Toolbook, and less robust.

Finally, the help system in MetaCard can't hold a candle to Toolbook's. Give it to 
Asymetrix folks, they really did a great job on their help file. The MetaCard help is 
in a different format and isn't comprehensive.

That's it for my gripes. In almost every other way, MetaCard is superior to Toolbook.

The scripting language (MetaTalk) in MC is very similar to OpenScript, you will not 
have much trouble making the conversion. MetaTalk, however, is much more powerful than 
OpenScript. In some cases, I've found that just a couple of MetaTalk lines of code 
suffice to do what Toolbook would need 8-10 to do. Plus there are all kinds of 
functions that Toolbook never thought about providing. For example, MetaCard has a 
screenLoc() function that returns (in pixels! not TB page units - which I hate!) the 
point that defines the center of the screen. How many lines of OpenScript code would 
it take to do that one? And then there's screenDepth(), screenRect(), platform(), 
machine(), environment(), lookAndFeel()...and that's just the beginning. 

For delivery, MetaCard apps can be compiled into a singe EXE file that includes the 
MetaCard Engine, where with Toolbook you have to distribute the 18+ separate files 
that make up Toolbook's distributable runtime engine.

Making a cross-platform app is done by essentially compiling with the machine-specific 
engine. We develop on Windows, then build a Mac version on our Mac. We learned that 
there are some differences in how the different engines work, but nothing serious that 
we couldn't work around. We've never tried to create an app that runs on UNIX. 

Lastly, MetaCard is much snappier than Toolbook. My MetaCard apps load 5-10 times 
faster than the *same* Toolbook app. Files are smaller, performance is much better. 

Like I said, we have been very pleased since we switched to MC as our main development 
environment and would recommend all Toolbook developers take a serious look at 

Hope this perspective is useful.

 Original Message 

From:   Barry Boepple ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject:Metacard Vs. ToolBook


Currently I use ToolBook 6.5 for CBT development. There is a general sense
of discontent among many ToolBook users related to it's web capabilities and
the direction Asymetrix (Click2Learn) is taking. Our list serve has a lot of
activity on it and recently a thread about Metacard appeared. I think there
are a few other ToolBookers monitoring your list now to see what all of you
have to say about Metacard.

I am interested in learning more about Metacard's Internet capabilities.
What kind of real world experience all of you are having with it? There is
so much hype these days regarding many products capabilities, but often in a
real world setting, things are not as peachy as the hype would have it be.

Would any of you be willing to elaborate on web based projects as far as the
pros and cons of Metacard for such projects? I am interested in knowing such
things as:

-Does your scripting language get converted to Java or some other native
language that will run in current browsers?

-Is the Metacard company  responsive to your concerns and requests?

-How stable is Metacard in the development mode?

-Does it have a large overhead for CD distribution?

-Is converting from PC to Mac, UNIX etc...reliable and easy?

I hope this is not an inappropriate request, but who better to ask than the
people actually using the product in the field.


Barry Boepple
SUMMETRIC Interactive Software, Inc.

Leston Drake
LetterPress Software, Inc.

Re: Metacard Vs. ToolBook

1999-10-26 Thread Richard Gaskin

-Does your scripting language get converted to Java or some other native
language that will run in current browsers?

Not directly in a browser window, but with built-in HTTP support (and 
soon, raw TCP) one can build Internet connectivity directly in your app, 
without the encumbrance of being confined to the browser window (for 
CBTs, the browser is often too flexible and hampers the guiding of the 

-Is the Metacard company  responsive to your concerns and requests?

ToolBook:  Took three days just to document TB's unnecssarily complicated 
boot sequence , and ultimately I wrote this documentation myself from 
notes with Asym TS folks; it seems they don't document "the little 
things".  :)

MetaCard:  I can't recall any question that too longer than 24 hours to 
get an answer, often much quicker (Scott Raney is pretty amazing about 
email turnaround).

-How stable is Metacard in the development mode?

There seem to be more instances in which script errors can cause a crash 
than with some other interpreted tools, but there haven't been that many 
and they seem fewer with each build.  Today this stability seems roughly 
on par with my experience with ToolBook (and virtually all other Windows 
apps; you might find it even more stable developing on UNIX).

-Does it have a large overhead for CD distribution?

Tiny, and simple:  A single 2 MB exe is embedded into your stack file.   
Contrast this with ToolBook, which requires a complicated install that 
spews things all over the user's hard drive and weighs in many times 

-Is converting from PC to Mac, UNIX etc...reliable and easy?

UNIX is a tad tricker given that most UNIX users have a higher resolution 
than Mac or Windows folks.   But aside from this sizing issue (a function 
of the OSes rather than MC itself), once you learn a couple things like 
working with menuGroups it's a snap.

- Richard Gaskin 
  Fourth World
  Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
  US: 800-288-5825 Int'l: 323-225-3717Fax: 323-225-0716

Re: Metacard Vs. ToolBook

1999-10-26 Thread Raymond E. Griffith

 From: "Barry Boepple" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Currently I use ToolBook 6.5 for CBT development. There is a general sense
 of discontent among many ToolBook users related to it's web capabilities and
 the direction Asymetrix (Click2Learn) is taking. Our list serve has a lot of
 activity on it and recently a thread about Metacard appeared. I think there
 are a few other ToolBookers monitoring your list now to see what all of you
 have to say about Metacard.

I, too, use ToolBook -- and because I have to, not because I want to.
Toolbook is clumsy in its handling of graphics.

 I am interested in learning more about Metacard's Internet capabilities.
 What kind of real world experience all of you are having with it? There is
 so much hype these days regarding many products capabilities, but often in a
 real world setting, things are not as peachy as the hype would have it be.

I deal with large numbers of graphics. When you link to a graphic, like a
gif or jpg file in Toolbook, Toolbook converts the graphic to a bitmap and
physically stores the bitmap in the book. This has the effect of severely
inflating file sizes. I have lost work several times due to file corruption.

MetaCard sees a link as a link. There is no physical storage of the graphic
in the stack unless you "import" the graphic. Importing is largely

While I do not know of a MetaCard Stack that serves to output HTML, no doubt
one could be written fairly easily.

 Would any of you be willing to elaborate on web based projects as far as the
 pros and cons of Metacard for such projects? I am interested in knowing such
 things as:

 -Does your scripting language get converted to Java or some other native
 language that will run in current browsers?

I doubt this, although some intrepid individual might try making a
JavaScript/xTalk converter. But Java runs really slow, and the Java output
that Toolbook provides is, well, junk. It hogs processor time.

 -Is the Metacard company  responsive to your concerns and requests?

Without a doubt, MetaCard and its associated individuals are the most
responsive people I have ever met. They are really *good*.

 -How stable is Metacard in the development mode?

VERY!!! (yes, I *am* shouting! I couldn't ask for better!)

 -Does it have a large overhead for CD distribution?

 -Is converting from PC to Mac, UNIX etc...reliable and easy?

I work in both environments. Conversion is very easy -- usually no more than
just making sure your fonts work right.

 I hope this is not an inappropriate request, but who better to ask than the
 people actually using the product in the field.


 Barry Boepple
 SUMMETRIC Interactive Software, Inc.


Raymond E. Griffith