Re: two monitors

2001-05-30 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Larry,

>> Hi folks,
>> has anyone an idea on how to detect a second monitor with MC?
>> The screenrect only returns the rect of the main-monitor
>> (the one with the menubar).
> First off, what platform are you running under?  I am running under Win32
> (MC 2.3.2) and I use the following code in my script to detect how many
> monitors I am running under.  If I have two monitors (stacked vertically) I
> put each of two stacks on separate monitors.  If I have only one monitor I
> put both on the same monitor.

i am running a Mac.

My two monitors are stacked horizontally and the "screenrect" returns
just 1280*1024!
That's my main monitor. The second is 1024*768.

So your smart scripts are no use for me, since MC doesn't recognize
the second monitor.

But i need a solution to check that on any computer with any monitor



MetaScape GmbH

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Re: visual effects speed

2001-05-30 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Geoff,

> At 10:26 AM +0200 5/30/01, Klaus Major wrote:
>> you have to set the "effectrate" property.
>> That is a global property and is NOT reset on idle like the itemdelimiter!!!
>> .
>> set the effectrate to 5000  #measured in millisecs
>> visual wipe left very slow  #!!!
>> That may be a bit difficult to understand, since the effectrate is the
>> amout of time in millisecs that a "very slow" transition takes...
>> Sounds like an oxymoron, but works extremely fine :-)
> Maybe effectDuration would be more descriptive?
> Regards,
> gc
maybe you are right.

But please don't start one of these ugly threads again ;-)


MetaScape GmbH

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Copyright a multimedia project

2001-05-30 Thread ScottYang

I'm sure a few of you may have ventured down this path of copyrighting a 
multimedia work with audio, visual, text, scripting, all in one.  Did you 
just send in the CD disc itself, or have you sent in text of the script, 
pics, music notations, compositions, etc. in separate forms?


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Re: chat

2001-05-30 Thread Mark Talluto

I created one some time ago.  Works well and is commented enough for 
someone to follow in the script.  If you would like it, it can be 
downloaded at:


On Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 09:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Anyone have a functional stack that allows two people to chat back and 
> forth?
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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Re: chat

2001-05-30 Thread jbv


> Anyone have a functional stack that allows two people to chat
> back and forth?

I do. I managed to program it in a half day last week,
and we're using it at work both with local clients and
external IPs.

The only problem is that it works with a little server program
written in C++, so it's more on the IRC model than ICQ...
However, modifying the scripts to chat between 2 ppl
without using the server should be straightforward...


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Re: menu building via scripts - how to query

2001-05-30 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Mark wrote:

> I have been able to get to the point of defining menu buttons defined
> via scripts, but I have not been able to get the resulting button
> group defined as the menu bar on the Macintosh side.

Did you set the menuBar (property) of your stack to your button group?

Also, did you try cloning the Menu Builder stack and going through the
scripts contained there?  Perhaps you can adapt what is used in that stack
to whatever you're doing.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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2001-05-30 Thread slord

Anyone have a functional stack that allows two people to chat 
back and forth?

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

menu building via scripts - how to query

2001-05-30 Thread Mark

I have been able to get to the point of defining menu buttons defined 
via scripts, but I have not been able to get the resulting button 
group defined as the menu bar on the Macintosh side. On the PC side 
all I need to do is put the resulting group at the upper left of the 
stack and it should look like a menu built with the Menu Builder.

I'm not sure whether I am heading down the right path or not, or for 
example whether it would make more sense to have the buttons created 
in the preOpenStack routine, then make them invisible so they do not 
appear in the card but only in the menubar, or whether I can create 
them as invisible in the first place etc.

If anyone can give a pointer , then that would be very usefull to me.

I am happy for the final (working!) scripted menu creation/template 
using code to be included as sample code in RunRev/MC if this is not 
already available somewhere else.


on openstack
   if there is no button "My Menu" then new button "My Menu"
   put "Line 1" & return & "Line 2" &  return & "-" & return & "Line 
3" & return & "-" & return & "Quit &q" into button "My Menu"
   set the script of button "My Menu" to "on menuPick which" & return 
& "switch which" & return\
   & "case " & quote & "Line 1" & quote & return & "beep"\
   & return & "break" & return & "case " & quote & "Line 2" & 
quote & return & "beep"\
   & return & "break" & return  & "default" & return & "beep"\
   & return & "break" & return & "end switch" & return & "end menuPick"
   set the style of button "My Menu" of this stack to "menu"
   set the menumode of button "My Menu" of this stack to popup
   if there is no button "My About" then new button "My About"
   set the style of button "My About" of this stack to "menu"
   set the menumode of button "My About" of this stack to popup
   put "About This Stack &A" into button "My About"
   set the width of button "My About" to 50
   set the width of button "My Menu" to 50
   set the left of button "My About" to the right of button "My Menu"
   set the name of  the templateGroup to "my menus"
   select button "File" and button "My About"

-- wasn't sure whether the following line, or the one after would 
define the group as a menu,
-- so I tried both, but neither worked :-(

--set the defaultMenubar to the short name of group "my menus" of this stack
   set the menubar to the short name of group "my menus" of this stack

end openstack

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Re: Intercepting keydown events

2001-05-30 Thread John Kiltinen

Jacqueline Landman Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a way to determine if the user has pressed a key on the
>keyboard while a handler is running? I know I can test for commandKey,
>shiftKey, etc. but what I need to test for is the "+" and "-" keys. I
>suspect the answer is "no" but it never hurts to ask.
>Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>HyperActive Software   | 612-724-1596
>Custom hypermedia solutions|

Hello, Jacque.

How long to the handlers take to run?  If it is not too long, the problem
ought to be solvable.  Also, when a key is held down for more than a
moment, it sends repeated keyDown messsages, so your solution will have to
take this into account.

If your problem is like one I wanted to solve recently, maybe what I found
to work could be modified to work for you.

I wanted to modify the consequence of pressing a certain button by having
certain keys held down while pressing the button.  What worked for me was
to have the following keyDown handler in the script for the button:

on keyDown X
  put X into LetterBox
  send clearOutBox to me in 2 seconds
end keyDown

The autoArm property of the button has to be true for it to send the
keyDown message when the key is depressed with the cursor on the button. X
returns the character of the key.  I then put this character into
LetterBox, which is a global variable.

The mouseUp handler for the button then checks the variable LetterBox to
see if it contains one of the relevant letters.  If so, it modifies its
response accordingly.

The variable LetterBox needs to be global so that the keyDown and mouseUp
handlers can communicate.  Since the contents of LetterBox persists, when
the button is next depressed, say with no key down, there is the
possibility of an incorrect outcome.  That is the reason for sending the
clearOutBox message after two seconds.  The handler, which simply empties
LetterBox, is:

on clearOutBox
  put empty into LetterBox
end clearOutBox

This solution worked well for me.  The user needs to learn the right
timing, having the key depressed a fraction of a second prior to depressing
the button, but that ought to be something that can happen.  The user might
hold the key down for awhile, thus sending repeated keyDown messages.  My
solution takes this into account and isn't confounded by such a contingency.

If this sounds a little familiar, it is because I described this sketchily
in starting the thread "Answer dialog:  Undocumented feature or risky
hack?".  It was a secondary issue there, but Scott Raney picked up on it
and commented with some concern about this approach.  He said:

>My first reaction would be yes: you probably should be using an option menu
>for this choice instead of opening a dialog.  UI hacks like having people
>hold keys down to change the behavior are just bound to get you in trouble
>at some point, even if you do only plan to document them for the expert user
>(e.g., some non-expert user will undoubtedly run into it and file a bug report
>about this unexpected behavior).  A group of radio buttons or a list box could
>also be used for this.  And never open dialogs one after another for a common
>operation: make one dialog with all the settings for that operation in it

Based upon this suggestion, I've modified my approach along the lines Scott
suggested.  In spite of that, the earlier method worked, and depending on
what you need to do, there might be some ideas here that work for you.

John Kiltinen

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Re: Intercepting keydown events

2001-05-30 Thread Phil Davis

Another approach, assuming your script is looping through a list of things
that all have to be processed: Convert the handler containing the repeat
loop into a handler that executes once for each thing in the list. It would
end with a statement that queues an execution of that same handler, like:

send  to me in 20 milliseconds

This way, if the user presses a key while  is running, the key
messages will be queued for handling at the next opportunity. That opp would
occur when the current run through  is completed - and *before*
the next one begins.

Phil Davis

- Original Message -
From: "Pierre Sahores" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Intercepting keydown events

Jacqueline Landman Gay a écrit :
> Is there a way to determine if the user has pressed a key on the
> keyboard while a handler is running? I know I can test for commandKey,
> shiftKey, etc. but what I need to test for is the "+" and "-" keys. I
> suspect the answer is "no" but it never hurts to ask.

on mouseup
repeat for each line in var1
keydown -- test the keys state what you need
end repeat
end mouseup

on keydown w
if w is "+" then what you need
else if w is "-" what you need
end if
end keydown

> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software   | 612-724-1596
> Custom hypermedia solutions|

Kind Regards, Pierre Sahores

WEB & VPN applications & databases servers
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Qualifier & produire l'avantage compétitif

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Re: URL Support

2001-05-30 Thread andu

Reed Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand that 2.4 is still in beta version, but I wanted to send this
> email out in case I'm just clueless and it's working for other people...
> Does networking work at *all* under Mac OS X? I get nothing for the
> following:
> start using stack "libURL"
> answer url "";

Just tested with latest beta 2.4 on MacOS 8.6 and it works fine. It may
help for now to add a slash "/" at the end if you don't specify the
actual page name. Also the correct syntax is -start using "libURL"-. The
dev environment "starts using..." the library on its own so you only
need to do that outside of it.

> Likewise, under Mac OS 9, there seems to be some socket support, and the
> above works..the first time..occasionally, although it's still iffy at
> best. Am I missing the obvious, or are these still known problems that will
> be fixed for future releases?
> Thanks,
> Reed


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Re: Intercepting keydown events

2001-05-30 Thread Pierre Sahores

Jacqueline Landman Gay a écrit :
> Is there a way to determine if the user has pressed a key on the
> keyboard while a handler is running? I know I can test for commandKey,
> shiftKey, etc. but what I need to test for is the "+" and "-" keys. I
> suspect the answer is "no" but it never hurts to ask.

on mouseup
repeat for each line in var1
keydown -- test the keys state what you need
end repeat
end mouseup

on keydown w
if w is "+" then what you need
else if w is "-" what you need
end if
end keydown
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software   | 612-724-1596
> Custom hypermedia solutions|

Kind Regards, Pierre Sahores

WEB & VPN applications & databases servers
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Qualifier & produire l'avantage compétitif

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Re: menu selection

2001-05-30 Thread Robert Brenstein

Ah, yes. And the menu builder inserts dummy scripts in those buttons 
which intercept the menuPick message. This is why my other handlers 
did not trigger.


>It's sent to the menu button.  In the Control Browser you should see 
>the individual button names (corresponding to your different menus, 
>e.g., "File", "Edit", etc.) under your menu group.
>Dave Tremmel
>>Where is the menuPick message sent to? I have created a menu bar on 
>>Macintosh. It is actually installed in a substack that is the 
>>frontmost window. I tried to put the handler into the menu group, 
>>in the card script, in the stack script, but it does not seem to 
>>get trigerred. I can't find an answer in the help stack.

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Re: recovering substacks

2001-05-30 Thread andu

Robert Brenstein wrote:
> I was trying to switch mainstacks and got a dialog asking me to save
> my substack into another file. I cancelled it since that was not what
> I wanted. However, for some reason, that substack has vanished from
> my stack file. Quite annoying considering that I spent a few hours
> creating it but did not get to make any backups. I have, however, a
> standalone which contains almost the same version of the substack
> that I lost. Is it possible to recover a substack from a standalone?
> It is all on Macintosh, BTW.

Just the script with a text editor like BBEdit.

> Robert


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Re: menu selection

2001-05-30 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Robert Brenstein wrote/ schreef:

> Where is the menuPick message sent to? I have created a menu bar on
> Macintosh. It is actually installed in a substack that is the
> frontmost window. I tried to put the handler into the menu group, in
> the card script, in the stack script, but it does not seem to get
> trigerred. I can't find an answer in the help stack.
How about placing the script in the actual menu button itself? Should work.

> Robert

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Re: menu selection

2001-05-30 Thread David C. Tremmel

It's sent to the menu button.  In the Control Browser you should see 
the individual button names (corresponding to your different menus, 
e.g., "File", "Edit", etc.) under your menu group.

Dave Tremmel

>Where is the menuPick message sent to? I have created a menu bar on 
>Macintosh. It is actually installed in a substack that is the 
>frontmost window. I tried to put the handler into the menu group, in 
>the card script, in the stack script, but it does not seem to get 
>trigerred. I can't find an answer in the help stack.
>Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

URL Support

2001-05-30 Thread Reed Martin


I understand that 2.4 is still in beta version, but I wanted to send this 
email out in case I'm just clueless and it's working for other people...

Does networking work at *all* under Mac OS X? I get nothing for the 

start using stack "libURL"
answer url "";

Likewise, under Mac OS 9, there seems to be some socket support, and the 
above works..the first time..occasionally, although it's still iffy at 
best. Am I missing the obvious, or are these still known problems that will 
be fixed for future releases?


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RE: two monitors

2001-05-30 Thread Larry_R_Huisingh

> From: Klaus Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: two monitors
> Hi folks,
> has anyone an idea on how to detect a second monitor with MC?
> The screenrect only returns the rect of the main-monitor
> (the one with the menubar).

First off, what platform are you running under?  I am running under Win32
(MC 2.3.2) and I use the following code in my script to detect how many
monitors I am running under.  If I have two monitors (stacked vertically) I
put each of two stacks on separate monitors.  If I have only one monitor I
put both on the same monitor.

  # How many monitors do we have?  Each monitor set to 1024 x 768
  put (item 4 of the screenRect) div 768 into monitorCount
  if item 4 of the screenRect < 768 then put 1 into monitorCount
  set the width of wd "ADM High" to 1024
  set the height of wd "ADM High" to 768
  set the topLeft of wd "ADM High" to 0,0
  set the width of wd "Level one maps" to 1024
  set the height of wd "Level one maps" to 768
  if monitorCount > 1 then
set the location of wd "Level one maps" to (1024 div 2), (768 + 384)
set the location of wd "Level one maps" to the screenLoc
  end if

> Too bad that the backdrop only "backdrops" the main-monitor ;-)

I don't use the backdrop.  I use a separate startup stack that I can control
the dimensions of.  This way I can detect a click on my pseudo-backdrop.

  set the decorations of wd "Start ADM High" to empty
  if item 4 of the screenRect >= 1536 then
# Make the pseudo-backdrop cover both monitors
set the height of wd "Start ADM High" to 1536
# Only need the pseudo-backdrop to cover the one monitor
set the height of wd "Start ADM High" to 768
  end if
  set the width of wd "Start ADM High" to item 3 of the screenRect
  set the topLeft of wd "Start ADM High" to 0,0

> Any suggestions are very appreciated.
> Regads
> Klaus Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MetaScape GmbH

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recovering substacks

2001-05-30 Thread Robert Brenstein

I was trying to switch mainstacks and got a dialog asking me to save 
my substack into another file. I cancelled it since that was not what 
I wanted. However, for some reason, that substack has vanished from 
my stack file. Quite annoying considering that I spent a few hours 
creating it but did not get to make any backups. I have, however, a 
standalone which contains almost the same version of the substack 
that I lost. Is it possible to recover a substack from a standalone? 
It is all on Macintosh, BTW.


Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

menu selection

2001-05-30 Thread Robert Brenstein

Where is the menuPick message sent to? I have created a menu bar on 
Macintosh. It is actually installed in a substack that is the 
frontmost window. I tried to put the handler into the menu group, in 
the card script, in the stack script, but it does not seem to get 
trigerred. I can't find an answer in the help stack.


Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: visual effects speed

2001-05-30 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:26 AM +0200 5/30/01, Klaus Major wrote:
>you have to set the "effectrate" property.
>That is a global property and is NOT reset on idle like the itemdelimiter!!!
>set the effectrate to 5000  #measured in millisecs
>visual wipe left very slow  #!!!
>That may be a bit difficult to understand, since the effectrate is the
>amout of time in millisecs that a "very slow" transition takes...
>Sounds like an oxymoron, but works extremely fine :-)

Maybe effectDuration would be more descriptive?



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two monitors

2001-05-30 Thread Klaus Major

Hi folks,

has anyone an idea on how to detect a second monitor with MC?

The screenrect only returns the rect of the main-monitor
(the one with the menubar).

Too bad that the backdrop only "backdrops" the main-monitor ;-)

Any suggestions are very appreciated.


MetaScape GmbH

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: visual effects speed

2001-05-30 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Alex,

> hi all
> finally found some time to play with mc 2.4 b1
> nice.. :)
> questions..
> With the visual effect command, is it possible to have more control over
> the speed, besides the current fast/slow options?
> For example, can you fade in (dissolve) an image over a 5 second period?
> regards
> alex
you have to set the "effectrate" property.
That is a global property and is NOT reset on idle like the itemdelimiter!!!

set the effectrate to 5000  #measured in millisecs
visual wipe left very slow  #!!!

That may be a bit difficult to understand, since the effectrate is the
amout of time in millisecs that a "very slow" transition takes...

Sounds like an oxymoron, but works extremely fine :-)


MetaScape GmbH

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.