Re: Rollovers,URLs, and a Wish

2001-09-11 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Christopher,

 Metacard is great at putting together easy elements fast but the one thing
 that I miss from Director 8 and others is the ability to make a reliable

Roll-overs in Director (Ooops the D-word ;-) HAVE to be scripted, too.
(If you do not want to use these UGLY pre-made behaviours ;-)

And it is very easy to do that in MC !!!

The hilite icon feature really does not hit the spot.

The hilite icon is supposed to be displayed when the mouse
is down inside the button.

(Images can be displayed INSIDE a button with its icon-property !!!
Far more flexible than showing/hiding images !!!)

Take 3 images and import them into MC:

image 1 for the normal btn-state
image 2 for the roll-over
image 3 for the hilite

Write down the IDs of these images
Properties - Name

Then you can even hide these images.

In this example i will use these IDs:

ID 1003  for image 1
ID 1004 for image 2
ID 1005 for image 3

In the Porperties-palette - Extras
set the icons for the buttons:

Icon  1003
HiliteIcon 1005

Now you need these 2 handlers in the button script

on mouseenter
  set the icon of me to 1004  ##the rollover
end mouseenter

on mouseleave
  set the icon of me to 1003 ##to restore the normal icon
end mouseleave

That's it...

I hope that helps and you get the picture.

If not, feel free to mail me offlist and i will send you a tiny demo-stack
or will try to explain this even more precise :-D


MetaScape GmbH

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disabled in 2.4

2001-09-11 Thread Signe Marie Sanne

What happened to the disabled appearance of a button in MC2.4? I have 
a standard button, with show border,3D, opaque and disabled, white 
text (255,255,255) on red background. On Mac (8.5) there's no 
difference in the disabled/enabled states, on Windows 2000 the white 
text seems greenish, but otherwise there is no difference from the 
enabled state. Is it no longer enough just scripting: enable/disable 
btn x or checking/unchecking the disabled in the button properties?

1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Romansk Institutttel:  +47 55 58 21 27
Oysteins gt. 1
5007 Bergen

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Re: Urgent MC QUestions

2001-09-11 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab


At the some point, the app will need to launch the default browser
to open an HTML file located on one of the local volumes (CD-ROM
or HD).


Make the url file:// instead of http:// to open a local file. This 
will actually launch plug-ins and helper apps, too.

Not sure about the other two. Good luck.

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 6034
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322

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Re: Rollovers,URLs, and a Wish

2001-09-11 Thread Tereza Snyder

on 09.10.01 3:13 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

 Sorry to ask, but what does the hilite icon NOT do that you would want in a
 rollover effect? Perhaps I'm just being naive here...

As I wrote in an earlier post:

 I found that if you set the armed icon, and set auto-arm to true
 so that it shows when you roll over the button, the hilite icon no longer
 shows when you actually click the button. I've had to fall back to how I used
 to do rollovers (mouseenter, mouseleave, etc).

I guess the distinction is that rollovers don't require the mouse to be


+ Tereza Snyder 
+ Senior Software Developer
+ Attainment Company, Inc.
+ 800.327.4269

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Re: converting HC stacks that use Picture XCMD

2001-09-11 Thread Craig Spooner

Thank you, Jacque and Richard.  I'm looking forward to trying this!

Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:10:10 -0500, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:
No sweat. Use the versatile shareware program Graphic Converter. It has
an option where you can point it at a file and it will save every PICT
resource (and icons too) to individual files on disk. You can grab
everything all at once that way in just a few seconds. Then you just
re-import the images as MetaCard objects and you are on your way.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

Mon, 10 Sep 2001 11:30:05 -0700, Richard Gaskin wrote:
One small addition to Jacque's wise recommendation of the great Graphic
Converter:  For cross-platform use, have the PICTs converted to another
format when they are saved out, as MC can only display PICT in Mac OS.

PNG is generally good for those, but if they're photos you may get better
compression with JPEG.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web


Craig Spooner
Instructional Technology Training and Development
WebCT Administrator
Office of Instructional Services
Colorado State University
(970) 491-2516

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Buttons, Rollovers and Icons

2001-09-11 Thread Charles Buchwald

OK, so I've got a button with icon, hiliteIcon, armedIcon, and
visitedIcon set. A couple of questions:
The icons remain visible behind, as the armed, hilited, and
visited icons appear. I end up with a mish-mash of leftover bits
behind/around the current icon--is there a property to set to eliminate
this? Or must all icon states always have the same size and shape
transparency mask?
How do I reset the visited state of a button, other than closing and
opening the stack? Is this a property of the button, of which I am not
Thanks, in advance,
- Charles
Charles Buchwald
Design  Programming
eTraffic Solutions, Inc.

Superior products and services for the rapidly expanding
elearning and educational technology community.
Custom Design  - Custom Applications -  Software Development
Visit for more information!

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backdrop Win task bar

2001-09-11 Thread Richard Herz


I would like to give users of my project the option of using the MC
backdrop.  On Windows (at least one 98 and one NT system), the Win OS task
bar gets hidden below the MC backdrop (apparently always on the NT system,
and almost always on the 98 system, even with task bar always on top
option set).  This causes a problem when user minimizes (iconifies) one or
more of the MC stacks (can't access the task bar to maximize it again).
And, in an apparent bug, MC crashes when one of several MC stacks is iconic
and I try to make a change in the backdrop setting (MC 2.3.2 on NT, at

Does anyone know of a way to keep the Win OS task bar on top of the MC
backdrop?  Is there a similar problem on unix/linux?  Is there an option to
have the MC backdrop cover only the windowBoundingRect vs. the screenRect?
Are there other strategies people use for a backdrop for MC projects?

As  primarily a Mac user, I was puzzled by a student's comment that my MC
project should take over the entire screen like other Windows apps (or all
app windows being contained within a parent window of that app).  Now I am
beginning to think that the student's comment is related to Windows OS
behavior, in contrast to Mac OS behavior, of not activating all windows
belonging to an app whenever one is made active.

Does anyone have strategies to make life simpler for a Windows user, other
than taking over the entire screen?


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How to say...

2001-09-11 Thread Pierre Sahores


Be sure, we are all americans, from yet and, probably, for a very
long time.

Cheers, Pierre Sahores
WEB  VPN applications  databases servers
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Qualifier  produire l'avantage compétitif

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Opening substacks as invisible

2001-09-11 Thread jbv


How can I open a substack, rearrange (by script) various controls
on it, and then print it, without ever disokaying it on screen ?

Is there any special parameter associated with the open stack
command that I missed ?


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Re: Opening substacks as invisible

2001-09-11 Thread Richard Gaskin

jbv wrote:

 How can I open a substack, rearrange (by script) various controls
 on it, and then print it, without ever disokaying it on screen ?
 Is there any special parameter associated with the open stack
 command that I missed ?

set the visible of stack MyStack to false
open stack MyStack
close stack MyStack

 Richard Gaskin

 The American Red Cross needs your help:

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