Re: MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3

2002-03-16 Thread andu

"J. Landman Gay" wrote:
> >From the new Read Me file:
> > This release uses a new Perl-compatible regular expression library.
> > This library includes new support for Perl pattern characters and
> > non-greedy matches.
> What's this do? How would we use Perl in our scripts? Can anyone give an
> example of when this feature would be handy?

I'm pretty sure this refers to improvements in handling pattern matches
in matchText() kind of functions which is great. Examples are a must
A while ago I had an exchange with Scott on a slightly related matter
and was wondering what others think:

Andu wrote:
> > the mouseText is smart enough to not count quotes, [, (, etc.
> >  between words but if I say "repeat for each word i in tText", "i" includes "any" 
> > without a space in it including comma.
> > Is this fixed in 2.4.2?

... and Scott answered:
> No, because it's not a bug.  It's just the way "word" chunks have
> always worked.  I guess the only thing this points up is that "the
> mouseWord" would have to work the same way as word chunks, if there
> was such a function...

... to which Andu replied:

Why isn't mouseText() using the same definition of "word", then?
"the mouseText is among the words of X" can give the right or wrong
answer depending on which definition you consider, the one given for
what the mouseText() should return or the one given to the "word" chunk. 
Since both forms have their uses I suggest some cross breeding like
"effective word(s)" for what the mouseText returns and as you suggested,
mouseWord() for tab/space separated chunks.  

> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software   |
> ___
> metacard mailing list


Regards, Andu Novac
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3

2002-03-16 Thread J. Landman Gay

>From the new Read Me file:

> This release uses a new Perl-compatible regular expression library.
> This library includes new support for Perl pattern characters and
> non-greedy matches.

What's this do? How would we use Perl in our scripts? Can anyone give an
example of when this feature would be handy?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3

2002-03-16 Thread J. Landman Gay

Scott Rossi wrote:

> Excuse me while I do cartwheels down the hallway.

You don't have to. Now that we've got "angle" you can have images do
cartwheels down the hallway instead. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: calling handlers with keys

2002-03-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 2:50 PM +0100 3/15/02, Uwe Friese wrote:
>The problem with the keyDown messages is that I need the rest of the script inside 
>the repeat loop to be executed constantly (to present a stream of objects on the 
>screen). Like this:
>presentSomeObjects -- this has to be performed constantly
>   -- sometimes there is a key pressed; in this case 
>I need:
>  "keyX"-->handler1
>  "keyY"-->handler2
>  "keyZ"-->handler3
>end repeat
>I have the strong feeling, that I´m missing something here. Of course "on keyDown" 
>won´t work, but how else can I achieve this behavior?

You can use keyDown as long as you get rid of the repeat loop, and you can do that 
using Basically your code will look something like:

on presentSomeObjects
 -- do something here
 send presentSomeObjects to me in 1 second -- or whatever time
 put the result into gPresentMessage -- allows you to cancel if needed
end presentSomeObjects

on keyDown pWhichKey
 -- do something based on the key
end keyDown


metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3

2002-03-16 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Scott Raney wrote:

> MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3 is now available in the directory
> See the file for the
> list of new features.

Excuse me while I do cartwheels down the hallway.

Thanks MC guys.  You rule...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #131 - 12 msgs

2002-03-16 Thread JJB

le 16/03/02 18:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] à

> From: Shari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: if/then with and/or
> Okay, now this one's bugging me...
> If my if/then handler includes and/or, it fails.
> if var1 is "goody" and var2 is "nope" and var3 is "hello" then
> doSomething
> end if
> That fails.
> if var1 is "goody" then
> if var2 is "nope" then
> if var3 is "hello" then
> doSomething
> end if
> end if
> end if
> That works.
> ?
I don't know if it will help but:

if the visible of btn 1 is false and the visible of btn 2 is false \
  and the visible of btn 3 is false and the visible of btn 4 is false \
  and the visible of btn 5 is false and the visible of btn 6 is false \
  and the visible of btn 7 is false and the visible of btn 8 is false
hide graphic "Carré"
end if

works fine.
MetaCard 2.4 MacOs 9.2

(sorry for the previous reply, it was too late in the night :-)

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #131 - 12 msgs

2002-03-16 Thread JJB

le 16/03/02 18:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] à

> From: Shari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: if/then with and/or
> Okay, now this one's bugging me...
> If my if/then handler includes and/or, it fails.
> if var1 is "goody" and var2 is "nope" and var3 is "hello" then
> doSomething
> end if
> That fails.
> if var1 is "goody" then
> if var2 is "nope" then
> if var3 is "hello" then
> doSomething
> end if
> end if
> end if
> That works.
> ?

I don't know if it will help, but:

metacard mailing list

MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3

2002-03-16 Thread Scott Raney

MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 3 is now available in the directory

See the file for the
list of new features.  This release only includes engines and tools
stacks.  You must have a previous release installed on your system,
then just back up those two files from your existing installation and
replace them with the corresponding files from this one.

That IP address will become (and as
soon as the DNS records get updated and the old ones expire.  This
process will be complete for most people within a few days, but it may
take up to 2 weeks for all the vestiges of the old DNS records to get
purged from all the various caches.  In the mean time, if email to bounces or you're not sure has been delivered, wait a few
days and resend, or send it directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our thanks for your continued patience during this process, and for
the curious, I'll post a note with the complete dump on what happened
and why as soon as the transfer to the new service is complete.

See you on the other side ;-)

MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

metacard mailing list

Re: Arrays and Matrix Algebra

2002-03-16 Thread Dave Jones

> Just wanted to confirm the correct way to set up arrays to be able
> to do matrix math.  If I have an array named X, does MetaCard treat
> x[3,4] as the fourth element in the third row of X and x[8,2] as the
> second element in the eigth row?
> Regards,
> Greg

Greg, I don't really follow this list much anymore (or use Metacard much
either), but you might find my library of scripts useful...I remember
writing some for matrix math, etc. You can find it at:


metacard mailing list

Popup menu with a selected Line?

2002-03-16 Thread David Epstein

I want to pop up a list of options with one specified option already
highlighted under the mouse.

On the Mac, I can do this by setting the button's menumode to "option," in
which case the popup list highlights the option already selected.  But the
popup font, size, and background color cannot be set for this option
button's menu, and are limited to the System defaults.  And in Windows, this
doesn't work at all; an option button's menu does not highlight the previous
choice under the mouse.

On either system, the menu shown by a "popup" menumode button has no
highlighted line when the list pops up.

1.  Have I missed something?

2.  I assume that by popping up a stack rather than a button's contents I
can get something closer to what I want.  Has anyone figured out how to make
this really look like a popup menu, i.e., with the popped up panel smoothly
scrolling in either direction if the list of choices is taller than the

3.  Is it a reasonable feature request for MC to add a "selectedLine" or
"hilitedLine" property to a button whose style is "popup"?

Many thanks.

David Epstein

metacard mailing list

Re: Jeanne's book

2002-03-16 Thread Gregory Lypny

I'd snap up a MetaCard book in a second!  I haven't read Jeanne's 
HyperTalk book, but anything with examples that extends the original 
HyperCard Reference by Apple to the realm of MetaCard would be great.


metacard mailing list

Re: if/then with and/or

2002-03-16 Thread Dave Cragg

At 4:27 pm -0500 15/3/02, Shari wrote:
>Okay, now this one's bugging me...
>If my if/then handler includes and/or, it fails.
>if var1 is "goody" and var2 is "nope" and var3 is "hello" then
>end if
>That fails.

It works here, without any parentheses. (v 2.4.1 on Mac OS X)

Dave Cragg
metacard mailing list

Rounded Corners

2002-03-16 Thread Simon Lord

So, has anyone successfully made a stack with rounded corners on 
OSX yet?  I still can't find the right wref, it's definitely not 
the same one as for OS9 which works fine.


metacard mailing list

calling handlers with keys

2002-03-16 Thread Uwe Friese

Hi all!

Before bothering you with silly questions I´d like to introduce myself as a 
MC newby with some experience with HyperCard in the context of Experimental 
Psychology. Please excuse me if I´m using weird terms sometimes, but apart 
from having no formal training in programming I´m also german ;-)

I need a way to call handlers within a repeat loop at different keyBoard 
actions, like

end repeat

I understand I could use the commandKey, enterKey etc. messages, but that´s 
not very handy. The next thing in my mind was using keysDown(), but the 
problem here is, that the keys pressed "survive" in keysDown() during 
subsequent repeats and I can´t disriminate if the key was pressed again or 
if it´s still the key from the foregoing repeat. At the moment I solve this 
by sending a type command, which slows down the execution of the rest of 
the repeat loop.

I´m sure there is a more elegant way to solve the problem?

Best regards,

metacard mailing list