Re: Break from the past?

2005-01-29 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
On 29-Jan-05, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So in short, the question is:  Are we comfortable with the final 
of MC IDE v2.6 being compatible only with engine v2.6 and later?

John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
metacard mailing list

Re: tools stack version (2.6) doesn't match engine version

2004-10-17 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
Thank you, Richard.  Does that mean that there will be scripted 
versions of the engine changes to compensate for the use of an older 
engine, or merely that the IDE will not rely on any of these changes, 
or what?
On 17-Oct-04, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just installed the latest test version of the MC IDE for Mac OS X,
and I get the (harmless) error in the subject line.
That error comes from the Home stack.  To date we've only been working
on, and will revise the Home stack when the license scheme
changes (portions are locked so I'll have to get Scott Raney's 

If you find it annoying you can remove that warning from your Home
stack.  The current plan is to make the MC IDE work with all engine
versions from the time it went open source to the present (that is, if
we can stay on top of the incompatibilities introduced by Rev's
stewardship of the engine).
John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
metacard mailing list

tools stack version (2.6) doesn't match engine version (2.6.1)

2004-10-16 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
  I just installed the latest test version of the MC IDE for Mac OS X, 
and I get the (harmless) error in the subject line.

John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
metacard mailing list

Re: Basic scrollbar question

2004-09-22 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
The Thumb Size also affects the number and distribution of the tick 

On 22-Sep-04, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ken Ray wrote:
Also not sure how to control the marks - it would make sense if they
were representing the pageInc value - but it is a smaller setting.

It actually represents the pageInc value *plus one* (I'm assuming for 
0 setting). So if I set up a scale with a min of 0 and a max of 
100, with
a pageInc of 10 and a lineInc of 1, I'll get 11 tick marks, for:

0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100
Well actually not: if you set the pageInc to 11 you get the thumb to
jump 10 steps, but the markers see to be separated in steps of 8.3 (ie
83 / 10)
To get tick marks like this (for the scale running from 0 -100):
0102030405060708090   100
You need to set the pageInc to 12 ! And then of course clicking on the
scroll bar jumps 11. Seems logical :)
Can someone confirm this with recent engines?

John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
metacard mailing list

Re: metacard Digest, Vol 8, Issue 25

2004-05-27 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
On 27-May-04, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Should I proceed with a change from opening as toplevel to simply
opening in the stack's native mode?
No; retain the original behaviour of 14 years.
What do you think is most appropriate option for an IDE with 28 users?
There are a lot more than 28 MC IDE users; I know of 4 beside myself 
who use the MC IDE exclusively, and none of them belongs to this list 
(they rely on me to keep the up-to-date).
John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4

metacard mailing list

Standalone builder problem

2004-05-13 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
Fellow Metacardians,
I don't often build standalones in Metacard (I run stacks instead), but 
today I had need of, so I tried it (Mac OS X 10.3.3, MC 2.5).  Problem 
is, it doesn't work: it gets as far as creating the app bundle, but 
then quits with the error that it can't open MetaCard *within the 
bundle*.  It doesn't do so for all stacks (e.g., if I create a quick 
test stack, all is fine), just the one I need to build.  What gives 
(i.e., what produces the error in one case and not the other)?  I 
receive this list in digest mode, so if you have a quick answer, please 
email me directly [EMAIL PROTECTED].
John R. Vokey

metacard mailing list

Plug ins in MC 2.6b1 and other questions

2004-04-21 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
  I see that the new MC IDE 2.6 has a plug-ins menu.  Having never used 
one, what constitutes a plug-in?  Is it just a main stack that serves a 
particular function?  It is anything other than a stack being put in 
use, or do all scripts and properties of the plug-in stack become 
available to the stack using the plug-in?  Do the plug-in properties 
apply only within the IDE, or do they migrate automagically to 

  And, more generally, how are we to distinguish between properties, 
procedures and functions of the engine, the MC IDE, and the RR IDE?  
Should we (yes us) be updating the MC help files so that they reflect 
the engine and the MC IDE?  As it stands now, one is forced to use the 
RR documentation for new features of the engine amidst a plethora of RR 
IDE specific stuff.  RR staff could help if all engine additions and 
changes were published as such, distinct from RR IDE specific changes.
John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4

metacard mailing list

I know this should be simple, but...

2004-04-17 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
Fellow Metacardians,

For the first time in all my years using metacard on the Mac OS
(currently MC 2.5 under OS X), I have the need to create a 
standalone for
Windoze, and, to be honest, I don't have a clue how to do it.  I 
I need the Windoze engine, but I have no idea where I would get 
I presume there are also other steps and ``gotchas'' that I should 
aware of.  Would one of you be kind enough to provide me with a 
step by
step set of instructions (including how I get the Windoze engine on 
OS X)?  As I receive this list in digest mode, I would appreciate 
it if
you could respond directly to my email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
metacard mailing list

Graph object

2004-03-26 Thread Dr . John R . Vokey
Here's a start:
On 26-Mar-04, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody have any ready-to-go scripts which draw charts?
Preferably, I'd like to be able to draw bar, column, area, line,
scatter and pie charts.  (Several of those are virtually the same.)

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
John R. Vokey, PhD
B.E.R.G. - Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Micro-Cognition Laboratory
Department of Psychology  Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
metacard mailing list

Script Limits vs dynamic programming

2003-08-14 Thread Dr. John R. Vokey
On Thursday, August 7, 2003 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

I don't understand what you mean by this. Your extensible stacks are 
products. (Product does not mean commercial product, nor is it
restricted to standalone applications.) It sounds from your description
like your products would in fact impact the products you make, so my
suggestion of discussing this with Kevin is still my advice.

This is missing the point.  The principle advantage of metacard/RR is 
that it provides for dynamic programming *and* it does so in a 
cross-platform way.  I have and use c, c++ compilers, Futurebasic, 
RealBasic, and so on, but for different purposes.  None of these other 
programming environments is *dynamic*.  Scott Raney's important 
statement that metacard is written in metacard was not to make the 
point that, as with c or Basic or Fortran compilers one could write a 
c, or Basic or Fortran compiler with it, but rather that the system is 
bootstrapped. The possibility of producing ``standalones'' in hypercard 
and metacard  has unfortunately helped disguise this fact to the point 
where many (Shari C is a fine example, here, and more power to her) 
think of metacard/RR as just another IDE with fine cross-platform 
capabilities.  That it no doubt is, but that's not what makes it either 
unique or important: it is the possibility for dynamic programming that 
the engine provides, as with hypercard.  Limiting script length and 
``do'' to non-licensed RR users means that *only* licensed RR users of 
the stacks I produce can can partake of the dynamic nature.  Thus, 
rather being an essential part of metacard/RR, this dynamism becomes a 
feature *only* licensed users (developers?) can use, but can't retain 
in the stacks they produce.  By all means, strip it out of standalones 
if need be, but leave it as an essential feature of stacks.

For those who remember them, think of the completely different 
experience one has programming in and using TILs (threaded 
interpretative languages) such as APL, and forth: as with hypercard, 
programming is not distinct from using; they are seamlessly integrated. 
 *That* is what we will be losing by these limits.  For those who use 
metacard/RR to produce applications without those dynamic capabilities, 
I can understand why they don't feel these limits amount to much.  But 
for some, at least me, it is the dynamism that is my whole reason for 
using metacard, recommending it to students, and so on.

John R. Vokey

metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limit

2003-08-14 Thread Dr. John R. Vokey
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

I'd urge people to drop a line to Kevin if this change would impact 
products, describing how you use the capability. I can't speak for 
but I know he listens carefully to concerns of current customers when
changes are being considered.

Good advice *if one is producing ``products'', i.e., applications that 
just so happen to be written in metacard , but could have been done in 
c or BASIC)*  I, however, produce extensible ``stacks''---following the 
original hypercard model--- that I freely exchange with my students and 
colleagues.  Often, these stacks are boot-strapped in that they provide 
for a simple scripting language---a mixture of metatalk and procedures 
and functions I have added---to accomplish some goal, such as a stack 
that provides a resampling statistics language so that students and 
colleagues can program their own resampling solutions, or a language to 
program experiments that is itself extensible.  Thus, the user writes 
lines of code (the afore-mentioned mixture of metatalk and new 
commands) that are then executed (usually via `do', but sometimes by 
replacing the script of some object): the user is not knowingly 
programming metacard, but using the new language.  The proposed limits 
mean that the metacard (ok, RR) ``player'' is broken.  To make use of 
my ``stacks'', the user must now have a licensed version of metacard 
(RR).  It is (was?) this boot-strapping extensibility of xtalks (as 
with their threaded-interpretive-language, TILs, predecessors) that has 
been the core secret of their success, and the proposed loss of it in 
metacard/RR---the alleged successor to hypercard, is anathema.  RR just 
becomes yet another cluttered IDE with an odd programming language.  At 
a minimum, ``do'' should remain unlimited, but I would prefer to remove 
the limit on replacing scripts, as well.  After all, haven't licensed 
users agreed not to produce a new RR in RR/metacard?  And now that the 
free (but 10-line script limited) metacard is to be gone, to be 
replaced by a 30-day, web-checked (ugh!) demo, why are the limits 
needed at all?  The whole direction is ominous.

John R. Vokey, Ph.D.   |\  _,,,---,,_
Professor  /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
metacard mailing list

On RR acquiring Metacard

2003-07-10 Thread Dr. John R. Vokey
As with some others, I have the disquieting feeling of being ``hoist by 
my own petard'': on initially moving from hypercard to metacard years 
ago, my principle complaint (voiced on this list) with metacard was 
the, then, incomprehensible interface (why or why could it not be more 
like hypercard?), and the lousy documentation.  RR comes along and 
fixes both, but in the interim I've come to appreciate the deep 
intelligence and elegant simplicity of Dr. Raney's metacard interface 
(and no longer need the documentation), to the point (as with my 
earlier belief about the hypercard way) that I find RR way to be 
bloated, incomprehensible, clumsy, and annoying: it just gets in my 
way!  However, I am confident that it is none of these things, despite 
the wailing and gnashing of teeth I'll no doubt go through as I adapt 
to it.  And I will.  Congratulations to Metacard corp and RR on their 
ultimate union!
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.   |\  _,,,---,,_
Professor  /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

metacard mailing list

Re:C function in metaTalk?

2003-03-15 Thread Dr. John R. Vokey
On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 10:03  AM, on 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Wouter Abraham wrote:

Hi Eric,

Something like this? :

local theResult
on mouseUp
  put  into theResult
   put abra(fld orig) into fld result
end mouseUp
function abra x
   if x   then
 put char 2 to -1 of x into y
 repeat until x = 
   put cr  x before theCollector
   delete char -1 of x
 end repeat
 put  theCollector after theResult
 get abra(y)
   else return char 2 to -1 of theResult
end abra
Have a nice evening,
Unfortunately, this function does not return all the different sets of 
the letters as input.  If the input is abc, for example, it returns:

but misses bc.  The missed sets are even more obvious with abcd as 

In general, there are 2^k-1 possible sets, where k=the number of 
letters.  For 4 letters, there should be 15 sets, not the 10 shown here.
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.   |\  _,,,---,,_
Professor  /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

metacard mailing list