images in menus

2003-03-04 Thread John J. Theobald
Has anyone had any success inserting images in button menu contents for 
pulldown/cascading menus?  Is this possible?

John J. Theobald

metacard mailing list

re: Showing/Hiding Images on mouseLeave...

2003-02-10 Thread John J. Theobald
Igor de Oliveira Couto wrote some time ago:

Dear Revolution Masters,

I'm trying to implement a simple button that should use 3 different 
images: 'idle', 'over' (when the cursor in on top of the button), and 
'down' (when  the mouse is down on the button).

Because the shape of the button is irregular, and I want the 
transparent bits to be ignored for mouse events, rather than specifying 
the images as icons in a button control, I used IMAGES. My idea was to 
setup the 3 images on a card, on top of each other, and simply 
show/hide each one in response to the appropriate mouse events.

So I started by putting the 'idle' image on the card, and then the 
'over' image on top of that, making sure the 'loc' properties of both 
was exactly the same (ie, they were exactly on top of each other). Each 
picture is exactly the same as the other, just using different 
colours... Now, I went into the scrip of the 'idle' picture, and typed:

on mouseEnter
	show image over
	hide me
end mouseEnter

Then, I went into the script of the 'over' image, and did the opposite:

on mouseLeave
	show image idle
	hide me
end mouseLeave

Now, what is happening when I use the browse tool is a bit of a puzzle: 
it goes like this:
The card is displaying the 'idle' image. I move the cursor into the 
image, and presto, I see the 'over' image. I also know that the 'idle' 
image HAS been hidden - I can check with the message box...
Now, I slowly move the cursor OUTSIDE the image, and... nothing. The 
'over' image behaves as if it has NOT received the 'mouseLeave' 
I move the cursor back onto the 'over' image, and move it back out - 
now for the second time - and, presto, it works: it hides the 'over' 
image and shows the 'idle' image.
The crunch of the matter is: I have to 'leave' the image TWICE for it 
to work... EVERYTIME!

All I can deduct is that for some reason, the first time the mouse 
leaves the 'over' image, no 'mouseLeave' message is being sent to it! 
Only after the cursor has re-entered the image, and then proceeds to 
leave again, does it work...

Am I missing something embarrassingly simple? Did I not read the 
documentation properly? Is this a behaviour that others have noticed? 
Is it a bug?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,
Igor de Oliveira Couto


I ran into this problem on MC 2.4.3 while developing.  I searched the 
archives and saw your posting along with numerous responses but no clear 

Here is how I solved the problem, for those that may (or may not) be 
interested.  I chased the problem like many others by trying to get the 
button to do what I wanted on the mouseLeave.  Then it occured to me, if 
 I am leaving one object, I must be entering another so...

I simply put a transparent graphic behind my freeform shaped button. 
This graphic extends beyond the borders of my button. I then put this 
handler in the graphic.

on mouseEnter
  put image normalstate into image goback
end mouseEnter

goback is the name of my freeform button, normalstate is the image 
I want displayed when I do a mouseLeave.  Since leaving the button does 
not generate a mouseLeave (as you discovered), entering the transparent 
graphic DOES generate a mouseEnter and the opportunity to change the 
graphic.  You could, of course, reference a file, imagedata (and 
maskdata if needed),or just a hidden image as I do.  All of which were 
recently discussed in another thread.

Sorry if this is old news, but since I did not see a solution posted, I 
thought I would pipe up.


John Theobald

metacard mailing list

Re: Showing/Hiding Images on mouseLeave... IMPROVED

2003-02-08 Thread John J. Theobald
 John J. Theobald wrote:

 erik hansen wrote:

 I simply put a transparent graphic behind my freeform shaped
 button. This graphic extends beyond the borders of my button. I
 then put this handler in the graphic.

 on mouseEnter put image normalstate into image goback end

 goback is the name of my freeform button, normalstate is the
 image I want displayed when I do a mouseLeave.  Since leaving the
 button does not generate a mouseLeave (as you discovered), entering
  the transparent graphic DOES generate a mouseEnter and the opportunity
  to change the graphic.

 if the mouse enters the transparent graphic from the card, NOT from
 freeform btn goback?


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 When the mouse enters the transparent graphic from the card, it
 naturally sends the same put to the freeform button.  But, the
 normalstate is what already exists, so it does a put that is
 not needed. In my case I use imported images, so it is a memory
 copy, no disk I/O. IMHO this is negligible overhead while
 accomplishing the desired result.  If you wanted to eliminate the
 put, just check the state of the image.  Either way, the handler
 has to do some processing.

 John Theobald

 ___ use-revolution
 mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Upon further experimentation, I found I did not like the solution I 
provided above because very fast mouse movements over the freeform 
graphic could potentially leave it in an undesireable state.  I 
imagine this is due to the system mouse polling and it's inability to 
trap events under very fast movement and missing the mouseEnter on my 
surrogate graphic.

So, I decided to write my own mouseLeave handler called checkMe for 
the freeform button that is 100% consistent and accurate and involves no 
surrogate graphics.  I submit it as an improved and IMO more elegant 
solution to the mouseLeave issue. Any enhancement suggestions welcomed.

on mouseEnter
 put image activestate into me
 send checkMe to me in 10 ticks  # Check the mouseLoc for leave
end mouseEnter

on checkMe
 if within(me, the mouseLoc) then
send checkMe to me in 10 ticks  # Check back if still within
  else  # otherwise
put image normalstate into me # back to normal because we left
 end if
end checkMe

I should have done more testing before suggesting my previous solution, 
apologies to the list.

John J. Theobald

metacard mailing list

Re: Stupid windowshape tricks

2003-01-21 Thread John J. Theobald
Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Is there any cool hack to make resizeable windows from a custom windowShape?

If you're talking about draggable, on-the-fly resize, that would be cool.

Otherwise, I think the best you can do is simple a toggle action -- click
and use the masked image you want as the new shape.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

You can simply set the rect of the stack, but this crops based on the 
new rect.  Not very pretty.

You're really talking about two different parameters, shape and size.  I 
have created odd shaped windows (very cool by the way Mr. Raney) and I 
have scripted hidden title bars to grab and move the window.  But 
dynamically resizing the window means you would have to provide for 
resize handles to scale the image used for the shape and reset the 
windowShape once the resize was complete.  Very messy ... not to mention 
the problems you'll run into with any holes (transparent areas) in the 
window, maintaining proportions, now gray masked areas, and controls 
that disappear because the visible window is no longer supporting them.

If a hack could overcome these obstacles, that would definitely exceed 
my definition of cool.

Maybe a small palette of pre-defined window shapes would make better 
sense.  IMHO, if you go to the trouble to create a custom-shaped window, 
you probably don't want users resizing it and themselves into trouble.

Unless of course Mr. Raney is working on something like...

set the vector_based_odd_shape of this stack to insert formula here

... one never knows


John J. Theobald

metacard mailing list