Smaller than milliseconds

2003-07-11 Thread Nelson Zink

> You can collect some random bits using the long seconds, I think, but I
> don't think you want to base it on how long it takes to execute some
> code.  You might want to harvest it from operator interactions and if
> you don't have enough of those, from Internet response times.  The
> number of bits you can harvest depends on your estimate of
> predictability.

Good ideas.

As far as I know there is no calculation one can make that 'wobbles'--that
is, you always get the same answer. And healthy computers work the same way.
The result is the same, but the time to complete it isn't. Computational
results are predictable, completion time wobbles. The finer time is cut, the
greater the unpredictability. And while it may not be obvious, most events
we think of as being random are random only in the time dimension.


metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Nelson Zink

> If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a
> new kind of science" by stephen wolfram.

Wolfram's Rule 30 thing is great at producing a string of random digits, but
what we need is a random seed. What we need is the finger that points out
the section of Wolfram's string to use. The digits of Pi are random so we
could do the same thing with a huge file of Pi digits. We still need the

The whole deal with RNGs used for security purposes isn't about having
random digits, it about my picking a certain group of the digits and you not
being able to guess which group I chose. We're talkin' encryption.


> But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long
> seconds clock are not the same?

Generally no, but strictly? I suppose I do. My long seconds are being
displayed to 20 magnitudes of precision (with proper numberFormat
adjustment). Either an alien technology has taken up residence in my machine
or something's screwy. I'm betting on the later.


metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Nelson Zink
Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.

OK, here's the deal:
A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
time and be done with it.

My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.

So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
software alone.

set the numberformat to "0."
put the long seconds

Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
don't know.


metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-09 Thread Nelson Zink
Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than
milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?

Nelson Zink

metacard mailing list

Re: Random Redirect

2002-11-01 Thread Nelson Zink

> on startup
> put "Location: " & any item of "urls, separated, by, comma" & crlf
> put "Content-Type: text/html" & crlf & crlf
> end startup
> This works with Apache.

Bless you!   Works without a hitch.


metacard mailing list

Random Redirect

2002-11-01 Thread Nelson Zink
I'm using MetaCard/ Reveloution for cgi at my website and want to be able to
randomly redirect to pages at my site. How does one send a redirect to the


metacard mailing list

Re: XY

2002-01-25 Thread Nelson Zink


> To avoid bottling up the engine servicing your loop:
> on mouseMove mX, mY
> put format( "horz: %d  vert: %d", mX, mY )
> end mouseMove 
> Scott Raney has told us in the past that "repeat until the mouseClick" is
> not a good idea because it bolixes up the event handling in the engine. I've
> found that mouseMove works wonderfully in situations where you'd be tempted
> to use "repeat until the mouse is up" or similar loops.

While mousemove seems straight forward, how would one go about turning it on
and off as might be needed in the "XY function"?


metacard mailing list

Re: xy

2002-01-23 Thread Nelson Zink


> any MC analogues for the xy handler?

on xy
  set cursor to cross
  set the numberformat to "0.##"
  --set the height of msg for three lines
  put the mouseloc into temp
  repeat until the mouseclick
put "Loc: "&the mouseloc&"  Horz: "&the mouseH&"  Vert: "&the mouseV
into temp2
put the mouseH-item 1 of temp into XD
put the mouseV-item 2 of temp into YD
put "Xdist: "&XD&"   YDist: "&YD&"   Angle:
"&90-(round(atan2(abs(XD),abs(YD))*180/pi)) into line 2 of temp2
put (XD^2 + YD^2)^.5 into temp3
put "XYDist: "&temp3 &" pixels, "&(temp3 /72)& " inches" into line 3 of
put temp2
  end repeat
end xy

Here's one that does a little more. I don't know how to set the message box
height so it will automatically display the three lines. If you do, stick
that line in.


metacard mailing list

cgi-MetaCard Gremlin

2001-12-07 Thread Nelson Zink


I've finally run to ground a gremlin that's been plaguing me for a couple
years. If I upload a good script ( to my site, often it won't
run. If I then go through the site manager and open and save it
(without changing anything) it'll run. Why this is, I have no idea. I use
GoLive to upload and manage my site, if that makes any difference. If you're
having strange problems getting cgi to work right, this may help.

Nelson Zink

metacard mailing list

Moving an image in a curve

2001-11-09 Thread Nelson Zink


If you mean moving an image in an arc the following will work.  Create a
button with the following script, click on it, and see if this is anywhere
close to what you have in mind.

on mouseup
  put 239 into YY
  put 430 into XX --center of circle between start (260) and finish (600)
  put 200 into RR --radius of the arc
  put 5000 into NumSteps --this essentially sets the speed
  put (Pi/2)*3 into StartPoint --start at the 270 degree point
 repeat NumSteps
set the loc of me to  XX+round(RR*sin (StartPoint)),YY+round(RR*cos
subtract (Pi/NumSteps) from Startpoint --add to go counterclockwise
  end repeat
end mouseup

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Julian Dates

2001-08-30 Thread Nelson Zink


> Anyone got an xTalk algorithm for converting between standard and Julian
> dates they can share?

--Georgian to Julian Date converter
 put the short date into now
  convert now to dateitems
  put item 1 of now  into year
  put item 2 of now  into month
  put item 3 of now  into day
  if month<=2 then
add 12 to month
subtract 1 from year
  end if
  put trunc(year/100) into aa
  put (2-aa+trunc(aa/4)) into bb
  put trunc(365.25*year) into cc
  put trunc(30.6001*(month+1)) into dd
  put (bb+cc+dd+day+1720995) into julian

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Julian Dates

2001-08-30 Thread Nelson Zink


> Anyone got an xTalk algorithm for converting between standard and Julian
> dates they can share?

--Georgian to Julian Date converter
 put the short date into now
  convert now to dateitems
  put item 1 of now  into year
  put item 2 of now  into month
  put item 3 of now  into day
  if month<=2 then
add 12 to month
subtract 1 from year
  end if
  put trunc(year/100) into aa
  put (2-aa+trunc(aa/4)) into bb
  put trunc(365.25*year) into cc
  put trunc(30.6001*(month+1)) into dd
  put (bb+cc+dd+day+1720995) into julian

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Extra Blank Sheet

2001-08-19 Thread Nelson Zink

When printing out a card from script I get an addition blank sheet. If I
print from menu this doesn't happen. What setting(s) might be involved and
need set?

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Label Printing

2001-08-18 Thread Nelson Zink

Anybody have a label printing program they'd share?

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: OT: Page generation Do it locally or put the burden on the Web

2001-08-15 Thread Nelson Zink

Sivakatirswami ,

> I can move the source text and templates to the web server and convert my
> local metacard button script to a .mt script and then let the web server
> build the page each time someone hits on it.

I did much the same thing at to serve up new daily
Haiku and proverbs. The page is built just ONCE a day, automatically at the
site. Every time someone hits on the page cgi checks the date (compares it
with a text file) and if it's tomorrow rebuilds, if it's today then just
sends the page.

The trick was (is) two fold:
1) generating a new page
2) and the "Status: 204 No Content" & cr business below. This was the
hardest part until I found 204. Without 204 you'll get an error, as the web
is set up on a call/response basis. What you want to do is send nothing back
and that's what 204 does. So the guts of the script below only kicks in once
a day, otherwise the page is sent. 204 is what made the whole thing

You can make it work without 204 but the FIRST hit tomorrow (the rebuilding
hit) gets today's page.  If your traffic is heavy and/or you aren't to
concerned about that first soul who shows up tomorrow then you can drop 204.

--- update.mtupdate html pages
on startup
  put url "" into it
  if the seconds>it then
put the short date into temp
convert temp to seconds
put (temp+86400) into temp  --the daily seconds
open file "" for write
write temp to file "" at 0
close file ""
-- generate data for new pages
--update pages You have dummy pages with variables in the html and just
search for and replace with the data generated
-- send 'Update' page
put url "file:../update.html" into buffer
put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
put buffer
  else put "Status: 204 No Content" & cr  --a non response
end startup

There is a slightly better explanation in Section 8 of

This deal has been running for a couple years without a hitch.

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Lighting up GIFs

2001-08-09 Thread Nelson Zink

We make a new stack, import a GIF, put in btns and furniture and decorate
the place. Looks great. Quit and come back the next morning and start it up.
No GIF?? Well, it's there (kind of) by not turned on. So what's the language
to get it turned on, loaded up or whatever you want to call it. The file
name's right there in it's 'image properties'.

import paint from file "BronzeImage Folder/PMap.gif" is cranky and only
works sometimes and not without the script editor complaining.

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

marked cd number

2001-08-01 Thread Nelson Zink

How do I get the (marked) number of a current marked cd?

the number of this marked cd  --doesn't work, it just give the cd number.

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.


2001-07-26 Thread Nelson Zink

I've created a stack on my Mac to keep track of the editions of my wife's
bronze sculpture. Cross town the gallery is PC, is there any way to get my
stack to run on their PC without creating a standalone?

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Type 2 Errors and Crashed

2001-07-20 Thread Nelson Zink

I've been build a database, on a Mac, and the number of crashes has been
increasing. Anytime I do any editing of the group which makes up the basic
record card a crash is imminent. This 'group" business seems abnormally
temperamental. This evening the stack became fatally poisoned and I'd like
to attempt some kind of recovery rather than build forward from the last
save.  Then there is the data entered in the records.

Any suggestions? Everything not on a record card seems alright if I tiptoe

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Draw a Line

2001-07-18 Thread Nelson Zink

How might one draw a red line of medium width from say 100,100 to 200,200?

Nelson Zink

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.