Re: web portals - beyond the browser

2002-07-12 Thread Richard Herz

Java "Web Start" is also available in the distribution for Mac OS X (Mac
versions not shown on link I provided in earlier email on this topic).  See

Rich Herz

metacard mailing list

web portals - beyond the browser

2002-07-12 Thread Richard Herz

In case you haven't seen it, just ran across "Java Web Start", a web portal
concept very similar to that written in MetaCard at the Himalayan Academy,
which inspired my own experiments (links to all below).  "Web Start" is a
small window that lists available apps/applets on the web.  Open one and it
downloads from the web and runs, all independently of a web browser.  Simple
concept but especially valuable with MC stacks which can't run in a web page
like a java applet (but who cares - see Richard Gaskin's "Beyond the
Browser" link below).

Rich Herz

Java 2 (v. 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 beta)
Web Start is part of package and is shown in this page in graphic of Java 2
hierarchy (second layer from top on left)

Himalayan Academy site MC web portal

which inspired my experimental MC "web courses"
(this took me a couple hours to get going in MC - wonder how many
progammer-hours and $$ it took Sun to do Web Start in Java?)

REBOL View, a similar idea

Richard Gaskin's article "Beyond the Browser"

metacard mailing list

CGI to download file without URL display

2002-07-10 Thread Richard Herz

I would like to post files on a web page for download without any display of
the URL of the source file at the browser in order to prevent future bypass
of download logging.  The only method I've discovered so far that has no
display of the source file URL is to get the source file into a variable and
"put" it back to browser as "application/octet-stream":

on startup
  # First log remote host address so if user bookmarks
  # this cgi file I at least log something, and/or
  # check for valid input from web form
  get url "binfile:../downloads/myApp.exe"
  put it into tBuffer
  put "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of tBuffer & cr & cr
  put tBuffer
end startup

Browser then asks if you want to open or save the file.  The cgi file name
must have the same name as the file to be downloaded (e.g., myApp.exe) in
order for the file to be saved with that name by the browser, so the file to
be downloaded can't be in the cgi-bin directory with the cgi script of the
same name.

QUESTIONS: Is MC's "put" as reliable as regular browser download of a URL?
Can I rely on the cgi host at a site provider to always be able to put a 1-3
MB file into RAM (i.e., is this a trivial amount of ram)?  Giving the CGI
file the same name as the download file is no problem in Linux but would it
be a problem on a Win server or on a Mac OS X server?

Doing a redirect with "Location:" or http-equiv="refresh" to the source file
flashes briefly the url of source file in browser status bar, might put url
in temp files, and might put url in Mac info comments.  If this method is
more reliable than the direct mc "put" above, I guess a shell script could
execute periodically to rename the source file directory.

Any other methods to use instead?

Rich Herz

metacard mailing list

Re: calling function in msg

2002-04-02 Thread Richard Herz

Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

>> You can access functions normally from the message box if you first "start
>> using" the stack containing the function definitions.

> Even if they are in the topstack you are working on? That's usually the
> case when I try to test a function I've just written.

Works for me.

Mike Yates wrote:

>>For example: In the stack script defined the function
> >
> >function sq x
> >return x*x
> >end  sq
> >
> >If you enter into the msg box sq(3) you get 9 as expected. But if you
> >enter 3*sq(3) you get an error.

>  On the other hand if you enter sq(3)*3 you get 27. It's the lack of
>  symmetry that is the problem - also  it doesn't just apply to defined
>  functions but native functions as well - try 3*sin(3) and sin(3)*3.

If you "start using" the stack with the function sq() definitions, executing
the following from the msg box *does* show an apparent problem
[command from msg -> result in msg (or answer dialog)]:

put sq(3)*3 -> 9  *** this is not good *** () around expression doesn't help
put 3*sq(3) -> 9  *** this is not good ***

answer 3*sq(3) -> answer dialog with 27
answer sq(3)*3 -> answer dialog with 27
sq(3)*3 -> 27  (why does this work?)
3*sq(3) -> error (but should get one here?, e.g., you'll get it with 2*2)


metacard mailing list

Re: calling function in msg

2002-04-01 Thread Richard Herz

You can access functions normally from the message box if you first "start
using" the stack containing the function definitions.


>>  > MetaCard won't evaluate any custom functions from the message box, only
>>  > the built-in functions. It took me a while to figure that out too.
>>  Actually, it can.  Entering the name of the function in the message box will
>>  return any values within the message box itself; don't use "put" or
>>  "answer".

metacard mailing list

backdrop & Win task bar

2001-09-11 Thread Richard Herz


I would like to give users of my project the option of using the MC
backdrop.  On Windows (at least one 98 and one NT system), the Win OS task
bar gets hidden below the MC backdrop (apparently always on the NT system,
and almost always on the 98 system, even with task bar "always on top"
option set).  This causes a problem when user minimizes (iconifies) one or
more of the MC stacks (can't access the task bar to maximize it again).
And, in an apparent bug, MC crashes when one of several MC stacks is iconic
and I try to make a change in the backdrop setting (MC 2.3.2 on NT, at

Does anyone know of a way to keep the Win OS task bar on top of the MC
backdrop?  Is there a similar problem on unix/linux?  Is there an option to
have the MC backdrop cover only the windowBoundingRect vs. the screenRect?
Are there other strategies people use for a "backdrop" for MC projects?

As  primarily a Mac user, I was puzzled by a student's comment that my MC
project should "take over the entire screen" like other Windows apps (or all
app windows being contained within a parent window of that app).  Now I am
beginning to think that the student's comment is related to Windows OS
behavior, in contrast to Mac OS behavior, of not activating all windows
belonging to an app whenever one is made active.

Does anyone have strategies to make life simpler for a Windows user, other
than "taking over the entire screen"?


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Re: Math errors, HELP!

2001-08-14 Thread Richard Herz

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sadhunathan Nadesan)

> Problem:  after calculating a result like the above, I add it to 3
> different globals -  a column total, a line total, and a cumulative
> total.  If there is only one column, all three numbers should be the
> same but eventually, they start getting out of sync with each other, a
> penny or two off.

The code you supplied and put into EXAMPLE 2 below works OK.  EXAMPLE 1
below shows a similar rounding problem that can occur with the MC format
function.  The format function with a format of %6.2f rounds 1.3350 to 1.33,
whereas round(1.3350, 2) returns 1.34.  My summer students discovered this
last week in homework 1 with similar behavior of MC format function and True
Basic's PRINT USING instruction.  None of this may have solved your problem,
so good luck!


# EXAMPLE 1: script of button that displays output in fld 3

price = 133.50
tax =   1.33
total = 134.84
total 2 = 134.83
total 3 = 134.84

on mouseUp
  put 133.50 into price
  put 1.3350 into tax
  put tax + price into total
  put format ("price = %6.2f", price) into line 1 of fld 3
  put format ("tax = %6.2f", tax) into line 2 of fld 3
  put format ("total = %6.2f", total) into line 3 of fld 3
  put format ("%6.2f", tax) into tax2
  put "total 2 = " & tax2 + price into line 4 of fld 3
  put round(tax, 2) into tax2
  put "total 3 = " & tax2 + price into line 5 of fld 3
end mouseUp

# EXAMPLE 2:  script of button that displays output in fld 1

global category_total, cumulative_total, line_total

on mouseUp
  put 0 into category_total
  put 0 into cumulative_total
  put 0 into  line_total
  put empty into fld 1
  repeat 1 times
put rounder() into temp
  end repeat
  put category_total into line 1 of fld 1
  put cumulative_total into line 2 of fld 1
  put line_total into line 3 of fld 1
end mouseUp

function rounder
  put random(100)/100 into factor
  put random(1000)/10 into rate
  put random(100) into number_of_performers
  put factor * rate * number_of_performers into temp_category_total
  put (round(100 * temp_category_total) / 100) into category_total
  # alternative:
  # put round(temp_category_total, 2) into category_total
  put cumulative_total + category_total into cumulative_total
  put line_total + category_total into line_total
  return category_total
end rounder

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language localization

2001-07-17 Thread Richard Herz

> Richard Gaskin wrote:

> More importantly, this may be a healthy wake-up call for all of us:
>  There are other cultures out there,
>  and not all of them speak English.

> How many of you are getting requests for localized versions of your
> MC/Rev-based software?  How do you approach localization with a tool like
> MetaCard where we commonly embed user feedback directly in the code (the ask
> and answer commands for example)?

I got my wakeup call recently.  I created a large educational project
without ever having the faintest thought about anyone in another country or
speaking another language using it.  After I posted my software for
download, it was very entertaining to count how many different countries
there were in the download record.  Then a prof in Brazil asked if I would
incorporate his translation of all the text in my project into Portuguese.
It was easy to say "sure."  I was astounded to go to the web and find that
there are 50 universities in Brazil with chemical engineering departments. I
started hoping someone would volunteer to do a Spanish translation.

Then I got the Portuguese translation in a big Word document.   Turns out
translation is the easy part (ignoring the effort of learning a second
language).  The hard part is that now I am committed to - and am in the
middle of - replacing many hundreds of strings in hundreds of objects.

So I learned:  Whenever I start any new project, I am going to design the
project to make translation and language localization easy.

Jacqueline suggested putting text in the custom properties of each object,
answer text in the custom props of a button, for example.  Adding a new
language then would mean accessing all the individual objects.  Maybe put
the text strings at the stack (or higher level), e.g., in a custom property
set of the stack whose keys are formed from the name of the object using the
string plus a string number (or other identifier) for objects using multiple


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Re: Installing MC at your ISP

2001-06-13 Thread Richard Herz

Sadhu Nadesan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What if you have no shell account access, and your ISP says something like
> 'gosh, give us a few months to evaluate this, it is a possible security
> risk, and by the way, its going to COST you..'. Are you out of luck?
> Maybe not. If they allow you to install and run your own CGI programs
> using FTP, then, you can still use MC as a CGI scripting language and
> get it up and running without their help. You might need a bit of help

Wow!  Thanks Sadhu!  Now I can forget about PERL.  Probably this was
somewhere on the MC web site and I failed to read it.  Most likely, I just
failed to put 2 and 2 together.  I followed Sadhu's "how to" and got MC
working to at least the "hello world" stage in a couple minutes.  The only
snag was that I wasn't sure what the actual cgi file I wanted the mc engine
to execute:  stack uploaded from client, etc.

So for others, the cgi script is just a plain-text file with permissions set
with chmod as given in "how to" (I used chmod 755).  It can be as simple as:

#!/www/docs/public/(rest of path).../mc
on startup
  put "hello from mc01"
end startup

Note the /mc on the end of the path in the first line to specify the full
path to the MC engine file "mc".  When this file "" is executed from
the shell command line, it displays "hello from mc01" on the next line.
I've used .mt as the filename extension because I seen it used for mc cgi
scripts on the list (apparently to designate a MetaTalk script rather than
an MC stack).


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Re: error with resource mover

2001-06-12 Thread Richard Herz

Rick Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

>I'm trying to create a standalone on the PC. The stack was created on a Mac
>  and I created a standalone there. I moved
>  the stack (not the mac standalone) to the PC, launched it using file:open,
>  selected tools:resource mover, clicked start
>  move and get the error  chunk: no such object in button "start move" of stack
>  "resource mover" of stack ""

What I try when this happens:  delete all resources from stack, save stack,
quit MC, restart MC, then do the resource move as first action in MC.

I've also seen object-reference problems with stacks imported into MC from
HyperCard, especially after trying to remove all traces of hcAddressing
syntax in scripts such as references to card and bkgnd buttons.  Some trace
of "hcAddressing true" remained somewhere in the stack.  Decided I had to
create a new stack in MC and then transfer objects over to it to get rid of
the problem.  With this cause, though, there are usually other
object-reference errors such as scripts of some objects reporting they are


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MC "web portal"?

2001-06-06 Thread Richard Herz

I am working on deploying interactive educational modules via the web using
MC as opposed to Java applets in a browser (Java applets of scientific
simulations I have seen on the web are slow and unreliable, not to mention
other drawbacks of Java vs. MC).  After frustrating attempts to get MC
working reliably as a helper application (the various web browsers' fault,
not MC's), I decided that the best strategy was to have a student download a
minimal standalone engine that "bootstraps" from there.  My modest initial
experiments with MC web communication are posted at:

Amazingly simple to implement the basics in MetaCard!   A much more
developed (and beautiful!) implementation of this approach is available at
the Himalayan Academy:

Now, an *IDEA*.  What about MC Corp and/or RunRev posting an MC/Rev access
"engine" (simpler for an interested person to deal with than the Starter
Kit).  This engine would download a directory from an MC/Rev "web portal"
(and sell advertising, and?).  The user could then access all sorts of
stacks supplied by many users and developers that display, in an active way,
the power of MC:  demos, useful things like calendars and calculators, chat/
IM stacks, bulletin boards, etc.  This might be a more effective marketing
tool than one static screen shot representing each stack.


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Re: CGI nightmares

2001-06-06 Thread Richard Herz

Raymond E. Griffith wrote:

>I have been wrestling with the POST command for some time now with little

I had to set the httpheaders in my MC stack before "post" or my PERL cgi
script couldn't read the input buffer from the post.  Currently I set
httpheaders to

set the httpHeaders to \
"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"&return

I got this from earlier posts to this list and haven't looked at other
options.  Now the cgi script reads the text posted and writes it to a file
on the server.  I can't get the parsing PERL script someone gave me to do
any parsing yet.


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load and go of gzipped stacks?

2001-05-25 Thread Richard Herz

I'm experimenting with using "load url" and "go url" to download and run
stacks from web servers.  Is there a way to download gzipped stacks,
decompress() them and run them using these commands?  I imagine one could
get the gzipped stack, put it into a variable, decompress() it, write it to
a disk file, then open the stack from there.   But is there a way to do it
with load and go?


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Re: mcRipper .2

2001-05-03 Thread Richard Herz

Klaus Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I've done a version of "rip and burn" for single-card stacks with XML
> > markup.  I picked XML for markup because Bill Gates thinks it's great ;-)
> sounds interesting.
> Could you please post it somewhere?

I've emailed a stack that contains the major handlers from my database stack
and a listing of an example database text file to Geoff and Klaus.  The
database stack itself is to crude for public consumption.  The only function
of immediate and independent use is nextTag, which can be used to parse XML
text.  However, by inspecting the script you can get an good idea of my
approach to MC stack "rip and burn" and database markup.

I would be happy to email a copy of the stack I sent to Geoff and Klaus to
anyone else.  Please request off-list via email.


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Re: mcRipper available

2001-05-02 Thread Richard Herz

on 5/1/01 2:09 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

> mcRipper is a MetaCard stack. It goes through another stack and notes
> all the objects contained in the stack, and most of their properties.
> It records all this information in text format, where it can be
> modified easily. mcRipper can then take the text it outputs and use
> it to recreate the stack from scratch, creating the stack, the
> backgrounds, the cards, and the objects.

> ps--if someone's already done this, let me know...

I've done a version of "rip and burn" for single-card stacks with XML
markup.  I picked XML for markup because Bill Gates thinks it's great ;-)

This was done in the process of experimenting with a large database saved as
a text file, then loading and processing the data in MC as a single
variable.  This method provides faster response than the database as a
7000-card MC stack, though I can't guarantee I didn't miss a speed-up
method.  The file has two major XML elements,  and .  The 
element contains the description of the one-card MC stack in which the
records are displayed.  On opening the database file, the main MC stack
reads the  element and "burns" the display stack.


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Re: Math Challenge

2001-03-08 Thread Richard Herz

 Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Math Challenge
> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 03:31:50 -0800

> I'm wondering if someone good at geometric math might be able to figure out
> the following:  how to drag an object relative to the points of a
> non-vertical ellipse (an oval which is rotated by some odd measurement).

An interesting diversion.  Below are two handlers:  drawE, mouseDown.  Make
a new stack (default size OK) and put these into stack script, removing any
line breaks added by email program.  Run draw E. Then click and drag your
mouse.  Y direction pointing down kept, so angles run CW from positive x
axis.  Scripts not optimized or double-checked, and seems to be an error in
exact location of "dot".

Rich Herz 

on drawE
  global theta, a, b, yO, xO
  # positive y and yp directions point down on screen
  # so positive angle is rotation CW, rather than standard CCW when y
direction is up
  # ellipse dimensions a & b are defined with respect to xp, yp axes
  # xp, yp axes are rotated theta degrees from screen x,y axis
  put 30 into theta # (<= 90) angle xp,yp axis is rotated from x,y axis
  put 50 into a # intersection of ellipse with xp axis
  put 30 into b # intersection of ellipse with yp axis
  put 150 into yO  # y Offset of ellipse origin from window y zero
  put 150 into xO  # x Offset of ellipse origin from window x zero
  put pi*theta/180 into thetaRad  # thetaRad in radians
  repeat with phi = 1 to 360  # phi in degrees

put pi*phi/180 into phiRad  # phiRad in radians

put a*cos(phiRad) into xp
put b*sin(phiRad) into yp

# convert xp, yp of rotated ellipse coordinates into x,y screen coord.
put cos(thetaRad)*(xp - yp*cos(thetaRad)) into x
put yp/cos(thetaRad) + tan(thetaRad)*x into y

add xO to x
add yO to y
put round(x), round(y) into line phi of thePoints

  end repeat
  if there is not a graphic "ellipse" then
create graphic "ellipse"
set the style of graphic "ellipse" to "polygon"
  end if
  if there is not a graphic "dot" then
create graphic "dot"
set the style of graphic "dot" to "oval"
set the width of graphic "dot" to 10
set the height of graphic "dot" to 10
  end if
  set the points of graphic "ellipse" to  thePoints
  set the loc of graphic "dot" to xO, yO
end drawE

# -

on mouseDown
  global theta, a, b, yO, xO
  repeat while the mouse is down

put the mouseLoc into xy
put item 1 of xy into x
put item 2 of xy into y
subtract xO from x
subtract yO from y
if x = 0 then add 1 to x # to prevent divide by zero in atan(y/x) below

put atan(y/x) into sumThetaPhi # sumThetaPhi in radians
put sumThetaPhi*180/pi into sumThetaPhi # sumThetaPhi in degrees

#   sumThetaPhi now ranges between +/- 90 degrees from nearest x axis
# convert to 0-360 range from positive x axis starting in positive y
direction (down, so CW here)
# first get quadrant, then handle separately for each quadrant (here,
positive y is down)

# xxx this may be too complex, just what worked first! xxx

# get quadrant
if x < 0 and y < 0 then
  put 3 into quad
else  if x < 0 and y >= 0 then
  put 2 into quad
else  if x >= 0 and y < 0 then
  put 4 into quad
  put 1 into quad
end if

switch quad
case 1
  if sumThetaPhi <= theta then
put sumThetaPhi - theta into phi
put 360 - theta + sumThetaPhi into phi
  end if
case 2
  if sumThetaPhi < 0 then
put 180 + sumThetaPhi into sumThetaPhi
put sumThetaPhi - theta into phi
  case 3
put 180 + sumThetaPhi into sumThetaPhi
put sumThetaPhi - theta into phi
  case 4
put 360 + sumThetaPhi into sumThetaPhi
put sumThetaPhi - theta into phi
  end switch
  # phi is angle in degrees with respect to xp,yp coordinates of line
between mouse & origin
  # xxx except something appears to be off somewhere in dot location xxx
  put pi*phi/180 into phiRad # phiRad in radians
  put a*cos(phiRad) into xp
  put b*sin(phiRad) into yp
  # x,y are coordinates in xp,yp axis of intersection between ellipse
and line between mouse & origin
  put pi*theta/180 into thetaRad
  put cos(thetaRad)*(xp - yp*cos(thetaRad)) into x
  put yp/cos(thetaRad) + tan(thetaRad)*x into y
  # x,y are coordinates in x,y axis of intersection between ellipse and
line between mouse & origin
  add xO to x
  add yO to y
  set the loc of graphic "dot" to round(x), round(y)
end repeat

  end mouseDown

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Re: Grey Printing?

2001-03-01 Thread Richard Herz

on 2/28/01 10:06 AM, Peter Reid at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a sub-stack which I'm using for printing purposes.  If I
> display a card on the screen everything looks fine, with a white
> background.  However, if I then use Print Card, I get a mid-grey
> background behind the card contents when printed?!

Mark Talluto wrote:

> I have seen this and have had hundreds reports from clients that have seen
> this with apps I have made with MC.  It happens only on the Mac.  It affects

I've seen this when printing a stack on my home Mac and Epson 600
("background" in this case is a graphic whose brushcolor I change from gray
to white before printing).  Not random: once gray, stays gray.  This appears
to occur only after the youngest son downloads some new surfing photos from
web for screen backdrop (using IE5).  Maybe too drastic, but reset of Mac's
PRAM fixes this.


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Re: New HTML properties

2001-01-31 Thread Richard Herz

David Bovill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 29-Jan-01

> As it's a kind of feature request. I'm posting it here to gauge the lists
> reaction/support for this idea... it comes from some experiments with using
> the existing htmlText, and recent explorations of XML and the use of style
> sheets with database driven dynamic web sites.

I'm experimenting with using XML and MC for a database.  See details below.

My request is to have MC's htmlText follow xml/xhtml requirements:  all tags
in lowercase (xhtml), all elements have end tag (xml/xhtml).  Might also be
nice to have option of including an "html:" prefix (e.g., ) in tags
for identification of html tags and specification of their function by
specifying the html namespace in the xml doc.

Details: I'm in the process of converting a 6 MB, 6000 card HyperCard
database to MC.  Conversion of the HC stack directly to MC resulted in slow
performance for search & display.  Strategy currently is to keep the entire
database in a text file; alternatively one could save database text in a
stack as a custom property to help double-click opening and password
protection.  Records and field data are marked up as xml elements.  One of
the main xml elements of the file is specification of the MC stack (one
card) in which the data is to be displayed (object name as element name,
object properties as element attributes, scripts, if any, as sub elements).
After the main database stack reads the database text file, it creates the
display stack and its objects, loads the main  element into one
variable, then displays selected records.  Field data is saved as html (MC
htmlText).  Searching so far is just done with offset(), and is as fast as
search & display in the original HC stack.  Changes to the display stack are
saved in the data file .  Functionality is specified by scripts of the one
main database stack, though scripts can be located in the display stack if

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