Re: .wav and .aiff files

2005-06-15 Thread Thomas McCarthy

What everyone else said.--Audacity, compressed AU or 22mhz wav.

A couple of years ago, I had to make some 'immutable' sound stacks for a 
school. I recorded the voice actor with a tape deck, captured the sound at high 
quality settings (44khz, 16 bit) edited them and downsampled to 22khz,8 bit. 
the results were good.

This year I experimented with MP3 encoding successfully if your interested. 
Decoding to wav is also possible. (mac and win)


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Re: "Various forms of this e-mail

2005-06-03 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Just my two-bits.

I'm a high school teacher (i.e. 'not rich'). I paid for MetaCard with my own 
personal money (I can't even claim it as a tax right-off). In fact I've paid 
for MetaCard/Revolution numerous times.

Bitter? Not! There are some free software tools out there. Maybe one day I'll 
have enough time to invest in learning them. Until that glorious day comes, 
I'll be using Rev. Probably even after that glorious day comes, I'll still be 
using Rev. (and paying for the privilege)

I belong to a Latin teachers email list, and every once in a while I'll whip 
something up for teachers there. Somethimes I hear, "You can do THAT?" And I 
chuckle to myself and think, "Sure I can do that. You could, too, if you spent 
a couple of days with Rev."

Just wanted you to know. I'm not making wads of cash from my Rev efforts. I'm 
not independently wealthy. I pay for my license because it's a great tool with 
great support and the folks that make it available to us --from the programmers 
to the sales people-- they need our support, too. I'm not an anti-piracy 
fanatic, but I would definitely be up in arms--emailing, calling...-- if I saw 
Rev licenses being "shared".

Here's a simple truth: Good things are worth paying money for.
tom mccarthy --still not bitter, indeed, happy happy happy!

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Unique numbers for discs

2005-05-28 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Shari et al.

I have successfully used Ken Ray's scripts to get unique serial numbers for any 
kind of disc--hard drive, floppy, CD. (mac and windows)

After spending a lot of time creating a registration code for CD's, I 
discovered that when a CD is copied (when a disc image is made) the serial 
number is also copied. So there went all my work.

Floppies would be better, but now even some windows machines don't have them!

In the past, I've written little text files somewhere in the user's system with 
their registration info on it. This is probably the best bet:

1. get the users hard disc serial number
2. encode it with their name..
3. write it to a file in the preferences folder

That means you need to have the user contact you with their disc number. (I see 
potential problems here)

Perhaps an easier way would be:
1. use the customer's email-address and name, etc to generate a code
2. write that to the file in the preferences folder.
3. display the user's name and email somewhere on the program window.

hope that helps

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RE: black menus, still...

2004-05-27 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I don't often check this list, but just today, I opened an old MetaCard stack (built 
with 2.4?) using Rev 2.2. And I had black menus, too.

tom mccarthy
mac ibook G4

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Slow down

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I'm experiencing a very slow execution on Windows NT 2000 (japanese)

On my English Mac Powerbook 333 sytem 8.6 (ancient, i know!) this works well.

the aim of this script is to move a field of words across the screen so that students 
can click on the words as they scroll past. I tried it with the "move" command, but 
the mouseclicks weren't caught on Win NT and the movement was pretty jerky.

on movescroll
--check for location (i.e. has the field moved all the way?)
put the right of fld "scroll" - 2 into x
set the right of fld "scroll" to x
if x > the righ of image 1 then send movescroll to this cd in .003 seconds --(image 1 
sets the boundary for the field)
end movescroll

It works all right (still a little jerky) but on the NT machine it's sloow. It 
seems to move fast and then slow way down as the field becomes completely visible on 
the screen.

any ideas/comments would be most welcome!
tom mccarthy

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Re: Mac-keyboard on PC problem

2003-10-04 Thread Thomas McCarthy

The problem is limited to the Metacard app. So, fiddling with the keyboard control 
panel won't help.


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Re: Mac-keyboard on PC problem

2003-10-02 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Gosh I think I've opened a can of worms here.

Perhaps it's a japanese thing. A quick survey of all the keyboards in our school 
office--various PCs-- reveals that they share 9 + shift for ')' whereas my USA version 
mac and my colleagues Japanese version iBook have 0 + shift for ')'

Another example
shift + 2 is quote on my PC
shift + 2 is @ on my Mac

keyboard maps differ. this should not be a surprise. What is a surprise is that 
MetaCard is using the keyboard map from my Mac on my PC.

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RE: Mac-keyboard on PC problem

2003-10-01 Thread Thomas McCarthy

What I mean is the keyboard map on my PC is acting like the keyboard map on my Mac. So 
yes, all the characters work and are there, just their position on the keyboard is 
different. So the '(' key is shift + '9' on both platforms.

This seems to be true both in script editor and in fields.


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RE: Mac-keyboard on PC problem

2003-09-30 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Ken you read right. Crazy isn't it? When I first installed 2.5 and moved my homestack 
from my mac to my PC (the probable source of the problem) I noticed it when I tried 
editing my scripts. The quotes, "(", ")", ect keys weren't working. It took about 10 
minutes (I'm slow) for me to figure out that my PC was reading the keyboard like a Mac.

I'm not too concerned about it. Need to upgrade to Revolution soon, anyway and I 
figure that will solve the problem. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

tom mccarthy

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Mac-keyboard on PC problem

2003-09-29 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Ever since I started using MC 2.5 I've had this problem

When I do work on my projects with my Windows box, the keyboard acts like my Mac 
keyboard--it took a little while to get used to, but I didn't mind (much). But now I 
want to deploy my project among my students and they are almost 100% Windows users. 
They will be confused by this.

Any suggestions?
(I've already adjusted the look and feel in preferences--no good)

tom mccarthy

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Retrieving Disk Serial Number-international update

2003-09-08 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Hi, I know many of you are using Ken Ray's excellent scripts. If you are using the 
script for retrieving a disk's unique serial number--for registration purposes, for 
example-- please be aware that it probably won't work on non-english systems (in my 
case japanese).

His script uses  MatchText("This disks's serial number is"...

(apologies, i'm not at my regular computer now so I can't paste the exact script)

The trouble is on non-english systems you will never match that text.

I found the info on line 2 of the returned string and extracted it from there by 
checking for numbers in the string.

tom mccarthy

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Unicode problem--Japanese book

2003-08-25 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Up to MC 2.4 I was using the htmltext property to do all my Kanji, but it's a real 

With 2.5 I tried the unicode feature, but have run into trouble--i.e. the Kanji for 
book, "hon" doesn't show up when I move it from one field to another via script. 
--strangely other kanji seem unaffected.
Here's the script I'm trying:

put item 3 of line tline of fld "tText" into fld "kanji"

Items 1 and 2 are the english meaning and the Japanese reading in a Latin script.

Any hints would be appreciated.

On a Mac (still) with system 8.6 (who, me upgrade? seems like yesterday I was using 
and loving system 6.)
tom mccarthy

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RE: Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Yes, under these circumstances:

MAC OS 8.6 (9.1 also?)
Print--anything once or twice...
save stack

No corruptions so far (except for my patience!)

tom mccarthy


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Controlling/comunicating w/ USB devices

2003-04-05 Thread Thomas McCarthy


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Stop everything?

2003-03-28 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I'm need to stop all routines in my project when the timelimit is up (say, 10 minutes).

I've tried "cancel" all the "pendingmessages" but they only work for messages cued 
with the "send" command. 

I need something more comprehensive, like "stop everything"

Any ideas?

Tom McCarthy
I voted for Gore and I've got the chad to prove it.

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Re: Disk serial numbers

2003-03-12 Thread Thomas McCarthy

This thread was originally about finding out if a particular cd was in the drive.

Would MCIsendString do what you need? I know it will tell you if media is present. 
(which might be enough)

Also, you could just see if a file which you know is on your CD is present

Something like...

if there is file "D:/my folder/whatever.txt" then --My cd is in there!

Just some thoughts,
tom mccarthy

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RE: Shutting down Windows PC via MetaCard--solved

2003-02-13 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Thanks to  Scott and xbury.cs
I've been able to do it with commands found on the web page which xbury.cs provided.

Below is a copy of the important stuff copied from the site.
tom mccarthy

For Windows 9x, there are two sets of commands you can use to accomplish these tasks: 
The Short Version, and the Long Version. Both are given below. (Only the Short Version 
works in Win95.) A quite different method is then given for use with Windows XP.

The Short Version (Win 9x)

The shortcut command line should be as follows:

For a shortcut to RESTART Windows:
C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,exitwindowsexec
For a shortcut to SHUT DOWN Windows:
C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE user,exitwindows

The Long Version (Win 98/ME)
Tip from Bill Blanton & MS-MVP George Aker. See also MSKB Q234216.

The command line should be as follows:


Where n is one of the following values, depending on the task you want to accomplish: 

n=0 LOGOFF: Shuts down all running processes, logs the user off, then restarts the 
Windows shell. (Same as Logoff on the Start Menu.)
n=1 SHUTDOWN: Shuts down the system to a point at which it is safe to turn off the 
power. All file buffers have been flushed to disk, and all running processes have 
n=2 REBOOT: Shuts down the system, then restarts it. (Same as Start Menu | 
Shutdown | Restart.)
n=4 FORCE: Forces all processes to terminate Ñ in effect, shuts down all running 
programs. When this flag is set, Windows does not query running applications to inform 
them that Windows is shutting down. This can cause the applications to lose data, 
therefore, you should only use this flag in an emergency.
n=8 POWEROFF: Exits Windows, then turns off the computerÕs power (provided the 
computer supports the power-off feature).
n=-1RESTART EXPLORER: Quickly closes Explorer (i.e., the Windows desktop), then 
lets it restore itself.

These values are additive, in the event you want to do two of them at once. There are 
varying reports of success with some of these options. For example, inconsistent 
behavior reported with option 8 may indicate a different behavior with the powerdown 
system on a particular computer. The solution for this usually is to request both a 
shutdown and a poweroff by using n=9 (adding the 1 and 8). (Tip from MS-MVP Tom 

This command can also be called from the RunOnce registry entry (which means these 
could be written into Registry files as one means of execution).

Additionally, there is a command (which can be run from a shortcut, batch file, or 
command prompt) runonce.exe -q, which restarts the computer after a 15 second delay. 
There are no other options when using this command line, and it cannot be called from 
the RunOnce registry key.

Shutdown & Restart Shortcuts for Windows XP & Windows 2000

Windows XP has an actual shutdown command that can be launched from a command prompt Ñ 
and which, therefore, also can be launched from a shortcut. To see all available 
options for this command, click Start, click Run, and type:


This command starts a 30-second countdown for a shutdown or restart, which permits you 
to abort it (with a shutdown -a command). It you want the command to execute, use the 
-t flag, which lets you set the time lapse in seconds. The examples below use a 
1-second delay.

For a shortcut to RESTART Windows XP:
SHUTDOWN -r -t 01
For a shortcut to SHUT DOWN Windows XP:
SHUTDOWN -s -t 01

Unfortunately, this option only shuts down Windows. It does not shut down your 
computer, at least on most hardware. For that, on Win XP (and possibly on Win 2000) I 
recommend the freeware utility Shutdown.exe (not to be confused with the Windows XP 
utility by the same name) by MS-MVP Andrej Budja. IÕve seen several shutdown utilities 
recommended, but this is the only one that IÕve seen actually shut down Windows XP and 
then powerdown the computer behind it. For more information on the tool, see here. 
After you place this utility in the root folder of C:, the commands for a shutdown or 
restart (respectively), each without a time delay, would be shutdown -u -t 0 for 
shutdown and shutdown -r -t 0 for restart.

If you donÕt want to use a third-party utility, you may be able to get by with a 
lesser known utility in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The native commandline tool 
tsshutdn.exe was originally designed for shutting down servers, not work stations. It 
was introduced in Windows 2000, and retained in Windows XP. See MSKB Q320188, ÒHow to 
Use the TSSHUTDN Command to Shut Down a Terminal Server in Windows 2000 Terminal 
Services,Ó and MSKB Q243202, ÒWindows 2000 Terminal Services Session Management 
Tools.Ó From a command prompt, type tsshutdn /? for a list of its subcommands and 
syntax. A command line of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TSSHUTDN.EXE 0 /DELAY:0 /POWERDOWN will 
powerdown most Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers, 

Shutting down Windows PC via MetaCard

2003-02-12 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I guess the subject line pretty much says it all. I'm a teacher and run some stack for 
my students to use. Today as we finished up, I thought it would be nice to press a 
button and turn all the machines (or selected ones) off without physically moving 
(save those calories!)

Anyone know how to do it? I imagine it would be some "shell" command

Tom McCarthy

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RE: Cloning a stack and renaming it.

2003-01-18 Thread Thomas McCarthy


I had exactly the same problem a week ago. The explanation in online manual is totally 
lacking. I got the answer through searching this list. Ken Ray helped Shari with this. 
The short of it is you have to close the stack you've cloned and then "save it as" and 
long file name of where you want it.  Search the list and you'll find it quickly 

Tom McCarthy

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erroneous stack resizing

2003-01-16 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Having some problems recently

using metacard 2.4.3

occasionally going to a substack will cause the stack to resize. Even though I've set 
the sizes (both max and min) to the same numbers in the property window and there's 
nothing in the script to resize the stack

Anyone having such experiences?

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Network Blues

2002-10-16 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I made a little program that will deliver quizes to my students--
Students log on--the teacher's computer recieves a datagram message.
Students choose a quiz--the teacher's computer gets the message and sends the proper 
quiz back to the student's computer.

It worked fine on my little setup at home--1 pc and 2 macs etherneted together.

BUT when I tried to use it at my school's computer room (Win98 boxes)
Students log on--OK teacher's computer recieves the message
Teacher sends data to student--NO GOOD!

The datagram message is "on gotnews tWhom tWhat"
I use tWhom & a predetermined port to get the student's address and send the data to 
that address

As I said before, it worked at home. Why won't it work on a larger network of Win98 

Thankfully I tried it out on a few computers before I embarrassing myself with a flop 
of a program!! Any help would be appreciated!


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MetaCard's Future

2002-09-26 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I was just wondering if there was a road-map somewhere of MetaCard's future 
development plans (schedule?) Perhaps a list like: "to do now", "to do next", "to do 
when the episode of Star Trek on TV is not one I like"


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Recording sound on Win32 w/o QuickTime

2002-09-12 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I've gotten a lot of ideas, examples and help from the list and I figure it's my turn 
to contribute something.

I have a stack for recording .wav files on Win32 using MCIsendString (so you don't 
need Quicktime!)

You can grab it here:

Tom McCarthy

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UnQuickTime Videos?

2002-09-04 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I love QuickTime, you love Quicktime--great. But there are a lot of Windows boxes out 
there without QuickTime.

So, my question. Can we play native Windows video files from within MetaCard using 

If so,how and does anyone have a list of commands for the AVI interface?
(The previousely posted and VERY helpful web page of MCI instructions--courtesy 
TactileMedia-- is too dated for video.)

Thanks in advance
Tom McCarthy

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Sound Recording

2002-09-02 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I've wasted a lot of time in the past trying to get QuickTime sound recording working. 
So before I try again with the latest version of MetaCard, has anyone had any success 
with it?

I still get irritating squeeks on my mac and grabled garbage on my windows.

My workaround so far is to use SendMCIstring on Windows and the external from RunRev 
on my Mac. But I'd rather have the same code for both platforms.


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Distributing via stacks

2002-07-09 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Almost finished and now I'm thinking about distributing.

I'm considering builind a small base application with the engine and tools in it, and 
then running a stack through it.

Stack can save changes to itself, Easy to update :)

I've made icons for my Windows Builds, but I've never done any for a stack--possible?

All comments are welcome
Tom McCarthy

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Remove HTML function

2002-06-03 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Sorry this is so late, but I think an easy workaround to filtering out HTML tags in a 
file would be to do the following:

Set the htmltext of a field to the html file
write that field to a text file.

Tom McCarthy

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Re: Japanese help

2002-05-17 Thread Thomas McCarthy

You might want to try using the htmltext property.

Tom McCarthy

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RE: Windows standalones

2002-04-16 Thread Thomas McCarthy
 Graphic Converter won't work for Window's icons in MetaCard. Scott Raney suggested a nice program which I'm using (shareware $14) Unfortunatly I'm at my mac right now and can't recall the name.

You could do a search at Cnet for icon builders.

Good Luck


Speech Recognition and dialing a phone/modem

2002-04-08 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Any one have any experience with
1: Speech Recognition (especially on Windows)

2: Dialing a phone/modem. (there used to be a hypercard stack that could dial a 

Any suggestions would be appreciated

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Speech Recognition and dialing a phone/modem

2002-04-08 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Any one have any experience with
1: Speech Recognition (especially on Windows)

2: Dialing a phone/modem. (there used to be a hypercard stack that could dial a 

Any suggestions would be appreciated

metacard mailing list

RE:Quick Time stuttering

2002-03-01 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I may or maynot have had a similar experience. So I'm not sure if this will apply to 

I've found that it's a good idea to set the filename of a player to empty before 
starting new movies.

This is especially true when recording sounds which you will play with a player. The 
file remains open, so recording doesn't happen.

Tom McCarthy

PerLingua Language Tools

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RE: More on Cmd-tab--useful code snippet

2002-03-01 Thread Thomas McCarthy

I also missed the ability to cycle through the tools using the keyboard as was 
available in HyperCard.

Here is a piece of code you can put in your project script. I copied the base from the 
demo stack that came with MetaCard and then added some new ones for choosing tools.  I 
hope it helps.
the mnenomics are:
s=Stack script
c=Card script
h=Hand ("browse")

on commandKeyDown which
  if the optionKey is down then
switch which
case "S"
  edit script of the topStack
case "C"
  edit script of this card of the topStack
case "B"
  choose button tool
case "P"
  choose pointer tool
case "F"
  choose field tool
case "H"
  choose browse tool
  pass commandKeyDown
end switch
if which is "m" then
  modeless "message box"
  exit commandKeyDown
end if
if which is "w" then
  save this stack
  close this stack
  exit commandKeyDown
end if
  end if
  pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown


Tom McCarthy

PerLingua Language Tools

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