RE: sending email from metacard

2002-06-01 Thread cowhead
I was trying to do this too.  On the 'other' list, there was also a
discussion about this and you can download a stack for Mac anyway that
actually does this by implementing the SMTP protocol.  I glanced at the
scripts and it looks a bit complicated.  I think the best route to go on
the mac might be an applescript using apples own mail app, but of
course, one must control that this app will be on the machine of

mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

formattedText size?

2002-01-21 Thread cowhead

I asked this on the Rev list, but got no responses.  I'm looking for the
best way to set the textSize of a field to the maximum size the field
can contain without changing the size of the field.  So the field should
be able to accomodate anything from single words to multiple sentences,
all at the max textsize possible.  The fields are set to auto-wrap.  I
have a "repeat until.." script that sortof does the job by first setting
the textsize to a way-to-big number (200) then checks the
formattedheight and width to see if it exceeds the actual height and
width, if it does, it subtracts 5 from the textsize and repeats until it
does not.  It seems cumbersome...Does anyone have a better way?  Am I
missing something really simple? (probably).

thanks in advance,
mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

RE: why metacard?

2002-01-09 Thread cowhead
I think I'm stupid.  Check that.  I know I'm stupid, but I think I've
displayed blatantly once again.  I just bought Rev.  Why?  Because I've
been a long time hyper/super/meta card user and they had such a good
cross-grade deal.  I saved 800 bucks. Also, I kinda thought meta and rev
were the same company or something.  I was under the impression that
Meta was being phased out and would soon be replaced by Rev.  I once
asked on this list what the relationship was, but no one replied or
explained. So does Metacard have the same cross-grade deal?  If they do,
and I had known, I would've gone for meta, because it's tried and true.
And as someone mentioned...on all platforms and computers I have tried,
it is stable as a rock.  I love metacard.  When I beta tested Rev, it
was of course, very buggy.  But I have to say, they did a dynamite job
on the interface and cleaining up most of the bugs.  It looks beautiful
now and for the most part, behaves beautifully.  But when it doesn't
behave, there is a sly work-around.  You can develop in Rev and then
open the stack in Metacard (starter kit).  Now save.  Presto!  You have
a metacard stack.  No need for a standalone.  So if you are worried
about the stability of your Rev (non-standalone) stacks, I would suggest
simply converting them to metacard.

mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

Re: record sound bug

2001-12-13 Thread cowhead
> amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne wrote:
> On Mac I have found that the corresponding panel is called "Apple
> Simple Sound Record Dialog", but I do not know how to open it from
> within MC. I'm sure someone must have the right recipe, either using
> "GURLGURL", open process, or launch or something, or an Apple Event.
> I'm eagerly looking forward to suggestions. Thanks in advance.
> --

You can launch the application "simpleSound" if it is present on the system, but you 
must then specify "new sound", record the sound, then specify the name and place to 
save it.  i.e.  it is fairly labor intensive.  So, instead, I have used a dedicated 
supercard stack which I can then pass all this info on to with a simple copy paste 
into a supercard field.  I can then launch this supercard stack each time from 
metacard and use this to access the apple record dialog.  After using this dialog, it 
does not ask
you to specify the file name and location, as the simple sound dialog does.  I do not 
know if that means it is actually a different dialog, or if that asking behaviour 
comes from the application 'simplesound'.  But you are right, it would be nice if we 
could access the same dialog direct from metacard.  If supercard can do it, surely 
metacard can too.  The dialog is nice as it allows multiple recordings and playbacks 
before one actually commits to saving anything as a file on the HD.  This is, as it 
out, often crucial.

mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

record sound bug?

2001-12-12 Thread cowhead
There used to be a "send bug reports to." on this mailing list...but it seems to 
have disappeared.  Anyway, back to the old "record sound" saga...

It's great that this has now been implemented in metacard (I've been forced to use 
weird combinations of superCard/metaCard stacks before this) but I can only get it to 
work well when using the "with dialog"
ask file "what"
record sound IT with dialog

This opens up a dialog stack, which offers all the 'recordFormats()' options, and 
there are quite a few that sound really good on a Mac (OS 9.1x, Japanese) and take up 
very little memory space as well.  Unfortunately, if you try to record directly in 
these formats, without going through the dialog, it doesn't sound good anymore. 
Moreover, the quality level makes no difference.  e.g.

record sound file it as fl64 with best quality

sounds pretty bad, in contrast to the fl64 (floating point 64bit) recorded through the 
'dialog', which is crystal clear.  I suspect the culprit is in the quality level, 
which seems to have no effect in the direct (non dialog) script.  I suspect that the 
dialog is recording as 'best' but not the direct script.  I wish I could see what the 
'sound settings' dialog stack script looks like, but I can't find it.  I've tried 
putting quotes around the quality in the direct script (e.g with "best" quality), but 
compiler will not accept this.

In summ, can anyone show me a direct recording script for any format which sounds 
really good on the Mac?  Or is there something broken here that might ought to be 
fixed (my opinion).  I don't want to have to go through the dialog each time.


mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

Players vs Play

2001-12-10 Thread cowhead
Scott Rossi wrote:

If you're simply trying to "pause" your script until the player is done, you

> can use "wait with messages" and query the paused state of the player.  For
> example:
>   on playMyStuff
>  # my code here
>  # more code here
>  start player myPlayer
>  wait until the paused of player myPlayer with messages
>  # yet more code here
>   end playMyStuff

Thank you Scott!  That's exactly what I was looking for.  I have been unaware
of the 'paused' property and instead have been trying to use 'playstopped'
message, which is not fun.  Well, this does make life easier.  And the
verdict?  The same stack with  some 200 aiff audio files is 23 MB; converted to
MP3 and using player objects this is now 15 MB.  That's a nice savings and its
nice to know that the audio files are now in a format that is sure to be
supported on any machine.  Thanks again.

mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

players versus play

2001-12-09 Thread cowhead
I'm trying to convert to using player objects, rather than the "play"
command, as suggested in the reference manual.  This also would allow me
to switch to mpeg layger 3 for my audio files, and save considerable
space ("play" does not work for mp3 files, it seems).  But I cannot
figure out an easy way to do the

--wait until sound() is "done"

using the player objects.  The playStopped message is sent to the player
object itself.  I've thus tried making a function handler in the card
script, which responds to a message passed by the player object and then
returns "stopped" or something, and then calling this function in the
actual handler scripts where I want the wait to occur...but whew!  It
didn't seem to work and there has gotta be a better way!

Anyway, any help would be muchly appreciated.

mark mitchell

metacard mailing list