Bonjour Herve,

> "datas" has subfolders "audios" and "anims"
> playing the audios (.aif) works on the pc cd
> but in the "anims" folder don't launch on the pc cd...
>> Take a deeper look into the index -> QuickTime, playing.
>> There you will find more informations about using and controlling QT-movies.
> ok, I'll take a look...
>> Drop a line if you still do not get the picture.
>> I will supply some examples in that case :-)
> a code example for a button :
> on MouseUp
> play "down.aif" -- the sound of the mouse click (audioClip imported)
> play videoClip player "movie" -- where 'movie' is the short name
> end MouseUp
> file name in the player "movie" is :
> datas/anims/

Looks like a syntax-problem.

Try the following:
on mouseup
   start player "movie"   ###!!!!!!
    ...                                 ###that should do the trick
end mouseup

You can play imported (internal) videoclips with:

on xxx
   play videoclip "name of clip"
end xxx

See the index -> play command (number 3)
for detailed info...

I never got the following working on windows:
Playing a sound with the "play audioclip xxx" together
with a player-object.
I never heard the sound of the "play audioclip xxx".
Looks like QuickTime overrides the "play audioclip xxx" handler.

You should use players for the sound, too.
Works very fine, even with lots of sounds simultaniously...

Make a new player, set the filename to your aif-file
and start that player with :

on xxx
   start player "your player's name with the aif-file here"
end xxx

You can (should) hide that player, because it has no visual
representation. MC will find it anyway, even if it's dark ;-)

> Code in the player :
> on MouseUp
> play "down.aif"

See above...

> play stop videoClip player "movie"
> go to next cd
> end mouseUp
> on playStopped
> go to next cd
> end playStopped

That should work...

> ok, that's enough for now, I have to test it
> and read more carefully the doc ;-)
> Sorry for all those 'newbie' problems.

Pas de problem ;-)

Feel free to ask even more questions :-)

> Thanks ! 

Au revoir...

MetaScape GmbH

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