If you've been to the Apps pages at MetaCard.com
<http://www.metacard.com/apps.html>, you may have noticed that your
application isn't there.  :)

If the true number of shipping apps built with MC were represented on those
pages, it would make a very powerful statement about why we all prefer
MetaCard.  What reflects well on MetaCard reflects well on all of our work.

While Scott's busy polishing MC 2.4, I've volunteered to help him with an
update to the Apps pages at his site.   Please please please consider adding
your MetaCard-based app -- here's how:

1. Visit <http://www.metacard.com/apps.html> to get a feel for the length
and nature of content people provide there (usually two or three paragraphs
describing how MC made a difference with that project).

2. Send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> containing the following info:
   - Screen shot, with a width of 300 and a maximum height of 247
     in GIF format (JPEG generally doesn't compress as well or
     look as good for screen shots, and PNG is still not widely
     supported among browsers).

   - The text you want displayed there.  It need not be in HTML,
     but if you want to include mailto's or links to your site
     and/or product page please note clearly in your text where
     you want those to appear.

   - Include a note as to which category you'd like it to appear in.
     If you feel it should be listed in more than one category,
     please list both of them with an explanation.

Also, it may be useful to consider expanding the categories there.
Currently we have:

   MetaCard/MetaTalk functionality demos

   Demos of commercial apps and simulations of
   software or other products
   Commercial or in-house tools applications


Do you feel these categories are clear and complete?  How would you like to
see them improved?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 http://www.FourthWorld.com
 Tel: 323-225-3717           ICQ#60248349            Fax: 323-225-0716

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/metacard@lists.runrev.com/
Info: http://www.xworlds.com/metacard/mailinglist.htm
Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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