As Scots EFL teacher with a BA from England and an MA from
the United States who is just starting an MSc in Scotland,
and a great Shakespear lover: I downt kair how yoo spel yor
Inglis az long az Eye can unnerstond it.

Howeffer:  One of the indications that the human brain is
so much better than the computer is that one has to bee
verry kairful abowt wunz spelin hwen torking two a

Try the following in Metacard / Runtime Revolution and see
what you get:

on mawseUpp
  goe nekst
ende mawseUpp

A Jaffna Tamil, a German (nicht?) and a Scot have to put
aside their speling diverances hwen
thay try two proegramm.

Orl de beste, Richmond Mathewson
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