the building blocks you want to work with are:

ask file  -- which invokes a dialog box which will
allow you to choose the file you want to read

open for read -- which lets you open the file you want
to read (when your done reading be sure to use "close
file" to avoid problems)

you'll also need 


The way I did this was to build a stack with one button
and two fields. What you are going to do is read raw
HTML into the one field, get that field's html text
property and put that into your second field. You could
of course do this with containers, but I prefer working
with fields. You can set "the visible"  field one (the
field into which raw html is imported) to false.

I'd recommend actually writing the routine yourself
since you'll learn more and be able to do exactly what
you want with the field. 

I have a stack here:

that does this, it imports html, and lets you write it
to a field. Have fun. If you wish to use it
commercially please ask for a license. I'm an academic
and need publication credit. I.e. the license you have
is for personal use. If you want more contact me off

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