on 2/2/01 1:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Regarding John's comments on multiple regression:
> 1. Matrix algebra is not necessary, and for purposes such as stepwise multiple
> linear regression will actually get in the way.
> -In your opinion, what type of statistics are better suited for matrix
> algebra?

Multiple regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, PCA, etc., where there is no stepwise
selection of variables.
> 2. I have a little treatise I wrote on stepwise multiple linear regression in
> meta/hypercard, including the relevant meta/hypertalk code.
> -In this stack, you stated that the simple multiple regression routines used
> here are based on two simple, but elegant routines that are at the heart of
> virtually any multiple regression package commercially available: the
> recursive SSCP algorithm and the Sweep algorithm. As I understand , logistic
> regression is just a transformation of the dependent variable to the log odds
> ratio, after which the usual regression procedures are followed. Can your
> stack/routines be modified to perform logistic regression?
> ie. determine Coefficients and Standard Errors...Odds Ratios and 95%
> Confidence Intervals...

In a word, yes, although I would preferentially use a maximum likelihood
rather than a least-squares algorithm for logistic regression (i.e.,
multiway frequency analysis).

> mike 

"The danger in writing science fiction is that, like masturbation, if you do
too much of it you may begin to mistake it for the real thing."
-- Robert Park

John R. Vokey, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge

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