Title: save file

Hi all,

Here is a strange problem I stumbled upon.
In my app I use a safe save procedure to save datafiles created by the app, used to save a datafile that was opened earlier, with the same name; and hence the file already exists on disk (the common situation if you opened for example a Word file, makes some changes, and selects Save from the File menu).
System: OSX4
- first I create some temporary file name (let's say "tName")
- next I rename the file on disk (let's say "fName") to "tName"
- next I save the file from the app as fName, setting the filetype to my app's creator and file type 4 character strings.
- finally I delete file tName
Works perfectly! Except...
If the file is at the start up disk, and I try to reopen the file (with the filetype to correct four character code of course), it's disabled (grayed). Actually, creator and filetype are all question marks. If the file is at any other place (another hard disk, the desktop, a folder on the startup disk), no problem; not grayed and creator and filetype have the correct characters.
Stated simple: if the file is at the startup disk, the creator and type become question marks; if it is anywhere else, creator and type codes are correct. A save procedure without replacing ('save as') always yields correct creator and filetypes.
Anybody any idea?

Wil Dijkstra

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