[meteorite-list] August Issue of MeteoriteTimes is ready!

2002-08-02 Thread Paul Harris

Greetings List!

I posted this to the list yesterday the 1st but I was again
having posting problems.  Art had to re-subscribe me again
and I think I may have solved the problem. (Not Art's fault)

Thanks!  Paul

Dear List,

We can't believe another month has gone by already...
Thanks to the people below you can read the new issue
of MeteoriteTimes at http://www.meteoritetimes.com/

Contributing Writers

Stuart Atkinson
Anne Black
Michael Blood
Mark Bostick
Mike Farmer
Ron Hartman
Martin Horejsi
Stephen E. Pierce CPG
Joel Schiff
Calvin Shipbaugh
Robert Verish


Fred Hall

Thank you!

Paul and Jim

   Paul Harris   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Meteorite Exchange, Inc.  http://www.meteorite.com
   MeteoriteTimes.com Magazine http://www.meteoritetimes.com
   PMB#455 P.O. Box 7000, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 USA
   FAX Number(310) 316-1032

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] el hammammi trade

2002-08-02 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!

Hi list. I'm looking to trade 127 gram individual of EL HAMMAMMI for
whatever you might want to trade for. I'm really getting my micro/macro
collection in high gear. Please let me know who wants to trade for this
beautiful piece. It has nice fusion crust to it.


Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
The Midwest Meteorite Collector!
Website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Who I am

2002-08-02 Thread Wilton Carvalho

Great idea to post pictures of us, meteorite lovers.
Here is site where you may see not only who I am but also appreciate a 
titanium-vanadium sphere from space.
I am accepting offers. Dealers interested in selling that sphere for me are 
from Bahia, Brazil

[meteorite-list] New Comet Hoenig

2002-08-02 Thread Ron Baalke


New Comet Hoenig
By Roger W. Sinnott
Sky & Telescope
August 2, 2002

A comet first seen by a German amateur astronomer in
July, then lost for five days, is about to become an easy 
target for small telescopes in the Northern Hemisphere. The 
nearly tailless object looks like a fuzzy, 10th-magnitude
star, slowly making its way from Andromeda into Cassiopeia. 
It should brighten to 9th magnitude by mid-August as it 
enters the north circumpolar sky, then remain this bright 
through September while turning south across Ursa Major.

It was shortly after midnight on July 22nd that
Sebastian Hoenig of Dossenheim, Germany, found himself
unable to sleep. So he got up, loaded his Meade 10-inch
telescope into the car, and drove to his favorite
observing site in the Odenwald woods near Heidelberg.
He soon stumbled upon a fuzzy glow just north of the
Great Square of Pegasus, in a region he knew to be
almost devoid of galaxies and other deep-sky objects.
But Hoenig had no star atlas with him - not even a
scrap of paper for making notes - so he rummaged
through the car and turned up an empty water bottle!
Its small white label was just large enough for him to
make a careful sketch of the star field. He kept the
object in view long enough to determine that it was
moving slowly to the north, at about 3 arcminutes per

Later that day Hoenig e-mailed the discovery details to
the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. But neither he nor any other
observer could locate the object again, owing to a very
bright Moon and the object's uncertain location.
Finally on July 27th, Ken-ichi Kadota in Saitama,
Japan, captured a CCD image of the comet 8° north of
Hoenig's initial position, thus confirming the

Calculations by Gareth V. Williams (Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory), announced July 30th on IAU
Circular 7941, indicate that Comet Hoenig will reach
perihelion (its closest point to the Sun) around
October 1st. It will then be situated between the
orbits of Venus and the Earth, traveling in a
near-parabolic orbit inclined 73 ° to the plane of the
ecliptic. The ephemeris below gives the comet's right
ascension and declination (equinox 2000.0) at 0 hours
Universal Time for the next few days, its predicted
magnitude, and the constellation though which it is

With this find, Hoenig becomes the first amateur
astronomer to discover a comet from German soil since
1946. But he's no stranger to comets; he is also
credited with locating 20 comets in SOHO spacecraft
images of the Sun's vicinity.

   Comet Hoenig, C/2002 O4

   Date (0h  Dec. (°
  UT)R.A.(h, m)') Magnitude Constellation

 Aug 223 09.4+51 13  10  And

 Aug 323 05.8+53 21  10  Cas

 Aug 423 01.7+55 30  9.9 Cas

 Aug 522 57.0+57 40  9.8 Cep

 Aug 622 51.5+59 52  9.8 Cep

 Aug 722 45.1+62 03  9.7 Cep

 Aug 822 37.6+64 15  9.6 Cep

 Aug 922 28.6+66 24  9.6 Cep

Aug 1022 17.9+68 32  9.5 Cep

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images - July 29 - August 2, 2002

2002-08-02 Thread Ron Baalke

July 29 - August 2, 2002

o Yardangs in Medusa Fossae (Released 29 July 2002 

o Poynting Crater Ejecta (Released 30 July 2002)

o Medusae Fossae (Released 31 July 2002)

o Enigmatic Terrain of Elysium Planitia (Released 1 August 2002)

o Frosted Crater (Released 2 August 2002)

All of the THEMIS images are archived here:


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission 
for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission 
Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University,
Tempe, in collaboration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. 
The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State 
University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor 
for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission 
operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a 
division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Researchers Publish Latest Results In Continuing Search For Ancient Martian Life

2002-08-02 Thread Ron Baalke

Dwayne Brown
Headquarters, Washington  August 2, 2002
(Phone: 202/358-1726)

Catherine E. Watson
Johnson Space Center, Houston
(Phone: 281/483-5111)

RELEASE: 02-150


 In the latest study of a 4.5 billion-year-old Martian 
meteorite, researchers have presented new evidence confirming 
that 25 percent of the magnetic material in the meteorite was 
produced by ancient bacteria on Mars. These latest results 
were published in the journal Applied and Environmental 

The researchers used six physical properties they refer to as 
the Magnetite Assay for Biogenicity (MAB) to compare all the 
magnetic material found in the ancient meteorite -- using the 
MAB as a biosignature. A biosignature is a physical and/or 
chemical marker of life that does not occur through random 
processes or human intervention.  

"No non-biologic magnetite population, whether produced by 
nature or in the laboratory, has ever met the MAB criteria," 
said Kathie Thomas-Keprta, an astrobiologist at NASA's 
Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston and the lead researcher 
on the study. "This means that one-quarter of the magnetite 
crystals embedded in the carbonates in Martian meteorite 
ALH84001 require the intervention of biology to explain their 

Magnetotactic bacteria, which occur in aquatic habitats on 
Earth, arrange magnetite crystals in chains within their 
cells to make compasses, which help the bacteria locate 
sources of food and energy. Magnetite (Fe3O4) is produced 
inorganically on Earth, but the magnetite crystals produced 
by magnetotactic bacteria are very different -- they are 
chemically pure and defect-free, with distinct sizes and 

Four of the MAB biosignature properties relate to the 
external physical structure of the magnetite crystals, while 
another refers to their internal structure and another to 
their chemical composition.

In their earlier studies, the researchers found that 
approximately one-quarter of the nanometer-sized magnetite 
crystals in ALH84001 had remarkable physical and chemical 
similarities to magnetite particles produced by a bacteria 
strain on Earth called MV-1. This is the first time, however, 
that any researcher has used the full MAB range of 
biosignature properties to compare the proposed bacteria-
produced crystals in Mars meteorite ALH84001with the 
bacteria-produced crystals from Earth and with the other 
magnetites in the meteorite. 

The comparison between the proposed bacteria-produced 
crystals in the meteorite and crystals known to be produced 
by Earth-bacteria MV-1 is striking and provides strong 
evidence that these crystals were made by bacteria on Mars.

The fact that Mars Global Surveyor data suggest that early 
Mars had a magnetic field is consistent with a reason why 
Mars would have magnetotactic bacteria. "Our best working 
hypothesis is that early Mars supported the evolution of 
bacteria that share several traits with magnetotactic 
bacteria on Earth, most notably the MV-1 group," said Simon 
Clemett, a coauthor of the paper at Johnson.

Mars has long been understood to provide the sources of light 
and chemical energy sufficient to support life, but in 2001 
the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft observed magnetized 
stripes in the crust of Mars, which showed that a strong 
magnetic field existed in the planet's early history, about 
the same time as the carbonate containing the unique 
magnetites in ALH84001 was formed. 

In June, researchers using the Mars Odyssey spacecraft 
announced that they had found water ice under the surface of 
Mars. These attributes, coupled with a carbon dioxide-rich 
atmosphere, would have provided the necessary environment for 
the evolution of microbes similar to the fossils found in 

"We believe this latest study proves that the magnetites in 
ALH84001 can be best explained as the products of multiple 
biogenic and inorganic processes that operated on early 
Mars," Thomas-Keprta said.  

An international team of nine researchers collaborated on the 
three-year study. The team, led by Thomas-Keprta of Lockheed 
Martin at Johnson Space Center, was funded by the NASA 
Astrobiology Institute. Co-authors of the study are Clemett 
and Susan Wentworth of Lockheed Martin at JSC; Dennis 
Bazylinski of Iowa State University (funded by the National 
Science Foundation); Joseph Kirschvink of the California 
Institute of Technology in Pasadena; David McKay and Everett 
Gibson of JSC; Hojatollah Vali of McGill University in 
Canada; and Christopher Romanek of the Savannah River Ecology 

For a more technical discussion of this latest publication 
please visit the following Web site:



Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] 1922 Norfolk Meteorite Newspaper article

2002-08-02 Thread Mark Bostick

Hello Everybody,
Found another old meteorite newspaper 
article.  This one is on the 20 TON Norfolk iron meteorite!  No, not 
the Norlfork Octahedrite that was found in 1907.
Evening Tribune, San Diego, California, May 12, 
Title at top of paper "FIND BIG METEOR; EARTH 
Article reads:
Associated Press, Norfolk, Va, May 12.- The meteor 
which flashed across the skies of Virginia last night and rocked the homes in 
half a dozen cities by the shock of its landing, was found today 12 miles 
southwest of Blackstone in Nottawa County. 
Cover 500 Square Feet
 Striking a grove of oak 
trees the meteor made a depression in the earth which measures 500 square feet 
in area.  Several trees were buried beneath beneath the falling body in the 
hole.  The Meteor apparently was composed of some metallic 
  Residents in the 
vicinity said there was a terrible detonation when the object, which apparently 
weighed as much as 20 tons, hit the earth, and a sheet of flame was sent up 
which was plainly visible for miles.  Scientists from Richmond will visit 
the scene to make an analysis of the material of which the meteor was 
(end of article)
  Since I have never 
heard of, nor could find any reference to this meteorite I assume it 
didn't happen.  Has anyone ever heard about this event before? No meteorite 
was recovered from that area at that time.
Mark Bostick

[meteorite-list] re: Who Am I - revisited

2002-08-02 Thread Marco Langbroek

Well, then my entry into the list-member photographic hall of (not so) fame;
I am relatively new to this list, but if you want to know what a Dutch
meteorite afficionado and archaeologist looks like in respectively;

- the southern part of his country during fieldwork in 2001 (with a stone

- in the Gobi desert of China in 1998 for observing meteors;

- preparing for a total eclipse in northern France in 1999;

- During a warm and windy day at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem in 2000;

- at Meteor Crater, Arizona, in 2001, after observing meteors;

Cheers, Marco

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread MARK BOSTICK
  Following Bernd's example a photo of me can be seen in my "Collectors Corner" column of the June "issue" of MeteoriteTimes.   http://meteoritetimes.com/Issues/2002/june/index.htm   Anne Black also had a photo of me a Tuscon in her photo pages.   A photo of me also appeared in the last few of the Voyage issues, plus having attended both Tuscon and Denver most of you have probley seen me.      Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"  - Original Message - From: Bernd Pauli HD Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 12:00 PM To: meteorite-list Subject: [meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited  Hello List,Unfortunately I don't have a website but there is a pictureof my wife "Pauline" and me on the net. I had the honor ofbeing chosen by Paul and Jim as their first "Meteorite PersonOf The Month" in their on-line magazine MeteoriteTimes. So,if interested just go to:http://MeteoriteTimes.com/Issues/2002/May/index.htmthen click on back issues, then on May '02,and last but not least on "Meteorite People".Best regards fromsummerly Germany,Bernd__Meteorite-list mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

[meteorite-list] Asteroid Collision Print

2002-08-02 Thread MrX3010
I thought I would send you all a link to my brand new Digital Art Print of a massive earth impact about to take place it's called "End of an Era."

If your interested or just want to have a look at it heres the link, let me know if you think I portrayed it correctly.



[meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread STUARTATK
There's a recent pic of me on the below picture gallery page ("Top Of The World...") 

*This* is a typical Lake District scene by the way... lots of lakes, forests and the like. Not exactly easy meteorite-hunting ground! But there are *lots* of dry stone walls built out of stones plucked off the fellsides, so I never go anywhere without a magnet and always keep my eyes open.

One day... sigh...



[meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread Bernd Pauli HD

Hello List,

Unfortunately I don't have a website but there is a picture
of my wife "Pauline" and me on the net. I had the honor of
being chosen by Paul and Jim as their first "Meteorite Person
Of The Month" in their on-line magazine MeteoriteTimes. So,
if interested just go to:


then click on back issues, then on May '02,
and last but not least on "Meteorite People".

Best regards from
summerly Germany,


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread FERNLEA4
In a message dated 02/08/02 15:56:52 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear Rob;
Where's that one of you and the Vaca Merta 

do you mean the Vaca Muerta main mass? ;-)

That was taken about 3 years ago in the Holbrook strewnfield. Back then, it showed only minor oxidisation to the matrix, but when we were there again last February, it had reached weathering grade W370 and the top end had split away from the rest of the mass.

Fernlea Meteorites,
The Wynd,
Off Dickson Lane,
Milton of Balgonie,
Fife. KY7 6PY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991
Mobile: 07909-773929

Re: [meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread David Freeman

Dear Rob;
Where's that one of you and the Vaca Merta carcass???
Best jerky,
Dave Freeman


> In a message dated 02/08/02 00:39:03 GMT Daylight Time, 
>> So, for the next few days, if there is a picture of you on the net 
>> anywhere, link it here so we can see who's who.
> Ok.
> Me, standing in Harvey Nininger's bathtub in the ruins of the American 
> Meteorite Museum, Route 66. (Thankfully, no-one dropped the soap!)
> http://fernlea.tripod.com/robintub.jpg
> Me again, as both photographer and subject.
> http://fernlea.tripod.com/robmirror.jpg
> My Holbrook hunting buddy and sparring partner Gregory "Greg" Wilson 
> wrote:
> << http://members.aol.com:/sharkkb8/jgwwhaleshark2.jpg
> Guess which one is me. ;-) >>
> That's a tricky one.give us a clue please ;-)
> Cheers,
> Rob Elliott.
> www.meteorites.uk.com
> Fernlea Meteorites,
> The Wynd,
> Off Dickson Lane,
> Milton of Balgonie,
> Fife. KY7 6PY
> United Kingdom
> Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
> Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991
> Mobile: 07909-773929

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread FERNLEA4
In a message dated 02/08/02 00:39:03 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So, for the next few days, if there is a picture of you on the net anywhere, link it here so we can see who's who.


Me, standing in Harvey Nininger's bathtub in the ruins of the American Meteorite Museum, Route 66. (Thankfully, no-one dropped the soap!)

Me again, as both photographer and subject.

My Holbrook hunting buddy and sparring partner Gregory "Greg" Wilson wrote:
<< http://members.aol.com:/sharkkb8/jgwwhaleshark2.jpg

Guess which one is me. ;-) >>

That's a tricky one.give us a clue please ;-)

Rob Elliott.
Fernlea Meteorites,
The Wynd,
Off Dickson Lane,
Milton of Balgonie,
Fife. KY7 6PY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991
Mobile: 07909-773929