Re: [meteorite-list] Hollow Meteorite Article

2004-04-29 Thread chris aubeck

Thanks, list, 

For informing me about the hollow meteorites. I
sincerely appreciate the comments and links, and now
understand that "hollow aerolites" simply do not
exist, and therefore were not the inspiration for the
19th century tales I have come across.

Many thanks once again. I will post here my final
report on these tales if anyone is interested in
reading a bit of 'meteoric folklore.'




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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Impact Melt Photos Wanted Please

2004-04-29 Thread meteoriteshow

Dear Jeff,
Further to your post about impact melts to the 
Meteorite-List, we have the pleasure to come back to you.
We are meteorite hunters and organized several 
expeditions to the Sahara desert since December 2001 (see our article in the 
latest issue of Meteorite magazine: "New French hunters on the right track", 
Feb. 2004).
During our third expedition in November 2002, we 
found a nice small impact melt of an L chondrite - tkw: 50g. Its provisional 
name - that we gave when we found it - is BB313. It has been studied and 
classified by ENS-Lyon (France) and was voted during the latest meeting of the 
Nommenclature Committee this month. Therefore, it should appear in the next 
issue of the MB#88 and named Tanezrouft 067. You can have a look at the 
data sheet of this meteorite on our website, using the link 
You can download any picture or enlargement 
available from this page, but I send you attached two pictures of the cut 
section, before and after polishing.
We would appreciate if you can mention a link to 
our website ( 
and would of course in return add your own website to our links 
We thank you for your contribution and look 
forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Frederic Beroud & Christophe Boucherwww.meteoriteshow.comIMCA 

  - Original Message - 
  Jeff Kuyken 
  To: Meteorite List 
  Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:07 
  Subject: [meteorite-list] Impact Melt 
  Photos Wanted Please
  G'day List,
  I am currently building an information page on impact melts 
  for my site. I would very much appreciate any photos from collectors and 
  dealers that I could use on this page. Photos clearly showing melt pockets 
  and veins, etc would be great. Of course all credit will be given for any 
  images used.
  Jeff KuykenI.M.C.A.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ebay Auctions ending tonight

2004-04-29 Thread Jim Strope

Hi Everybody:
(This time it is for real, no wedding dresses!!!)
I have ebay auctions ending tonight, including a beautiful oriented 
heat-shield SA meteorite.
To view all my auctions just follow the link below whichshould take you 
to the complete list at the bottom of the page. Ifthe link does not work 
just do a search on my ebay name
Thanks for looking...
Jim Strope421 Fourth StreetGlen Dale, WV 26038
Jim Strope421 Fourth StreetGlen Dale, WV  26038
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Sheath

2004-04-29 Thread Kevin Heider

I went to my local gun shop yesterday to purchase 
some Sheath and I noticed on the side of the can that it says it contains 
chemicals know to cause cancer.  Is Sheath any more dangerous than motor 
I assume that I should wear gloves while applying 
Will the Sheath bound to the iron and be safe to 
the touch 24 hours later?
I want to know just in case the kids (or I) handle 
the New Campo after applying the Sheath.
The gun shop also carries "Gun & Reel SILICONE 
Cloth".  Will this be good for applying the Sheath or is the SILICONE bad 
for my 5.81kg New Campo?
Thank you for your time,
Kevin Heider
Sacramento, CA, USA
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mr Aziz Habibi

2004-04-29 Thread nelson oakes

Dear List and Fellow (also Fellowette) Meteorite 
Enthusiasts, If you are looking to get a great deal go to Aziz(first name) 
Habibi(family name)! He's one of the best meteorite hunters out there!! I've had 
several years of being friends with him. He's trustworthy and honorable and if 
he says he's going to do something he does. Why not go to the source? His phone 
is 01121255576144, ask for Mr. Habibi or Aziz. Thanks 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Unidentified Light in Australian Night Sky

2004-04-29 Thread Ron Baalke

Unidentified light in the night sky
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
April 29, 2004 

While watching television near Lake Eucumbene
in the Snowy Mountains town of Adaminaby last
night, Kath and Adrian Town were distracted by a
light in the sky. 

"It was quite a bright green, my husband
described it as a copper green," Kath Town said
on ABC South East NSW, "And it was travelling
in the sky towards the west across the lake. It
kind of had a great big ball and a bit of a tail and
then it disappeared."

"A minute or so afterwards there was what
sounded like a sonic boom, kind of an explosion ...
it was quite dramatic, it set our ducks off
chattering and the dogs barking."

Kath Town said the light appeared in the sky for 
three or four seconds and was a distinct, vivid light.
"It was quite large when you compare it to shooting 
stars and that sort of thing."

Suspecting it was a meteorite, she rang the 
Astronomical Society of Canberra who said there had 
been meteorite spottings recently but couldn't 
confirm that was what she had seen. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Express Radar Deployment Postponed

2004-04-29 Thread Ron Baalke

Mars Express radar deployment postponed
European Space Agency
29 April 2004

The MARSIS team has advised ESA to delay the
deployment of the MARSIS radar instrument on board
Mars Express, scheduled for this week.
New and improved computer models suggest that, during
deployment, the radar booms may swing back and forth
with larger amplitudes than previously expected. If this
happened, the booms might come too close to delicate
components of the spacecraft body. Further simulations and
tests are under way to better understand the situation.  
The two main radar booms are 20-metre long hollow cylinders, 
of 2.5 centimetres diameter, folded up in a box like a 
concertina (accordion). When the box is opened, the elastic 
energy of the compressed glass-fibre booms will let
them unfold like a jack-in-the-box.
After the booms spring out, they will eventually lock in a 
straight line, taking up the shape that they had before being 
folded into the box. The deployment procedure of each boom is 
expected to last about 10 minutes.
Simulations carried out four years ago by the radar boom's 
manufacturer, Astro Aerospace, California, USA, indicated 
that the deployment should be smooth, without significantly 
swinging back and forth. However, the radar team has now
advised ESA that a new and refined analysis of the boom 
dynamics indicates that a sort of "backlash" might take 
place before the boom locks into its position.
Although a successful deployment is not in question, Mars 
Express mission managers want to make sure that the booms 
are not subjected to excessive mechanical stress and that 
they do not interfere with the spacecraft as they deploy. 

The MARSIS team and their industrial contractors are now 
performing further tests and simulations to confirm that 
the deployment will have no impact on the safety of the 
spacecraft. These simulations will then be reviewed by ESA's
experts. Based on the results, expected within a few weeks, 
ESA will decide when and how to activate MARSIS.
MARSIS will study the sub-surface of Mars to a depth of a 
few kilometres. The instrument's antennas will send radio 
waves towards the planet and analyse how they are reflected 
by any surface that they encounter. In this way, MARSIS
can investigate the sub-surface mineralogical composition 
and will reveal the presence of any underground reservoir 
of water or ice.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Unidentified Light in Australian Night Sky

2004-04-29 Thread GeoZay

>>"It was quite a bright green, my husbanddescribed it as a copper green," Kath Town saidon ABC South East NSW, "And it was travellingin the sky towards the west across the lake. Itkind of had a great big ball and a bit of a tail andthen it disappeared.""A minute or so afterwards there was whatsounded like a sonic boom, kind of an explosion was quite dramatic, it set our ducks offchattering and the dogs barking."Kath Town said the light appeared in the sky for three or four seconds and was a distinct, vivid light."It was quite large when you compare it to shooting stars and that sort of thing."Suspecting it was a meteorite, she rang the Astronomical Society of Canberra who said there had been meteorite spottings recently but couldn't confirm that was what she had seen. <<
It sounds like a possible meteorite dropping fireball to me.
George Zay

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Harvill to Perry Letter; Aug. 1, 1952

2004-04-29 Thread MARK BOSTICK
 (University of Arkansas letterhead) University of Arkansas OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT TUCSON August 1, 1952 Dr. Stuart H. Perry Newagen Inn and Cottages Newagen, Maine Dear Dr. Perry: I have your letter of July 26, in which you indicate that you have received from Dr. Nininger the impression that the Perry Fund is available only for work in Mexico. It may be that this impression was gained by Dr. Nininger when there was an exchange of letters about payment from the Perry Fund to him as he carried on the work and I told him that partial payment could be made in advance of the reports on the results of the work done in Mexico and that the remainder would be paid after the reports were submitted and reviewed by the faculty here at the University. The institution must necessarily provide certain terms, which, however, we always try to make as mutually satisfactory as possible I was not aware that Dr. Nininger was concerned about this matter, and I am writing and asking him if he needs additional funds. If you want no restrictions whatever placed upon the payments, I will be pleased to authorize the balance in the fund to Dr. Nininger as soon as he certifies that all reports have been made. In fact, I believe that it is Dr. Nininger's impression that the reports have been completed and filed with the University. Our faculty committee is somewhat difficult to get together during the summer, but I assure you that every effort will be made to accommodate your wishes and the needs of Dr. Nininger. I shall look forward to seeing you upon your return to Arizona later in the year. With most cordial regards, Sincerely yours, (signed) Richard A. Harvill PresidentPlease visit,, a free on-line archive of meteor and meteorite articles.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Nininger to Perry Letter, Aug. 1, 1952

2004-04-29 Thread MARK BOSTICK
 (American Meteorite Museum Letterhead) AMERICAN METEORITE MUSUEM OPPOSITE METEOR CRATER ON HIGHWAY 66 POST OFFICE BOX 1171 WINSLOW ARIZONA   August 1, 1952 Mr. Stuart H. Perry Newagen Inn Newagen, Maine   Dear Stuart: We are disposing of some duplicates in order to accommodate a rearrangement of our exhibits and are enclosing a list of offerings, some of which you may want. In this list are several rare things of special merit, for one reason or another. For example, Lubbock exhibits flowage structure so rare in stones. Whitman war a 221-gram stone of perfect orientation; therefore only a small slice was removed and the remainder will be kept intact. Garnett, you will remember, is the stone, a slice of which shows a fine grain of metallic copper. The main mass will stand for some slicing and may show more. Goodland is historically interesting, having been found at the bottom of a 31/2 foot corner post hole. Morito is from the main mass in Mexico City. It cut it myself and it is doubtful that any more will ever be cut. It also shows an alteration zone. Norfolk is extremely rare and is priced the same as originally by Foote. Petersburg is priced 25% below Foote's list even in inflationary dollars. Roy is a fragment but shows good pitting. Shallowater is unique in being composed of large enstatite crystals. Some of the others are very old and poorly preserved such as Tyron and Chamberlin but are good examples of terrestrialization. If you care to purchase any considerable number of the specimens listed it will be equally agreeable to us to have payment in installment. But we would appreciate an early reply. Very cordially yours, (signed) H.H. Nininger HHN: ANPlease visit,, a free on-line archive of meteor and meteorite articles.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad - Witnessed, Historic and Rare Auctions on eBay

2004-04-29 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

As we stated earlier, we are in the process of reorganizing and cataloging
our collection meaning we will be offering duplicates not needed in the Hupe
or UW collections of Witnessed, Historic and Rare meteorites.  This week we
are running a dozen additional auctions with some very hard to find
material.  A few examples:

A complete Agoult (oriented)
Two complete Amgalas (oriented)
A giant end cut of the beautiful Lunar Dhofar 081 (crusted)
Grein 004
A complete slice of Haxtun
A gorgeous slice of Landes with Huss numbers
A Morristown mesosiderite end cut (awesome polish)
Park Forest Dog Stone with affidavits and news footage
Smallest complete meteorite from Park Forest (oriented)
And other beautiful specimens...

To see these auctions and over 100 other interesting meteorites please check
out the ebay link below and click on  "Go see all current items for sale by
member".  Be sure to check out the last auctions ending to find the above
listed beauties.

Please check in often over the next couple of months as we will be listing
hundreds of hard to find duplicates not needed in our collections, some of
this material has not been offered in years.

Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Adam and Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] More lecturing produces panic!

2004-04-29 Thread David Freeman
Dear List;
I just gave a one hour lecture about meteorites to the local archaeology 
society group.  I had them all searching for the closest flashlights so 
they could get a jump on the time before morning.  
Seems most archaeology students have never been exposed to the 
possibility of meteorites existing in the natural world.  They all 
tended to confirm  my suspicion that if no stones were available that a 
meteorite  on a playa lake would be used for a boiling stone by a native watch your boiling stones as they may be meteorites. 
   Meteorites may burn twice!
Dave Freeman

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