[meteorite-list] Picture Post

2004-09-27 Thread SPACEROCKSINC
Dear list members. Picture Of The Day post will  resume Tuesday, September 
28, 2004.
I have been away from my computer for the  past few days.
Thanks to all who have contributed to the post!  ;-)

Michael Johnson

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Orbiter Sees Rover Tracks Among Thousands of New Images

2004-09-27 Thread Ron Baalke

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011

Guy Webster (818) 354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Donald Savage  (202) 358-1547
NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

September 27, 2004

Mars Orbiter Sees Rover Tracks Among Thousands of New Images

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, starting its third mission extension this
week after seven years of orbiting Mars, is using an innovative
technique to capture pictures even sharper than most of the more than
170,000 it has already produced.

One dramatic example from the spacecraft's Mars Orbiter Camera shows
wheel tracks of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and the rover
itself.  Another tells scientists that no boulders bigger than
about 1 to 2 meters (3 to 7 feet) are exposed in giant ripples created
by a catastrophic flood.

Those examples are available online at

http://www.msss.com/mars_images/moc/2004/09/27/ and 
http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mgs . 

In addition, about 24,000 newly
catalogued images that Mars Global Surveyor took between October 2003
and March 2004 have been added to the Mars Orbiter Camera Image
Gallery at ttp://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/ .  These include additional
pictures of the Mars Exploration Rover sites seen from orbit.

"Over the past year and a half, the camera and spacecraft teams for
Mars Global Surveyor have worked together to develop a technique that
allows us to roll the entire spacecraft so that the camera can be
scanned in a way that sees details at three times higher resolution
than we normally get," said Dr. Ken Edgett, staff scientist for Malin
Space Science Systems, San Diego, Calif., which built and operates the
Mars Orbiter Camera. The technique adjusts the rotation rate of the
spacecraft to match the ground speed under the camera.

"The image motion compensation is tricky and the spacecraft does not
always hit its target. However, when it does, the results can be
spectacular," Edgett said.

The Mars Orbiter Camera acquires the highest resolution images ever
obtained from a Mars-orbiting spacecraft. During normal operating
conditions, the smallest objects that can be resolved on the martian
surface in these images are about 4 to 5 meters (13 to 16 feet)
across.  With the adjusted-rotation technique, called
"compensated pitch and roll targeted observation," objects as small as
1.5 meters (4.9 feet) can be seen in images from the same camera.
Resolution capability of 1.4 meters (4.6 feet) per pixel is improved
to one-half meter (1.6 feet) per pixel. Because the maneuvers are
complex and the amount of data that can be acquired is limited, most
images from the camera are still taken without using that technique.

Mars Global Surveyor began orbiting Mars on Sept. 12, 1997. After
gradually adjusting the shape of its orbit, it began systematically
mapping the planet in March 1999. The Mars Orbiter Camera's
narrow-angle camera has now examined nearly 4.5 percent of Mars'
surface, including extensive imaging of candidate and selected landing
sites for surface missions. The Mars Orbiter Camera also includes a
wide-angle camera that observes the entire planet daily.

"Mars Global Surveyor has been productive longer than any other
spacecraft ever sent to Mars, since it surpassed Viking Lander 1's
longevity earlier this year and has returned more images than all past
Mars missions combined," said Tom Thorpe, project manager for Mars
Global Surveyor at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
The mission will complete its 25,000th mapping orbit on Oct. 11.

Principal goals for the orbiter's latest mission extension, beginning
Oct. 1, include continued weather monitoring to form a continuous set
of observations with NASA's next Mars mission, Mars Reconnaissance
Orbiter, scheduled to reach the red planet in 2006; imaging of
possible landing sites for the Phoenix 2007 Mars Scout lander and 2009
Mars Science Laboratory rover; continued mapping and analysis of key
sedimentary-rock outcrop sites; and continued monitoring of changes on
the surface due to wind and ice. Because the narrow-angle camera has
imaged only a small fraction of the surface, new discoveries about
surface features are likely to come at any time. The extension runs
two years, through September 2006, with a budget of $7.5 million per

Dr. James Garvin, NASA's chief scientist for Mars and the Moon, said,
"Mars Global Surveyor continues to catalyze new science as it explores
Mars at scales compatible with those that our Mars Exploration Rovers
negotiate every day, and its extended mission will continue to set the
stage for upcoming observations by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter."

Additional information about Mars Global Surveyor is available online
at: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mgs/ . In addition to se

[meteorite-list] EBay Parnallee ad - 39g of it

2004-09-27 Thread bernd . pauli
Entropy Dave wrote:

> As I advised earlier, here is a link to a sizeable
> chunk of Parnallee on eBay if anyone is interested
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2273122681

Martin responded:

> Who could dislike such a low startprice for Parnallee???

This is one gorgeous chunk of Parnallee for sure. Look at that crisp
fusion crust, look at those large chondrules, especially the very large,
dark inclusion/chondrule (?) right under the BM number!

I own a 11.9-gram slice of Parnallee that I purchased from David New
back in 1989 and it was $145 *then*. This would correspond to about
$462 nowadays *if* 1989 prices were still valid, which they aren't.

Anyway whoever gets this beauty, congrats in advance. Let's hope
it ends up in "good hands" and will not be "mutilated" by cutting
it !!!

Best wishes,


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mystery of Fireball in England

2004-09-27 Thread Ron Baalke


Mystery of fireball in dawn sky
EDP24 (England)
25 September 2004 

Early morning motorists driving through Norfolk and Cambridge-shire
yesterday could hold the key to finding out more about the meteorite or
fireball sighted over the region.

Around 20 motorists driving along the area's roads from around 6.30am
reported seeing the fireball, which many described as having a bright
glow followed by a long trail of light.

They reported their findings to Graham Barnard on his Today in Norfolk
early morning programme on BBC Radio Norfolk.

Mr Barnard told the EDP that around 20 callers rang in from around
6.30am to report initially to presenter Wally Webb seeing the fireball
mainly in the sky above the west and south of the county.

"Callers had their own theories as to what it was, ranging from a
fireball, firework or, in the case of a caller from the Thetford area,
an aircraft on fire, but we quickly put listeners' minds at rest that it
wasn't an aircraft," said Mr Barnard.

Yesterday, the mystery sighting was confirmed as being a fireball or
meteorite by Mark Lawick-Thompson, chairman of the Norwich Astronomical

He said the fireball could have broken up while in the atmosphere and
the fragments might have landed but, until more detailed information
about the sightings was available, it was not possible to say if
fragments had landed.

The last reported sighting of a fireball in East Anglia was in
Peterborough in 1991.

He appealed to people who had seen the fireball to contact with their
detailed descriptions via his e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

His view was shared by research scientist Vicky Pearson who said the
sighting had been reported early yesterday morning in locations mainly
in Southern England, including Oxford and Poole in Dorset, but there had
also been sightings in the Midlands.

Miss Pearson, who is based at the Planetary and Space Science Research
Institute at the Open University at Milton Keynes, said she had not
received any of the reported sightings in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.

She said that, until more information was available, it would not be
possible to say if fragments had landed.

Miss Pearson asked people who saw it to call her on 01908 652814 during
weekday office hours.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Parnallee clarification

2004-09-27 Thread bernd . pauli
> correspond to about $462 nowadays

(for Dave's piece, of course)


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Found in 1902 is Still Blazing a Trail (Willamette Meteorite)

2004-09-27 Thread Ron Baalke


Meteorite found in 1902 is still blazing a trail
The Oregonian
September 27, 2004

Funny how a cold chunk of rock can spark so much life so long after it
crash-landed on Earth.

But 15,000 years after it punched through the atmosphere -- and 102
years after its discovery in West Linn -- the Willamette Meteorite has
inspired a grass-roots movement to celebrate its unique place in
astronomy, geology and history.

A recent fund-raiser by the West Linn Chamber of Commerce practically
overflowed from the tent set up at the Tualatin River Nursery & Coffee
House, grossing about $6,000.

"I think for the first time in the history of the world, there was a
party for a meteorite on a cloudy, rainy night," says Mark Buser, the
chamber's president-elect. "Everybody was freezing."

The money will go into a pot that will be used as seed money for a
multifaceted project planned to be as much about tourism as about
education and local pride. So far, the coffers hold about $13,500, but
that's just the beginning.

Of course, the chamber wants to retire the tired concrete meteorite
model that has been gathering moss at 14th Street and Willamette Falls
Drive since 1962. Plans call for installing a full-size bronze replica
in its place, with an interpretive display to explain the meteorite's
fantastic journey.

But the chamber, itself, is being reborn in this project.

For the first time, the chamber is seeking high visibility, no doubt an
asset when trying to promote local business. Riding piggyback on the
meteorite, the chamber is eyeing a historic building in the Willamette
District as its future headquarters. The building is slated to be
rebuilt into a retail mix that could include a chamber office and an
interpretive center for the meteorite.

Meanwhile, other ideas are spinning off the project, like the tail of a

Perry Gargano, the New York artist commissioned to make the bronze,
wants to issue a limited number of one-tenth-size models of the
meteorite. To hold down the weight and the cost, Gargano wants to
experiment with other materials that would mold into an accurate model.

But that's not all. Gargano has experience as a jeweler and is
considering how to interpret the meteorite in a line of baubles.

"Could you imagine meteorite earrings? Pendants? Pins?" asks Buser.

Buser also wants to establish a local chapter of the Ice Age Floods
Institute, a group dedicated to studying the ancient Missoula Floods
thought to have carried the Willamette Meteorite from its landing spot
in Canada.

And that's not to mention forging a partnership with the Cascadia
Meteorite Laboratory at Portland State University.

The Willamette Meteorite is on exhibit at the American Museum of Natural
History in New York, where it has been since 1906. Every once in a
while, someone raises the idea of bringing it back to West Linn.

But at this point, that's about as likely as being hit by rock falling
from the sky.

Some call it petty. Others call it a serious slight. Either way, Bill
Korach sees it as the call of duty.

Korach, Lake Oswego schools superintendent, is huddling with school
board members on ways to make the Lakeridge High School Pacers feel at
home when playing football at District Stadium.

The stadium is tucked into the Lake Oswego High School campus, and some
Lakeridge players feel like visitors when they play their "home" games
-- especially when they look up at big concrete letters saying "Lakers."

Korach, who previously met with the principals and football coaches at
both high schools, said the issue probably would go before student
governments and advisory committees in coming weeks.

"There are strong emotions here," Korach says. "And that's on both sides
of the lake."

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Newspaper article about the Denver Show

2004-09-27 Thread Francis Graham
Dear List:
  The Metropolitan did a story about the Denver
Meteorite Show.


  OK, the writer is my daughter. And it includes a
mini-interview with Anne Black. 
  I'll forward her feedback if any.

Francis Graham

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Re: [meteorite-list] Newspaper article about the Denver Show

2004-09-27 Thread Francis Graham

--- Tom AKA James Knudson

> your link does not work
> Thanks, Tom
> peregrineflier <><

Thanks Tom. H.  Try this


This is exactly how it came up in the URL box.

Francis Graham

> IMCA 6168
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Francis Graham"
> Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 2:11 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Newspaper article about
> the Denver Show
> > Dear List:
> >   The Metropolitan did a story about the Denver
> > Meteorite Show.
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   OK, the writer is my daughter. And it includes a
> > mini-interview with Anne Black. 
> >   I'll forward her feedback if any.
> > 
> > Francis Graham
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!
> > http://vote.yahoo.com
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> > 

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] My expotition to Meteor Crater

2004-09-27 Thread tracy latimer
My husband and I set off in the early forenoon from LV to go to Meteor 
Crater.  The trip took us about 5 hours, not including a lunch break, but 
allowing for driving through some thunderstorms the likes of which I hadn't 
seen since moving from the mainland 15 years ago.  We got to Meteor Crater 
about 1 1/2 hours before sunset, 2 hours in front of the band of storms 
which had been pursuing us since before Flagstaff, and Jon suggested we take 
the time to visit the crater before dark, as we had no idea how long the 
rains would linger.  I am glad we did so, as the following day was cool and 
rainy, negating the planned rim hike (too muddy, the guide said.)

There is still some bad blood between the present owners of the crater and 
Nininger; although he is now mentioned in the guidebook, it is in, at best, 
neutral terms.  There were some veiled accusations of Nininger 'poaching' 
Canyon Diablo meteorites after his agreement to search for them on Bar T Bar 
ranch land had expired, and some other disputes over the American Meteorite 
Museum vs. the gift shop and facility put up on the crater rim.  He was not 
mentioned at all in any of the other presentations or staff talks, and I 
didn't bring up his name.  The only spot in the 20 miles around Meteor 
Crater that seemed to have cell phone reception was the highest lookout on 
the rim, a great place when a lightning storm is approaching!  I did go to 
the remnants of the American Meteorite Museum, which has a big handmade "No 
Trespassing: violators will be jailed" sign in front of the ruins; I decided 
they could spare 15 minutes and half a dozen photos anyway.  Arizona 
hospitality at its finest, maybe provoked by the 2 burned out cars dumped on 
the vestiges of Route 66 in front of the ruins, though the ruins themselves 
did not seem to be vandalized beyond normal decay.  People in search of a 
streak plate will be sad to know that remains of the famous Nininger crapper 
have apparently been completely removed; the tub, however, is still intact 
until someone smashes it.  Although I think the old unmaintained and very 
potholed Route 66 is still public access, the area outside the right of way 
is heavily studded with No Trespassing signs.

The crater is still magnificent.  Although tempted, I did not put rare-earth 
magnets in my shoes to try to pick up spheroids on the q.t.  The gift shop 
sells baggies of the dirt from around the crater, pulverized quartz with a 
light sprinkling of ash from Sunset Crater and a few spheroids mixed in.  
Although the staff seems at least moderately knowledgeable about the 
mechanics of the crater, the gift shop was heavily commercial, with t-shirts 
and Native American trinkets made in China, without any more scholarly 
information than the crater guidebook.  The facility is about what you might 
expect, a mix of older displays and some modern computer animation.  They 
show a 20 minute film about the impact and related phenomena in a 
substantial auditorium that could easily hold 2-3 busloads of tourists.

We stayed overnight at La Posada, a landmark for anyone interested in the 
architecture styles of the Southwest, the history of the Fred Harvey 
company, and railroad history in general, returning to Vegas the following 
day after another brief stop at the crater.  Although the trip was very 
damp, I wouldn't have missed it for anything.

If you have any interest in our pictures of this trip, including a few taken 
at Penn & Teller's magic show, feel free to go to jediknight.com/gallery and 
look at the Vegas Trip section.

Tracy Latimer
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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] campos sales L5 METEORITES/FALL Meteorite sale

2004-09-27 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!
Hello list.Yesterday I listed that I have 5 lots (27) stones
forsale.Payment methods are as follows:CASHIERS CHECK,MONEY ORDER, or
UNION.Also just a reminder that I have my fall meteorite sale going on
thru thurday.


Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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[meteorite-list] Re: Newspaper article about the Denver Show

2004-09-27 Thread Notkin
Here's the correct link:
They evidently shifted it away from the top feature.
Geoff N.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] fragment of PV forsale

2004-09-27 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!
Hi list.I have a small piece (fragment) of PORTALES VALLEY forsale.Let me
know if interested.I was showing the piece to a friend and a small piece
broke off.$30 will take it home.

 steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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[meteorite-list] Tucson 2005 Teaser + Denver Thanks

2004-09-27 Thread Notkin
Greetings Dear Listees:
It was a treat to see many of you in Denver, Colorado last weekend. I 
came down with a bad cold towards the end of the show, so apologies 
to those I missed and those I did not get to say goodbye to.

Special thanks -- as always -- to the Denver gang, including: Mike 
and Bill Jensen, Fred Hall and family, Anne Black, Dan Wray et al, 
for being such excellent hosts. Also to Blaine and Blake Reed for 
hospitality above and beyond in their showrooms, and to the mighty 
Edwin "E.T." Thompson who is a first class bartender and mixes one 
heck of a good margarita! I took a few photos, which I'll try to get 
around to posting this week.

In other news: I know many of you like to make your annual Tucson 
travel plans way in advance, and so -- after careful consultation 
with Allan Lang, Michael Blood, and Darryl Pitt -- I would like to 
provide you with the following teaser of Tucson 2005 show events:

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2005  [Evening]
All are invited to attend the Sixth Annual Meteor Mayhem Birthday 
Bash & Harvey Awards at 8 pm. Location of the event is TBA. After 
three years at the La Fuente restaurant, we are considering a change 
of venue for the following reasons: we've outgrown the big room at La 
Fuente; the nearby Vagabond Inn (formerly the Ramada University and 
home to Blaine Reed Meteorites) is no longer a show venue; and also 
because we'd just like to find somewhere a little more interesting 
and unusual. Details to follow.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2005  [Afternoon]
Allan Lang will host an auction of exceptional meteorites from the 
R.A. Langheinrich Meteorite Collection at the elegant Westward Look 
Resort on Ina Road, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 pm. An online catalog 
of specimens will be posted at www.nyrockman.com closer to the event.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2005  [Evening]
Michael Blood's ever-popular People's Meteorite Auction will take 
place at the VFW Hall, Post 4903, 1150 N. Beverly Avenue on the 
Saturday evening. This is the same location as the 2004 auction. The 
new hall was a big hit with everyone due to its spacious event room 
and full cash bar. An online catalog of specimens will be posted at 
www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com closer to the event.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005  [Morning]
Darryl Pitt's Macovich Collection meteorite auction will return to 
the sunny InnSuites lawn after a one year hiatus, on the Sunday 
morning. An online catalog of specimens will be posted at 
www.macovich.com closer to the event.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005  [Afternoon]
Allan Lang and colleagues present a very special free event: You are 
invited to meet Apollo astronaut, moon walker, and celebrated 
geologist Dr. Harrison "Jack" Schmitt when he appears in person at 
the Westward Look Resort on the Sunday afternoon.

Details:  http://www.nyrockman.com/tucson-2005.htm
The 2005 Tucson Gem and Mineral show opens in just about four months 
from today, so start saving your pennies!

Finally, Steve Arnold IMB and I will be very happy with a couple of 
large, thin slices of the new Russian pallasite for those who 
absolutely feel the need to bring us birthday gifts. Thanks!  : )

Best regards to all,
Geoff N.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tucson 2005 Teaser + Denver Thanks

2004-09-27 Thread Notkin
Greetings Dear Listees:
It was a treat to see many of you in Denver, Colorado last weekend. I 
came down with a bad cold towards the end of the show, so apologies 
to those I missed and those I did not get to say goodbye to.

Special thanks -- as always -- to the Denver gang, including: Mike 
and Bill Jensen, Fred Hall and family, Anne Black, Dan Wray et al, 
for being such excellent hosts. Also to Blaine and Blake Reed for 
hospitality above and beyond in their showrooms, and to the mighty 
Edwin "E.T." Thompson who is a first class bartender and mixes one 
heck of a good margarita! I took a few photos, which I'll try to get 
around to posting this week.

In other news: I know many of you like to make your annual Tucson 
travel plans way in advance, and so -- after careful consultation 
with Allan Lang, Michael Blood, and Darryl Pitt -- I would like to 
provide you with the following teaser of Tucson 2005 show events:

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2005  [Evening]
All are invited to attend the Sixth Annual Meteor Mayhem Birthday 
Bash & Harvey Awards at 8 pm. Location of the event is TBA. After 
three years at the La Fuente restaurant, we are considering a change 
of venue for the following reasons: we've outgrown the big room at La 
Fuente; the nearby Vagabond Inn (formerly the Ramada University and 
home to Blaine Reed Meteorites) is no longer a show venue; and also 
because we'd just like to find somewhere a little more interesting 
and unusual. Details to follow.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2005  [Afternoon]
Allan Lang will host an auction of exceptional meteorites from the 
R.A. Langheinrich Meteorite Collection at the elegant Westward Look 
Resort on Ina Road, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 pm. An online catalog 
of specimens will be posted at www.nyrockman.com closer to the event.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2005  [Evening]
Michael Blood's ever-popular People's Meteorite Auction will take 
place at the VFW Hall, Post 4903, 1150 N. Beverly Avenue on the 
Saturday evening. This is the same location as the 2004 auction. The 
new hall was a big hit with everyone due to its spacious event room 
and full cash bar. An online catalog of specimens will be posted at 
www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com closer to the event.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005  [Morning]
Darryl Pitt's Macovich Collection meteorite auction will return to 
the sunny InnSuites lawn after a one year hiatus, on the Sunday 
morning. An online catalog of specimens will be posted at 
www.macovich.com closer to the event.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005  [Afternoon]
Allan Lang and colleagues present a very special free event: You are 
invited to meet Apollo astronaut, moon walker, and celebrated 
geologist Dr. Harrison "Jack" Schmitt when he appears in person at 
the Westward Look Resort on the Sunday afternoon.

Details:  http://www.nyrockman.com/tucson-2005.htm
The 2005 Tucson Gem and Mineral show opens in just about four months 
from today, so start saving your pennies!

Finally, Steve Arnold IMB and I will be very happy with a couple of 
large, thin slices of the new Russian pallasite for those who 
absolutely feel the need to bring us birthday gifts. Thanks!  : )

Best regards to all,
Geoff N.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Newspaper article about the Denver Show

2004-09-27 Thread Francis Graham
Dear List

--- Notkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They evidently shifted it away from the top feature.
Thanks again for the correction. Yes, the top
feature was on Vampires and the editor did it. The
Metropolitan is a college paper. 
Both are very good features, though.

Francis Graham

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD: Complete Buchwald for Sale

2004-09-27 Thread Notkin
Dear Listees:
I have, available for sale, one set of the much sought-after 
"Handbook of Iron Meteorites" by V. Buchwald: hardback, three 
volumes, profusely illustrated throughout. As most of you are well 
aware, this set -- when available -- has regularly sold for $1,500 to 

My set is in very good condition, but is ex-library, so please note 
the following:

- All three hardback volumes are present but this set does not have a slipcase
- The spines have small, unobtrusive white tags pasted on them 
(typical ex-library)
- They carry the few usual rubber ex-lib stamp marks, etc.

Other than that, the set is in extremely good condition: pages are 
crisp and white with no interior markings or notes, covers are very 
clean and like new.

Due to these slight imperfections, I am selling this set at a 
substantially reduced price, and will accept offers in excess of 
$900. Buyer to pay shipping and insurance via UPS.

I am happy to post detailed photos of the set to my website, for any 
interested parties. Please contact me off-List.

Geoff N.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] My expotition to Meteor Crater

2004-09-27 Thread JKG
I wanted to let you know I very much enjoyed the story of your trip to 
Meteor Crater.  Although I've been there 7 or 8 times, I never get tired of 
seeing it.  The commercialism has always annoyed me, but I guess it's a 
tradeoff me must tolerate if we want to have access to the crater at all.

At 03:04 PM 9/27/2004, tracy latimer wrote:
My husband and I set off in the early forenoon from LV to go to Meteor 
Crater.  The trip took us about 5 hours, not including a lunch break, but 
allowing for driving through some thunderstorms the likes of which I 
hadn't seen since moving from the mainland 15 years ago.  We got to Meteor 
Crater about 1 1/2 hours before sunset, 2 hours in front of the band of 
storms which had been pursuing us since before Flagstaff, and Jon 
suggested we take the time to visit the crater before dark, as we had no 
idea how long the rains would linger.  I am glad we did so, as the 
following day was cool and rainy, negating the planned rim hike (too 
muddy, the guide said.)

There is still some bad blood between the present owners of the crater and 
Nininger; although he is now mentioned in the guidebook, it is in, at 
best, neutral terms.  There were some veiled accusations of Nininger 
'poaching' Canyon Diablo meteorites after his agreement to search for them 
on Bar T Bar ranch land had expired, and some other disputes over the 
American Meteorite Museum vs. the gift shop and facility put up on the 
crater rim.  He was not mentioned at all in any of the other presentations 
or staff talks, and I didn't bring up his name.  The only spot in the 20 
miles around Meteor Crater that seemed to have cell phone reception was 
the highest lookout on the rim, a great place when a lightning storm is 
approaching!  I did go to the remnants of the American Meteorite Museum, 
which has a big handmade "No Trespassing: violators will be jailed" sign 
in front of the ruins; I decided they could spare 15 minutes and half a 
dozen photos anyway.  Arizona hospitality at its finest, maybe provoked by 
the 2 burned out cars dumped on the vestiges of Route 66 in front of the 
ruins, though the ruins themselves did not seem to be vandalized beyond 
normal decay.  People in search of a streak plate will be sad to know that 
remains of the famous Nininger crapper have apparently been completely 
removed; the tub, however, is still intact until someone smashes 
it.  Although I think the old unmaintained and very potholed Route 66 is 
still public access, the area outside the right of way is heavily studded 
with No Trespassing signs.

The crater is still magnificent.  Although tempted, I did not put 
rare-earth magnets in my shoes to try to pick up spheroids on the 
q.t.  The gift shop sells baggies of the dirt from around the crater, 
pulverized quartz with a light sprinkling of ash from Sunset Crater and a 
few spheroids mixed in.
Although the staff seems at least moderately knowledgeable about the 
mechanics of the crater, the gift shop was heavily commercial, with 
t-shirts and Native American trinkets made in China, without any more 
scholarly information than the crater guidebook.  The facility is about 
what you might expect, a mix of older displays and some modern computer 
animation.  They show a 20 minute film about the impact and related 
phenomena in a substantial auditorium that could easily hold 2-3 busloads 
of tourists.

We stayed overnight at La Posada, a landmark for anyone interested in the 
architecture styles of the Southwest, the history of the Fred Harvey 
company, and railroad history in general, returning to Vegas the following 
day after another brief stop at the crater.  Although the trip was very 
damp, I wouldn't have missed it for anything.

If you have any interest in our pictures of this trip, including a few 
taken at Penn & Teller's magic show, feel free to go to 
jediknight.com/gallery and look at the Vegas Trip section.

Tracy Latimer
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[meteorite-list] Ad Achondrite Opportunity

2004-09-27 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

Here is an opportunity for one lucky individual to pick up an entire
unclassified achondrite weighing 503 grams.  I am offering this specimen at
~ $5.95 a gram or a total of $2,995.00.  You would be hard pressed to pull
an achondrite out of the Sahara any cheaper.  This specimen will be
available for the next 24 hours and then it will be listed on ebay.

For an additional $500.00:
I will prepare a 20 gram type specimen
Have a thin-section made
Submit the type specimen, information and thin-section to a NomCom approved
Request a unique NWA number
Have the laboratory submit a classification naming the buyer as the main
mass holder
The $500.00 will be used to cover lab expenses, thin-section prep and other

Or you can forego this step and send a type specimen in to a laboratory of
your choice, some are still free but can take up to three years.

For your consideration here are some images:

Image showing achondrite in its entirety:

Close up image of crust:

Close up image of window:

Close up image of small end cut:

This would provide a great opportunity for somebody to see what is involved
in having a meteorite classified and having their name mentioned in

Thank you for looking,

Kind Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185

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Re: [meteorite-list] My expotition to Meteor Crater

2004-09-27 Thread DNAndrews
Hey John,
I know what you mean about the commercialism at the Crater.  I tried to 
steer Traci in the right direction a couple of months ago, but got 
ignored.  Guess I'm in the same boat as Matteobut out west.

Later bro,
JKG wrote:
I wanted to let you know I very much enjoyed the story of your trip to 
Meteor Crater.  Although I've been there 7 or 8 times, I never get 
tired of seeing it.  The commercialism has always annoyed me, but I 
guess it's a tradeoff me must tolerate if we want to have access to 
the crater at all.

At 03:04 PM 9/27/2004, tracy latimer wrote:
My husband and I set off in the early forenoon from LV to go to 
Meteor Crater.  The trip took us about 5 hours, not including a lunch 
break, but allowing for driving through some thunderstorms the likes 
of which I hadn't seen since moving from the mainland 15 years ago.  
We got to Meteor Crater about 1 1/2 hours before sunset, 2 hours in 
front of the band of storms which had been pursuing us since before 
Flagstaff, and Jon suggested we take the time to visit the crater 
before dark, as we had no idea how long the rains would linger.  I am 
glad we did so, as the following day was cool and rainy, negating the 
planned rim hike (too muddy, the guide said.)

There is still some bad blood between the present owners of the 
crater and Nininger; although he is now mentioned in the guidebook, 
it is in, at best, neutral terms.  There were some veiled accusations 
of Nininger 'poaching' Canyon Diablo meteorites after his agreement 
to search for them on Bar T Bar ranch land had expired, and some 
other disputes over the American Meteorite Museum vs. the gift shop 
and facility put up on the crater rim.  He was not mentioned at all 
in any of the other presentations or staff talks, and I didn't bring 
up his name.  The only spot in the 20 miles around Meteor Crater that 
seemed to have cell phone reception was the highest lookout on the 
rim, a great place when a lightning storm is approaching!  I did go 
to the remnants of the American Meteorite Museum, which has a big 
handmade "No Trespassing: violators will be jailed" sign in front of 
the ruins; I decided they could spare 15 minutes and half a dozen 
photos anyway.  Arizona hospitality at its finest, maybe provoked by 
the 2 burned out cars dumped on the vestiges of Route 66 in front of 
the ruins, though the ruins themselves did not seem to be vandalized 
beyond normal decay.  People in search of a streak plate will be sad 
to know that remains of the famous Nininger crapper have apparently 
been completely removed; the tub, however, is still intact until 
someone smashes it.  Although I think the old unmaintained and very 
potholed Route 66 is still public access, the area outside the right 
of way is heavily studded with No Trespassing signs.

The crater is still magnificent.  Although tempted, I did not put 
rare-earth magnets in my shoes to try to pick up spheroids on the 
q.t.  The gift shop sells baggies of the dirt from around the crater, 
pulverized quartz with a light sprinkling of ash from Sunset Crater 
and a few spheroids mixed in.
Although the staff seems at least moderately knowledgeable about the 
mechanics of the crater, the gift shop was heavily commercial, with 
t-shirts and Native American trinkets made in China, without any more 
scholarly information than the crater guidebook.  The facility is 
about what you might expect, a mix of older displays and some modern 
computer animation.  They show a 20 minute film about the impact and 
related phenomena in a substantial auditorium that could easily hold 
2-3 busloads of tourists.

We stayed overnight at La Posada, a landmark for anyone interested in 
the architecture styles of the Southwest, the history of the Fred 
Harvey company, and railroad history in general, returning to Vegas 
the following day after another brief stop at the crater.  Although 
the trip was very damp, I wouldn't have missed it for anything.

If you have any interest in our pictures of this trip, including a 
few taken at Penn & Teller's magic show, feel free to go to 
jediknight.com/gallery and look at the Vegas Trip section.

Tracy Latimer
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FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/

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Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson 2005 Teaser + Denver Thanks

2004-09-27 Thread DNAndrews
Thanks Geoff,
It's good to know these dates in advance.  Reservations are forth-coming. 

You're alrightI don't care what the other "Ssteve" says.   ;-)
"No-one Dave"
Notkin wrote:
Greetings Dear Listees:
It was a treat to see many of you in Denver, Colorado last weekend. I 
came down with a bad cold towards the end of the show, so apologies to 
those I missed and those I did not get to say goodbye to.

Special thanks -- as always -- to the Denver gang, including: Mike and 
Bill Jensen, Fred Hall and family, Anne Black, Dan Wray et al, for 
being such excellent hosts. Also to Blaine and Blake Reed for 
hospitality above and beyond in their showrooms, and to the mighty 
Edwin "E.T." Thompson who is a first class bartender and mixes one 
heck of a good margarita! I took a few photos, which I'll try to get 
around to posting this week.

In other news: I know many of you like to make your annual Tucson 
travel plans way in advance, and so -- after careful consultation with 
Allan Lang, Michael Blood, and Darryl Pitt -- I would like to provide 
you with the following teaser of Tucson 2005 show events:

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2005  [Evening]
All are invited to attend the Sixth Annual Meteor Mayhem Birthday Bash 
& Harvey Awards at 8 pm. Location of the event is TBA. After three 
years at the La Fuente restaurant, we are considering a change of 
venue for the following reasons: we've outgrown the big room at La 
Fuente; the nearby Vagabond Inn (formerly the Ramada University and 
home to Blaine Reed Meteorites) is no longer a show venue; and also 
because we'd just like to find somewhere a little more interesting and 
unusual. Details to follow.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2005  [Afternoon]
Allan Lang will host an auction of exceptional meteorites from the 
R.A. Langheinrich Meteorite Collection at the elegant Westward Look 
Resort on Ina Road, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 pm. An online catalog 
of specimens will be posted at www.nyrockman.com closer to the event.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2005  [Evening]
Michael Blood's ever-popular People's Meteorite Auction will take 
place at the VFW Hall, Post 4903, 1150 N. Beverly Avenue on the 
Saturday evening. This is the same location as the 2004 auction. The 
new hall was a big hit with everyone due to its spacious event room 
and full cash bar. An online catalog of specimens will be posted at 
www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com closer to the event.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005  [Morning]
Darryl Pitt's Macovich Collection meteorite auction will return to the 
sunny InnSuites lawn after a one year hiatus, on the Sunday morning. 
An online catalog of specimens will be posted at www.macovich.com 
closer to the event.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005  [Afternoon]
Allan Lang and colleagues present a very special free event: You are 
invited to meet Apollo astronaut, moon walker, and celebrated 
geologist Dr. Harrison "Jack" Schmitt when he appears in person at the 
Westward Look Resort on the Sunday afternoon.

Details:  http://www.nyrockman.com/tucson-2005.htm
The 2005 Tucson Gem and Mineral show opens in just about four months 
from today, so start saving your pennies!

Finally, Steve Arnold IMB and I will be very happy with a couple of 
large, thin slices of the new Russian pallasite for those who 
absolutely feel the need to bring us birthday gifts. Thanks!  : )

Best regards to all,
Geoff N.
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[meteorite-list] Munich show

2004-09-27 Thread Bernhard Rems
May I ask who of you is coming to Munich this year? And may I also ask
if you know if Sergej is there?

I have decided to be there for all three days, and to try to meet as
many of you as possible :-).


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