Re: [meteorite-list] As a matter of fact, I done!

2004-12-31 Thread Jonathan Gore
Jonathan Gore wrote:
As Cicero said: Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the 
parent of all others. Happiness and success depends on the person 
making the best of things and enjoying life to the greatest extent 
That should have read, And as Anonymous said: Happiness and success 
depends on the person making the best of things and enjoying life to the 
greatest extent possible. Like Tom Knudson said, doesn't pay to rush!
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NPA 06-29-1958 Odessa Craters Called Tourist Asset

2004-12-31 Thread MARK BOSTICK
Paper: The Odessa American
City: Odessa, Texas
Date: Sunday, June 29, 1958
Page: 33
Local Meteor Craters Called Tourist Asset
Odessa has the least-publicized and most unknown wonder of the world 
within a few miles of the city and the Women In Construction Club might do 
well to put it on its list of projects to be supported.
Tracy Byers of the Odessa American, speaker at the Thursday night 
meeting of the WIC's declared that the Odessa Meteor Craters southwest of 
town should be developed as a tourist attraction.
The opening of Interstate Route 20 will bring the greatest number of 
tourists in history across this section of the country, and with all the new 
motels and improvements in old ones, Odessa can offer perfect accommodations 
for all. Byers said.
He related efforts of past years to develop the meteor cater site, and 
half-hearted efforts of various groups to develop the craters. First 
national attention was called in the Odessa meteor craters in 1926, when a 
Philadelphia scientist visited here and wrote about them, Byers reported, 
At present there are neither road signs nor markers to show anyone how 
to get there. The site also needs improvements.
The WIC members approved doing what publicity they could for the 
craters, which have what is described by scientists as the third largest 
meteor in the world imbedded in the earth. In the discussion, several club 
members said they never had heard of the craters before.
Virginia Porter presided at the meeting in the absence of President 
Bobbie Layton. Members voted to hold a box supper on Friday night, July 25, 
to raise money for their pet charity.
They previously voted to select Otto's Boy's Ranch as the organization 
they would work for.
A number of members indicated that they would attend the national 
convention of Women In Construction in the Shamrock-Hilton Hotel in Houston 
in September.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas
PDF copy of this article, and most I post, is available upon e-mail request.
The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. I have been doing 
this to for use of the meteorite-list search engine:
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NPA 03-12/13-1969 Meteor Crater State Park Is Proposed

2004-12-31 Thread MARK BOSTICK
Paper: Odessa American
City: Odessa, Texas
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 1969
Section B Low News, Page 1
Meteor Crater State Park Is Proposed
AUSTIN (Staff) - Legislation authorizing the creation of Odessa Meteor 
Crater State Park six miles west of Odessa was introduced into the House 
Wednesday morning by State Rep. Ace Pickens of Odessa.
It is one of the few meteor craters in the United States,: said 
Pickens, and, as an ancillary matter, there are several oil wells nearby, 
which could add to its attractiveness as a tourist spot.
There has been a great deal of effort for many years to develop the 
area further and it would fit in with the recent constitutional amendment 
which authorized $75 million in bond funds to finance the purchase of new 
park sites.
Picken's HB 889 would authorize Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to 
purchase the site and develop and maintain it as a state park of 
approximately 100 acres.
The meteor crater development now is operated by the Permian Basin 
Meteorological Society.

Paper: Odessa American
City: Odessa, Texas
Date: Thursday, March 13, 1969
Section D Area News, Page 1
Meteor Crater State Park Is Proposed
AUSTIN (Staff) - Legislation authorizing the creation of Odessa Meteor 
Crater State Park six miles west of Odessa was introduced into the House 
Wednesday morning by State Rep. Ace Pickens of Odessa.
It is one of the few meteor craters in the United States,: said 
Pickens, and, as an ancillary matter, there are several oil wells nearby, 
which could add to its attractiveness as a tourist spot.
There has been a great deal of effort for many years to develop the 
area further and it would fit in with the recent constitutional amendment 
which authorized $75 million in bond funds to finance the purchase of new 
park sites.
Picken's HB 889 would authorize Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to 
purchase the site and develop and maintain it as a state park of 
approximately 100 acres.
The meteor crater development now is operated by the Permian Basin 
Meteorological Society.

The Odessa American liked this little article so much they ran it two days 
in a row in different sections of the newspaper.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas
PDF copy of this article, and most I post, is available upon e-mail request.
The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. I have been doing 
this to for use of the meteorite-list search engine:
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NPA 06-19-1969 At Odessa Meteor Crater - 'Star' Really Fell On Texas

2004-12-31 Thread MARK BOSTICK
Paper: The Odessa American
City: Odessa, Texas
Date: Thursday, June 19, 1969
Page: 27
At Odessa Meteor Crater ---
'Star' Really Fell On Texas
Thousands of years ago, a star fell on West Texas and produced what 
has been described as one of the rarest and most interesting phenomenons in 
the world.
Odessa Meteor Crater located 10 miles southwest of the city on Highway 
80, is a nearly circular depression 550 feet in diameter.
Every year the crater and adjacent museum attract hundreds of visitors, 
many of whom are scientists wanting to further explore the site.
In fact, the crater here possesses such special characteristics that it 
was designated in 1965 as a National Historical Landmark, the first such 
site in Texas to be so named by the National Parks Service fo the U.S. 
Department of the Interior.
Legislation last year passed and created Odessa Meteor Crater State 
Park. Rep. Ace Pickens of Odessa introduced the bill.
Besides being among the less than 30 such depressions in existence, the 
Odessa crater is one of ten in which associated meteoric material survived 
the impact with earth and the earth's erosion processes.
It was probed last year by a five-man team from NASA because it 
resembled what they would expect some moon craters to be like.
But to the layman, the crater more nearly resembles a caliche pit than 
anything else. To the meteorist or geologist, however, it is a scientific 
Most meteorites, as they hurtle through space and enter the earth's 
atmosphere, burn up before even touching the ground.
But the nickel-iron meteorite which streaked into West Texas more than 
20,000 years ago left solid evidence of its existence.
It shattered on impact and blew out more than 100,000 cubic yards of 
rock to produce a hole 100 feet deep.
According to astrophysicists, the meteorite was part of a great shower 
from within our solar system - probably from the asteroidal belt located 
between planets Jupiter and Saturn.
It was first thought there was one large piece of the star buried 170 
feet beneath the surface. But scientists now have determinated it exploded 
and vaporized on contact and that scores of fragments are all that remain of 
the meteor itself.
Five small craters in the vicinity of the main one range from 15 feet 
to 70 feet in diameter and from 7 to 18 feet in depth.
Through the year, the crater has filled up with sediments to within six 
feet of the level of the surrounding plan, and within 18 feet of its rim.
It appears now as a shallow, almost circular depression surrounded by a 
low rock-buttressed rim.
A rancher first discovered the phenomenon in 1892, but attempts to 
develop the site didn't start till the late 1930's.
Attempts to preserve the site for scientific study and tourist 
attraction were made after the war, but it was not till the 1960's that the 
Odessa Chamber of Commerce and later Odessa Meteoritical Society, Inc., a 
non-profit organization became interested.
The society, formed in 1962, immediately began to develop the site as a 
tourist attraction and outdoor lab for scientists. The group still maintains 
the crater. Tom Rodman is president.
Odessa Meteor Crater museum, located near the site, is a one-room 
structure built in 1962 from donations from Odessa and area residents.
It houses fragments from three other iron meteorites besides the Odessa 
Meteorite, 10 specimens of stony meteorite, a rare stony-iron meteorite 
fragment and some tektites, glassy meteorite fragments thought to be pieces 
of the moon.
In addition, there are photos taken on recent space flights.
Admission fees are 25 cents for adults and 10 cents each for children.
   Museum hours are 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Thursday through Monday June through 
August; and 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, September through May.


Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas
PDF copy of this article, and most I post, is available upon e-mail request.
The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. I have been doing 
this to for use of the meteorite-list search engine:
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NPA 01-10-1937 Two Girls Guard Meteor Crater (Arizona)

2004-12-31 Thread MARK BOSTICK
Paper: Charleston Daily Mail
City: Charleston, West Virginia
Date: Sunday, January 10, 1937
Page: Part of Sunday magazine like insert, pages not numbered
World's Largest Meteor Crater Is Furnishing Funds That Will Send Two Arizona 
Lasses Through College. That Are Enthused With Their 'Protege'

By Jack Cejnar
GUARDING the mightiest fallen star that ever struck the earth is the unique 
but fascinating job of two of Arizona's bewitching, sun-tanned, young women.
They are Doris ad Lorraine Goeglein, daughters of W.C. Goeglein, a 
Winslow (Ariz.) mining engineer. The pretty sisters are the hostesses, 
living all alone atop the rim of the giant meteor crater near Canyon Diablo, 
twenty miles southwest of Winslow in the blistering Painted Desert.
Their job is to welcome the more adventurous tourists who divert from 
the Santa Fe Trail to make the side trip to this mysterious tomb of the 
titanic meteor that came roaring out of the northern sky during prehistoric 
days to smash its way deep into the bowels of the earth. The mountainous 
meteor is there yet, rich in contents of platinum and nickel, for modern 
man, after thirty years of drilling operations, finally has located it at a 
depth of 1370 feet.

THE Impact of this celestial visitor when it struck the earth was so 
terrific that it blasted a cavity twenty-five times as large as the famous 
Yale Bowl and sent boulders weighing as much as 7000 tons flying in all 
directions. Strata of limestone rock hundreds of feet underground were 
wrenched apart and hurled upward to form a lip of dazzling whiteness rising 
160 feet above the level wastes of the surrounding Central Arizona plateau 
and to frame the huge crater in sharp contrast against the purple and red 
sandstone of the desert.
In a stone cabin atop this white rim, where the breezes blow 
constantly, dwell the two Goeglein sisters, like two copper-sunned Hopi 
Indian Princesses, mistresses of all they survey. From their desks through 
the open door they watch with field glasses for tourists' cars that may 
leave the Santa Fe Trail to head toward their solitary and aerial abode.
They know that visitors are on the way long before the naked eye can 
pick out approaching machines in the illimitable open spaces of the desert. 
Motorists can drive almost on the top of the rim, for the cabin of the 
sisters is at the end of the trail leading to the edge of the crater.
The beauty of the desert has cast its spell over the sisters. The 
desert sun has tanned them a deep brown. The purple haze of the desert 
distances has painted corresponding tints in their eyes. The white snowcap 
of majestic San Francisco Peak, towering in the clouds fifty miles to the 
northwest, is reflected in their pearly teeth. They move with the ease and 
grace of the desert antelope that often come up the path to star at the 
sisters and then to bound away again into the desert.
We are not lonely up here, explains Doris, the older, who is 22 and 
who is planning to enter the University of Arizona to prepare herself for 
teaching.  There is so much to see here all the time that we never get 
tired of it. We have innumerable rabbits on the rim here, quite a few 
antelopes and even some mountain lions to keep us company. We have the 
clouds and the 'dust devils' (little whirlwinds common in the Southwest) to 
watch, the tourists to look out for, books to read, radio to listen to and 
we do make occasional trips to Winslow.

LORRAINE, who is 18 and a senior in Winslow High School, nods emphatically 
in agreement.
The tourists are a continued source of interest to us, Doris 
continues. We always enjoy seeing their reactions when they first see the 
big crater. I love to instruct them about this wonder from beyond this world 
of ours and to answer their questions. It's probably because I hope to be a 
teacher some day and so it comes natural for me to play a teacher's role 
here now.
Do you know that few incidents in nature are more dramatic then the 
arrival of a meteor, especially a big meteor, probably the burned-out tail 
of a huge comet, whizzling through space up among the stars at a rate of 
thirty to fifty miles a second?
Then it enters the earth's atmospheric belt. In a split second 
friction turns it white hot. It lights up the ground below for hundreds of 
miles with a flash of supersunlight while thousands of incandescent 
fragments fly off its main glowing mass to furnish an indescribably 
beautiful pyrotechnical display.
Then the fiery mass strikes the earth. For miles around the desert and 
the mountain peaks shake as it an earthquake had occurred. High into the air 
there shoots a cloud of dust, whose billows are punctured by flying boulders 
weighing thousands of tons. Then a hurricane of wind sweeps out from the 
scene of impact to level everything in its path and complete the 
awe-inspiring tableau of clashing elements.
The fallen star is 

[meteorite-list] Bluewing 001

2004-12-31 Thread Dave Schultz
  I was just wondering if anyone knows who found
Bluewing 001, an eucrite that was found in Pershing
Co., NV. in 2000, and if there would possibly be any
for sale or trade? I know the TKW is very low though,
and my prospects are probably slim and none, but it
doesn`t hurt to try. Thanks and hope everyone has a
safe and Happy New Year

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread Dave Harris
Well, the eBay shipping saga is finished and I am not completing the sale. 
He refused point blank to reconsider the shipping charges of $25 for a
thumbnail specimen, but I did notice that on his new auctions he made 2
critical changes - one was to have a proper starting price (so he no longer
has to sell as $65 for $1) and also much more plausible shipping charges.
So, negative feedback all round!!!

Not a happy ending but he obviously did not want to nurture business like
all of you (and me) want to.

Sometimes I am deeply saddened by the stupidity of Mankind

best for the New Year!

IMCA #0092
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread David Freeman
Dear Dave,
Congratulations I think!  The Chinese tend to have a higher than normal 
number of those that conduct business in that manner.
Then again, always watch out for things that are too good to be true and 
buy from reputable dealers with good positive feed back.  Something for 
nothing ALWAYS  gets more scrutiny from yours truly.  Before bidding, a 
cordial what will be the shipping costs, does my estimated amount agree 
with yours...
Value of your time spent messing with a non-transaction is? And, so the 
total cost of getting nothing is?
Inquiring minds want to know,
Dave F.

Dave Harris wrote:
Well, the eBay shipping saga is finished and I am not completing the sale. 
He refused point blank to reconsider the shipping charges of $25 for a
thumbnail specimen, but I did notice that on his new auctions he made 2
critical changes - one was to have a proper starting price (so he no longer
has to sell as $65 for $1) and also much more plausible shipping charges.
So, negative feedback all round!!!

Not a happy ending but he obviously did not want to nurture business like
all of you (and me) want to.
Sometimes I am deeply saddened by the stupidity of Mankind

best for the New Year!
IMCA #0092
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Bluewing 001

2004-12-31 Thread bernd . pauli
   I was just wondering if anyone knows who found Bluewing 001,
 an eucrite that was found in Pershing Co., NV. in 2000, and if
 there would possibly be any for sale or trade? I know the TKW
 is very low though, and my prospects are probably slim and
 none, but it doesn`t hurt to try. Thanks and hope everyone has a
 safe and Happy New Year Dave

Hello Dave and List,

A 6.1 g stone was found by P. Gessler while he was searching for meteorites
on Bluewing Flat. Classification and analysis (P. Warren, UCLA): subophitic
texture; pyroxene grains are mostly 1 mm and zoned from En67.5Wo4.8 to
En6Wo25 to En3Wo15; plagioclase is zoned from An89 to An75, average
An82; minor and trace phases include silica, ilmenite, phosphate, fayalite,
K-feldspar, metal and troilite; bulk composition is similar to Stannern and
Bouvante. See also Warren and Gessler (2001). Specimens: type specimen,
1.15 g, UCLA; main mass, Gessler.

Best wishes for a
safe, propserous
and Happy 2005,


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] New Franconia Discovery 27.5 Pounds Oriented

2004-12-31 Thread jsbaird
Hi List

The largest likely Franconia meteorite was just discovered: 27.5 pounds and
looks to be oriented.
Picture can be seen at the following site:

Jerry a. Baird

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Franconia Discovery 27.5 Pounds Oriented

2004-12-31 Thread bernd . pauli
 The largest likely Franconia meteorite was just discovered: 27.5 pounds
 and looks to be oriented.Picture can be seen at the following site:

Hello Jerry and List,

Thanks for sharing! Beautiful thumbprinting!
Any ideas what it might be? My guess: H5 !

Best New Year's Eve wishes,

Bernd (looking forward to our pork and beef fondue tonight :-)

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: New Franconia Discovery 27.5 Pounds Oriented

2004-12-31 Thread Notkin
Jerry posted:
 The largest likely Franconia meteorite was just discovered
Wow! Somebody is having a happy New Year  : )
Are you the finder Jerry?
Congratulations on a superb find and Happy New Year to all.
Geoff N.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Franconia strewnfield

2004-12-31 Thread Pelé Pierre-Marie

I was reading today an issue of Meteorite Magazine
about Franconia hunting. I searched the place on my
Rand Mc Nally atlas but didn't find it.

Where is located Franconia ?



And happy new year 2005 for those who already crossed
the year !

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread Tom AKA James Knudson
I don't get ebay, one well known over seas seller has a $25 shipping fee,
that's fine, but if another seller sells an identical meteorite at the same
starting price, but with $2 shipping, form what I have seen, the meteorites
will sell for the same amount lets say $15 in the end, even though they have
to pay $23 more in shipping, do they just not care what the shipping charges

Thanks, Tom
IMCA 6168
- Original Message -
From: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: metlist
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] shipping

 Well, the eBay shipping saga is finished and I am not completing the sale.
 He refused point blank to reconsider the shipping charges of $25 for a
 thumbnail specimen, but I did notice that on his new auctions he made 2
 critical changes - one was to have a proper starting price (so he no
 has to sell as $65 for $1) and also much more plausible shipping charges.
 So, negative feedback all round!!!

 Not a happy ending but he obviously did not want to nurture business like
 all of you (and me) want to.

 Sometimes I am deeply saddened by the stupidity of Mankind

 best for the New Year!

 IMCA #0092
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread David Freeman
Dear Tom, List;
For me, it come down to the word VALUEdo you value your dealers, 
the ones you have bought from in the past, or notable visible dealers, 
(IMCA members, List members, consistent sellers, better than 98% feed 
back and OVER 50 positive feed back).  
Value meaning supporting good dealers that offer good prices and good 
service (and piece of mind) are a real value.  Support your good service 
and goods providers and they will provide the value.
Supporting fly-by-night, or non confirmed sellers for a bargain hot 10 
cents deal that costs a ton of shipping/handling/time to straighten out 
a mess is not a VALUE deal, and speculative at best.
Many fly-by-night sellers could care less what you  have to pay them for 
shipping, especially when you are to tight with your money to spend more 
than 99 cents on a meteorite that should sell for tens of dollars.  I do 
not feel sorry for those that really expect something for nothing and 
get skinned at trying.  One plays one pays.

Support Value, support your good dealers.
Dave F.
Happy New Year to all!
Tom AKA James Knudson wrote:
I don't get ebay, one well known over seas seller has a $25 shipping fee,
that's fine, but if another seller sells an identical meteorite at the same
starting price, but with $2 shipping, form what I have seen, the meteorites
will sell for the same amount lets say $15 in the end, even though they have
to pay $23 more in shipping, do they just not care what the shipping charges
Thanks, Tom
IMCA 6168
- Original Message -
From: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: metlist
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] shipping

Well, the eBay shipping saga is finished and I am not completing the sale.
He refused point blank to reconsider the shipping charges of $25 for a
thumbnail specimen, but I did notice that on his new auctions he made 2
critical changes - one was to have a proper starting price (so he no
has to sell as $65 for $1) and also much more plausible shipping charges.
So, negative feedback all round!!!
Not a happy ending but he obviously did not want to nurture business like
all of you (and me) want to.
Sometimes I am deeply saddened by the stupidity of Mankind

best for the New Year!
IMCA #0092
Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread Mark Miconi

Ebay will tell you and do so in their user agreements that they Only
Provide The Venue for the auctions/sales to occur. They do not police their
site for everything that goes onmore and more they have to rely on the
users to police themselves. Go look at antique/Persian rugs on Ebay. Lots of
dealers that are very reputable. Look at the pricingsome start at a
dollar and have a fixed shipping cost of $199.00, others have starting
prices at $150.00 and up and have a $45.00 or more depending on where you
live shipping cost. I have bought several rugs online from both types. The
average 8 x 12 foot rug is about $45.00 to ship to me. I look for the
reasonable shipping terms and then go for the item I want.

As a seller on Ebay (desertcrystal) starting my 6th year I can honestly say
that bidders do not read auctions and they do not ask questions. I do not
care if the item sells for one pennyTHAT IS NOT what it is going to
Shipping should be your first concern anytime you are buyingnothing is a
deal if the seller is making money on the shipping and by bidding on an item
and then arguing about the cost is wasting time. Ebays rules are if you agree to the terms STATED in the auction at the time you bid.

Anyone that bids should have first read the entire auction, they should
UNDERSTAND what they read and if they still have questions they should ASK
first before bidding. Simple common sense.  I can not tell you the number of
bidder I have had that never asked a single question about an item or the
shipping until the auction was over and at that point, at least as far as
this seller is concerned your pissing up a rope with me. You bid, you won,
you pay, I ship, transaction over plain and simple.

I answer 30 emails a day on average, many asking about the item, most about
the shipping. I answer every question, I offer alternatives to issues, I try
to accommodate any bidders reasonable request, special handling, really
anything, as long as it is BEFORE the auction ends. I also charge a handling
fee because we pack very well and professionally and that costs money and
that cost we pass onto our bidders as a handling fee. BUT every seller that
packs fragile items has to recover their costs for materials and they either
do it in the starting price or in shipping/handling fees. I prefer to be
upfront and say there will be a handling fee, I only ever charge EXACT
shipping costs, plus handling25 cents a sheet for bubblewrap and $1.00 a
cubic foot for peanuts and that is EXACTLY what I pay.

If you look at my feedback our customers love our shipping and packing. I do
not sell meteorites. If I did I would charge exact postage for whatever
service they bidder wanted and only $0.12 - $0.25 cents for bubblewrap and
only if it was really needed to protect the stone. I have used bubblewrap
here that is not good for antiques but is great for metal and other things
that won't shatter and since I get it free I give it away.

My whole point is...90% of the problems on ebay is a lack of communication
and understanding. Bidders need to ask questions, know the terms and
understand what the costs will be. REPUTABLE sellers will have no problems
answering questions, they will have reasonable costs and they will work with
the bidder. IF every bidder did this the bullshit sellers that charge $25.00
to ship a thumbnail size piece of stone will not be on ebay long...they
would not have bidders because the bidders would have asked questions and
found out that the seller was screwing them and then would not bid.

Please...everyone, If you are going to buy on ebay, ASK questions of the
seller BEFORE you bid. Know what it is you are buying, what it will cost to
ship and be sure you have no lingering questions. IF the seller does not
answer the first email, send a second as lord knows how reliable email is.
IF the seller does not answer or does not have the answers that make YOU
feel good about the sale DO NOT BID. There will always be another chance at
ANY item on ebay...all it will cost you is the time to find it. Nothing will
ever replace the time spent arguing about something that could have been
avoided 9 times out of 10 with a simple question before that mouse goes

Mark Miconi
Phoenix AZ

Mark M.
Phoenix AZ

At least once every human being should have to run for his life, to teach
him that milk does not come from a supermarket, that safety does not come
from policemen, and that news is not something that happens to other
people.  - Robert Heinlein

- Original Message -
From: Tom AKA James Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]; metlist
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

 I don't get ebay, one well known over seas seller has a $25 shipping fee,
 that's fine, but if another seller sells an identical meteorite at the
 starting price, but with $2 shipping, form what I have seen, the

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread Walter Branch
Hi Tom and list,

Just returned from a nice vacation to Tennessee
and North Carolina.  Picked up a rare meteorite
in the Great Smoke Mountians called snowangel.
check it out:

and the strewnfield:

do they just not care what the shipping charges are?

Yes, that is it.  It's called psychology.  People disregard
shipping and handling charges for the most part.

I don't.

BTW, whoever invented the term handling as a charge
was a marketing genius.  Imagine paying for someone to
actually handle your merchandise.

Similarly, whoever thought of adding .95 or .99 to the
end of a holler amount was also a marketing  genius!

I see lots of micromounts on ebay which I would
like to add to my collection but I don't bother because of
the excessive shipping fees.

Overcharging for shipping is older than ebay.  Doing so
insures that the ebay and paypal fees are paid and in many
cases, such as the example here, adds profit.

I almost always pass over any auction which doesn't list
shipping fees or give some indication of shipping fees.  If I am really
interested in item, I will ask the seller to give me an
idea as to shipping.  Many times, the selller does not respond
so I just pass the auction by.

Hoping everyone has a great 2005!

-Walter Branch

- Original Message - 
From: Tom AKA James Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]; metlist
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

 I don't get ebay, one well known over seas seller has a $25 shipping fee,
 that's fine, but if another seller sells an identical meteorite at the
 starting price, but with $2 shipping, form what I have seen, the
 will sell for the same amount lets say $15 in the end, even though they
 to pay $23 more in shipping, do they just not care what the shipping

 Thanks, Tom
 IMCA 6168
 - Original Message -
 From: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: metlist
 Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 9:29 AM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] shipping

  Well, the eBay shipping saga is finished and I am not completing the
  He refused point blank to reconsider the shipping charges of $25 for a
  thumbnail specimen, but I did notice that on his new auctions he made 2
  critical changes - one was to have a proper starting price (so he no
  has to sell as $65 for $1) and also much more plausible shipping
  So, negative feedback all round!!!
  Not a happy ending but he obviously did not want to nurture business
  all of you (and me) want to.
  Sometimes I am deeply saddened by the stupidity of Mankind
  best for the New Year!
  IMCA #0092
  Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread David Freeman
Dear Mark;
You are absolutely correct.  Stupid is as stupid does.  Buyers do not 

Repeat buyers that have learned the transactions are golden children in 
my book and get freebies occasionally because I know they will not cost 
me extra time, they expect good stuff for a good price and they get good 
stuff and good service for a good price and they pay promptly. We leave 
great feedback and we send each other Christmas gifts and prior posting 
notices when something great comes up at auction so they can plan to 
look/buy before others of lesser status can grab the best of the best. 
Repeat customers support my livelihood.
Crappy customers get put on my bidder management program.  I do not have 
time to waste on chizzlers, non paying bidders, or anyone that would 
deserve less than positive feed back.
If you find a good used car dealer, stick with him.  If you find a good 
minister or undertaker, stay with him.  Good 
politician..ah-hum...good luck!
Good buyers and sellers are the key to happy business.   Reading the bid 
contract is the only way to know what is what.  Do you sign blank 
contracts at the car dealership or the bank?  

Don't bid ebay unless you read the contract first.  Don't bid my 
auctions if you can't read the shipping, payment, and about me page 
for my business policies. I hand type that in every auction I list, and 
half never read it.

Dave F.
Mark Miconi wrote:
Ebay will tell you and do so in their user agreements that they Only
Provide The Venue for the auctions/sales to occur. They do not police their
site for everything that goes onmore and more they have to rely on the
users to police themselves. Go look at antique/Persian rugs on Ebay. Lots of
dealers that are very reputable. Look at the pricingsome start at a
dollar and have a fixed shipping cost of $199.00, others have starting
prices at $150.00 and up and have a $45.00 or more depending on where you
live shipping cost. I have bought several rugs online from both types. The
average 8 x 12 foot rug is about $45.00 to ship to me. I look for the
reasonable shipping terms and then go for the item I want.
As a seller on Ebay (desertcrystal) starting my 6th year I can honestly say
that bidders do not read auctions and they do not ask questions. I do not
care if the item sells for one pennyTHAT IS NOT what it is going to
Shipping should be your first concern anytime you are buyingnothing is a
deal if the seller is making money on the shipping and by bidding on an item
and then arguing about the cost is wasting time. Ebays rules are if you agree to the terms STATED in the auction at the time you bid.
Anyone that bids should have first read the entire auction, they should
UNDERSTAND what they read and if they still have questions they should ASK
first before bidding. Simple common sense.  I can not tell you the number of
bidder I have had that never asked a single question about an item or the
shipping until the auction was over and at that point, at least as far as
this seller is concerned your pissing up a rope with me. You bid, you won,
you pay, I ship, transaction over plain and simple.
I answer 30 emails a day on average, many asking about the item, most about
the shipping. I answer every question, I offer alternatives to issues, I try
to accommodate any bidders reasonable request, special handling, really
anything, as long as it is BEFORE the auction ends. I also charge a handling
fee because we pack very well and professionally and that costs money and
that cost we pass onto our bidders as a handling fee. BUT every seller that
packs fragile items has to recover their costs for materials and they either
do it in the starting price or in shipping/handling fees. I prefer to be
upfront and say there will be a handling fee, I only ever charge EXACT
shipping costs, plus handling25 cents a sheet for bubblewrap and $1.00 a
cubic foot for peanuts and that is EXACTLY what I pay.
If you look at my feedback our customers love our shipping and packing. I do
not sell meteorites. If I did I would charge exact postage for whatever
service they bidder wanted and only $0.12 - $0.25 cents for bubblewrap and
only if it was really needed to protect the stone. I have used bubblewrap
here that is not good for antiques but is great for metal and other things
that won't shatter and since I get it free I give it away.
My whole point is...90% of the problems on ebay is a lack of communication
and understanding. Bidders need to ask questions, know the terms and
understand what the costs will be. REPUTABLE sellers will have no problems
answering questions, they will have reasonable costs and they will work with
the bidder. IF every bidder did this the bullshit sellers that charge $25.00
to ship a thumbnail size piece of stone will not be on ebay long...they
would not have bidders because the bidders would have asked questions and
found out that the seller was screwing them and then would not 

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping and more

2004-12-31 Thread David Freeman
Dear all,
Ebay has a shipping calculator where the seller puts in his zip code, 
the weight of the shipment, the mode of shipping (the speed to send it 
out) and the calculator will supply the potential bidder the exact 
shipping cost.try it some time, it is pretty close to actual 90% of 
the time with what I sell.
Always be sure to request an invoice of actual shipping weight on 
combined items (always ask about combined shipping if it isn't stated in 
the auction) to save a few dollars on only paying ins. and delivery 
confirmation once, and I never ship anything with out insurance and 
delivery confirmation.  It is stated in my auctions in numerous places 
and still, 10% can't read.

Dave F.
Walter Branch wrote:
Hi Tom and list,
Just returned from a nice vacation to Tennessee
and North Carolina.  Picked up a rare meteorite
in the Great Smoke Mountians called snowangel.
check it out:
and the strewnfield:
do they just not care what the shipping charges are?
Yes, that is it.  It's called psychology.  People disregard
shipping and handling charges for the most part.
I don't.
BTW, whoever invented the term handling as a charge
was a marketing genius.  Imagine paying for someone to
actually handle your merchandise.
Similarly, whoever thought of adding .95 or .99 to the
end of a holler amount was also a marketing  genius!
I see lots of micromounts on ebay which I would
like to add to my collection but I don't bother because of
the excessive shipping fees.
Overcharging for shipping is older than ebay.  Doing so
insures that the ebay and paypal fees are paid and in many
cases, such as the example here, adds profit.
I almost always pass over any auction which doesn't list
shipping fees or give some indication of shipping fees.  If I am really
interested in item, I will ask the seller to give me an
idea as to shipping.  Many times, the selller does not respond
so I just pass the auction by.
Hoping everyone has a great 2005!
-Walter Branch

- Original Message - 
From: Tom AKA James Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]; metlist
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

I don't get ebay, one well known over seas seller has a $25 shipping fee,
that's fine, but if another seller sells an identical meteorite at the
starting price, but with $2 shipping, form what I have seen, the
will sell for the same amount lets say $15 in the end, even though they
to pay $23 more in shipping, do they just not care what the shipping
Thanks, Tom
IMCA 6168
- Original Message -
From: Dave Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: metlist
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] shipping

Well, the eBay shipping saga is finished and I am not completing the
He refused point blank to reconsider the shipping charges of $25 for a
thumbnail specimen, but I did notice that on his new auctions he made 2
critical changes - one was to have a proper starting price (so he no
has to sell as $65 for $1) and also much more plausible shipping
So, negative feedback all round!!!
Not a happy ending but he obviously did not want to nurture business
all of you (and me) want to.
Sometimes I am deeply saddened by the stupidity of Mankind

best for the New Year!
IMCA #0092
Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Elbogen

2004-12-31 Thread Dave Harris
...just to change the thread I am really happy to announce that I am
buying some Elbogen from Dieter Heinlein!!

Bloody old stuff that is!

thanks Dieter!

IMCA #0092 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] bad feedback

2004-12-31 Thread Dave Harris
..and hey! I actually got some bad feedback on eBay - check it out!!

Y'know, I really don't care! The people who do buy from me know me so I am
not too bothered!!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping

2004-12-31 Thread stan .

BTW, whoever invented the term handling as a charge
was a marketing genius.  Imagine paying for someone to
actually handle your merchandise.
Thats not exactly true - shipping charges are the cost of postage to get 
your item to you - handeling is the cost of the box, packing material, and 
in some cases, waiting in line at the post office for an hour to send out a 
package because insured mail cant be simply dropped off at a drop box - 
think about it, if your boss made you stand inline for an hour, off the 
clock to pick up your paycheck, would you be happy about it?

The cost of paking an item might not seem like much, but it certainly adds 
up - there was a time when i was selling on ebay alot of bulky items and it 
wasnt unusual to see charges on my credit card statement for a few hundred 
$$ from the packing supply store. even when we are tlaking about small 
micromounts, a membrane box, some packing material, and a cardboard box cost 
a few $ total - more than the actual postage might be for a small item, but 
it's a cost none the less.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] List of Nevada Meteorites

2004-12-31 Thread Robert Verish
As the year 2004 draws to a close we tend to reflect
upon the past and of past accomplishments, as well as,
of resolutions still undone.  

Now here's something that I had on this year's to do
list - make a list of Nevada meteorites.

More and more I've been getting asked if there is a
source for this kind of information.  I have to
admit that I can only find very limited information. 
I used to have a bookmark for the post by Rob Matson
where he listed the cataloged NV meteorites, but since
Art has changed servers that link is no longer
working.  Anyway, it's probably time for an update.

And here it is:


* = NOTES: 
(1) This is a list of Nevada meteorites that are
known to me, Robert Verish, to the best of my
This list is in two parts - 1st part lists the known
classified meteorites, and the 2nd part lists all of
the known reported but unclassified meteorites. 

(2) All of the meteorites listed have been reported
to the Meteoritical Society's Nomenclature Committee
(NomCom). Some of the classified meteorites listed are
still pending approval by the NomCom. In some cases
the meteorite name has been made blank until their
provisional name has been formally approved. This list
will be updated as the approval status changes. 

(3) MRF = found by a meteorite-recovery team member
during a group search. 

(4) Roach Dry Lake info courtesy of Rob Matson data

(5) If you have any additions or corrections, please
contact me. 

1908   - Quinn Canyon
1930   - Las Vegas - J.P. King -  
  (probably a transported Canyon Diablo)
1935   - Boak's Meteorite - L.J. Murphy -   
  (private collection, never cataloged, now is
1935   - Quartz Mountain
03/08/1995 - Hot Springs - found by Mr. F. Keiper

12/23/1997 - Primm - initial finds by Nick and Paul
01/02/1998 - Roach - Nick and Paul Gessler
05/02/1998 - Bonnie Claire 001 - Nick Gessler
05/02/1998 - Bonnie Claire 002 - Nick Gessler
07/20/1998 - Alkali - Nick Gessler
Spring 1999 - Majuba - Harold McCormick   
  (Classification witheld by Univ. of Az.)
05/02/1999 - Beer Bottle Pass - John Gwilliam
05/02/1999 - Devil Peak - John Gwilliam
10/28/1999 - Bluewing 002-004 - Paul Gessler
11/04/1999 - Bluewing 005 - Paul Gessler
11/07/1999 - Bluewing 006-007 - Paul Gessler 
02/28/2000 - Tungsten Mountain 011 - Paul Gessler
02/28/2000 - Tungsten Mountain 001 - Paul Gessler
06/14/2000 - Bluewing 001 - Paul Gessler
08/01/2000 - Roach Dry Lake 002 - John Blennert   
  (Probably paired to Devil Peak)
10/21/2000 - Roach Dry Lake 003 - Rob Matson  
  (Probably paired to Primm)
11/26/2000 - Dry Lake Valley - Robert Verish

02/17/2001 - _ _ _ _ 004 (H6 S2 W2) - Robert Verish   
  (Name pending approval)
02/17/2001 - _ _ _ _ 022 (L6 S3 W4) - Robert Verish   
02/17/2001 - _ _ _ _ 030 (H3.8 S2 W4) - Robert Verish 
03/19/2001 - Kumiva Valley - Nick Gessler
03/31/2001 - Roach Dry Lake 006 - Kim Cathcart
05/03/2001 - _ _ _ _ 101 (L6 S4 W3) - Robert Verish   
05/28/2001 - Tungsten Mountain 002-004 - Robert Verish
08/04/2001 - Tungsten Mountain 005-006 - G. LaBarbera
08/04/2001 - Tungsten Mountain 007-010 - Jim LaBarbera
08/17/2001 - Bluewing 008 - Rob Matson
08/17/2001 - Diamond Valley - Nick Gessler
09/08/2001 - _ _ _ _ 260 (H6 S3 W4) - G. LaBarbera ()

01/12/2002 - Mud Dry Lake - Robert Verish
03/17/2002 - Roach Dry Lake 024 - Kim Cathcart
05/05/2002 - Roach Dry Lake 027 - Rob Matson
05/05/2002 - Roach Dry Lake 030 - Rob Matson
05/06/2002 - Roach Dry Lake 031 - Robert Verish
06/13/2002 - Sawtooth Knob - Gordon and Patrcia Cave
07/05/2002 - Roach Dry Lake 064 - Kim Cathcart
07/19/2002 - Roach Dry Lake 075 - Rob Matson
08/??/2002 - Majuba 002 (H4 S2 W5) - Diane Thomas 
 (Number pending approval)
12/01/2002 - Alkali 002 (H5 S3 W3) - MRF - ()
12/01/2002 - Alkali 003 (LL6 S3 W1 breccia)-MRF()
08/15/2003 - Alkali 004 (H5 S3 W3) - MRF - ()
08/15/2003 - Alkali 005 (H5 S3 W3) - MRF - ()
08/15/2003 - Alkali 006 (LL6 Fa29.7%) - MRF -  ()
08/16/2003 - Lunar Dry Lake (L5 Fa24.5%)-Robert Verish
 (Name pending approval)
10/10/2003 - Majuba 003 (H4 S2 W3) - Gary Long-()
10/30/2003 - N31030K (H6 S3 W3) - MRF -()
11/12/2003 - N31112C (L6 S_ W_) - Robert Verish-()
11/17/2003 - N31117A (H6 S2 W3) - Larry Sloan - ()

??/??/ - Eldorado Valley (Classified) - ? 
 (Name pending approval)

The following meteorites need to be classified AND
have their names formally approved by the Nomenclature
Committee before they can be included in the above

UNCLASSIFIED FINDS (with NomCom Provisional numbers
AND from a known locality):

11/04/2003 - Kumiva Valley 002 - Robert Verish
(Provisional unclassified chondrite)

07/25/1999   Roach Dry Lake 001 - Robert Verish -
(Prov. Uncl. Ch.)
10/21/2000 11:30aRoach Dry Lake 004 - Rob Matson - ()

[meteorite-list] shipping again

2004-12-31 Thread Dave Harris
Happy new year friends!

Shipping is critical - you are only entitled to charge for the materials, a
respectable amount of 'labour' and the actual postage - anything else is,
from eBay's point of view fee avoidance - that is why they take a dim view
of shady shipping costs.

Personally I would only bid on a heavy item from the US, especially if it
said  US only, after emailing the seller.
I have never had a seller refuse to sell to me because I live in the UK!  I
know the shipping is going to be more - common sense! 

As I told Tom, (and I am sure Tom won't mind me quoting from my own email to
him),I had a situation just this week...

On the other hand, despite only stating UK buyers only, I have just sold
an enormous box of rocks weighing in at 40lb (!) to the States and the
shipping is $200 for a $100 item.
I gave the buyer a) a month to pay and b) also gave him the option many
times to pull out of the sale with no negativity as I realised that perhaps
he acted on impulse! It is no biggy, just recoup the costs from eBay as a
non-paying bidder - sale mutually agreed to be cancelled and that is that. 
I did not charge him for the running around I did getting the best price nor
the materials it took to pack...
That's the way to do it!
...same thing happened when I sold my 6 Newtonian.
just common sense and decency

non-dealer dave
IMCA #0092
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread Greg Hupe
Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),
Plain and simple, Happy New Year!
Meteorite-list mailing list

Fw: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread Jose Campos
Happy New 2005 to all on this List!
José Campos
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:19 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),
Plain and simple, Happy New Year!
Greg __
Meteorite-list mailing list 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread Christian Anger
Hello y'all,

we already have 2005 here !

Happy New Year from Austria too !


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Hupe
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),

Plain and simple, Happy New Year!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] shipping and more

2004-12-31 Thread tracy latimer
Ebay has a shipping calculator where the seller puts in his zip code, the 
weight of the shipment, the mode of shipping (the speed to send it out) and 
the calculator will supply the potential bidder the exact shipping 
cost.try it some time, it is pretty close to actual 90% of the time 
with what I sell.
Be extra cautious with the shipping calculator.  I have heard that there are 
a lot of ways for it to miscalculate, depending on what parameters are 
set... and sometimes it sets them itself, incorrectly!  Always review its 
settings before you turn the auction loose to run.

Tracy Latimer
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread JKGwilliam
  I'm off to the Fiesta Bowl Block Party with my wife, three daughters and 
200,000 other people of questionable intelligence. My daughters are 
excited, someone called Smashmouth is playing on stage #1.  I'm looking 
forward to getting back home!

I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year.  Hopefully this next year 
will be filled with many new meteorites and more adventures.

John Gwilliam
At 04:44 PM 12/31/2004, Christian Anger wrote:
Hello y'all,
we already have 2005 here !
Happy New Year from Austria too !
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Hupe
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all
Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),
Plain and simple, Happy New Year!
Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread Walter Branch
Hello Everyone,

Taking a break from making the punch.

Here in Savannah, Georgia, my family and I are celebrating
with our traditional New Year's eve feast:  shrimp, crab,
crab rangoon, veggies and fruit, pot stickers, chips and dip.
I make a great Salsa but recently I picked up some called Day of the
Dead with special Habanero peppers.  Yummy!

Happy New Year Everyone!


- Original Message - 
From: Christian Anger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

 Hello y'all,

 we already have 2005 here !

 Happy New Year from Austria too !


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg
 Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:20 AM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

 Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),

 Plain and simple, Happy New Year!

 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread David Freeman
Dear Walter;
Your pot stickers tend to worry me!
Dave F.
Walter Branch wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Taking a break from making the punch.
Here in Savannah, Georgia, my family and I are celebrating
with our traditional New Year's eve feast:  shrimp, crab,
crab rangoon, veggies and fruit, pot stickers, chips and dip.
I make a great Salsa but recently I picked up some called Day of the
Dead with special Habanero peppers.  Yummy!
Happy New Year Everyone!
- Original Message - 
From: Christian Anger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

Hello y'all,
we already have 2005 here !
Happy New Year from Austria too !
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all
Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),
Plain and simple, Happy New Year!
Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] how you young we can start collecting meteorite

2004-12-31 Thread Jason Utas
Hello All,
Well, lets see.  I started collecting meteorites on my 8th birthday
but am now 14...  It's nice to get into something while you're young,
can persue it and can spend a lot of free time scanning the internet
and flipping through books.
Happy New Year!

You don't have to accept the truth.  Just ignore it until it goes away. 
   -Jason Utas
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Happy New Year's to Everybody!!.

2004-12-31 Thread Mark A. Massey



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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Informacion desde venezuela

2004-12-31 Thread gian paolo gallo gallo
Buenas noches. Gracias por incluirnos en su lista. Desde Venezuela , 
quisièramos saber que informaciòn manejan Uds. sobre hallazgos o caìdas de 
meteoritos . Practicamos la excurciòn de campo desde hace 20 años y hemos 
recolectado diversas piedras llamativas a nuestros ojos y luego de saber que 
un muy alto porcentaje de meteoritos son magnèticos, varias de nuestras 
muestras tienen esa propiedad. Si Uds. conocen alguna instituciòn en el paìs 
que pueda evaluar estas piedras, les agradeceremos su informaciòn . Caso 
contrario, indìquenos a quien acudir o enviar alguna muestra de èllas para 
verificar su gènesis. Atentamente,
Paolo Gallo.
31 / 12 / 04

MSN Amor: busca tu ½ naranja
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Happy New Year's to Everybody!!.

2004-12-31 Thread Mark A. Massey
Hello All,

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of
you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year's!!!.  May everyone find a
meteorite and not a meteorwrong.  This has been a fantastic year for
learning and I am looking forward to dealing a lot more with each and
every one of the group members.  You are all a great bunch of


Mark A. Massey
I.M.C.A #44



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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread tracy latimer
It's undoubtedly already the New Year elsewhere in the world...
Tonight will be a small friends and family gathering: Chicken paprikash with 
noodles, mini quiches and corn (regrettably not on the cob.)  Tomorrow will 
be a somewhat larger feast, because I just found out that Mein Host has a 
cold and will not be able to have the usual gathering:  a marinated lamb 
roast (we have a marinade that transforms a boneless leg of lamb into the 
Lamb of God :-), glazed ham, baked chicken, broccoli with cheese sauce, beer 
bread, rice, fruit salad, poke if I can get it, and a dessert cake/bread of 
some type (it was a gift; what do I know?)

I'm not very sorry to see the back end of 2004.  The tsunamis were a 
terrible blow to Indonesia, but the preceding parts of the year, at least 
locally, weren't all that fun either.  Hopefully 2005 will be better!  Best 
wishes to all, and Gung hee fat choy!

Tracy Latimer
From: Walter Branch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 19:01:09 -0500
Hello Everyone,
Taking a break from making the punch.
Here in Savannah, Georgia, my family and I are celebrating
with our traditional New Year's eve feast:  shrimp, crab,
crab rangoon, veggies and fruit, pot stickers, chips and dip.
I make a great Salsa but recently I picked up some called Day of the
Dead with special Habanero peppers.  Yummy!
Happy New Year Everyone!
- Original Message -
From: Christian Anger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all
 Hello y'all,

 we already have 2005 here !

 Happy New Year from Austria too !


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg
 Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:20 AM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

 Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),

 Plain and simple, Happy New Year!

 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Proud Tom signature series #1

2004-12-31 Thread Tom AKA James Knudson
Hello List, it is here, the Proud Tom signature series etched meteorite!
This is a one of a kind meteorite that will never be duplicated by the real
proud tom!
 This is a self portrait and is signed by proud tom. This is it, only one
Proud Tom fan can own the signature meteorite, bid now and bid high, be the
only one on your block to own this magnificent meteorite! All proceeds will
be donated to the self proclaimed poorest non collector fund, (that is
me).  Don't forget, why bid once when you can bid twice and pay twice as

Thanks, Tom
IMCA 6168

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

2004-12-31 Thread Greg Redfern

Greg Redfern
JPL NASA Solar System Ambassador
International Meteorite Collectors Association #5781
Member Meteoritical Society

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of JKGwilliam
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 6:58 PM
To: Christian Anger;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] RE: Happy New Year y'all

   I'm off to the Fiesta Bowl Block Party with my wife, three daughters and 
200,000 other people of questionable intelligence. My daughters are 
excited, someone called Smashmouth is playing on stage #1.  I'm looking 
forward to getting back home!

I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year.  Hopefully this next year 
will be filled with many new meteorites and more adventures.


John Gwilliam

At 04:44 PM 12/31/2004, Christian Anger wrote:
Hello y'all,

we already have 2005 here !

Happy New Year from Austria too !


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Hupe
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy New Year y'all

Hello y'all (me practicing southern talk),

Plain and simple, Happy New Year!

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RE: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom signature series #1

2004-12-31 Thread McomeMeteorite Meteorite
we have found who is the idiot proud tom...

From: Tom AKA James Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom signature series #1
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 21:02:55 -0700
Hello List, it is here, the Proud Tom signature series etched meteorite!
This is a one of a kind meteorite that will never be duplicated by the real
proud tom!
 This is a self portrait and is signed by proud tom. This is it, only one
Proud Tom fan can own the signature meteorite, bid now and bid high, be the
only one on your block to own this magnificent meteorite! All proceeds will
be donated to the self proclaimed poorest non collector fund, (that is
me).  Don't forget, why bid once when you can bid twice and pay twice as
Thanks, Tom
IMCA 6168
Meteorite-list mailing list
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom signature series #1

2004-12-31 Thread Tom AKA James Knudson
I am just the namesake, not the biographer of the website, but I am the real
proud tom!

Thanks, Tom
IMCA 6168
- Original Message -
From: McomeMeteorite Meteorite [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:42 PM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom signature series #1

 we have found who is the idiot proud tom...


 From: Tom AKA James Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom signature series #1
 Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 21:02:55 -0700
 Hello List, it is here, the Proud Tom signature series etched meteorite!
 This is a one of a kind meteorite that will never be duplicated by the
 proud tom!
   This is a self portrait and is signed by proud tom. This is it, only
 Proud Tom fan can own the signature meteorite, bid now and bid high, be
 only one on your block to own this magnificent meteorite! All proceeds
 be donated to the self proclaimed poorest non collector fund, (that is
 me).  Don't forget, why bid once when you can bid twice and pay twice as
 Thanks, Tom
 IMCA 6168
 Meteorite-list mailing list

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