[meteorite-list] Ensisheim-St Marie shows

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Farmer
Hi everyone, I am sitting in Frankfurt right now, but driving back to France 
today. I just wanted to report a little about the Ensisheim show. It was great, 
lots of friends I haven't seen in a year, we caught up on meteorite news, tales 
of great hunts and new goodies. I did not see much new material at the show, 
virtually nothing new in fact other than some new possible planetary material 
from NWA. Business for me was low, but I did not bring much. It was also 
another one of those hot years, very warm and humid, so by Sunday many people 
felt drained of any energy, myself included, but I think that has a little more 
to do with the incredible amounts of whiskey that Marc and Peter dug up and the 
fact that the Russians won the soccer game Sat night in the European 
championship, which ended up with many of us drinking in the square until 7 am! 
I don´t remember that much about it, let me tell you!
Well, in St Marie I will not have much chance to check emails, so don't be 
surprised if I do not answer anything for days. 
Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Call for Articles for the November issue ofMeteorite magazine

2008-06-24 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,
  The link to the page to send your name to the Moon on the LRO mission is at:


Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- On Tue, 6/24/08, Greg Redfern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Greg Redfern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Call for Articles for the November issue 
 ofMeteorite magazine
 Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 7:59 AM
 A bit off topicLRO/LCROSS mission to the Moon???
 Greg Redfern
 NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 12:05 PM
 Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Call for Articles for the
 November issue
 ofMeteorite magazine
 Hello Everyone:
 Happy Summer Solstice!
 We hope that you enjoyed the May issue of Meteorite. We
 have just
 editing the August issue. The articles that are in the
 queue are all
 interesting and I am sure you will enjoy them. Some
 articles are from
 long-time authors and others are from first or second time
 Now, guess what?
 Yes, it is that time again! It is time to start thinking
 about writing
 article for the November issue of Meteorite. The next
 deadline is August
 18. Just in time to tell us about your summer meteorite
 hunts, your
 reading (a book review), etc.
 There are a number of you who put off
 submitting articles, so I will
 getting back to you very soon. Articles can be anywhere
 from about 1,000
 words up to 2,500 words (or a little longer) with 4 or 5
 pictures. A
 picture might even make it to the cover! We also welcome
 book reviews
 and letters to the editors.
 Please consider writing an article. If you are not sure,
 contact us! We
 hope to hear from you soon.
 Larry and Nancy Lebofsky
 Editors, Meteorite magazine
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - June 24, 2008

2008-06-24 Thread SPACEROCKSINC

**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - June 24, 2008

2008-06-24 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites
H Chondrite? I have the same material and its classificated
Enstatite Chondrite


- Original Message -
A : meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Oggetto : [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the
Day - June 24, 2008
Data : Tue, 24 Jun 2008 06:09:43 EDT

 **Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL
 Autos for  fuel-efficient used cars. 
 http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing
 list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA 4716: RFS Picture of the Day - June 24, 2008

2008-06-24 Thread bernd . pauli
Hello Pete, Matteo and List,

Pete wrote: New NWA 4716 [Provisional] Meteorite...

If the meteorite pictured is NWA 4716, it is no longer provisional.
According to the Met.Bull., it is now an official meteorite name!

See here:




Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Lighten up, it's just semantics OT Hoot

2008-06-24 Thread Pete Shugar

This was and will forever be the finest written piece of
doubletalk I ever had the privilage of reading in my
entire life
Wat to go.

- Original Message - 
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; Michael Gilmer 

Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Lighten up, it's just semantics OT Hoot

Well  I can see that Garrison's house is in Mars with a Bad Moon is 
rising.  Too bad the demoted Pluto is no longer influencing the 
encirclement of Saturn thus giving rise to an opening for a a negative 
ancillary vibration bouncing off Venus...


OK I am but a novice astro-logger and could never hope to be as 
accomplished as the following expert. This posting was made to a 
ahem..scientific list elsewhere regarding Dolphins beaching themselves: 
(Notice the dates mentioned June 21-22 came and went without the headlines 

Astrologically, this tags well with transiting Uranus ruler of the brainy 
sign of Aquarius (a human sign and an Air sign) currently in Pisces (the 
most fishy of the Water signs) recently under multiple squares from the 
faster moving planets now in (Tropical) Gemini, an Air sign that is also a 
human sign. Indeed transiting Mercury for the last couple of weeks and 
past the first week of July is in stationary (currently retrograde) square 
with said Uranus in Pisces and now Venus and the Sun aligned in geocentric 
conjunction also are in tight squares with said Uranus in Pisces.

It's noteworthy to add that this currently partiling transiting Sun Venus 
conjunction in Gemini square transiting Uranus in Pisces is in the same 
degree where in the root US horoscope (Declaration of Independence chart) 
Mars occupies in Gemini. This relates to recent accusations published 
yesterday involving obvious evidence of navy sonar connection with some of
these marine mammals' casualties. At birth (Independence chart) the USA 
has a tight Mars Neptune square. So the recent arrival of transiting 
Uranus in Pisces to square US Mars in Gemini implies this transiting 
Uranus in Pisces arriving for months of opposition US Neptune in Virgo 

Also related is the current opposition of transiting Mars (a natural 
malefic) in Leo to transiting Neptune in Aquarius. This orb is still 
widely applicative clearly predicting that there will soon be an all time 
boost to the numbers of these marine mammals losing their higher 
faculties. What we have currently is the Mars/Saturn midpoint (the 
proverbial malefics) exact opposition Neptune (ruler of the oceans); but 
Mars is heading towards this opposition Neptune itself now partiling 
(turning exact its orb of 180 degrees defining the opposition aspect) in 
10 more days, on June 21 when many more casualties in the sea will make 
the headlines. The Moon joins the opposition conjoining Neptune in 
Aquarius both opposition Mars in Leo. This will be the historical 
climacteric peak of major ocean catastrophes: this coming June 22. Thanks 
for your keen and kind attention.

stay fine
Gonzo ( a Ph.D in the 21st Century)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Lighten up, it's just semantics

2008-06-24 Thread valparint
The trouble with astrologers is they vote, they influence, and they pass 
their ignorance on to the next generation. Dog-kicking is not a problem 
because the dog can take a bite out of the offending leg. If an astrologer 
influences a politician (Nancy and Ronald, e.g.), it's not something to 
take lightly.

 From: Michael Gilmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Lighten up, it's just semantics
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

 Geez, lighten up a little bit.  What has any astrologer ever done to 
 you?  Did one kick your dog or something?

 Life is too short to get bent out of shape over such things.

Paul Swartz 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Lighten up, it's just semantics

2008-06-24 Thread Chris Peterson
I'm reminded of something that happened after the great Montrose fireball on 
Thanksgiving 2002. As usual, I was receiving calls from newspapers and TV 
stations. However, being a big holiday, all the news staffers were pretty 
much interns, with little experience. I answered a bunch of questions for a 
reporter at the Rocky Mountain News, and next day was shocked to find myself 
identified in the paper as an astrologer from Guffey. Worse, this was also 
posted online, and in this day of Google, the last thing I wanted was that 
association! So I called the RMN editor, and asked him to change the wording 
in their online archives. Oh, no!, he said, We can't change archives. I 
asked him what they would do if they had accidentally called a photographer 
a pornographer. He got the point, and they changed the archives.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Astrology/Astronomy

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Gilmer

My dearly-departed and beloved grandmother was an avid
astrologer.  I don't share her beliefs, which were
admittedly from somewhere way out past left field. 
she was a loving, kind, and INTELLIGENT woman with a
masters degree.  She just believed in a few goofy 
things like astrology behind closed doors.  She didn't
push her beliefs onto other people and rarely talked
about it.  In fact, us grandkids didn't even know she
was an astrologer until after she passed away.

At any rate, life is too short to paint groups of
with a broad stroke of the brush.  Lumping a large
group of people together, without knowing them, and
then launching obscenities and insults at them is 
bigotry.  Substitute the word astrologer, in that
rant that started this, with any word that describes
a racial or religious group and you'll see my meaning.

I subscribe to this group to learn about meteoritics,
not to listen to the bitter and hostile rants of a
foul-mouthed person.  And I don't appreciate someone
calling my grandmother a *%#$! dimwit or nitwit
or whatever it was.

I'm sure I will get flamed for this, but it was not
me who injected an off-topic rant into the list to
start with.

Regards and clear skies,


Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
Websites - http://www.galactic-stone.com and http://www.glassthrower.com
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/fine_meteorites_4_sale

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Lighten up, it's just semantics

2008-06-24 Thread Darren Garrison
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:04:11 -0700, you wrote:

The trouble with astrologers is they vote, they influence, and they pass 
their ignorance on to the next generation. Dog-kicking is not a problem 
because the dog can take a bite out of the offending leg. If an astrologer 
influences a politician (Nancy and Ronald, e.g.), it's not something to 
take lightly.

And I only singled out astrologers because the so called science teacher
talked about following astrlogy (and Mexico Doug mentioned outlawing them).
There's plenty of room in my concentration camp for astrologers, young-earthers,
flat-earthers (yes, there are still some around), moon landing deniers,
holocaust deniers (yes, I see the irony here), cryptozoologists, alien anal
probe victims, Bush staged 9/11 believers (out of all Bush's crimes, that
wasn't one of them), and faith healers.  Of course, that'd take up a bit of
room.  I suggest fencing in Utah.  That'd take care of the Mormons, too.  (Oh,
yeah, round up the Scientologists to join them). 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites now Available

2008-06-24 Thread Pat Brown
I pre-ordered on May 26th and my Amazon account shows that the book shipped by 
2nd day air (I have joined Amazon's Prime program that offers expedited order 
fulfillment and 2nd day air shipment on all orders for $80/yr) on Monday the 
23rd and shows expected delivery on Wednesday June the 25th. 

Best Regards, 

--- On Sun, 6/22/08, Charley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Charley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites now 
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 9:32 AM
 Hi all,
 I ordered mine on Amazon.com when Mike first alerted the
 list (April 15) 
 that the book was soon to be available.  The cost was to be
 (including free shipping and the pre-order discount) .
 About a week and a 
 half ago I received an email from Amazon telling me that
 there was a
 delay and asking me to respond if I was still interested. I
 responded in the 
 affirmative and later received an email from Amazon that
 the new expected
 date was in late July. I just visited my Amazon order page
 and it shows that 
 the anticipated shipping date is July 21 (and my pre-order
 discount has
 disappeared). Clicking on the book title takes me to the
 book description 
 page where it is noted that the book is temporarily out of
 Apparently Amazon is confused. Anyway, I've waited 2
 months already so what 
 is another month?
 It would be interesting to know if anyone actually receives
 the book before 
 July 21.
 Best regards,
 Well, squids don't work. Hey! Let's
   try elephants !
  Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 12:05:31 -0400
  From: Darren Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Field Guide to
 Meteors and Meteorites
  now Available
  To: Meteorite List
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  On Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:48:11 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
  Good Morning-
For those of you waiting- I just got an email at
 9:30 this morning
from Amazon that my book shipped. The book must
 have been released
   and Amazon now has them in. The odd thing was
 yesterday I got an
  email from them offering to cancel my order (if I
 didn't respond) as
  the delivery date was now undetermined. I'm
 glad I responded to
  continue with the order. Have a good day.
  Coincidentally, I was just looking at that on Amazon a
 few minutes
  ago, and
  wondering why nobody had mentioned getting theirs yet
 (release date
  at Amazon is
  shown as June 6th).
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Astrology/Astronomy

2008-06-24 Thread AL Mitterling

Hi Mike,

I whole heartily agree. I see now we are adding politics in the argument 
which is a good  way to open a can of worms to get a big off topic of 
politics going on here. Sooner or later someone will do a search and see 
the discussion and invite all his/her friends to dive in to the off 
topic subject. But then things have been sorta slow lately. Best!

--AL Mitterling

Michael Gilmer wrote:


My dearly-departed and beloved grandmother was an avid
astrologer.  I don't share her beliefs, which were
admittedly from somewhere way out past left field. 

she was a loving, kind, and INTELLIGENT woman with a
masters degree.  She just believed in a few goofy 
things like astrology behind closed doors.  She didn't

push her beliefs onto other people and rarely talked
about it.  In fact, us grandkids didn't even know she
was an astrologer until after she passed away.

At any rate, life is too short to paint groups of
with a broad stroke of the brush.  Lumping a large
group of people together, without knowing them, and
then launching obscenities and insults at them is 
bigotry.  Substitute the word astrologer, in that

rant that started this, with any word that describes
a racial or religious group and you'll see my meaning.

I subscribe to this group to learn about meteoritics,
not to listen to the bitter and hostile rants of a
foul-mouthed person.  And I don't appreciate someone
calling my grandmother a *%#$! dimwit or nitwit
or whatever it was.

I'm sure I will get flamed for this, but it was not
me who injected an off-topic rant into the list to
start with.

Regards and clear skies,


Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
Websites - http://www.galactic-stone.com and http://www.glassthrower.com
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/fine_meteorites_4_sale


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] 'Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites' now Available

2008-06-24 Thread lebofsky




On Tue, June 24, 2008 10:36 am, Pat Brown wrote:
 I pre-ordered on May 26th and my Amazon account shows that the book
 shipped by 2nd day air (I have joined Amazon's Prime program that offers
 expedited order fulfillment and 2nd day air shipment on all orders for
 $80/yr) on Monday the 23rd and shows expected delivery on Wednesday June
 the 25th.

 Best Regards,

 --- On Sun, 6/22/08, Charley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Charley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites
 now Available To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 9:32 AM
 Hi all,

 I ordered mine on Amazon.com when Mike first alerted the
 list (April 15) that the book was soon to be available.  The cost was to
 be $25.05
 (including free shipping and the pre-order discount) .
 About a week and a
 half ago I received an email from Amazon telling me that there was a delay
 and asking me to respond if I was still interested. I responded in the
 affirmative and later received an email from Amazon that the new
 expected date was in late July. I just visited my Amazon order page and
 it shows that the anticipated shipping date is July 21 (and my pre-order
  discount has disappeared). Clicking on the book title takes me to the
 book description page where it is noted that the book is temporarily out
 of stock.

 Apparently Amazon is confused. Anyway, I've waited 2
 months already so what is another month?

 It would be interesting to know if anyone actually receives
 the book before July 21.

 Best regards,


 Well, squids don't work. Hey! Let's
 try elephants !


 Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 12:05:31 -0400
 From: Darren Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Field Guide to

 Meteors and Meteorites

 now Available To: Meteorite List




 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 On Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:48:11 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

 Good Morning-
 For those of you waiting- I just got an email at

 9:30 this morning

 from Amazon that my book shipped. The book must
 have been released
 and Amazon now has them in. The odd thing was
 yesterday I got an
 email from them offering to cancel my order (if I
 didn't respond) as
 the delivery date was now undetermined. I'm
 glad I responded to
 continue with the order. Have a good day.

 Coincidentally, I was just looking at that on Amazon a

 few minutes
 ago, and wondering why nobody had mentioned getting theirs yet
 (release date

 at Amazon is shown as June 6th).

 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] poor picture, nice surface features

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Murray
For anyone who likes different surface features, here is a gouged out  
grove along one edge of a small blackened (suspect) stone.  It is  
running nearly the length .  If you're like me, that ablation feature  
is exciting to see.  Sorry the pic is not so good.  Took it through  
the m-scope.  The second picture is of the same stone on another  
side.  Lots of grooving.

Mike in CO
micro hunter in southwest Colorado


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Wizards (?) of osmium

2008-06-24 Thread E.P. Grondine
Hi Sterling, all

 Another possibility is that the impacting objects were comets rather than
 asteroids, and contained much less osmium to begin with. But chemical
 traces of the impactors left behind in rocks and reported in previous 
 studies suggest otherwise.


Resistance continues to Clube and Napier's injection model. Is it just Morrison 
and Rummel, or is it a not invented here thing with nationalistic overtones?

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Looking for material. Any material...

2008-06-24 Thread Eric Wichman

Hi All,

Usually I don't post to list unless I'm having a sale, making an 
announcement, or rarely responding to a post, so please excuse this 
post. I've been not so quietly building my inventory, collection and 
selling material for some time now and would like to be able to offer 
more of a selection to my wide customer base.

I'm looking for material. Just about any material will do. I am a dealer 
so please don't try to sell me at full retail, or work me on price 
because I'll tell you where you can put your meteorite. ;) I'll give you 
FAIR PRICE for your meteorites. I primarily deal in NWA XXX unclassified 
stones, and am open to any other type whether classified or not. Stones, 
irons, stony irons, it's all good to me.

I'm all for horse trading, wheeling and dealing, and will pay cash for 
nice specimens. I've got a lot of material in my inventory and will buy 
or trade for any good quality, or in large quantity. Looking for ongoing 
supply and continued LONG TERM business. Treat me right on a deal, and 
you'll get the same in return and have a long term buyer. I'm a down to 
earth, fair guy and will work with you to make it a mutually beneficial 
deal. Talk to you soon...

Contact me OFF-LIST at email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric Wichman

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Santa Fe, NM Impact Crater article

2008-06-24 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,
  A recent article about the newly discovered Santa Fe impact crater:


Best, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Astrology/Astronomy

2008-06-24 Thread Dave Gheesling
Mike  All,
Astrology is what it is, but your point below hits the nail right on the

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:14 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Astrology/Astronomy


My dearly-departed and beloved grandmother was an avid astrologer.  I don't
share her beliefs, which were admittedly from somewhere way out past left
she was a loving, kind, and INTELLIGENT woman with a masters degree.  She
just believed in a few goofy things like astrology behind closed doors.  She
didn't push her beliefs onto other people and rarely talked about it.  In
fact, us grandkids didn't even know she was an astrologer until after she
passed away.

At any rate, life is too short to paint groups of people with a broad stroke
of the brush.  Lumping a large group of people together, without knowing
them, and then launching obscenities and insults at them is bigotry.
Substitute the word astrologer, in that rant that started this, with any
word that describes a racial or religious group and you'll see my meaning.

I subscribe to this group to learn about meteoritics, not to listen to the
bitter and hostile rants of a foul-mouthed person.  And I don't appreciate
someone calling my grandmother a *%#$! dimwit or nitwit or whatever it

I'm sure I will get flamed for this, but it was not me who injected an
off-topic rant into the list to start with.

Regards and clear skies,


Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
Websites - http://www.galactic-stone.com and http://www.glassthrower.com
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/fine_meteorites_4_sale

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Glass in meteorites

2008-06-24 Thread Darren Garrison
Have any studies been done on decay of glasses in meteorites into crystaline
configurations?  Is there a mesurable rate, or does it not happen?

This story brought that to mind-- if impact-generated glasses in meteorites HAVE
NOT decayed into crystaline material in 4 billion years, it's fairly good
evidence that it won't happen in billions of years, as the story speculates.


Scientists have made a breakthrough discovery in the bizarre properties of
glass, which behaves at times like both a solid and a liquid.

The finding could lead to aircraft that look like Wonder Woman's plane. Such
planes could have wings of glass or something called metallic glass, rather than
being totally invisible.

The breakthrough involved solving the decades-old problem of just what glass is.

It has been known that that despite its solid appearance, glass and gels are
actually in a jammed state of matter — somewhere between liquid and solid —
that moves very slowly.

Like cars in a traffic jam, atoms in a glass are in something like suspended
animation, unable to reach their destination because the route is blocked by
their neighbors.

So even though glass is a hard substance, it never quite becomes a proper solid,
according to chemists and materials scientists.

Work so far has concentrated on trying to understand the traffic jam, but now
Paddy Royall from the University of Bristol in England, with colleagues in
Canberra, Australia and Tokyo, has shown that glass fails to be a solid due to
the special atomic structures that form in a glass when it cools.

Icosahedron jams

Some materials crystallize as they cool, arranging their atoms into a highly
regular pattern called a lattice, Royall said, but although glass wants to be
a crystal, as it cools the atoms become jammed in a nearly random arrangement,
preventing it from forming a regular lattice.

In the 1950s, Sir Charles Frank in the Physics Department at Bristol suggested
that the arrangement of the jam should form what is known as an icosahedron,
but at the time he was unable to prove it.

An icosahedron is like a 3-D pentagon, and just as you cannot tile a floor with
pentagons, you cannot fill 3-D space with icosahedrons, Royall explained. That
is, you can't make a lattice out of pentagons.

When it comes to glass, Frank thought, there is a competition between crystal
formation and pentagons that prevents the construction of a crystal.

If you cool a liquid down and it makes a lot of pentagons and the pentagons
survive, the crystal cannot form.

It turns out that Frank was right, Royall said, and his team proved this

You can't watch what happens to atoms as they cool because they are too small,
so Royall and his colleagues used special particles called colloids that mimic
atoms, but are large enough to be visible using state-of-the-art microscopy.

The team cooled some down and watched what happened.

What they found was that the gel these particles formed also wants to be a
crystal, but it fails to become one due to the formation of icosahedra-like
structures — exactly as Frank had predicted.

It is the formation of these structures that underlie jammed materials and
explains why a glass is a glass and not a liquid — or a solid, Royall said.

The findings are detailed in the June 22 issue of the journal Nature Materials.
The research was supported in part by a grant from Britain's Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as well as the Royal Society.

Preventing jetliner disasters

Knowing the structure formed by atoms as a glass cools represents a major
breakthrough in the understanding of meta-stable materials and will allow
further development of new strong yet light materials called metallic glasses,
Royall said, which is already used to make some golf clubs.

This stuff is generally shiny black in color, not transparent, due to having a
lot of free electrons (think of mercury in an old thermometer).

Metals normally crystallize when they cool, but stress builds up along the
boundaries between crystals, which can lead to metal failure.

For example, the world's first jetliner, the British built De Havilland Comet,
fell out of the sky due to metal failure.

When metals are be made to cool with the same internal structure as a glass and
without crystal grain boundaries, they are less likely to fail, Royall said.

Metallic glasses could be suitable for a whole range of products beyond golf
clubs that need to be flexible such as aircraft wings and engine parts, he said.

Glass is not what it seems

Royall is part of a group of scientists who think that if you wait long enough,
perhaps billions of years, all glass will eventually crystallize into a true

In other words, glass is not in an equilibrium state, he believes, although it
appears that way to us during our limited lifetimes.

This is not universally accepted, Royall told LiveScience. Our work will go
some way to 

Re: [meteorite-list] Glass in meteorites

2008-06-24 Thread STARSANDSCOPES
Hi,  Several years ago I ran onto an  unusual chondrule in JaH 055 that looks 
like glass but it is forming in  crystals.  I have had various explanations 
presented to me and all involved  Glass  This might be On topic?

If any one is up to taking a look  and sharing their observations, I would 
greatly appreciate it.   

Just go to my Meteorite Times Micrograph Gallery   
select alphabetical 
sorting, JaH 055, and then crystal  structure.

These shots were produced using incident (reflected  light).

Thanks,  Tom Phillips

In a message dated 6/24/2008  10:02:55 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, 
Have any  studies been done on decay of glasses in meteorites into  
configurations?  Is there a mesurable rate, or does it not  happen?

This story brought that to mind-- if impact-generated glasses in  meteorites 
NOT decayed into crystaline material in 4 billion years,  it's fairly good
evidence that it won't happen in billions of years, as the  story  


Scientists  have made a breakthrough discovery in the bizarre properties of
glass, which  behaves at times like both a solid and a liquid.

The finding could lead  to aircraft that look like Wonder Woman's plane. Such
planes could have wings  of glass or something called metallic glass, rather 
being totally  invisible.

The breakthrough involved solving the decades-old problem of  just what glass 

It has been known that that despite its solid  appearance, glass and gels are
actually in a jammed state of matter —  somewhere between liquid and solid —
that moves very slowly.

Like cars  in a traffic jam, atoms in a glass are in something like suspended
animation,  unable to reach their destination because the route is blocked by
their  neighbors.

So even though glass is a hard substance, it never quite  becomes a proper 
according to chemists and materials  scientists.

Work so far has concentrated on trying to understand the  traffic jam, but now
Paddy Royall from the University of Bristol in England,  with colleagues in
Canberra, Australia and Tokyo, has shown that glass fails  to be a solid due 
the special atomic structures that form in a glass when  it cools.

Icosahedron jams

Some materials crystallize as they  cool, arranging their atoms into a highly
regular pattern called a lattice,  Royall said, but although glass wants to 
a crystal, as it cools the  atoms become jammed in a nearly random 
preventing it from  forming a regular lattice.

In the 1950s, Sir Charles Frank in the Physics  Department at Bristol 
that the arrangement of the jam should form  what is known as an 
but at the time he was unable to prove  it.

An icosahedron is like a 3-D pentagon, and just as you cannot tile a  floor 
pentagons, you cannot fill 3-D space with icosahedrons, Royall  explained. 
is, you can't make a lattice out of pentagons.

When it  comes to glass, Frank thought, there is a competition between  
formation and pentagons that prevents the construction of a  crystal.

If you cool a liquid down and it makes a lot of pentagons and  the pentagons
survive, the crystal cannot form.

It turns out that  Frank was right, Royall said, and his team proved  this

You can't watch what happens to atoms as they  cool because they are too 
so Royall and his colleagues used special  particles called colloids that 
atoms, but are large enough to be  visible using state-of-the-art microscopy.

The team cooled some down and  watched what happened.

What they found was that the gel these particles  formed also wants to be a
crystal, but it fails to become one due to the  formation of icosahedra-like
structures — exactly as Frank had  predicted.

It is the formation of these structures that underlie jammed  materials and
explains why a glass is a glass and not a liquid — or a solid,  Royall said.

The findings are detailed in the June 22 issue of the  journal Nature 
The research was supported in part by a grant from  Britain's Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as  well as the Royal 

Preventing jetliner disasters

Knowing  the structure formed by atoms as a glass cools represents a  major
breakthrough in the understanding of meta-stable materials and will  allow
further development of new strong yet light materials called metallic  
Royall said, which is already used to make some golf  clubs.

This stuff is generally shiny black in color, not transparent, due  to having 
lot of free electrons (think of mercury in an old  thermometer).

Metals normally crystallize when they cool, but stress  builds up along the
boundaries between crystals, which can lead to metal  failure.

For example, the world's first jetliner, the British built De  

[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - June 25, 2008

2008-06-24 Thread SPACEROCKSINC

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