[meteorite-list] Ismaily Sidi Mohamed e-mail

2008-08-09 Thread Francesco Moser

Could someone give me the e-mail address of Ismaily Sidi Mohamed??

I have 2different e-mail addresses but don't work!! 



Francesco Moser
IMCA #1510 www.imca.cc

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - August 9, 2008

2008-08-09 Thread Michael Johnson


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ruben Garcia reports: "Glorieta, not hunting allo wed..."

2008-08-09 Thread Don Rawlings

Do you suppose anyone has gotten permission to hunt the Meteor Crater area in 
light of all the CD coming on to the market in the past few years?  Or maybe 
these are just old collections that have finally been bought from their 
ancestors.  Yeah, I bet that's it.

Don Rawlings

--- On Sat, 8/9/08, Steve Schoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Steve Schoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ruben Garcia reports: "Glorieta, not hunting 
> allo  wed..."
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Saturday, August 9, 2008, 12:41 AM
> Did I name anyone?
> I know facts regarding what transpired out at Glorieta and
> at other sites.
> I will simply say that lines were crossed that I would
> never have, or thought of crossing.
> Wishing all meteorite hunters the best…
> Steve  Schoner
> IMCA #4470
> -- "Mike Miller"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Steve I am guessing you are referring to me in this post
> "Trashing the land with ATV's?  I think that
> recent photos reveals at
> least one that has done it rather blantantly."
>  Now if you have a little time and read my story of finding
> the main
> mass you would know that the quad was not involved in the
> hunt it was
> only involved in the recovery. I am sure you with your
> amazing ability
> to hunt while hovering above the ground as to not disturb
> anything is
> quite unique and I am sure no one but you could have
> harnessed the
> power of a flock of spotted owls to safely fly out a 300
> pound iron. I
> on the other hand did use a quad to to get this 300 pounder
> out I was
> just not smart enough to figure out another way. I rode
> into the area
> using roads designed for cars and cut by bulldozers (little
> late to
> worry about ruining the landscape with my quad tracks) then
> to within
> 150 yards using an old wagon trail, then the trail
> disapeared.
> Oh yea Steve I did bury the hole and you wont find any
> trash in the
> area either, weather it was mine or not I carry it back out
> with me.
> So yes I have ridden a quad in the mountains north of Santa
> Fe New
> Mexico, but I take offense that just because I was there
> that you
> assume it was me doing the damage. Steve you have actually
> hunted the
> Glorieta with me do you recall following me around and
> picking up my
> empty water bottles? Or was I destroying anything with my
> quad when
> you actually saw me there? Please keep your opinion to your
> self
> unless you know and have seen me doing something wrong.
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Steve Schoner
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ruben,
> >
> > I am not mad at you or anyone in particular, however--
> I am very sad at the situation as it now stands.
> >
> > Now as for you and land owners... I know that there
> are land owners quite upset with you...
> >
> > Need I name them?
> >
> > I am sure that you know who they are.
> >
> > So, I leave that to your conscience.
> >
> > Trashing the land with ATV's?  I think that recent
> photos reveals at least one that has done it rather
> blantantly.
> >
> > Steve Schoner
> > IMCA 4470
> >
> >
> >
> > -- Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey Steve,
> >
> > You sound upset at me, though I'm not sure why. I
> had full permission from land owners for all of the above -
> Cash and Treasures, my videos, articles etc..- The and
> owners even allowed me to stay in their cabin while there.
> Does that sound like I trashed their area? I've never
> hunted on Federal property, I've covered all of my holes
> and never taken a quad to glorieta. So who are you talking
> about?
> >
> > Through the years we (meaning all successful hunters)
> have inspired others to become meteorite hunters. You
> inspired some yourself, including me! It happens. Did you
> think glorieta would be there for you and only you to hunt?
> >
> > I'm sorry it is shut down! But not for myself,
> I'm sorry for the land owners who got the shaft.
> I've spoken to them and they are not mad a me, but
> because of pressure from others they had to stop hunting all
> together. They were very good to all of us!
> >
> >
> >
> > Ruben Garcia
> > Phoenix, Arizona
> > http://www.mr-meteorite.com
> >
> http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=meteorfright&p=v
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Have a good idea for a business but no cash?  Click
> here to search business funding options.
> >
> http://thirdpartyoffers.mybluelight.com/TGL2341/fc/Ioyw6i52dVNmyia97nE0aG8PedagruJUmJ4VVq5Xr48zZAvNqmFCTi/
> > __
> > http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> >
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> >
> -- 
> Mike Miller 230 Greenway Dr. Kingman Az 86401
> www.meteoritefinder.com
>  928-753-6825

Re: [meteorite-list] MARTIAN MOON NAMES... AGAIN

2008-08-09 Thread Kashuba

All these years my brain has recited Phobos-and-Deimos-fear-and-panic.  This
is since Saturn had three rings and Jupiter had twelve moons.  Demoting
Pluto was easy but now Deimos and Phobos, Fear and Flight?  Ouch.

Great research.  A Sterling job!

- John 

John Kashuba
Ontario, California

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sterling
K. Webb
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 4:39 PM
To: Meteorite List
Cc: Kashuba
Subject: [meteorite-list] MARTIAN MOON NAMES... AGAIN

Hi, Darren, John, Larry, List

This is so typical. I'm here to completely reverse my position
on the English meaning of the names of the Martian moons
that I posted yesterday. The IAU / USGS website with them:
is probably correct and the best resolution of the question.

I've continued to research the question. I have discovered that
I was wrong about some things (no big surprise there). I have
the habit of shooting off my mouth about what I think I "know"
and discovering it to be mistaken. I was "sure" Iliad xv, 119
had Phobos, Deimos in that order, and... yes, wrong again.

The Iliad, Chap 15, lines 113-120,
transliterated into Romanic characters:

hôs ephat', autar Arês thalerô peplêgeto mêrô
chersi kataprêness', olophuromenos d' epos êuda:
mê nun moi nemesêset' Olumpia dômat' echontes   115
tisasthai phonon huios iont' epi nêas Achaiôn,
ei per moi kai moira Dios plêgenti keraunôi
keisthai homou nekuessi meth' haimati kai koniêisin.
hôs phato, kai rh' hippous keleto Deimon te Phobon te
zeugnumen, autos d' ente' eduseto pamphanoônta.  120

If the characters don't come up right in the email,
just go to:
You can switch the display to the Greek characters
if you want to.

I was dead wrong. Homer gives Deimos, Phobos in that
order, which Bryant translated as Fear, Flight, in that
order, which Hall chose, in that order, to be the English
names of Deimus, Phobus, which he discovered, in that
order (despite the greater magnitude of Phobos).

SO, if the deciding criterion is the nominative intent of
the discoverer Hall, the English names on the IAU / USGS

The question is not a definitive source, but a definitive or
deciding criterion. There are some choices:

1. The intent of the discoverer and the exercise of the
"naming right" in a case of a name of pre-IAU origin and
undisputed at the time. In this case, it would be what is
currently on the webpage.

2. The linguistic heritage of a loan-word or root in any
given language. There's no doubt English has accepted
the Greek "phobos" as a root for Fear, at this point in time.
This is unlikely to change, as we're likely to continue to
have phobias! On the other hand, "deimos" has not been
borrowed into English, so there is no obvious choice for it.
 The English phobia postdates Hall's naming. We didn't
have phobias until the psychiatric revolution of the early
twentieth century. If you didn't like standing on the edge
of a cliff or being locked in a closet, you were just a
scaredy-cat, not phobic. You were teased, not drugged,
enrolled in a support group, made "special."

3. Accepted Usage is another possible criterion. But we
see that the usage of translators of Ancient Greek is all
over the map, all of the time. But there's also the
"Accepted Professional Usage" of astronomers who,
for almost a century have been writing textbooks, the
vast majority of which have translated Phobos as
Fear and Deimos as something else! Panic, Terror,
Dread, Flight, Rout... you name it, and occasionally
re-naming Phobos, too. Doesn't seem that any of these
astronomers ever objected to what the others were
doing in the name-translation game, either. It was
essentially a free-for-all.
The problem is that there's nothing settled here; in
both cases, the name translations can vary at will and
at any time. Nomenclature is not supposed to work
that way.

The three criteria all have advantages and disadvantages.
No. 2 is bad because it's indecisive about Deimos, so it
doesn't apply to the whole case. No. 3 is bad because
it is subject to change. In the case of adopting current
Ancient Greek-to-English translation preferences, it will
change constantly, or at least a three times a century.
In the case of "professional" usage, it is clear about
Phobos  and vague about Deimos, just like No. 2, so
it settles nothing. It was a partial free-for-all, and that
is problem. Astronomers didn't settle it. They had
their chance and didn't think it was important enough
to pin it down.

That leaves No. 1, which has a clear-cut rationale, based
on a clear-cut principle, and produces a result that is fixed.
If it is the criterion that applies, the matter of the meaning
of the names in English is done, over, permanent, will never
change, move along, there's nothi

[meteorite-list] Fw: How well can you view this?

2008-08-09 Thread Ruben Garcia

> Ruben,
> Would you please forward this message for me to the list. I
> never can post.
> I have tried several e-mail addresses over the years,
> always the same thing.
> Thanks,
> Tim
   Hello List,
 I would like to get some information on how well this
 movie clip can be viewed and if there is any problems.
   Thank You,
   Tim Heitz

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fw: How well can you view this?

2008-08-09 Thread Göran Axelsson

Works just fine on my linux (Ubuntu) laptop with firefox.


Ruben Garcia wrote:


Would you please forward this message for me to the list. I
never can post.
I have tried several e-mail addresses over the years,
always the same thing.


   Hello List,
 I would like to get some information on how well this

 movie clip can be viewed and if there is any problems.
   Thank You,

   Tim Heitz


Meteorite-list mailing list


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fw: How well can you view this?

2008-08-09 Thread Dave Carothers
Works fine on my XP Pro laptop with Win IE.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ruben
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 12:57 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fw: How well can you view this?

> Ruben,
> Would you please forward this message for me to the list. I
> never can post.
> I have tried several e-mail addresses over the years,
> always the same thing.
> Thanks,
> Tim
   Hello List,
 I would like to get some information on how well this
 movie clip can be viewed and if there is any problems.
   Thank You,
   Tim Heitz

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NICE 18g PARK FOREST SLICE +XTRAS for sale

2008-08-09 Thread mckinney trammell
18g park forest slice that come WITH A KILLER POSTER (suitable for framing) OF 
FOREST NEWS REELS with killer video of the rock coming in. rock picked up in 
middle of road week after fall. but NO RUST at all! a very SOLID SLICE ( the 
cars broke off all the loose stuff - hence a solid "core" was left). YOU GET IT 
ALL! - an excellent way to document a KILLER PIECE if a FINE AMERICAN FALL. 
first $850 take it all. pix 4 players only, no dreamers, i am attempting to 
raise money as i am not working while caring for my mother whom has just had 
major surgery. please help me out and buy my meteorites.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Aubrites and Al Haggounia

2008-08-09 Thread bernd . pauli
Hello List,

In Abstract #5309  (MAPS, Vol. 43, Supplement, 2008, July, p. A29) T.E. Bunch,
A.J. Irving et al. emphasize that the very large Al Haggounia paleo-meteorite 
southern Morocco is NOT an aubrite, but instead an anomalous EL3 chondrite as
discussed in detail on the following website:




Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] "Glorieta, no hunting allowed

2008-08-09 Thread Steve Schoner
Don Rawlings wrote:

Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 05:31:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Don Rawlings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Do you suppose anyone has gotten permission to hunt the Meteor Crater area in 
light of all the CD coming on to the market in the past few years?  Or maybe 
these are just old collections that have finally been bought from their 
ancestors.  Yeah, I bet that's it.

Don Rawlings"

Right Don, especially all those fresh uncleaned apparently never handled 
specimens including some of those very large ones...  All "found" in as you say 
"just old collections."

Being that I live in Flagstaff, and am quite known as a meteorite collector-- 
strange that those old time collectors have not contacted me in the last 10 or 
more years.

Oh well, I suppose that some have a higher profile than me...


Meteor Crater Enterprises has made it very clear to me, and I suppose others, 
that any caught looking for and digging up meteorites out there will be 
arrested.   And I tried back in 1992 to get a permit from the BLM, Meteor 
Crater Enterprises, and Bar-T-Bar working with Arizona State University's, 
Carlton Moore, UCLA's John Wasson, and even USGS's Eugene Shoemaker, and David 
Roddy backing me-- But to no avail.   It was for a legitimate scientific 
project that has been on my mind for many years.   And the scientific proposal 
was written by me, amended and approved by all those that backed me.

If Meteor Crater Enterprises, Bar-T-Bar, and AZ BLM won't work with me or those 
well known scientists who endorsed my project, then I  doubt that anyone could 
get a permit to collect Canyon Diablo meteorites for their personal 
collections, let alone for science.

Steve Schoner
IMCA #4470

Click here to become certified as a medical assistant at a school near you.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Zag Pre-Sell Interest List

2008-08-09 Thread David & Kitt Deyarmin

I just received a 1750 gram Zag meteorite which I bought from Ken Regelman

I will be processing it into a rough to make a sphere for my collection and 
thought it would be a good idea to see if anyone would be interested in a 
particular part for their collection.

I plan to sell it for $3 - $5 per gram.  It is a beautiful specimen with 
lots of crust and should produce at least one super nice end cut and a 
variety of slices some of which could have a lot of crust.

So of you're looking for a piece of Zag please check out the images at the 
below link and let me know what you're interested in.

For instance -

If you would like a heavy end cut (thick)


A nice thin slice in the 20 gram range


Something else

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I might be able to accommodate you.



Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

2008-08-09 Thread STARSANDSCOPES
Hi list,  I had a question about an iron  fleck I found in a thin section of 
NWA 2977 Lunar.  Jim Strope sent it to  me.

I plan to use this as next months Meteorite Times Micro Vision and  want to 
be accurate.

The thin is polished to 1/4 micron.  This  sometimes has the same effect as 
etching but on a much finer scale.  I have  observed it in other materials that 
get this kind of polish.

There is a  fleck of iron in this material.  In this fleck is what looks like 
micro  Widmanstatten pattern.  

Can this pattern be called  Widmanstatten?  If not, are the creation 
processes the same as with full  sized Widmanstatten?  How would it be still 
in a lunar?  Could  the pattern survive a meteor collision with the moon and 
not be heated to the  point of destruction?

I would like to email micrographs to any one who is  interested or, even 
better, might have the answers.

The images are taken  in incident cross polarized light and I am using a 
Glan/Thompson style polarizer  that allows me near total extinction.  I pull up 
the changes in the pattern  by slight rotation of the polarizer.  The 
magnification of these images is  1600X.

Thanks,  Tom Phillips  

**Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? 
Read reviews on AOL Autos.  
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

2008-08-09 Thread John.L.Cabassi

Hi Tom,
That is very interesting. Did you find anything similar in the NWA 5000, 
just curious. You can send a pic my way. I love making a fool of myself. But 
seriously, I would like to try and give some input.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 3:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

Hi list,  I had a question about an iron  fleck I found in a thin section 

NWA 2977 Lunar.  Jim Strope sent it to  me.

I plan to use this as next months Meteorite Times Micro Vision and  want 

be accurate.

The thin is polished to 1/4 micron.  This  sometimes has the same effect 
etching but on a much finer scale.  I have  observed it in other materials 

get this kind of polish.

There is a  fleck of iron in this material.  In this fleck is what looks 

micro  Widmanstatten pattern.

Can this pattern be called  Widmanstatten?  If not, are the creation
processes the same as with full  sized Widmanstatten?  How would it be 
still present
in a lunar?  Could  the pattern survive a meteor collision with the moon 

not be heated to the  point of destruction?

I would like to email micrographs to any one who is  interested or, even
better, might have the answers.

The images are taken  in incident cross polarized light and I am using a
Glan/Thompson style polarizer  that allows me near total extinction.  I 
pull up

the changes in the pattern  by slight rotation of the polarizer.  The
magnification of these images is  1600X.

Thanks,  Tom Phillips

**Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your 

Read reviews on AOL Autos.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Follow-up: The Gary Foote Recovery Auction

2008-08-09 Thread JKGwilliam

Hello List Members,
I thought all/some of you might be pleased to know that Gary Foote is 
doing better overall even though he's had a bit of a setback during 
the past couple days.  CJ says that she and Gary are overwhelmed by 
the help of the many generous donors and bidders and they are very 
grateful.  I too want to thank all those who helped make a difference 
in their lives. It's events like this that help me to restore my 
faith in the human race.

Best to all,

John Gwilliam

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tucson '09

2008-08-09 Thread David Hardy
Does anyone have the dates for the gatherings for Tucson next year?  It's time 
to start making plans.

David H.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] "Glorieta, no hunting allowed

2008-08-09 Thread JKGwilliam
I suppose we could start talking about the meteorite hunters who 
hunted on private property and tracked up the desert at Gold Basin 
and Franconia too.

Now you guys move over...I want a turn kicking that dead horse too!


At 02:17 PM 8/9/2008, Steve Schoner wrote:

Don Rawlings wrote:

Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 05:31:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Don Rawlings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Do you suppose anyone has gotten permission to hunt the Meteor 
Crater area in light of all the CD coming on to the market in the 
past few years?  Or maybe these are just old collections that have 
finally been bought from their ancestors.  Yeah, I bet that's it.

Don Rawlings"

Right Don, especially all those fresh uncleaned apparently never 
handled specimens including some of those very large ones...  All 
"found" in as you say "just old collections."

Being that I live in Flagstaff, and am quite known as a meteorite 
collector-- strange that those old time collectors have not 
contacted me in the last 10 or more years.

Oh well, I suppose that some have a higher profile than me...


Meteor Crater Enterprises has made it very clear to me, and I 
suppose others, that any caught looking for and digging up 
meteorites out there will be arrested.   And I tried back in 1992 to 
get a permit from the BLM, Meteor Crater Enterprises, and Bar-T-Bar 
working with Arizona State University's, Carlton Moore, UCLA's John 
Wasson, and even USGS's Eugene Shoemaker, and David Roddy backing 
me-- But to no avail.   It was for a legitimate scientific project 
that has been on my mind for many years.   And the scientific 
proposal was written by me, amended and approved by all those that backed me.

If Meteor Crater Enterprises, Bar-T-Bar, and AZ BLM won't work with 
me or those well known scientists who endorsed my project, then 
I  doubt that anyone could get a permit to collect Canyon Diablo 
meteorites for their personal collections, let alone for science.

Steve Schoner
IMCA #4470

Click here to become certified as a medical assistant at a school near you.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

2008-08-09 Thread Roman

Hi Tom

Please email your micrographs.

From what I have read, the Widmanstatten pattern has plate sizes that change
in size due to the rate of cooling, so a 'mini' pattern might not be 
possible. But

then again, why not at a micro scale?

Good question.

Roman Jirasek

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

Hi list,  I had a question about an iron  fleck I found in a thin section 

NWA 2977 Lunar.  Jim Strope sent it to  me.

I plan to use this as next months Meteorite Times Micro Vision and  want 

be accurate.

The thin is polished to 1/4 micron.  This  sometimes has the same effect 
etching but on a much finer scale.  I have  observed it in other materials 

get this kind of polish.

There is a  fleck of iron in this material.  In this fleck is what looks 

micro  Widmanstatten pattern.

Can this pattern be called  Widmanstatten?  If not, are the creation
processes the same as with full  sized Widmanstatten?  How would it be 
still present
in a lunar?  Could  the pattern survive a meteor collision with the moon 

not be heated to the  point of destruction?

I would like to email micrographs to any one who is  interested or, even
better, might have the answers.

The images are taken  in incident cross polarized light and I am using a
Glan/Thompson style polarizer  that allows me near total extinction.  I 
pull up

the changes in the pattern  by slight rotation of the polarizer.  The
magnification of these images is  1600X.

Thanks,  Tom Phillips

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 5.10440e
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Follow-up: The Gary Foote Recovery Auction

2008-08-09 Thread John.L.Cabassi

G'Day John
That's great to hear. Kat and I appreciate the update.


- Original Message - 
From: "JKGwilliam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 4:58 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Follow-up: The Gary Foote Recovery Auction

Hello List Members,
I thought all/some of you might be pleased to know that Gary Foote is 
doing better overall even though he's had a bit of a setback during 
the past couple days.  CJ says that she and Gary are overwhelmed by 
the help of the many generous donors and bidders and they are very 
grateful.  I too want to thank all those who helped make a difference 
in their lives. It's events like this that help me to restore my 
faith in the human race.

Best to all,

John Gwilliam

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

2008-08-09 Thread Pete Shugar
I wouldn't mind a pic or two as well.
I'm not an Expert, but I've done quite a bit of
reading and who knows, maybe I'll do something
stupid and come up with something.
de Pete
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] A question about an iron fleck in NWA 2977 Lunar

Hi list,  I had a question about an iron  fleck I found in a thin section of
NWA 2977 Lunar.  Jim Strope sent it to  me.

I plan to use this as next months Meteorite Times Micro Vision and  want to
be accurate.

The thin is polished to 1/4 micron.  This  sometimes has the same effect as
etching but on a much finer scale.  I have  observed it in other materials 
get this kind of polish.

There is a  fleck of iron in this material.  In this fleck is what looks 
micro  Widmanstatten pattern.

Can this pattern be called  Widmanstatten?  If not, are the creation
processes the same as with full  sized Widmanstatten?  How would it be still 
in a lunar?  Could  the pattern survive a meteor collision with the moon and
not be heated to the  point of destruction?

I would like to email micrographs to any one who is  interested or, even
better, might have the answers.

The images are taken  in incident cross polarized light and I am using a
Glan/Thompson style polarizer  that allows me near total extinction.  I pull 
the changes in the pattern  by slight rotation of the polarizer.  The
magnification of these images is  1600X.

Thanks,  Tom Phillips

**Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget?
Read reviews on AOL Autos.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] A new question has reared it's ugly head....

2008-08-09 Thread Pete Shugar
Now I know that the moon has been mapped quite extensively,
and the location of features very small have been plotted.
A short time ago, a link to a cool video showing a meteor
striking the moon, accompanied by a flash of light.
Now I wonder, has anyone done a visual of the location,
and noted a new crater there?
I don't suppose that someone got very lucky and was watching the
moon as one struck the moon, or alternately and preferred, captured a video
of said event.
The closest that I know of was the Shoemaker-Levy strike on
The Big Guy---Jupiter, which was an awesome thing to see, by
the way.
Claxton is the only meteorite strike that was witnessed close up
and in your face ( about 50 feet, give or take) that I know of.
Monahan 1998 (about the same distance) was another strike very
close to the witnesses, but I'm not sure if any of the seven kids saw it 
Answers, anyone??
Pete IMCA 1733

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] PS to "question rearing it's head"

2008-08-09 Thread Pete Shugar
To bad that he didn't have a
 tape recorder going. The clang as it hit must have
been an awesome thing to hear.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A new question has reared it's ugly head....

2008-08-09 Thread Chris Peterson
The video meteor strikes on the Moon have all involved shower components. 
Little bitty pieces, nowhere near large enough to make a crater detectable 
from the Earth.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

- Original Message - 
From: "Pete Shugar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:51 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] A new question has reared it's ugly head

Now I know that the moon has been mapped quite extensively,
and the location of features very small have been plotted.
A short time ago, a link to a cool video showing a meteor
striking the moon, accompanied by a flash of light.
Now I wonder, has anyone done a visual of the location,
and noted a new crater there?
I don't suppose that someone got very lucky and was watching the
moon as one struck the moon, or alternately and preferred, captured a 

of said event.
The closest that I know of was the Shoemaker-Levy strike on
The Big Guy---Jupiter, which was an awesome thing to see, by
the way.
Claxton is the only meteorite strike that was witnessed close up
and in your face ( about 50 feet, give or take) that I know of.
Monahan 1998 (about the same distance) was another strike very
close to the witnesses, but I'm not sure if any of the seven kids saw it
Answers, anyone??
Pete IMCA 1733

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] any ebay pro's out there?

2008-08-09 Thread mckinney trammell
any ebay pro's out there? -got a few q's 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD eBay Tektite Inc Shop back online!

2008-08-09 Thread info
Hi all,

My Tektite Inc shop on eBay is back online. Please take some time visit my
store for your Rizalite needs. Thanks all.

Desmond Leong
IMCA #2254

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson '09

2008-08-09 Thread Impactika
In a message dated 8/9/2008 6:02:02 PM Mountain Daylight Time,  
Does anyone have the dates for the gatherings  for Tucson next year?  It's 
time to start making plans.

David  H.


Hello Dave, and all,
The Tucson Show will be from January 31 to February 14.
For details go to:  _www.mzexpos.com_ (http://www.mzexpos.com) 
I imagine the big social weekend will be Feb. 6, 7 and 8, with the Auction  
on Friday the 6th, and the Birthday Party on Saturday the 7th.
Better not ask Michael Blood and Geoff Notkin quite yet; I am not sure they  
have fully recovered from the last one yet.   ;-)
But I do know that I will be there, in the same room at the  InnSuites.
I hope you will be able to make it too.
Anne M. Black
Vice-President  of IMCA
_www.IMCA.cc_ (http://www.IMCA.cc)  

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