[meteorite-list] Introduction and some cool photos

2009-03-27 Thread Dan Brumleve
Greetings Listoids,

Hello, I am new to the list and to meteorites.  Please enjoy these
microscopic photographs of my four pallasite slices:


These are taken at 100X and 400X with a ProScope, at or near the
olivine-iron boundary.  I'm pretty curious about some of these
features, especially on the Brenham.  Is it just surface rust?

Dan in Pacifica
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] origin of vesicles in achondrites ?

2009-03-27 Thread Jeff Kuyken

Hi Zelimir,

Vesicles in achondrites have always interested me too. I believe around half 
of the Dho 700 stones showed some form of vesicles. I have one of the 12 
stones which does show a few small vesicles in the surface. You never know 
what they are like in the interior though.


D'Orbigny... one of my all time favourite meteorites and as you pointed out 
is an excellent example of an achondrite with vesicles.


Anne Black has a stunning slice of D'Orbigny on her sale page with vesicles 
and open druses:


And then there are the melts such as NWA 3159 which have vesicles:


And of course there is the wonderful anomalous basaltic achondrite; Ibitira. 
I have pics and a brief outline on the theory of vesicle formation for 
Ibitira here:


You might find this one interesting Zelimir as it talks about how the vapour 
phase that deposited the vesicle minerals was in complete equilibrium with 
the matrix materials.



- Original Message - 
From: "Zelimir Gabelica" 
To: "Ron Baalke" ; "Meteorite Mailing List" 

Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 5:18 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] origin of vesicles in achondrites ?

Dear Ron, List,

Interesting story.
It is said that Almahata Sitta is a fragile, porous olivine and
pyroxene-bearing ureilite. Although said to be generally coarse-grained,
ureilites (major olivine, minor pyroxene-pigeonite embedded in a dark
carbon-rich matrix) are rarely porous.
I believe the propsity of Almahata Sitta is surprising, intriguing?

Vesicles (bubbles) were found in angrites and, recently, in one diogenite
(see below), perhaps on some other achondrites (I did not check the whole
group of achondrites for such oddities).
Looking at recent literature reveals that the origin of such bubbles is
diverse and can be very controversal.

My question concerns the origin of vesicles recently discovered in a
selected piece of Dhofar 700.
To better provoke some answer, here I am attempting to summarize what is so
far known as theories that could explain the presence of such bubbles in

1) Angrites.
D'orbigny (ANG) is a well known case.
Angrites are composed of variable amounts of fassaitic pyroxene and other
minor phases. They can be considered as basaltic rock involving cumulate
Their pores and vesicles (not so rare in D'Orbigny), often filled with
augite or anorthite xenocrysts, often well seen as single, sometimes well
isolated needles, are thought to have been formed before the rock had
crystallized on the earliest differentiated asteroids (289 Nenetta ?...3819
Robinson ?...3628 Boznemcova ? or other with a smaller diameter, as
reported by Weir ?) during the early days of the solar system genesis.

The origin of such vesicles is consistent with the formation and
coalescence of smaller CO2 bubbles in magma, before it rapidly cooled and
solidified near the surface (McCoy, cited in Weir's web site).
There are other theories as well, such as the exsolved solid sphere
hypothesis (Kurat, cited by Weir).

2) Diogenites.
So far, diogenites, composed of Mg-rich pyroxene and minor olivine and
plagioclase are currently coarse-grained (as the new ureilite Almahata
Sitta) but very rarely involve bubbles or vesicles. They are supposed to
come from magma chambers in deep regions of Vesta.
In a recent post (ad), Adam Hupé reported that several slices of Dhofar 700
contained vesicles that in some cases attained almost 1 cm in diameter.
This was a surprise since no other diogenite was reported to involve such
quite regular bubbles.

Adam's post reminded me that I was also the lucky owner of such a slice of
DHO 700, full of bubbles (almost 30 bubbles - some over 1 cm diameter - can
be discerned onto the 38x44 mm surface, some passing completely through the
slice (4 mm thick) !
See pic here (click on "Dhofar 700"):


The text below the pic describes in a somewhat popularized way (in French)
possible (perhaps still speculative) origins of such bubbles.
One theory argues for a mechanism involving the genesis of gas bubbles due
to some complex process on Vesta. Upon rapid cooling, such bubbles could
have remained occluded in the cooled magma in a similar way as for Angrites
The weak point of that theory is that such a process is quite unlikely to
occur in a cumulate rock.

Another source (Blaine Reed, personal communication) reported that no extra
minerals were found growing on the interior surfaces of the gas bubbles.
It appears as if the surrounding minerals have been crushed by some
increased pressure rather generated by a liquid, leading to think that it
was possibly hot water (!) that formed these bubbles.
But how to imagine that hot water, if a

[meteorite-list] Shocked or not shocked?

2009-03-27 Thread Horace Heffner

Question: does this basalt look like it is shocked?

Optical 40x and 100x.




Electron micrograph 300x:


These small multi-oriented and broken grain features seem to match  
some shocked material photos here:


At least one local granite rock looks like this, even in much larger  





The above, to my untrained eye, looks to be not shocked, while the  
first set of photos show shocked basalt. The question is, do the  
first set of photos actually show a basalt that is shocked?

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mica and quartz don't rule out Mars meteorites?

2009-03-27 Thread Horace Heffner

These seem to indicate that mica and quartz can be expected on Mars.

Mica on Mars:


Mars quartz:


Therefore these things might show up in meteorites?


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] origin of vesicles in achondrites ? some photos

2009-03-27 Thread habibi abdelaziz

hi all
last tiME we get a talk about visicle and there size ,
many guys told me if they are  real visicles , so i took up some photos,
the size of the viscles start from 0.01 cm to 2.3 cm, 
and one thing to be sur they are visicles is that the holes taoudnid dioegnite 
is made from holes ,
those viscles in the surface are small and they are deep and bigger inside,
so the big visicle here is 2.3cm oustide and inside is real bigger may be 2.8 
inside they are like a ball inside and very deep like tunnels,;
i guess just this taoudnid will make crazy slices with wire saw. need a good 
professional to make killers slices,
may the Biggest holes seen in any achondrites

enjoy photo
the red labels are inch and the black is cm.

my best wish 
aziz habibi
 I.M.C.A # 6220
 habibi aziz 
box 70 erfoud 52200 morroco 
phone. 21235576145 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad - West meteorite

2009-03-27 Thread McCartney Taylor
I'm releasing 2 more West stones for sale. 14.5g and 28.7g

Both 100% fusion crusted, 1 with a silver line.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Introduction and some cool photos

2009-03-27 Thread Bill Mason
Dear Dave,  Very good micro-photographs. I have seen these on many
pallasites under my microscope.  Analysis has shown me that the rust looking
trails are the remains of iron oxide solutions from galvanic corrosion
action under either surface coatings or Olivine xls. They micro blast off
easily. You may have heard that I have shown that many of our meteorites are
loaded with water after plunging into earth soil that contains water vapor
and with 14.7 #/sq" shoves water vapor into the shocked meteorite. Oxygen
and other elements enter the meteorite and then have a field day supporting
the earlier galvanic action process. My goal is to help our knowledge of
meteorite preservation be a universal capability. 

Bill Mason III  "rusty"

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Dan
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 2:19 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Introduction and some cool photos

Greetings Listoids,

Hello, I am new to the list and to meteorites.  Please enjoy these
microscopic photographs of my four pallasite slices:


These are taken at 100X and 400X with a ProScope, at or near the
olivine-iron boundary.  I'm pretty curious about some of these
features, especially on the Brenham.  Is it just surface rust?

Dan in Pacifica
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] super star

2009-03-27 Thread Darren Garrison
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread McCartney Taylor
A $5,000/kg or $10,000/kg reward for the first kg may be appropriate for
most some falls.  But quickly the newspapers will drop the 'first kg'
part and spread the value at $10/g.  There will also be unit errs and
report the value at $10,000/lb.

$20,000/kg is ludicrous.

I think we, as a community, should make some kind of gentleman's
agreement with the highest reward that should be offered.  Quickly, a
point will be reached that will be counter-productive.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Meteorites USA
My opinion is that it should not be publicized except through private 
channels, email, fax, and maybe local fliers. Or if you publish 
something in the paper or on local TV channels simply use the word 
REWARD! with no $ amount attached to it. It's all about marketing image 
and I understand that a $10K reward might be very enticing to those 
honest folks out there or the greedy people that just want the money but...

Has anyone ever thought of the repercussions if people start getting the 
idea that ALL meteorite hunters have money?! This could pose a safety 
risk for hunters in the field. Not all hunters have $10K to drop on a 
kilo of freshly fallen meteorites but if we continue to advertise tens 
of thousands of dollars for meteorites then people might get the wrong 
idea. Not too mention the other issue of landowners thinking they're not 
getting a fair price.

I agree with McCartney that there needs to be some sort of gentleman's 
agreement, not for the reward amount but that there not be a dollar 
amount posted at all. REWARD FOR METEORITES! is a sufficient phrase for 
use in the lead generation and helps in the protection of hunters and 
market prices of meteorite. It will minimize the pissed off landowners 
that think they might be taken advantage of, and will help preserve the 
value of the meteorites by not artificially inflating the price.

Just my opinion...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

McCartney Taylor wrote:

A $5,000/kg or $10,000/kg reward for the first kg may be appropriate for
most some falls.  But quickly the newspapers will drop the 'first kg'
part and spread the value at $10/g.  There will also be unit errs and
report the value at $10,000/lb.

$20,000/kg is ludicrous.

I think we, as a community, should make some kind of gentleman's
agreement with the highest reward that should be offered.  Quickly, a
point will be reached that will be counter-productive.



Meteorite-list mailing list


Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Notkin

Dear Mac:

You and I must have some kind of a psychic link  : )   I was planning  
a post on this very topic, but you beat me to it.

This may stir things up a bit, but that is not my intention. As  
someone who goes out in the field, and does part of the actual work of  
recovery, I feel I should voice my opinion on this. As best I can  
recall, four well-known members of the meteorite community have  
recently offered large rewards for stones from new falls. You're all  
my friends, so please don't take this personally -- I'm just throwing  
this out for your consideration.

We all remember that Bob Haag offered a $10,000 reward for a piece of  
Buzzard Coulee. At the time, I thought it was very clever. Bob is a  
great promoter, and his reward offer, naturally, got him in the news.  
Since then -- correct me if I'm wrong -- there have been at least  
three other $10K rewards offered (that I'm aware of) for recovered  
material from the meteors seen over Texas, New York, and Georgia.

So: (a) You guys are copycats  (b) Making these big cash reward offers  
to the general public is interfering with hunting in the strewnfields.  
Yes, one dealer might make a quick profit by buying up one piece from  
a landowner and turning it around before hunters on the ground can  
recover anything, and I guess that's your right in a free market. But  
please consider the damage you are doing to people out in the field.

In Texas, there were several instances when I was personally told by a  
landowner something along the lines of: "Nah, you can't hunt on my  
land. I heard in the paper them's things is worth ten thousand a  
pound," or whatever. I know others had similar experiences. If someone  
sitting in their office sends a press release to local papers advising  
landowners that black rocks on their land might be worth five grand  
per pound, do you think those landowners are going to be receptive to  
working with hunters who have gone to the trouble and expense of  
traveling to the fall site? Not likely.

Since several List members can't even manage to respect the  
gentleman's agreement we already have about one ad per dealer, per  
week, I hardly think we're going to have any more success with a  
gentleman's agreement about reward prices. But I guess it's worth a  
try and, Mac, I do like your thinking.


Geoff N.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Insane tactics offering $20,000 per kilo!

2009-03-27 Thread Michael Farmer


This started in West, with Bob Evans and others offering $5000 for the first 
kilo and then $10,000 and $5000 per pound for meteorites. 
Why offer set price for "first kilo"? Do you really think that the people that 
find the second kilo will understand and take $1000? I don't think so.

This is an insane tactic, you are now setting the minimum price for any 
meteorite found in Georgia at $20,000 per kilo! Is it me or is this absolute 
Darryl, Dave, why are you doing this? Can you not just offer large cash reward. 
I think you guys need to stay out of the field, because since you are willing 
to offer these prices, then next time I get a meteorite I will demand those 
 From now on, it seems any US fall is going to be outrageously priced due to 
these tactics. Don't blame me, I did not start this crap.

Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Bill Mason
Dear Geoff, Thank heavens someone is thinking with their mind instead of
their wallet.  Greed is a bad trait we seem to have in excess quantity in
the human animal. I have seen it defeat may projects in business and science
over the years. ME,ME, on the back of a Mercedes the other day "The one with
the most toys when he dies ...WINS" . Think what we might accomplish if on
the next meteorite fall we talked about the scientific wonder rather than
the money we'd collectively make.  We might have more fun and we wouldn't
disturb the natives greed side.   I realize it costs $$$ to travel and get
your hat back-so to speak. BUT be smart about it people - If you let your
mouth run ...you will pay the price.

Bill Mason 3

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Notkin
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 12:48 PM
To: Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

Dear Mac:

You and I must have some kind of a psychic link  : )   I was planning  
a post on this very topic, but you beat me to it.

This may stir things up a bit, but that is not my intention. As  
someone who goes out in the field, and does part of the actual work of  
recovery, I feel I should voice my opinion on this. As best I can  
recall, four well-known members of the meteorite community have  
recently offered large rewards for stones from new falls. You're all  
my friends, so please don't take this personally -- I'm just throwing  
this out for your consideration.

We all remember that Bob Haag offered a $10,000 reward for a piece of  
Buzzard Coulee. At the time, I thought it was very clever. Bob is a  
great promoter, and his reward offer, naturally, got him in the news.  
Since then -- correct me if I'm wrong -- there have been at least  
three other $10K rewards offered (that I'm aware of) for recovered  
material from the meteors seen over Texas, New York, and Georgia.

So: (a) You guys are copycats  (b) Making these big cash reward offers  
to the general public is interfering with hunting in the strewnfields.  
Yes, one dealer might make a quick profit by buying up one piece from  
a landowner and turning it around before hunters on the ground can  
recover anything, and I guess that's your right in a free market. But  
please consider the damage you are doing to people out in the field.

In Texas, there were several instances when I was personally told by a  
landowner something along the lines of: "Nah, you can't hunt on my  
land. I heard in the paper them's things is worth ten thousand a  
pound," or whatever. I know others had similar experiences. If someone  
sitting in their office sends a press release to local papers advising  
landowners that black rocks on their land might be worth five grand  
per pound, do you think those landowners are going to be receptive to  
working with hunters who have gone to the trouble and expense of  
traveling to the fall site? Not likely.

Since several List members can't even manage to respect the  
gentleman's agreement we already have about one ad per dealer, per  
week, I hardly think we're going to have any more success with a  
gentleman's agreement about reward prices. But I guess it's worth a  
try and, Mac, I do like your thinking.


Geoff N.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread GeoZay

>>I agree with McCartney that there  needs to be some sort of gentleman's 
agreement, not for the reward amount  but that there not be a dollar 
amount posted at all. REWARD FOR METEORITES!  is a sufficient phrase for 
use in the lead generation and helps in the  protection of hunters and 
market prices of meteorite. It will minimize the  pissed off landowners 
that think they might be taken advantage of, and will  help preserve the 
value of the meteorites by not artificially inflating the  price.<<

I don't think any limits on offered rewards should be  done. First of 
all...there's this thing called "Supply and Demand". If there's  just a few 
meteorites to be found, then make the offer. Its probably worth  a big reward. 
Offering anything less, the landowner is probably being taken  advantage of. 
There are two sides to this fence...the meteorite hunter and the  landowner. 
side wants to make a killing and neither wants to be had. Most  people on 
this list are probably looking at it from one side of the  fence.

**Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
less. (http://food.aol.com/frugal-feasts?ncid=emlcntusfood0001)
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Howard Steffic

Best to consider the source on this type of tactic,  Meteorite Hunters?  More 
like keyboard check book hunters in my opinion.
It is all about $$$ for some groups of people.
Better learn to live with it guys, this may be the wave of the future.

Howard Steffic 

> From: mccart...@blackbearddata.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 11:15:56 -0600
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.
> A $5,000/kg or $10,000/kg reward for the first kg may be appropriate for
> most some falls. But quickly the newspapers will drop the 'first kg'
> part and spread the value at $10/g. There will also be unit errs and
> report the value at $10,000/lb.
> $20,000/kg is ludicrous.
> I think we, as a community, should make some kind of gentleman's
> agreement with the highest reward that should be offered. Quickly, a
> point will be reached that will be counter-productive.
> http://www.wjbf.com/jbf/news/state_regional/georgia/article/meteorite_hunters_closing_in_on_georgia_fireball_reward_upped_to_2/12165/
> -mt
> __
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> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Rob Wesel

Inflated field prices

Landowners refusing to allow their property hunt

Risk to all hunters safety from mugging or perceived attempts to con the 

Flooding the area with every kid on spring break who doesn't consider the 
care needed to maintain a good relationship with landowners.

Imagine the tension you would feel of all of a sudden garden gnomes were as 
rare as meteorites and hundreds of people show up in your neighborhood 
because a garden gnome from your area sold for $20K. Would you feel safe? 
Would you want to work with gnome hunters? I am always amazed at how kind 
landowners are but if you chum the water it ain't gonna happen. Huge amounts 
do get paid in the field but it needs to be done in private.

This type of action gets one twenty thousand dollar piece safely out of the 

I met a man in Park Forest at the peak of sales (~$20-30/g in the retail 
world not the field ) who had a 1kg stone. He was carrying it like a baby 
chicken "How much would you give me for this". I replied that I only had 
about $5k to offer for it. "I've had guys offer me $35K and said no" as he 
retracted the stone. I tried to tell him to forget about me then and take 
the higher offer, to bring it to Applebee's where all the hunters met at 
night and see what he could make of it. He never showed up. I often wonder 
what he ever got, or perhaps never got for it because the TV, newspapers and 
planetarium were telling him it was worth so much. Now we have the hunters 
saying the same thing..

Very bull in a china shop this is, myopic

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 27, 2009

2009-03-27 Thread SPACEROCKSINC


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the new Email Toolbar now! 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread cdtucson
This practice dates back around 20 years . It was started by our fearless 
leader Bob Haag. I remember a TV show called 
"Missing : Reward", where Bob offered up to a one million dollar reward for a 
piece of the Tucson Iron along with it's exact find location. True story he 
admits this on page 14 of his 1991 tenth anniversary edition of his Field Guide 
of Meteorites. What a nut. I think the key words were "up to". 
 McCartney Taylor  wrote: 
> A $5,000/kg or $10,000/kg reward for the first kg may be appropriate for
> most some falls.  But quickly the newspapers will drop the 'first kg'
> part and spread the value at $10/g.  There will also be unit errs and
> report the value at $10,000/lb.
> $20,000/kg is ludicrous.
> I think we, as a community, should make some kind of gentleman's
> agreement with the highest reward that should be offered.  Quickly, a
> point will be reached that will be counter-productive.
> http://www.wjbf.com/jbf/news/state_regional/georgia/article/meteorite_hunters_closing_in_on_georgia_fireball_reward_upped_to_2/12165/
> -mt
> __
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Insane tactics offering $20,000 per kilo!

2009-03-27 Thread Carl 's

Hello Mr. Farmer and others,

Just a few thoughts. I'm new here and never found a meteorite in my life but I 
can see a $20,000 offer would help narrow where the strewnfield is a lot 
sooner. Would that be a blessing in disguise? Also, what would happen if this 
fall was another Ureilite or rare type? I imagine there would be no gentleman's 
agreement. I'm not talking about meteorite hunters but half the country. 

Did anyone see this comment that was left at the bottom of the article:

"Posted by ( BobK ) on March 27, 2009 at 3:45 pm

lot of those meteorite hunters are rip off artists where they only pay
cents on the dollar. If you find anything- make sure you listen to a
number of offers before picking the highest one. Better yet- sell it
yourself on Ebay."

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: March 23-27, 2009

2009-03-27 Thread Ron Baalke

March 23-27, 2009

o Complex Surface (Released 23 March 2009)

o South Polar Spring (Released 24 March 2009)

o Candor Chasma (Released 25 March 2009)

o Melas Chasma (Released 26 March 2009)

o Flow Complexity (Released 27 March 2009)

All of the THEMIS images are archived here:


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission 
for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission 
Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University,
Tempe, in co.oration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. 
The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State 
University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor 
for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission 
operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a 
division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Short article in _Nature_ on 2008 TC3/Almahata Sitta

2009-03-27 Thread Darren Garrison
This was forwareded to me by someone who obviously couldn't post binaries to the
list.  Don't know if he wants credit or to remain anonymous:

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] 40% off sale (ad)

2009-03-27 Thread Michael Blood
Gee, Steve,
You have only posted 4 or 5 times since the post that
Stated that it was your LAST post ever. Not bad for 2 days.
Best wishes, Michael

> From: steve arnold 
> Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:54:14 -0700 (PDT)
> To: Meteorite List 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] 40% off sale (ad)
> Hi list.Things have moving so well I thought I would make the remaining items
> 40% off thru monday.Shipping is extra.View here at chicagometeorites.net/ and
> thanks.
> Steve R.Arnold No#1!,Chicago!
> __
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom Post!

2009-03-27 Thread Michael Blood
Hi all,
A secret messenger of Proud Tom has resurrected a variety of
Web pages, posts, etc, of Proud Tom. It is in PDF format, which
Just about any computer on earth can open.
I decided I will send one to everyone who signs up for my sales
Posts (I post an average of about 8 times a year, so you won't be getting
Those already on my list, you can email me and I will send one to
you, too. 
Just a little laugh for those who don't mind laughing at themselves
(me included - I am targeted in this PDF). Do be foreworned, that it is
A hodge-podge and part will say "page 1 of 3" or "page 4 or 9" or the like,
But pay no attention - you can tell by the green button on the right side
How far through the PDF you are getting.
Much of this stuff seemed new to me, but my wife assures me I am
Loosing my mind and forgetting everything, so, mayby while I sit here
Laughing out loud, I am reading something I have seen before, but it did
Seem like there was a lot of "new" stuff.
THIS - it has a bit of the flavor of a "roast" - of everyone!
Just write "Proud Tom PDF" in the subject line of your post  (OFF
LIST) and I will send it to you.
Best wishes, Michael
PS, for those of you not yet on the Friends Page, this is a good time to
send in a jpg attachment of a decent head shot of you.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] unsubscribe me please

2009-03-27 Thread Joe Kerchner
Please unsubscribe me from the met list. I am going to set it up
through a different/dedicated email address.
Joe Kerchner
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Adam Hupe

I have been hearing for a couple of years now from insiders and outsiders alike 
that say it is beyond embarrassing how some dealers are more worried about 
their ego than they are about the product they sell. My other half asked? Don't 
these guys have a woman in their life to prevent them from embarrassing 
themselves with this shameless self-promotion?  

We do need a spokesperson for meteorites. Too bad Bob Haag isn't front and 
center any more. His focus and enthusiasm has always been about the meteorites, 
not himself.  His fame came from his pioneering efforts and positive outlook, 
not chasing press and then bragging about it.

Best Regards,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] unsubscribe me please

2009-03-27 Thread Michael Blood
That ain't how it works, Joe.
Go to Meteorite Central. You are the
Only one with control over your subscription
To the list.

> From: Joe Kerchner 
> Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 18:13:49 -0600
> To: Meteorite List 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] unsubscribe me please
> Please unsubscribe me from the met list. I am going to set it up
> through a different/dedicated email address.
> Thanks,
> Joe Kerchner
> __
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] List Sale

2009-03-27 Thread Michael Blood
Yo, List-folk,
I am in need of cashola FAST.
So, instead of raising all my prices and then dropping them
Again, howsabout $35 off any item of $200 or more IF you pay
By PayPal. Check 'm out at:


See both pages of hammers (if you don't believe in hammers -  then
You can check them out as "witnessed falls" -
As well as my overall catalog -
Yes, you can combine a number of
Items to reach $200 (or more - don't feel restrained!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Meteorites USA

A gentleman an armchair hunter is not
when rewards be posted on the spot
the landowners tend to frown
when the hunter arrives in town
to hunt a rewarded strewnfield
maybe not be a very good deal
some people just do their part
according to a selfish heart
too bad we must compete
for fear of being beat
by rewarding the first rock on the ground
we lose the respect of the town
offering up hefty rewards
the seekers arrive in hordes
to the great strewnfield land
we become a silly band
we strive to know the place
and we wind up with mud on our face
so it must be a race
to the place where meteorites lie
some do what others may shy
too bad we must fight
when a fireball pierces the night
it should be a great event
not something we lament
but most times people go too far
over the price of such a star
before we make the landowners cry foul
or in fact endanger our crowd
those people must lose their greed
or we'll lose the respect of the people we need
some have more money than brains
bad for the hunter this puts us in chains
I don't know what you call it
in my opinion it's "all" shit

Violators will be tarred and feathered by locals.


Rob Wesel wrote:

Inflated field prices

Landowners refusing to allow their property hunt

Risk to all hunters safety from mugging or perceived attempts to con 
the public

Flooding the area with every kid on spring break who doesn't consider 
the care needed to maintain a good relationship with landowners.

Imagine the tension you would feel of all of a sudden garden gnomes 
were as rare as meteorites and hundreds of people show up in your 
neighborhood because a garden gnome from your area sold for $20K. 
Would you feel safe? Would you want to work with gnome hunters? I am 
always amazed at how kind landowners are but if you chum the water it 
ain't gonna happen. Huge amounts do get paid in the field but it needs 
to be done in private.

This type of action gets one twenty thousand dollar piece safely out 
of the strewnfield...maybe.

I met a man in Park Forest at the peak of sales (~$20-30/g in the 
retail world not the field ) who had a 1kg stone. He was carrying it 
like a baby chicken "How much would you give me for this". I replied 
that I only had about $5k to offer for it. "I've had guys offer me 
$35K and said no" as he retracted the stone. I tried to tell him to 
forget about me then and take the higher offer, to bring it to 
Applebee's where all the hunters met at night and see what he could 
make of it. He never showed up. I often wonder what he ever got, or 
perhaps never got for it because the TV, newspapers and planetarium 
were telling him it was worth so much. Now we have the hunters saying 
the same thing..

Very bull in a china shop this is, myopic

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

Meteorite-list mailing list

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Fw: [AD] Sierra Colorada 1180 grams full slice relisted

2009-03-27 Thread Jan bartels

Dear Listoids,

For those who might be interested
I relisted a full slice of a pretty rare one, Sierra Colorada on Ebay again.

Fantastic brecciated slice with lots of metal veins.

I lowered the price since last post drasticly and this is the lowest I can 

Check it out here:


Enjoy !!

P.s. I have been asked for a trade quite a few times but this one goes for
cash only, sorry.

Jan Bartels
IMCA 9833

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread almitt


The trouble with a gentleman's agreement is you need two gentlemen.

Another problem with all this is, the next fall, when specimens are 
found, the first thing that the owners are
going to do is go to the Internet and put in a search of meteorites and 
price. What they will find is all the
insane priced items, what meteorites sold for in West Texas and other 
localities like Park Forest. It is all on

the Internet and it does not go away.


--AL Mitterling
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Bolide over California 26MAR09

2009-03-27 Thread drtanuki

Dear List,
  New report:

Best, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread John.L.Cabassi

G'Day Al,
I'd like to say you've been hanging around the hammers too long, but I think 
you nailed this one on the head.


- Original Message - 
From: "almitt" 

To: "'Meteorite List'" 
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.


The trouble with a gentleman's agreement is you need two gentlemen.

Another problem with all this is, the next fall, when specimens are found, 
the first thing that the owners are
going to do is go to the Internet and put in a search of meteorites and 
price. What they will find is all the
insane priced items, what meteorites sold for in West Texas and other 
localities like Park Forest. It is all on

the Internet and it does not go away.


--AL Mitterling
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Fw: Bolide over California 26MAR09

2009-03-27 Thread drtanuki

Sorry, first attempt bounced.

Dear List,
  New report:

Bolide over California 26MAR09

Best, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD ebay auctions

2009-03-27 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites

for who interested I have put some auctions on ebay included
a 2530 grams lot of NWA 869 end pieces



M come Meteorite Meteoriti
Mindat Gallery
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Excessively Large Reward a bad precedent.

2009-03-27 Thread Rob Matson
Capt. Renault in the casino scene in Casablanca:

"I'm shocked -- SHOCKED -- to find that gambling in going on here!"
(as the croupier hands him a stack of money)


:-)  Rob

Meteorite-list mailing list