[meteorite-list] OT: Reality, Perception, Finiteness of Universe

2009-08-25 Thread Rob Matson
Hi Eric,

 We're not talking about certainty.  You certainly exist
 physically. Philosophy is not certainty.

Much as I'd like to agree with you, there is no way for you to
prove that I exist or you exist, or anything that you experience
is real. That is the nature of philosophical introspection; the
realization that you may not be able to trust your own senses.

For instance, I would imagine you saw The Matrix. Suppose everything
you see, hear, smell, taste, feel and think is simply illusion.
Your first response might be, That's ridiculous! I can read the
words you've typed, I can feel the keys of my keyboard, I can hear
the whirr of the disk drive, smell dinner cooking, etc. But if
you're really honest with yourself, you'll come to the perhaps
unsettling realization that you can't prove ANY of it is real.

~Intellectually~ you reason that you are made up of billions of
cells, that these cells are themselves constructed of various
molecules, that the molecules can be broken down into atoms, the
atoms into subatomic particles, and so on. But what are the
fundamental building blocks of matter? They are really nothing
more than a set of mathematical constructs invented by humans
that try to match the reality that they observe. Again, very
suspect, and not surprisingly our macroscopic notions of reality
do not work so well in the realm of the very small.

If you really want to get a reality check (pun intended), read
up on Bell's Theorem, and the various experiments that show Bell's
inequalities are violated, quantum mechanics is correct, and
therefore the notion of local realism is disproven.

But I'm getting off the subject a bit...

Earlier I wrote:

 ...The universe is large (not to mention growing), but it is
 nevertheless finite...

You replied:

 Really? Is there proof of its limited scope?

If you ascribe to the Big Bang Theory, then the Universe is finite
by definition.

 We can only see so far... Every few years we can see further.

But what you may not know (don't feel bad, most people don't) is that
the Universe is expanding at a rate considerably faster than the speed
of light, and therefore the fraction of the total Universe that we can
observe is getting smaller and smaller with time. There will reach a
time in the distant future where we can only see our local cluster of
galaxies -- the rest of the Universe will be closed off to us forever.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] On the other hand...

2009-08-25 Thread Rob Matson
 ... there is no way for you to prove that I exist or you exist,
 or anything that you experience is real.

You might want to try a modern, meteoritical spin on the rhetorical
approach taken by Samuel Johnson in the 18th century, when he responded
to Bishop Berkeley's claim that matter doesn't exist, but only ~seems~
to. Just drop a 10-kilo Campo on your foot from a height of one meter
and proudly announce, I refute it thus! (and then have someone take
you to the hospital)  ;-)  --Rob

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] On the other hand...

2009-08-25 Thread Meteorites USA


Like I said it's endless... I guess I'm not smart enough to figure out 
if we're really real or not, but that's not really what I care about. 
I care about knowledge. That's what I seek in my never ending quest for 

Now regardless of the reality of our own existence, knowledge is real. 
We are conscious, aware, and we think? Someone said that already though 
didn't they, a guy that was probably way smarter than me. A quick search 
and I realize it was Rene Descartes that said it first.

Matter does exist, or rather we perceive the effects of matter to be 
measurable. Even if it is only in our minds. We see it, touch it, feel 
it, experience it, mold it, form it, and in some cases are controlled by 
it and surrounded by it.

Does it matter? ;) Yes. because if matter isn't real, then your argument 
is moot. And if your argument is moot, then it doesn't matter, because 
our perception of the effects of matter is one that not only makes it 
exist, but makes it measurable. Does that make sense?

Our own senses and the observable effects that our brains control tells 
me that when I drop that meteorite on my foot it's gonna hurt. And it 
would in fact cause measurable physical damage. Which is an effect we 
perceive. We do in fact think, Therefore our own thoughts are our proof 
that we exist.

If you perceive something to be real, it is... Even if only in your own 

Does this mean we're all having one mass hallucination? ;)


Rob Matson wrote:

... there is no way for you to prove that I exist or you exist,
or anything that you experience is real.

You might want to try a modern, meteoritical spin on the rhetorical
approach taken by Samuel Johnson in the 18th century, when he responded
to Bishop Berkeley's claim that matter doesn't exist, but only ~seems~
to. Just drop a 10-kilo Campo on your foot from a height of one meter
and proudly announce, I refute it thus! (and then have someone take
you to the hospital)  ;-)  --Rob


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mr EMan
The corollary--I ask because they obviously have confederates (if not actual 
members themselves) on this list-- maybe they can bring us a Mercury sample?  
Maybe Venus? Phobos?  Demos? Saturn ring tektites?

I have some glass beads, tin mirrors, iron hatchets to swap.  (It worked once 
before thought it might be worth a try).

I agree that even 20 -100 years is unlikely unless we accidentally encounter 
them in distress, I can't imagine any advanced culture with even the slightest 
knowledge of our history feeling contact with us as a prudent step in their own 
history! Ask any surviving indigneous person on any contintent.

Of course my dog is arguing that it is already occurred only we are too dim to 
recognize it.  He does this all the time and what does he know? He has not been 
to college and hasn't read but half the books I have!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mark Ford

Why does everyone always assume aliens are super intelligent?  based on
the earth model 99.999% of all life in the
universe (if there is any other) is actually not intelligent.

There is a massive difference between, intelligent life,
semi-intelligent life, and basic 'life'.

Add up all the life forms that have existed on earth in 3+ billion years
(it's a really rather large number), and consider that just 2 or 3 of
those trillions and trillions  of life forms actually invented a way of
communicating over large distances (i.e. using radio waves), and it took
billions of years for that to happen, that in itself is a mind boggling

That's exactly why we haven't received any communication from aliens.

 A) There are [very] few planets with life, far fewer that can actually
 b) The distances are just too vast. 
 c) Based on our own human civilization we are not even sending out
carefully directed messages, just mass radio pollution, - as someone
else said maybe the only other intelligent planet is just listening!)

My Guess is life is actually very rare, semi intelligent life is very,
very, very rare, and intelligent life is just us (maybe plus or minus a
remote planet or two somewhere very far away...)



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Registered address Rectory Farm Rd, Sompting, Lancing, W Sussex BN15 0DP. 
Company No 1800317

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[meteorite-list] Ochansk wanted

2009-08-25 Thread Christian Anger
Hi all,

I am looking for a small sample of Ochansk,

about 1 to 3 grams

best regards,


Ing. Christian Anger
Neustiftgasse 37
A-2405 Bad Deutsch Altenburg
email: christian.an...@aon.at
website: www.austromet.com
IMCA member # 2673 at www.imca.cc

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] dfgh

2009-08-25 Thread joachim

Zitat von joac...@1tt.net:


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] holes in stone meteorites

2009-08-25 Thread Zelimir Gabelica

Another here:


Click on Dhofar 700 adio and enjoy (and learn some French).

7 or 8 tunnels could be guessed (in any language).


At 21:08 24/08/2009, Gary Fujihara wrote:

Holy Toledo!   Here's a specimen of Dho700:


On Aug 24, 2009, at 8:55 AM, Greg Stanley wrote:


If you look on ebay and look for a MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal,
font-family:Times New Roman;
mso-fareast-font-family:Times New Roman;}
@page Section1
{size:8.5in 11.0in;
margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;

Dhofar 700 Rare Vesiculated Diogenite Meteorite 45g

Rare Specimen With Vesicles And 2 Tunnels!I guess you could say it's
documented since there is a picture of it.Pretty cool specimen.

Greg S.

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 11:15:50 -0700
From: stevenarnold60...@yahoo.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] holes in stone meteorites

Hi list.Well it is nice to see that the list has quieted down.I was
wondering.I know that there are alot of holes in iron
meteorites,but has there ever been any documented evidence of holes
in stone meteorites?I found a hole thru a terrestial rock 3 years
ago,but I have never seen one from space.Any comments?
Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Gary Fujihara
AstroDay Institute
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 640-9161, fuj...@mac.com

Meteorite-list mailing list

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Martin Altmann

and our imagination, whether there are aliens and if, how they are,
does in the end only reflect our occupation with ourselves.

And I suppose, that has a longer tradition, our images of the aliens?

From antique times on those fictions, where the protagonists travel to Moon
or to space and met the people there, were used to hold up a mirror up to
us, space was only the place for utopias, for satirical criticism on
societies, mankind, politics and stuff or for philosophical thoughts.
Hence that hadn't to do with aliens and science fiction directly,
it was only the arena for such kind of projections. Like it was used to let
such fiction play in far and unknown or fantastic lands, hence no difference
to let's say e.g Gulliver's Travels.

The basis for our todays imagination about the nature of aliens and Science
Fiction with its different genres, I think, was set in 19th century.
3 archetypes you find there. 

One is the stalwartly optimistic believe, that the (new) technological
progress will lead mankind to an ideal society and will solve all our
worries and quarrels and that Earth and universe is waiting to be seized by
the human civilization. (Aliens would be only debilitating and annoying for
that purpose, hence there better shouldn't be any, I guess) Most popular
exponent was perhaps Jules Verne.

The antagonistic SfiFi to Jules Verne is best represented by the fictions of
a H.G.Wells. That mankind will always be limited to its behaviour and the
depths of its character. And that in its limitations the human society can
be helplessly at mercy if e.g. the intruder from Mars will come, and that
the society will fall in pieces.

Third one, somewhat earlier, is that enthusiasm for the Middle Ages of the
Romanticism. The escape into a manageable fairy-tale world, with noble
knights, pretty damsles, dynasties and battles and with clear rules, where
the Miller's son and underdog...nja you know. Wherefrom the whole stuff like
Tolkien, fantasy literature and our today's role-plays were derived off.

Well and from these three basic ingredients our conception of the aliens
seems to be mingled together.

And the prevalence of one or the other element is rather a question of
temporary vogues.

The breakdown of the old systems, the experiences of two World wars, the
cold war. There we had more Wells than Verne and the Aliens and the robots
and the prehistoric monsters and other communists had nothing better to do
than to invade Colorado and California to eradicate mankind and even The
Officer was powerless. 
A little later with the upcoming space flight enthusiasm we had some more

And very important, the affreightment of the genre with esoteric and
religious elements, mother nature, we are family and all the Hippie stuff.
That the aliens are of course not evil, but kindly have to come to rescue
(Therefrom btw the resumption of the old concept of the noble savage,
if you remind one of the most popular aliens ever, the droll E.T.)

Which SciFi had the most influence in my generation?
And don't tell me that your concept of aliens isn't influenced by Scifi.

Star Wars Saga - that was pure Popcorn-Middle-Ages-fun.

Star Trek Series - was a kind, how should United Nations exemplarily behave
in space, where the problems are the very same as here on Earth + Daily

Well and perhaps cause of the visually new realization, the Alien movies,
Good old Wells.

Kubrick's film you'll say..  I'm not sure, that it is directly about

So you find always the same patterns, how the aliens should be.
Either they will come to eat us all up or they are Messiahs.
Both cases imply that they are more advanced than we, hence Wells.

(That they would be underdeveloped, that we can conquer, exploit and kill
them all, as we used to do so for the last thousands of years among our own
kind and tribes, is definitely excluded, because it would be against any
political correctness). 

That is one thing,
the other thing is, why some are eager and some not, that there must be life
in space.

Well. In the beginning we were the center of the universe and we were
effigies of a God. Little later we learned ooops, Sun is the center of the
World. Again a little later, ouch the stars arenothing else than suns, than
there is another galaxy full of suns and that our sun isn't the center of
our galaxy, very soon after how obscenely large and far away other galaxies
are, and that our galaxy isn't the center of universe, meanwhile we had
learned that Grandpa was a chimpanzee, then we saw that the universe is full
of galaxies and that its incredible huge, we experienced how old it is, how
old Earth is (nasty meteorites), how old life is and that the human beings
existed for a shorter time than a blink of an eye, and that the universe
expanses so that maybe it will blow over (but before the sun will blow the
Earth, that we are mortal we all knew before), as it wouldn't be enough we
found 20 years ago other planets orbiting other 

Re: [meteorite-list] holes in stone meteorites

2009-08-25 Thread Zelimir Gabelica

Hi Dirk,

Similar but not the same.
Most probably cut from the same individual (only 
a few of Dho 700 pieces have vugs, perhaps only one of them ?).

Mine was obtained through a special offer from Blaine Reed.

My slice is 14.5 grams and seems to have more 
holes and thus less cheese than yours

Take care


At 13:51 25/08/2009, drtanuki wrote:

Dear Zelimir,
  Perhaps a sibling to the same slice?  Looks familiar!

Best Regards, Dirk...Tokyo

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] holes in stone meteorites

2009-08-25 Thread Jeff Kuyken

Hi Zelimir,

I believe around half of the dozen stones that made up Dhofar 700 displayed 
vesicles. Some were more prominent than others. My individual shows just a 
few small ones on the exterior and I've never been able to bring myself to 
slice it up to see if there are many more! ;-)




- Original Message - 
From: Zelimir Gabelica zelimir.gabel...@uha.fr

To: drtanuki drtan...@yahoo.com
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] holes in stone meteorites

Hi Dirk,

Similar but not the same.
Most probably cut from the same individual (only
a few of Dho 700 pieces have vugs, perhaps only one of them ?).
Mine was obtained through a special offer from Blaine Reed.

My slice is 14.5 grams and seems to have more
holes and thus less cheese than yours

Take care


At 13:51 25/08/2009, drtanuki wrote:

Dear Zelimir,
  Perhaps a sibling to the same slice?  Looks familiar!

Best Regards, Dirk...Tokyo

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mark Ford

That is just hogwash in my opinion---the Drake Equation proves that
MUST exist elsewhere.

Not quite - Actually most sensible values for the drake equation (and
subsequent improved variants) come up with surprisingly low values,
given the scale and size of the universe! In fact it's quite easy to get
values of 1! 

yes Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but evidence of
absence is evidence of absence! If we search and find no other life in
our own solar system, it lowers the odds somewhat, since the earth is so
perfect for life, yet the similar sized planets that are very nearby are
totally sterile (it seems so far).


-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Becky
and Kirk
Sent: 24 August 2009 22:10
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

That is just hogwash in my opinion---the Drake Equation proves that life

MUST exist elsewhere.
Even the SETI scientists agree that LIFE is probably abundant!
Absence of Evidence is NOT Evidence of Absence!!
- Original Message - 
From: Phil Whitmer prairiecac...@rtcol.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:17 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted


 It's my belief that We Are Alone!  There's nobody out there.  Life and

 intelligence is a singularity, a miracle, call it what you will, it
 happened once, here on good old Planet Earth. We are the Seed that
 spread throughout the Universe by Space Migration.  It's our manifest 
 destiny and a matter of survival.  Nobody knows how or why it
happened, it 
 just did. It was either God or chance, take your pick.  There are
 who claim otherwise, but they have yet to provide even the thinnest
 of evidence.  Those who make extraordinary claims must provide some 
 extraordinary evidence to back it up.  And they never do! Not one
 abducted by ETs has ever grabbed  an alien cellphone or anything else
 prove they were aboard an intergalactic space ship.

 The argument for aliens goes something like this: Well there's
 and billions of galaxies, one of them has to harbor life. It just has
 You know,   a billion monkeys typing for a billion years, and one of
 writes a Shakespearean Sonnet or the Book of Genesis, whatever. I
 they will just type gibberish for eternity. Life doesn't just pop up
 over the place. It can never be created in the laboratory. It's
 to make live stuff out of dead stuff! (Except for that one time.)

 This argument puts a lot of faith in Chance and the Laws of
 Might as well say Yahweh or Brahma did it.  Evolution guided by chance
 probability, how is that any different from chaos and total

 And why do the aliens always appear in trailer parks and never at
 Control, NAU,  or the JPL?

 Now if I could see one bit of hard evidence, I would change my mind in

 Just my dos pesos,

 Phil Whitmer
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list


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Company No 1800317

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Reality, Perception, Finiteness of Universe

2009-08-25 Thread Darren Garrison
On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 23:54:45 -0700, you wrote:

For instance, I would imagine you saw The Matrix. Suppose everything
you see, hear, smell, taste, feel and think is simply illusion.
Your first response might be, That's ridiculous! I can read the
words you've typed, I can feel the keys of my keyboard, I can hear
the whirr of the disk drive, smell dinner cooking, etc. But if
you're really honest with yourself, you'll come to the perhaps
unsettling realization that you can't prove ANY of it is real.

A paper from a few years back:


I must say, I do encounter people who don't pass the Turing test.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mark Ford
Drake says:

N = R x Fp X ne X fl X Fi X fc X L

my reckoning:

1 = 1 X 30% X 0.1 X 40% X 40% X 29% X 1000


R = The number of stars in a similar class to ours born each year
Fp = Percentage of stars that for planets
Ne = Number of planets for each star that have the right conditions for
Fl = Percentage of planets with suitable conditions for life to exist,
which start life
Fi = Percentage of planets with life that go on to develop intelligent
Fc = Percentage intelligent planets that develop communication
L  = Number of years each civilization survives for (in a communicable

:. So no supprise we 'aint heard from no ET... (and imho, I'm being
fairly optimistic about planets forming life supporting conditions) 



 It's my belief that We Are Alone!  There's nobody out there.  Life and

 intelligence is a singularity, a miracle, call it what you will, it
 happened once, here on good old Planet Earth. We are the Seed that
 spread throughout the Universe by Space Migration.  It's our manifest 
 destiny and a matter of survival.  Nobody knows how or why it
happened, it 
 just did. It was either God or chance, take your pick.  There are
 who claim otherwise, but they have yet to provide even the thinnest
 of evidence.  Those who make extraordinary claims must provide some 
 extraordinary evidence to back it up.  And they never do! Not one
 abducted by ETs has ever grabbed  an alien cellphone or anything else
 prove they were aboard an intergalactic space ship.

 The argument for aliens goes something like this: Well there's
 and billions of galaxies, one of them has to harbor life. It just has
 You know,   a billion monkeys typing for a billion years, and one of
 writes a Shakespearean Sonnet or the Book of Genesis, whatever. I
 they will just type gibberish for eternity. Life doesn't just pop up
 over the place. It can never be created in the laboratory. It's
 to make live stuff out of dead stuff! (Except for that one time.)

 This argument puts a lot of faith in Chance and the Laws of
 Might as well say Yahweh or Brahma did it.  Evolution guided by chance
 probability, how is that any different from chaos and total

 And why do the aliens always appear in trailer parks and never at
 Control, NAU,  or the JPL?

 Now if I could see one bit of hard evidence, I would change my mind in

 Just my dos pesos,

 Phil Whitmer
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list


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Registered address Rectory Farm Rd, Sompting, Lancing, W Sussex BN15 0DP. 
Company No 1800317

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Trappists fireballs

2009-08-25 Thread Zelimir Gabelica

Hi David, Mark, Dirk, list,

Gods can come to you.

In Belgium we have officially about 800 different 
brands of beer (unofficially something like 2000, 
some very local). Up to 14% strength available (but through special request).
By far more than fireballs and meteorite falls! 
(olny 4 meteorite falls authenticated so far 
since 'free Belgium exists (1830).
(this last line is here to justify this post, 
that should be exclusively devoted to meteorites 
and related (Unless Art considers that 12%+ 
Trappist issue is definitely a related topic ?)

My car is driving Mulhouse-Belgium back-and-forth 
every week and the trunk is not always full
My car can then be called God, if you are on 
visit here. It does not consume Trappists, just carries them

One of the good opportunities for a visit can 
well be the Ensisheim blast...otherwise (and if 
you are in a hurry), just call (Christopher Cokinos know that very well!)
Also prepare your orders. Payment in meteorites, 
cash always possible, upon preliminary agreement (kidding).

All always welcome ! (David got it this year, 
Dirk promised, Mike is invited, who else 
interested ? - Btw, Martin and Rob, I'll be at you later today...)



At 15:30 24/08/2009, Peter Davidson wrote:


Actually can we just skip the meteorite hunting and the chocolate and
concentrate on the case of Trappist Beer. I think if I could drink
enough of that 12% strength nectar, I could just about see anything I


Peter Davidson
Curator of Minerals

National Museums Collection Centre
National Museums Scotland
242 West Granton Road
Phone: +44 131 247 4283

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 21 August 2009 16:27
To: 'drtanuki'; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

Belgian fireball? There is nothing I would want more than to stand in
at the Westvletren Monastery for a case of the Abt 12 Trappist Ale, and
have some fine chocolate, and to hunt meteorites all at the same time...
this would be heaven and those of you lucky enough to taste the Abt 12
that this is the same beer that is consumed by the gods.


Mike Bandli

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 7:37 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

Dear List,

Major update on the Belgian bolide of 15AUG09:


Thank you Vincent from Belgium!!

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Trappists fireballs

2009-08-25 Thread Zelimir Gabelica

Sorry for mistake in the preceding post.

Please replace David by Peter.
I confused with a David Peterson another friend 
of mine, also Trappist enthousiast...

(Peter, I owe you somechocolate!)


At 15:40 25/08/2009, Zelimir Gabelica wrote:

Hi David, Mark, Dirk, list,

Gods can come to you.

In Belgium we have officially about 800 
different brands of beer (unofficially something 
like 2000, some very local). Up to 14% strength 
available (but through special request).
By far more than fireballs and meteorite falls! 
(olny 4 meteorite falls authenticated so far 
since 'free Belgium exists (1830).
(this last line is here to justify this post, 
that should be exclusively devoted to meteorites 
and related (Unless Art considers that 12%+ 
Trappist issue is definitely a related topic ?)

My car is driving Mulhouse-Belgium 
back-and-forth every week and the trunk is not always full
My car can then be called God, if you are on 
visit here. It does not consume Trappists, just carries them

One of the good opportunities for a visit can 
well be the Ensisheim blast...otherwise (and if 
you are in a hurry), just call (Christopher Cokinos know that very well!)
Also prepare your orders. Payment in 
meteorites, cash always possible, upon preliminary agreement (kidding).

All always welcome ! (David got it this year, 
Dirk promised, Mike is invited, who else 
interested ? - Btw, Martin and Rob, I'll be at you later today...)



At 15:30 24/08/2009, Peter Davidson wrote:


Actually can we just skip the meteorite hunting and the chocolate and
concentrate on the case of Trappist Beer. I think if I could drink
enough of that 12% strength nectar, I could just about see anything I


Peter Davidson
Curator of Minerals

National Museums Collection Centre
National Museums Scotland
242 West Granton Road
Phone: +44 131 247 4283

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 21 August 2009 16:27
To: 'drtanuki'; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

Belgian fireball? There is nothing I would want more than to stand in
at the Westvletren Monastery for a case of the Abt 12 Trappist Ale, and
have some fine chocolate, and to hunt meteorites all at the same time...
this would be heaven and those of you lucky enough to taste the Abt 12
that this is the same beer that is consumed by the gods.


Mike Bandli

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 7:37 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

Dear List,

Major update on the Belgian bolide of 15AUG09:


Thank you Vincent from Belgium!!

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15
Meteorite-list mailing list

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread DEBORAH ANNE K. MARTIN
This is an urban legend. Walt Disney was cremated.

Andre Bordeleau

From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com 
[meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] on behalf of Phil Whitmer 
Sent: August 25, 2009 1:58 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted


That's funny!

But realistically, the percentage is much lower if you figure in the
complete lack of evidence for life on the Moon, Mars, all the other planets
and their moons, the Sun, all the asteroids,  all the comets, and any other
stuff that might be hanging around the edges of the Solar System. If there
is no evidence for life anywhere in the entire Solar System, (that I know
of),  even on such a life friendly place as Mars, then maybe life doesn't
just pop into existence just because conditions are right.  Maybe it is just
a one time thing.  I wish I could afford to be cryogenically frozen like
Walt Disney and wake up in a few million years to find out!

Phil Whitmer

Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Six Year Old finds meteorite? UGH!

2009-08-25 Thread Steve Schoner
I just saw this this morning.   What a bunch of rubbish.   More to confuse the 
un-informed, with Ebay prices to boot!


Tell me, does that look like a meteorite?

Don't think so.

Steve Schoner

Wanna lose weight?  Weight Loss Programs that work. Click here.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Trappists fireballs

2009-08-25 Thread Peter Davidson

You are putting temptation in front of me. I should resist, I must resist, but 
I am a weak and feeble man! Belgian beer and Belgian chocolate are like two 
small pieces of heaven. 

In Scotland, the surname Davidson is perhaps the sixth most common. Peter is 
also a fairly common first name. So technically there should be no problem. But 
in my life I have been called David Peterson, David Davidson and Peter 
Peterson. I have also been addressed as Peter Ferguson and Peter Jamieson. 
Where those ones came from I don't know. Too much trappiste!?!


Peter Davidson
Curator of Minerals
National Museums Collection Centre
National Museums Scotland
242 West Granton Road
Phone: +44 131 247 4283

-Original Message-
From: Zelimir Gabelica [mailto:zelimir.gabel...@uha.fr] 
Sent: 25 August 2009 14:40
To: Peter Davidson; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Trappists  fireballs

Hi David, Mark, Dirk, list,

Gods can come to you.

In Belgium we have officially about 800 different 
brands of beer (unofficially something like 2000, 
some very local). Up to 14% strength available (but through special request).
By far more than fireballs and meteorite falls! 
(olny 4 meteorite falls authenticated so far 
since 'free Belgium exists (1830).
(this last line is here to justify this post, 
that should be exclusively devoted to meteorites 
and related (Unless Art considers that 12%+ 
Trappist issue is definitely a related topic ?)

My car is driving Mulhouse-Belgium back-and-forth 
every week and the trunk is not always full
My car can then be called God, if you are on 
visit here. It does not consume Trappists, just carries them

One of the good opportunities for a visit can 
well be the Ensisheim blast...otherwise (and if 
you are in a hurry), just call (Christopher Cokinos know that very well!)
Also prepare your orders. Payment in meteorites, 
cash always possible, upon preliminary agreement (kidding).

All always welcome ! (David got it this year, 
Dirk promised, Mike is invited, who else 
interested ? - Btw, Martin and Rob, I'll be at you later today...)



At 15:30 24/08/2009, Peter Davidson wrote:

Actually can we just skip the meteorite hunting and the chocolate and
concentrate on the case of Trappist Beer. I think if I could drink
enough of that 12% strength nectar, I could just about see anything I


Peter Davidson
Curator of Minerals

National Museums Collection Centre
National Museums Scotland
242 West Granton Road
Phone: +44 131 247 4283

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 21 August 2009 16:27
To: 'drtanuki'; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

Belgian fireball? There is nothing I would want more than to stand in
at the Westvletren Monastery for a case of the Abt 12 Trappist Ale, and
have some fine chocolate, and to hunt meteorites all at the same time...
this would be heaven and those of you lucky enough to taste the Abt 12
that this is the same beer that is consumed by the gods.


Mike Bandli

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 7:37 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

Dear List,

Major update on the Belgian bolide of 15AUG09:


Thank you Vincent from Belgium!!

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 

Free Fringe music. Celebrate Homecoming at the National Museum of Scotland 8-30 
August. www.nms.ac.uk/music 

National Museums Scotland, Scottish Charity, No. SC 011130

This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the 
addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your system. The 
statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and 
do not necessarily reflect those of National Museums Scotland. This message is 
subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information (Scotland) 
Act 2002. No liability is accepted for any harm that may be caused to your 
systems or data by this message.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Becky and Kirk
Seems to me that the Mars rovers have pretty much proved that at one time 
Mars probably supported life based on their findings and observations---and 
that is right in our own back yard!

- Original Message - 
From: Phil Whitmer prairiecac...@rtcol.com

To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:24 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

To all listees pondering the Eternal Verities:

Just because the Universe is really big is not an argument that there is 
Life out there.  The Ocean is really big, but that's not an argument for 
the existence of a Loch Ness monster or any other species of   pleisosaur. 
I have to actually see a unicorn before I'll believe that they exist.  I'm 
Old School,  I have to actually see a visible light photograph of just one 
of these supposed googols of Earth like planets. All I've heard is pure 
speculation, forumulae, projections of our loneliness, (there has to be 
someone out there!) extrapolations, computer models, mathematical 
probabilities, etc.  Still waiting on the evidence!  Not proof, just a 
simple tiny shred of evidence. One simple SOS in Morse Code on any one of 
the billions and billions of channels monitered by Seti. One peer 
reviewed, in focus, well lit, properly exposed photograph of an actual 
flying saucer. One little tiny fossil in a meteorite. Anything!  Closer to 
home, I'm still waiting for anything at all from the Mars probes.  Just 
one incontrovertible shred of evidence where all the scientists go: Yes, 
there's life on Mars! Until I see this evidence I have to conclude that 
on the closest planet that was once very  Earth like, there is no sign of 
life. If we can't even find it on Mars,  which should have been teeming 
with life, which should have left tons of evidence which should have been 
found by now, then I must conclude that the Universe is a vast lifeless 

The only life that I can verify by empirical evidence is right here on 
this planet. You can do all the thought experiments you want, in your 
imagination you can populate the entire vast Universe with bacteria, or 
Star Trek/Star Wars like critters, whatever you like, it's all pure 
speculation. All that we know for sure is that is Life here on Earth. 
Plenty of it. The problem is nobody knows where it came from. Nobody is 
really sure even what it is. Can someone tell me what  the Life Force is 
that differentiates living things from inanimate objects? Is it Chi?, Ki? 
Prana?  What the heck is it? Did it originate here on Earth.  (I think it 
did.)  If it did, then how did that first coacervate of organic molecules 
become alive in the first place? How did it know how to assemble a strand 
of self replicating RNA? At exactly what point did the Life Force enter 
this assemblage of non living stuff? Don't even get me started on the 
Miracle of Intelligence/Consciousness! As if anyone knows what that little 
voice in your head is!

This should be pretty simple stuff to figure out, even for a young, dumb 
species like homo sapiens.  After all, it happened right here on our home 
planet just a few billion years ago right under our noses.  People will 
tell you otherwise, but we don't have a clue as to what life is or how it 
got started.   Until these basic questions about the origins of life on 
our own planet are answered  I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves 
by believing in aliens. Little green men or tall gray men, I have to see 
one to believe in them.

Dos mas pesos,

Phil Whitmer

Nota bene:  Of course I could be completely wrong and Dr. Edgar Mitchell 
could be completely right!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space?

2009-08-25 Thread Steve Schoner
Alien life discussion is interesting, but, this is what our cities look like 
from space:


Looks like mold.

Our planet is rotting!

Steve Schoner
IMCA #447m

Shop  save on the supplements you want. Click now!
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Six Year Old finds meteorite? UGH!

2009-08-25 Thread drtanuki
 Steve and List,
   We have since 2002 or so been bombarded with false
 news reports about meteorites being seen to fall, hitting
 houses and people and etc.
 Here is a link to the 2002 case:
 If anyone would like to keep current with the Worldwide
 Meteor/Meteorite Mews (TM), most daily or more, either add
 yourself as a follower to the weblog or sign up for RSS feed
 from the weblog page.  Followers and RSS provides
 subscribers to get the first published version of any post
 as soon as the post is made on the site.  OR continue
 to check the weblog anytime you wish.
 Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:
 Thank you!  Dirk Ross..Tokyo
 --- On Tue, 8/25/09, Steve Schoner scho...@mybluelight.com
  From: Steve Schoner scho...@mybluelight.com
  Subject: [meteorite-list] Six Year Old finds
 meteorite?  UGH!
  To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
  Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 10:56 PM
  I just saw this this
  morning.   What a bunch of
  rubbish.   More to confuse the un-informed,
  with Ebay prices to boot!
  Tell me, does that look like a meteorite?
  Don't think so.
  Steve Schoner
  Wanna lose weight?  Weight Loss Programs that work.
  Click here.
  Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space?

2009-08-25 Thread drtanuki
  Your observation is not far from the truth.  Large areas of native untouched 
lands are daily destroyed to build houses and other needless constructions 
worldwide.  The human worldwide population is far beyond what the Earth safely 
can support and Earth is faced with a very virulent form of life that is life 
threatening for 99% of all life on the planet- minus the bacteria, molds, and a 
number of other human resistant life forms.  The most destructive and dangerous 
lifeform on Earth- humans!

Best, Dirk...Tokyo

--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Steve Schoner scho...@mybluelight.com wrote:

 From: Steve Schoner scho...@mybluelight.com
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space?
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 11:20 PM
 Alien life discussion is interesting,
 but, this is what our cities look like from space:
 Looks like mold.
 Our planet is rotting!
 Steve Schoner
 IMCA #447m
 Shop  save on the supplements you want. Click now!
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] On the other hand...

2009-08-25 Thread Mike Hankey
Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try
to realize the truth.
There is no spoon.
Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 4:05 AM, Meteorites USAe...@meteoritesusa.com wrote:

 Like I said it's endless... I guess I'm not smart enough to figure out if
 we're really real or not, but that's not really what I care about. I care
 about knowledge. That's what I seek in my never ending quest for

 Now regardless of the reality of our own existence, knowledge is real. We
 are conscious, aware, and we think? Someone said that already though didn't
 they, a guy that was probably way smarter than me. A quick search and I
 realize it was Rene Descartes that said it first.

 Matter does exist, or rather we perceive the effects of matter to be
 measurable. Even if it is only in our minds. We see it, touch it, feel it,
 experience it, mold it, form it, and in some cases are controlled by it and
 surrounded by it.

 Does it matter? ;) Yes. because if matter isn't real, then your argument is
 moot. And if your argument is moot, then it doesn't matter, because our
 perception of the effects of matter is one that not only makes it exist, but
 makes it measurable. Does that make sense?

 Our own senses and the observable effects that our brains control tells me
 that when I drop that meteorite on my foot it's gonna hurt. And it would in
 fact cause measurable physical damage. Which is an effect we perceive. We do
 in fact think, Therefore our own thoughts are our proof that we exist.

 If you perceive something to be real, it is... Even if only in your own

 Does this mean we're all having one mass hallucination? ;)


 Rob Matson wrote:

 ... there is no way for you to prove that I exist or you exist,
 or anything that you experience is real.

 You might want to try a modern, meteoritical spin on the rhetorical
 approach taken by Samuel Johnson in the 18th century, when he responded
 to Bishop Berkeley's claim that matter doesn't exist, but only ~seems~
 to. Just drop a 10-kilo Campo on your foot from a height of one meter
 and proudly announce, I refute it thus! (and then have someone take
 you to the hospital)  ;-)  --Rob

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space?

2009-08-25 Thread Pete Pete

Dear Dirk, and List;
 I'd like to share a revelation
   that I've had during my time here.
   It came to me when I tried to
   classify your species.  I've
   realized that you are not actually

Every mammal on this planet
   instinctively develops a natural
   equilibrium with the surrounding
   environment.  But you humans do
   not.  You move to an area and you
   multiply and multiply until every
   natural resource is consumed and
   the only way you can survive is to
   spread to another area.

There is another organism on this
   planet that follows the same
   pattern.  Do you know what it is?
   A virus.

Human beings are a disease, a
   cancer of this planet.  You are a
   plague.  And we are... the cure.

...Agent Smith: The Matrix

 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 07:42:33 -0700
 From: drtan...@yahoo.com
 To: scho...@mybluelight.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space?

 Your observation is not far from the truth. Large areas of native untouched 
 lands are daily destroyed to build houses and other needless constructions 
 worldwide. The human worldwide population is far beyond what the Earth safely 
 can support and Earth is faced with a very virulent form of life that is life 
 threatening for 99% of all life on the planet- minus the bacteria, molds, and 
 a number of other human resistant life forms. The most destructive and 
 dangerous lifeform on Earth- humans!

 Best, Dirk...Tokyo

 --- On Tue, 8/25/09, Steve Schoner wrote:

 From: Steve Schoner 
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space?
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 11:20 PM
 Alien life discussion is interesting,
 but, this is what our cities look like from space:


 Looks like mold.

 Our planet is rotting!

 Steve Schoner
 IMCA #447m

 Shop  save on the supplements you want. Click now!
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] On the other hand...

2009-08-25 Thread Jason Utas
Hola Eric, Rob,

 Like I said it's endless... I guess I'm not smart enough to figure out if
 we're really real or not, but that's not really what I care about. I care
 about knowledge. That's what I seek in my never ending quest for

Pfft - it's just being able to stand back - and being willing to look
at things from a different angle.
Props for the knowledge bit though; not everyone's willing to say that.

 Now regardless of the reality of our own existence, knowledge is real.

If you're going to *assume* that to be true to back up your argument
that we're real, then you're just using circular reasoning.

If we're assuming that matter can't be proven real, and knowledge is a
construct of non-real material minds, then there really is nothing to
say that knowledge is the least bit real.  See Rob's analogy where he
references The Matrix.

 We are conscious, aware, and we think?
 Someone said that already though didn't
 they, a guy that was probably way smarter than me. A quick search and I
 realize it was Rene Descartes that said it first.
 Matter does exist, or rather we perceive the effects of matter to be
 measurable. Even if it is only in our minds. We see it, touch it, feel it,
 experience it, mold it, form it, and in some cases are controlled by it and
 surrounded by it.
 Does it matter? ;) Yes. because if matter isn't real, then your argument is
 moot. And if your argument is moot, then it doesn't matter, because our
 perception of the effects of matter is one that not only makes it exist, but
 makes it measurable. Does that make sense?

I thought Rob's main point was that there's no proving that matter
exists.  What you seem to be saying is that from a perceptual point of
view, the question is irrelevant, because we observe matter and
because our observations of matter makes it measurable.  Not sure
exactly what you mean there, but I'm assuming that you're talking
about the perceived regularity in the behavior of matter we can

This is nothing more than a philosophical argument, though.  Yes, for
all intensive purposes, for humanity's sake, we should probably assume
that the observable universe is, in fact, real.  But you do note above
that you care about knowledge.  If that is true, you should detest
Descartes' point of view on the matter, because he's willing to say I
don't know - and look - it doesn't matter!  If your true goal is
knowledge, Descartes, at least in this case, is your enemy.

 Our own senses and the observable effects that our brains control tells me
 that when I drop that meteorite on my foot it's gonna hurt. And it would in
 fact cause measurable physical damage. Which is an effect we perceive. We do
 in fact think, Therefore our own thoughts are our proof that we exist.

No.  You're misinterpreting Descartes, if you did state his argument
clearly - from what you said, his point would suggest not that the
foot or the meteorite were actually real, but rather that the effect
of one upon the other would relegate the argument either way as
irrelevant - especially to whomever the foot belongs.
Descartes' point pretty much says that there's no reason to question
existence, because...well, you can stand there asking yourself if the
mangled foot is real, or you can just assume it is and go to the
hospital.  A logical point of view, but not one than answers the
question of existence.

 If you perceive something to be real, it is... Even if only in your own

Right.  Even if only in your own mind.  I think we've all been lied to
at one point or another by another person after all, never mind by the
misconceptions of the entire human race...

 Does this mean we're all having one mass hallucination? ;)

Well, exactly...



 Rob Matson wrote:

 ... there is no way for you to prove that I exist or you exist,
 or anything that you experience is real.

 You might want to try a modern, meteoritical spin on the rhetorical
 approach taken by Samuel Johnson in the 18th century, when he responded
 to Bishop Berkeley's claim that matter doesn't exist, but only ~seems~
 to. Just drop a 10-kilo Campo on your foot from a height of one meter
 and proudly announce, I refute it thus! (and then have someone take
 you to the hospital)  ;-)  --Rob

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mike Hankey

 Little green men or tall gray men, I have to see one to believe in them.

Here is the evidence you seek:


I hope that clears things up for you.

Mike Hankey

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:24 AM, Phil Whitmerprairiecac...@rtcol.com wrote:
 To all listees pondering the Eternal Verities:

 Just because the Universe is really big is not an argument that there is
 Life out there.  The Ocean is really big, but that's not an argument for the
 existence of a Loch Ness monster or any other species of   pleisosaur.  I
 have to actually see a unicorn before I'll believe that they exist.  I'm Old
 School,  I have to actually see a visible light photograph of just one of
 these supposed googols of Earth like planets. All I've heard is pure
 speculation, forumulae, projections of our loneliness, (there has to be
 someone out there!) extrapolations, computer models, mathematical
 probabilities, etc.  Still waiting on the evidence!  Not proof, just a
 simple tiny shred of evidence. One simple SOS in Morse Code on any one of
 the billions and billions of channels monitered by Seti. One peer reviewed,
 in focus, well lit, properly exposed photograph of an actual flying saucer.
 One little tiny fossil in a meteorite. Anything!  Closer to home, I'm still
 waiting for anything at all from the Mars probes.  Just one incontrovertible
 shred of evidence where all the scientists go: Yes, there's life on Mars!
 Until I see this evidence I have to conclude that on the closest planet that
 was once very  Earth like, there is no sign of life. If we can't even find
 it on Mars,  which should have been teeming with life, which should have
 left tons of evidence which should have been found by now, then I must
 conclude that the Universe is a vast lifeless place.

 The only life that I can verify by empirical evidence is right here on this
 planet. You can do all the thought experiments you want, in your imagination
 you can populate the entire vast Universe with bacteria, or Star Trek/Star
 Wars like critters, whatever you like, it's all pure speculation. All that
 we know for sure is that is Life here on Earth.  Plenty of it. The problem
 is nobody knows where it came from. Nobody is really sure even what it is.
 Can someone tell me what  the Life Force is that differentiates living
 things from inanimate objects? Is it Chi?, Ki? Prana?  What the heck is it?
 Did it originate here on Earth.  (I think it did.)  If it did, then how did
 that first coacervate of organic molecules become alive in the first place?
 How did it know how to assemble a strand of self replicating RNA? At exactly
 what point did the Life Force enter this assemblage of non living stuff?
 Don't even get me started on the Miracle of Intelligence/Consciousness! As
 if anyone knows what that little voice in your head is!

 This should be pretty simple stuff to figure out, even for a young, dumb
 species like homo sapiens.  After all, it happened right here on our home
 planet just a few billion years ago right under our noses.  People will tell
 you otherwise, but we don't have a clue as to what life is or how it got
 started.   Until these basic questions about the origins of life on our own
 planet are answered  I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves by
 believing in aliens. Little green men or tall gray men, I have to see one to
 believe in them.

 Dos mas pesos,

 Phil Whitmer

 Nota bene:  Of course I could be completely wrong and Dr. Edgar Mitchell
 could be completely right!
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] To Answer Steve's Question

2009-08-25 Thread Jason Utas
Hola All,
I've seen a few examples, and one is viewable online (it's for sale,
oddly enough) on Marcin's Gao page:


If you scroll down a bit, it's on the right side - it's hard to miss
the HOLE note in the photograph - click for better pics.
It looks like the thick fusion crust on the trailing edge of the stone
formed a natural bridge between two protuberances.

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 9:20 PM, meteorh...@aol.com wrote:
 Dr. King had a Nuevo Mercurio in his collection,  about 25 grams in size,
 that had a hole in it. It was fully crusted, and  the hole was big enough to
 run a fishing line through.

 Steve  Arnold
 of Meteorite Men

 In a message dated 8/22/2009 10:04:45  P.M. Central Daylight Time,
 anitawestl...@att.net writes:
 Dear  List:
 I think it would be helpful if someone not only answered  Steve's question,
 but provided proof of the holiness of non-iron rocks.
 I hope this helps,

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Phil Whitmer
Mike:  OK, now I believe in the tall gray men from outer space men,  now 
prove to me the existence of little green men!


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Reality, Perception, Finiteness of Universe

2009-08-25 Thread Jerry Flaherty
Hu---Do I hear the faint echoes of a seventeenth century discussion 
where Descartes replies, I think, therefore, I am.

From: Rob Matson mojave_meteori...@cox.net
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:54 AM
To: Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com; Matson, Robert D. 

Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] OT: Reality, Perception, Finiteness of Universe

Hi Eric,

We're not talking about certainty.  You certainly exist
physically. Philosophy is not certainty.

Much as I'd like to agree with you, there is no way for you to
prove that I exist or you exist, or anything that you experience
is real. That is the nature of philosophical introspection; the
realization that you may not be able to trust your own senses.

For instance, I would imagine you saw The Matrix. Suppose everything
you see, hear, smell, taste, feel and think is simply illusion.
Your first response might be, That's ridiculous! I can read the
words you've typed, I can feel the keys of my keyboard, I can hear
the whirr of the disk drive, smell dinner cooking, etc. But if
you're really honest with yourself, you'll come to the perhaps
unsettling realization that you can't prove ANY of it is real.

~Intellectually~ you reason that you are made up of billions of
cells, that these cells are themselves constructed of various
molecules, that the molecules can be broken down into atoms, the
atoms into subatomic particles, and so on. But what are the
fundamental building blocks of matter? They are really nothing
more than a set of mathematical constructs invented by humans
that try to match the reality that they observe. Again, very
suspect, and not surprisingly our macroscopic notions of reality
do not work so well in the realm of the very small.

If you really want to get a reality check (pun intended), read
up on Bell's Theorem, and the various experiments that show Bell's
inequalities are violated, quantum mechanics is correct, and
therefore the notion of local realism is disproven.

But I'm getting off the subject a bit...

Earlier I wrote:

...The universe is large (not to mention growing), but it is
nevertheless finite...

You replied:

Really? Is there proof of its limited scope?

If you ascribe to the Big Bang Theory, then the Universe is finite
by definition.

We can only see so far... Every few years we can see further.

But what you may not know (don't feel bad, most people don't) is that
the Universe is expanding at a rate considerably faster than the speed
of light, and therefore the fraction of the total Universe that we can
observe is getting smaller and smaller with time. There will reach a
time in the distant future where we can only see our local cluster of
galaxies -- the rest of the Universe will be closed off to us forever.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mike Hankey

Here is the proof you are looking for:


Mike Hankey

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Phil Whitmerprairiecac...@rtcol.com wrote:
 Mike:  OK, now I believe in the tall gray men from outer space men,  now
 prove to me the existence of little green men!

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted-- books

2009-08-25 Thread Darren Garrison
I've recently been downloading science books from a huge number available on a
web site (http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/science_books) and have picked out some that
are either directly about the possibilities of extraterrestrial life (both pro
and con) or are about exoplanets in general.  I've archived them together here:


Of course, you probably won't want to read whole books from your computer
screen, but these can give you a sampling for what you can look for in a book
store or library (toss a few coins the author's way, I'm sure they need it.)

List of books in the archive:

A Decade of Extrasolar Planets Around Normal Stars

Exoplanets- Detection, Formation, Properties, Habitability

Extrasolar Planets - Formation, Detection and Dynamics

Extrasolar Planets

Fitness of the Cosmos for Life

Habitable Planets for Man

If the Universe is Teeming With Aliens Where Is Everybody?

Just 6 Numbers-- the Forces that Shape the Universe

Life Everywhere

Life in the Universe

Lonely Planets-- The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life

Prebiotic Evolution and Astrobiology

Rare Earth-- Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe

Terraforming-- the Creating of Habitible Worlds

The Crowded Universe-The Search for Living Planets

The New Worlds Extrasolar Planets

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

The Search for Life Continued
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] test

2009-08-25 Thread Greg Stanley


Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Libyan Desert Glass ending in 1hr on Ebay

2009-08-25 Thread Thomas Gmail

Dear List,

I have a few very nice GEM quality LDG on E-Bay right now, still at low 
bids. Ending in about 1hr. Also 1cm scale cubes still available.

Have a look if interested.

Thank you and have a great day.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Alien life? or Fungus from space? Or VIRAL HUMANITY?

2009-08-25 Thread Meteorites USA
Interesting perspective. I always thought it looked rather like bacteria 
growth in a petri dish.

Kinda sad really. Maybe you're right. Maybe we are parasites on the 
earth. Using up Earth's natural resources, devouring the planet, and 
chewing up the growth media that is the land. When we're finished maybe 
we'll start to devour ourselves, notwithstanding we might even destroy 
ourselves completely with fire by war as the disease of humanity spreads 
forth across the Earth.

Hmmm... Ok maybe that's a little melodramatic and over the top, but when 
viewed from space and outside our little bubble of Earth, it's certainly 
easy to see we're having a great impact on our planet.

What if these aliens we we're talking about are way more technologically 
advanced by millions of years of adaptation and genetic engineering 
enough to have evolved their thought processes to see early human, or 
humanoid life as threats to developing planets? If extra terrestrial 
life exists and they are much more technologically and intellectually 
advanced than us, we might be in trouble if they ever come visit.

What if we are the virus that infests the living cells of the universe 
called planets? I've seen video animations or simulations of what our 
universe looks like from the outside as the camera slowly zooms out from 
our planet showing first our system, then other systems, then our own 
galaxy, galaxy clusters, and large dark voids between clusters, and 
finally what seem to be pathways between these super clusters of 
galaxies which are not unlike the neural pathways in our own brains.

Are we merely a virus, living on a brain cell of a larger living organism?

Gives a new perspective on Rob's earlier comment that our reality isn't 
really real.

Maybe it's just relative...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Steve Schoner wrote:

Alien life discussion is interesting, but, this is what our cities look like 
from space:


Looks like mold.

Our planet is rotting!

Steve Schoner
IMCA #447m

Shop  save on the supplements you want. Click now!
Meteorite-list mailing list


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Meteorite Book Magazine Lot - Entire 2008 Year of Meteorite, plus Meteorite Craters, MAPS.

2009-08-25 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
Hi Folks!

This is a one-time deal.  I am cleaning out my meteorite bookshelves
and have put together this lot of books and magazines.  Each item is
in excellent to near-mint condition with only minor shelf wear.

Items included in this lot :

1) All four (4) issues of Meteorite Magazine from 2008.If you
missed out on last year's issues, here is your chance to catch up.
There is some great stuff in these magazines - too many articles and
highlights to list here.

2) 1987 UK-Hardcover edition of Kathleen Mark's Meteorite Craters -
I've always preferred this old vintage-type cover art compared to the
newer editions that have a stock photo of Meteor Crater on them.  This
book is crisp, tight and clean - with only a couple of minor bends on
the dustjackets.

3) MAPS Journal from June 2009.  This is the official journal of the
Meteoritical Society and it contains the latest papers on all things
meteoritical.  Here is your chance to get a copy of this journal if
you are not a member.

NOTE - the price for this lot includes FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING TO
ANYWHERE IN THE CONUS OR CANADA.  Shipping to Europe or other Overseas
destinations will extra - contact me for a quote.

To see photos, see this link -


I will also include a free book on rock tumbling if the buyer wants it.

Thanks for looking!


PS - NOTE, store coupon-codes do NOT apply to this lot.

Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Personal Site - http://www.glassthrower.com
FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/fine_meteorites_4_sale
Twitter - Twitter - http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
eBay - http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/maypickle
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] nwa 482 for trade

2009-08-25 Thread steve arnold
Hi all.I have a .164 gram part slice of NWA 482 lunar for trade.I am either 
looking for a slice of nwa 1109,a nice size taza or a slice of 
estherville.Please off list.
 Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!! 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Viral Humanity, Insignificant Denial. Evolution of Thought Knowledge

2009-08-25 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi everyone,

A Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr7wNQw12l8
Though I disagree with the narrators obvious bias of capable human 
understanding, I think I can look past that and view the universe for 
what it is, and what we are to the universe in scale, both in size and time.

We are in fact minuscule and insignificant when compared to the vastness 
of our known universe. Our lives, averaging only 70-80 years long, would 
not show so much leas a blip on the plotted timeline of our galaxy 
alone, much less the the entire universe.

Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people really 
understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize how long it would 
take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe? Do most people realize that 
when they look out at night and see the stars we love so much that they 
are looking Back in Time? Stars are literally a window to our past, 
and the door to the future.

Granted, our argument for contact with alien life usually is accompanied 
by the assumptive prediction that it might be more technologically 
advanced than us... but what about something more close to home.

We're here! We do exist (aside from philosophy). And our universe is 
real. and huge.

How the hell can someone actually believe that we are the only living 
intelligent beings capable of technological advancement?

That seems right along the understanding and wave length of the 13 and 
14th century explorers who thought the world was flat, and the fact that 
we thought the Sun revolved around us, or ancient beliefs that the stars 
were gods!

Our understanding is growing everyday. The size of the universe and our 
part in it is not fully understood.


Our insignificance is only outweighed by our ignorance. Though some 
might argue that it's our arrogant assumption of significance that 
dictates our understanding.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

P.S. I think I'm all philosphied out right now... ;)

Meteorites USA wrote:
Interesting perspective. I always thought it looked rather like 
bacteria growth in a petri dish.

Kinda sad really. Maybe you're right. Maybe we are parasites on the 
earth. Using up Earth's natural resources, devouring the planet, and 
chewing up the growth media that is the land. When we're finished 
maybe we'll start to devour ourselves, notwithstanding we might even 
destroy ourselves completely with fire by war as the disease of 
humanity spreads forth across the Earth.

Hmmm... Ok maybe that's a little melodramatic and over the top, but 
when viewed from space and outside our little bubble of Earth, it's 
certainly easy to see we're having a great impact on our planet.

What if these aliens we we're talking about are way more 
technologically advanced by millions of years of adaptation and 
genetic engineering enough to have evolved their thought processes to 
see early human, or humanoid life as threats to developing planets? If 
extra terrestrial life exists and they are much more technologically 
and intellectually advanced than us, we might be in trouble if they 
ever come visit.

What if we are the virus that infests the living cells of the universe 
called planets? I've seen video animations or simulations of what our 
universe looks like from the outside as the camera slowly zooms out 
from our planet showing first our system, then other systems, then our 
own galaxy, galaxy clusters, and large dark voids between clusters, 
and finally what seem to be pathways between these super clusters of 
galaxies which are not unlike the neural pathways in our own brains.

Are we merely a virus, living on a brain cell of a larger living 

Gives a new perspective on Rob's earlier comment that our reality 
isn't really real.

Maybe it's just relative...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Steve Schoner wrote:
Alien life discussion is interesting, but, this is what our cities 
look like from space:


Looks like mold.

Our planet is rotting!

Steve Schoner
IMCA #447m

Shop  save on the supplements you want. Click now!

Meteorite-list mailing list


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Have a Gut Feeling

2009-08-25 Thread Mike Hankey
Interesting, it would be great if they were, but I got the impression
that none of the 'professional' meteorite hunters wanted to look for
this one as the terrain was too difficult / the chances of recovery
were too slim. All of the people you mention with the exception of
farmer have pretty much told me they aren't interested unless
something dramatically changes.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:17 PM, geo...@aol.com wrote:

 Hello everyone...I got this gut feeling that  several of our list members
 are out in Pennsylvania looking for a Mason/Dixon  meteorite or two. Little
 tidbits embedded(and not embedded) in various emails  seems to point that way
 to me. I'm just guessing, but I think Steve Arnold of  Meteorite Men and
 Geoff Notkin might be there as well as Mike Farmer. It seems  that Eric
 Wichman was there, but is back. Perhaps Reuben is there too?  Anyhow...I 
 could be
 off, but the guessing is fun. Good Luck :O)

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Have a Gut Feeling

2009-08-25 Thread GeoZay
Interesting, it would be great if they  were, but I got the impression
that none of the 'professional' meteorite  hunters wanted to look for
this one as the terrain was too difficult / the  chances of recovery
were too slim. All of the people you mention with the  exception of
farmer have pretty much told me they aren't interested  unless
something dramatically changes.

Well...there goes that  hunch. :O) What thru me off was a posting by you 
leading to a photo showing an  alien image in the bushes with what looked 
like Steve Arnold (meteorite Men)  in the foreground...with who I assumed was 
you,  looking at a map. Then  someone asked if they had seen you and Mike 
Farmer in the same room to note  their simularities...which got me to thinking 
that perhaps you guys were indeed  seen together. As for everyone 
else...pure speculation. :O) As for the difficult  terrain to look for a 
meteorite...I thought the possible recovery area was  suppose to be in Amish 
fields? Oh well...

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Fw: Meteorite fell in front of children

2009-08-25 Thread Thomas Österberg

Hi Dirk,

Just glad to see that you have posted this little cute story at your news 
weblog :-)

Just a remark, the text in the last paragraph reflects my own personal 
opinion, after having looking closer at the picture of the meteorite.

Anyway, I will post any additional information to this story on the list.

Now to some other Scottish whiskies that can be used to facilitate the 
prononciation of Finnish - samic words. I can warmly reccomend this two (and 
they are also easy to prononce!!):

Glenrothes 72 (bottled march 29, 2004, Signatory Vintage)

Rosebank 90 (Duncan Taylor  Co)

Happy hunting!


- Original Message - 
From: drtanuki drtan...@yahoo.com

To: Thomas Österberg marie.m.osterb...@telia.com
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite fell in front of children

Dear Thomas,
 Thank you for your report!  I have posted it to the meteor/meteorite news 
weblog and given you credit.  I added a title so if not correct please 
advise-  Kinder Fabel- Molly des??? Beasthund und Meteoriten

Best Always in LIFE, Dirk...Tokyo

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, Thomas Österberg marie.m.osterb...@telia.com wrote:

From: Thomas Österberg marie.m.osterb...@telia.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite fell in front of children
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 3:43 AM
Dear Listoids,

It looks like the dog Hopper now has got a competitor,
living in southern Sweden! Her name is Molly.

According to the newspaper Sydsvenska Dagbladet, a
meteorite fell down in front of a group of cildren (and the
dog Molly) last week, just outside the small village
St.Olof, situated in the Swedish provice of Scania, about
100 km east of Copenhagen.

Heres a link to the article: 

I have tried to translate the text content to English.

The children Villmaron Andreasson 9, Linn-Klara
Andreasdaughter 7, Ebba Larsson 8, and Vinga Andreasdaughter
11, was out and went with the family dogs in the grove
behind Sankt Olof (in the province of Scania, southernmost
It said schwiss, said Villmaron and shows with his
arms how fast the stone damp down, just a few meters in
front of them.
It was like smoke.
When the stone hit the ground, dust and smoke swirled up.
Villmaron first thought it was a branch that had fallen
down, but the dog Molly, that first got very scared, finally
took courage, and sniffed her way to the stone, situated in
a hole a few inches down.
It was Molly who found it!
The stone is very black and full of holes. Looks like it
was burnt of fire, says Villmaron.
It almost looks like a piece of petrified lava says
Villmarons father Andreas Johansson.
The children immediately took the stone with them and run
home. They were very excited, says their mother Maja
They talked in mouth of each other and told their parents
that the rock fell from the sky with a high velocity and how
the gravel had whirled up and how scared the dog had been.
Then the kids run on to Grandma and Grandpa living in the
same village, in order to show them the stone too. When the
children had left, their mother Maja started to brood.
First after a while it went up for me how lucky the
children had been. Imagine if anybody of them had been hit
by the stone? It could have gone really bad.
The first I found out to do was to call Ystads Allehanda (a
local newspaper) says Maja laughing.
Is it really a meteorite? Well the family is convinced that
it is! At the official web site of the National Museum of
Natural History in Stockholm, we learn that a meteorite will
be magnetic.
Maja ties a refrigerator magnet to a sewing thread and
holds the magnet next to the stone. The magnet attracts
directly to the stone. The shape and colour also corresponds
to the description of a meteorite at the National Museum web
site. Can it be of any worth wonder Maja tactfully?
But she rapidly concludes that this issue is not important.
The stone will be framed and hanged up on the wall, as a
memory of an exceptionally event.
First the stone will be sent to the Swedish Museum of
Natural History for identification. If it's turns up to is
genuine meteorite the story will be even better!

The picture of the stone makes me a little bit suspicious.
Has some similarities to a piece of slag.
Happy hunting.

Thomas Österberg
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Have a Gut Feeling

2009-08-25 Thread Mike Hankey
the picture of steve was from 2 days after the fall. He was out along
with a bunch of other people the first week, but everyone threw in the
towel after about 10 days.

as for the difficult terrain, its certainly not Antarctica or Iraq,
but have you ever tried looking for meteorites inside corn fields?
according to the guys I've talked to there are better/easier places to
find meteorites (like the desert)

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:32 PM, geo...@aol.com wrote:
Interesting, it would be great if they  were, but I got the impression
 that none of the 'professional' meteorite  hunters wanted to look for
 this one as the terrain was too difficult / the  chances of recovery
 were too slim. All of the people you mention with the  exception of
 farmer have pretty much told me they aren't interested  unless
 something dramatically changes.

 Well...there goes that  hunch. :O) What thru me off was a posting by you
 leading to a photo showing an  alien image in the bushes with what looked
 like Steve Arnold (meteorite Men)  in the foreground...with who I assumed was
 you,  looking at a map. Then  someone asked if they had seen you and Mike
 Farmer in the same room to note  their simularities...which got me to thinking
 that perhaps you guys were indeed  seen together. As for everyone
 else...pure speculation. :O) As for the difficult  terrain to look for a
 meteorite...I thought the possible recovery area was  suppose to be in Amish 
 fields? Oh well...

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Have a Gut Feeling

2009-08-25 Thread GeoZay
the picture of steve was from 2 days  after the fall. He was out along
with a bunch of other people the first week,  but everyone threw in the
towel after about 10 days.

Oh that  was Steve...Hopefully no one got abducted and experimented on. :O) 

as for the difficult terrain, its certainly not Antarctica or  Iraq,
but have you ever tried looking for meteorites inside corn  fields?

Can't say I have...but I'd think it would be easier than  in the mountains. 

according to the guys I've talked to  there are better/easier places to
find meteorites (like the  desert)

Probably right. Too bad I wasn't into meteorite hunting  when I lived near 
the desert. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] 30-Pound Meteorite Stolen

2009-08-25 Thread Greg Stanley

This seems odd: A 30 Lb Iron meteorite valued at $2,200; that's only 16 cents 
per gram.  In any case, I hope it gets found. 

Greg S.



A meteorite has been stolen from The Dinosaur Place's gift shop.

Workers at the business, a nature activity center with a retail store,
noticed on Monday that the 30-pound chunk of nickel and iron was
missing, state police said today. The meteorite is valued at $2,200 and
is believed to have been taken Friday or Saturday, said Sgt. Chris Johnson, 
state police spokesman.

The Dinosaur Place, also called Nature's Art, has family-style programs
involving rocks, minerals and life-size replicas of dinosaurs. They
have gem and fossil digs, host children's birthday parties and sell
everything from jewelry to fossilized dinosaur dung.

Roger Phillips, who owns the business with his wife, Linda, said toys
and other items have been shoplifted in the past, but the Phillips
don't usually report them.

This is different.

How many times do you have an object from outer space missing? Phillips said 

Phillips thinks a customer walked off with the meteorite during business hours; 
there was no sign of a break-in.

 He's been looking through surveillance videos to try to determine
who stole the meteorite, which had been found in Argentina. It is the
size of a cantaloupe and is black with a bit of a metallic shine, he

Something like this is unusual because of its weight, he said. Of course, we 
wonder, how did they get it out of the store?

He doesn't think this is a case of employee theft; there are much more
valuable things at the center, including a dinosaur tusk valued at more
than $20,000 and a 100-pound meteorite valued at $7,500. Of course,
they'd be even more challenging to steal.

He doesn't think the thief stole it for a quick buck. He suspects the person 
took the meteorite for a private collection.

Would you tell the person who took it we would like it back? he said.

Anyone who sees the meteorite is asked to call the Troop E barracks of the 
state police at 860-848-6500.

Copyright © 2009, The Hartford Courant

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] 30-Pound Meteorite Stolen

2009-08-25 Thread GeoZay
He's been looking through surveillance  videos to try to determine
who stole the meteorite, which had been found in  Argentina. It is the
size of a cantaloupe and is black with a bit of a  metallic shine, he

Look for a young person leaning over,  that walks with a hobble. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Thanks... Tweet Tweet!

2009-08-25 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi listees and all my philosopher friends,

I'm really philosophied out right now. My brain hurts from thinking too 

I'd like to send out a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who've given their 
feedback on both my alien questions, and the new Spacifieds.com website 
which was created with you guys in mind.

As kind of an even larger thank you I wanted to further the fast growth 
of the site by offering something I know all you dealers out there will 
appreciate very much. You buyers, collectors and lurkers should check it 
out too...


I want to give you a free link on the Spacifieds.com blogroll. The site 
is growing at a rapid rate, and everyone knows the more items listed the 
more buyers, collectors and visitors it will garner.

All you have to do is post free ad listings for your items for sale or 
trade. Post 10 minimum listings, preferably 20 or more, but 10 is good, 
and I'll put a link to your site on the blogroll. This is a permanent 
link! It is displayed on every page of the website in the right sidebar 
and gives you great exposure! You can view the blogroll here: 

I've also added some features and have taken the advice you guys have 
been so kind to provide via private emails. I've adjusted the look and 
feel somewhat too.

One very cool feature I've added is an Auto-Tweet.

Now every ad posted to Spacifieds.com gets posted to my Twitter page 
AUTOMATICALLY! It also provides a DIRECT link back to your ad listing.

This means your ad listings gets a HUGE boost of traffic and visits for 
every ad listed, not just your ad. The more ads you post , the more 
visitors will automatically visit the site! You don't have to do 
anything other than post your ad listing to get traffic to your ad.

In addition I've added a VERY powerful marketing tool to each ad 
listing. Each new ad listing posted now has a ReTweet button. This 
allows site visitors to Tweet directly to their Twitter accounts 
automatically without having to fill out any forms. It only takes two 
clicks and your ad is seen by hundreds and thousands of visitors 
depending on who Tweets your ad. This feature alone is hugely powerful 
word of mouth advertising. You can even ReTweet your own ad listings if 
you are on Twitter too.

Let's keep this growth moving! There's over 30+ meteorite ad listings 
already from a number of very reputable dealers, check it... List it. 
It's free and it's easy. Now go post your free listings...

Thanks everyone...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

P.S. Don't forget the Free Meteorite Contest is still running!

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Blocking Google Ads on Meteorite Sites

2009-08-25 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
Hi Folks,

I notice that Google ads are becoming more widespread and intrusive.
Google and other advertising servers have gotten wise to Ad-Blocker
software, so now they are embedding text advertising links into sneaky
spots inside the body of a webpage - effectively eluding many
Ad-Blocker programs who primarily block graphical banners.

I found an *easy* solution to this problem, that wipes out the ads
without the need to download or install any software.

I know some vendors on this List are currently using Google Ads - and
I they have every right to.  I do not begrudge them that.  Hopefully
they respect my desire not to see the ads.  If anyone on this List
would like to learn this easy fix, simply email me off-list at
meteoritem...@gmail.com.  This fix is easy, legal, and does not
involve any form of coding, downloads, or software.

I use an Ad-Blocker plug-in for FireFox that works for the majority of
graphic ad banners, but it doesn't remove the sneaky Google text ads.
This new fix that I found on the web takes care of the text ads as
well.  I don't want to share it openly on the List because I
understand that some other List members use Google Ads as a source of
revenue.  So contact me offlist.

Best regards and clear skies,


Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Personal Site - http://www.glassthrower.com
FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/fine_meteorites_4_sale
Twitter - Twitter - http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
eBay - http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/maypickle
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information

2009-08-25 Thread drtanuki
Meteorite hunters banished from Burke
By Elizabeth Billips lizbill...@yahoo.com

The two meteorite hunters caught trespassing in Burke County won't be coming 

They've been banished.

In state court last Wednesday morning, Las Vegas meteorite hunter Ralph Sonny 
Clary Jr., 49, and ...

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information

2009-08-25 Thread Meteorites USA

And why is this being RE-posted? Rehtorical question of course...

Old news such as this, needn't be rehashed. I'm sure everyone on here is 
very aware of it and In my opinion it's disrespectful to those involved 
in my opinion to repost it.


drtanuki wrote:

Meteorite hunters banished from Burke
By Elizabeth Billips lizbill...@yahoo.com

The two meteorite hunters caught trespassing in Burke County won't be coming 

They've been banished.

In state court last Wednesday morning, Las Vegas meteorite hunter Ralph Sonny 
Clary Jr., 49, and ...

Meteorite-list mailing list


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information

2009-08-25 Thread drtanuki
Eric and List,
  It was being re-posted because new information came to light about the 
circumstances of Sonny Clary and Millers arrest.

  It was posted on this list that the law, Court and Judge in the State of 
Georgia were somehow unfair.

 And previously it was hinted that the old lady was some gun-toting old hag.
  Please read this new article that has not been posted and you will see that:

...While the pair was originally charged with only one misdemeanor count each, 
another charge was added after they admitted going onto the property two days 
in a row

...returned the next day with materials to construct a foot bridge...

...it was the landowner who kept them out of prison uniforms

How many of you would appreciate to have someone visiting your backyard or 
property and then trying to construct a foot bridge?   The old lady saved 
their butts in the end from a prison cell; they should be grateful that the 
judge was generous.

Best, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- On Wed, 8/26/09, Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com wrote:

 From: Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information
 To: drtanuki drtan...@yahoo.com, meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com 
 Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 10:00 AM
 And why is this being RE-posted?
 Rehtorical question of course...
 Old news such as this, needn't be rehashed. I'm sure
 everyone on here is 
 very aware of it and In my opinion it's disrespectful to
 those involved 
 in my opinion to repost it.
 drtanuki wrote:
  Meteorite hunters banished from Burke
  By Elizabeth Billips lizbill...@yahoo.com
  The two meteorite hunters caught trespassing in Burke
 County won't be coming back.
  They've been banished.
  In state court last Wednesday morning, Las Vegas
 meteorite hunter Ralph Sonny Clary Jr., 49, and ...
  Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information

2009-08-25 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
Hi Dirk and List,

Respectfully, this article is dated April 2009.  I recall reading a
similar article months ago that contained the same new information
about the foot-bridge allegation, return to the land on consecutive
days, etc.  This is not new information.

Best regards,


On 8/25/09, drtanuki drtan...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Eric and List,
   It was being re-posted because new information came to light about the
 circumstances of Sonny Clary and Millers arrest.

   It was posted on this list that the law, Court and Judge in the State of
 Georgia were somehow unfair.

  And previously it was hinted that the old lady was some gun-toting old

   Please read this new article that has not been posted and you will see

 ...While the pair was originally charged with only one misdemeanor count
 each, another charge was added after they admitted going onto the property
 two days in a row

 ...returned the next day with materials to construct a foot bridge...

 ...it was the landowner who kept them out of prison uniforms

 How many of you would appreciate to have someone visiting your backyard or
 property and then trying to construct a foot bridge?   The old lady
 saved their butts in the end from a prison cell; they should be grateful
 that the judge was generous.

 Best, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

 --- On Wed, 8/26/09, Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com wrote:

 From: Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information
 To: drtanuki drtan...@yahoo.com, meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 10:00 AM
 And why is this being RE-posted?
 Rehtorical question of course...

 Old news such as this, needn't be rehashed. I'm sure
 everyone on here is
 very aware of it and In my opinion it's disrespectful to
 those involved
 in my opinion to repost it.


 drtanuki wrote:
  Meteorite hunters banished from Burke
  By Elizabeth Billips lizbill...@yahoo.com
  The two meteorite hunters caught trespassing in Burke
 County won't be coming back.
  They've been banished.
  In state court last Wednesday morning, Las Vegas
 meteorite hunter Ralph Sonny Clary Jr., 49, and ...
  Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Personal Site - http://www.glassthrower.com
FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/fine_meteorites_4_sale
Twitter - Twitter - http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
eBay - http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/maypickle
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information

2009-08-25 Thread Notkin


I concur with Eric and Mike Gilmer.

This is not news and no new information has come to light. The piece  
you linked to was published on April 8 and today is August 25. How is  
that a new article?

Just yesterday, I wrote a complimentary profile of my good friend  
Sonny Clary, and it was published by TucsonCitizen.com. Isn't that  
just the most amazing coincidence given the timing of your supposed  
new story?


In my opinion, the above article is an accurate reflection of Sonny's  
character -- a fine gentleman whom I've had the pleasure of knowing  
for years. Anyone who has done any serious meteorite hunting has  
likely wandered down the wrong path in the boonies at some point in  
their career. I know I have. But how many of you have made a major  
donation to school kids overseas?

Dirk, it's really obvious to anyone who knows these guys personally  
that you are just meddling. Get some sense of perspective and stop  
being so petty.

Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information

2009-08-25 Thread drtanuki
Dear Geoff, Mike and Eric,
  Thank you  all for your constructive and deserved criticism. 
I owe an apology to Sonny and Mike (and the List) for not realizing that this 
was NOT new news and that it had already been reported on my weblog on April 
9th.  It may be inadequate at this point to say, but I am sorry.

  Mike Miller is a very good meteorite hunter and have spoken with him several 
times about his success at Glorieta Mtn.; I have never had the pleasure of 
speaking with Sonny, but from his public record he is well known for his 
hunting successes as well.

  I had not read your article about Sonny`s donation of meteorites to the U.K. 
as it has not yet made it to the search engines.  His actions should be 
commended. It is great to see that so many meteorite people are active in 
promoting meteorites to young people.


  Thank you for posting a link to your article.  I have now read it.  Sonny 
should be commended for his generous donation and support for meteorite 
promotion and education.

  Best Regards, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- On Wed, 8/26/09, Notkin geok...@notkin.net wrote:

 From: Notkin geok...@notkin.net
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunters Sentenced- new information
 To: Meteorite List meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 10:54 AM
 I concur with Eric and Mike Gilmer.
 This is not news and no new information has come to
 light. The piece you linked to was published on April 8 and
 today is August 25. How is that a new article?
 Just yesterday, I wrote a complimentary profile of my good
 friend Sonny Clary, and it was published by
 TucsonCitizen.com. Isn't that just the most amazing
 coincidence given the timing of your supposed new story?
 In my opinion, the above article is an accurate reflection
 of Sonny's character -- a fine gentleman whom I've had the
 pleasure of knowing for years. Anyone who has done any
 serious meteorite hunting has likely wandered down the wrong
 path in the boonies at some point in their career. I know I
 have. But how many of you have made a major donation to
 school kids overseas?
 Dirk, it's really obvious to anyone who knows these guys
 personally that you are just meddling. Get some sense of
 perspective and stop being so petty.
 Geoff N.
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Australia's prospective massive catastrophic meteorite tax

2009-08-25 Thread drtanuki

Australia's prospective massive  catastrophic meteorite tax

This morning I was watching Dr Karl Kruszelnicki as he described the 
probability of a massive meteorite hitting the earth in the next 50 to 100 
years and ...


Interesting that someone is thinking of a new reason to tax.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread Rob Matson
Hi Eric and List,

 Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people
 really understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize
 how long it would take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe?

At the speed of light, you can actually travel anywhere in the
universe *instantaneously* -- from your own reckoning of time.
Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
(4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
reckoning of time?


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread Darren Garrison
On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:56:29 -0700, you wrote:

Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
(4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
reckoning of time?

Just off the top of my head, I'd say that you would have to travel under an
acceleration of roughly .716716g.

You didn't say anything about stopping when you get there...

If you had to stop at Alpha C, you would need to reach the middle of the trip,
then start decelerating, at-- oh, again a total guess, at a constant accelration
of around 1.4335g both ways.

Oh, and I've never heard of this web site:


So don't say I used it.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - August 26, 2009

2009-08-25 Thread SPACEROCKSINC

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread John Gwilliam
Well, I don't know about *my* reckoning, but for my dogs it would be 
either 0.624 or 29.89 years. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to multiply 
or divide by seven;-)

My best guess is that it would be a fraction of instantaneous.

John The Bewildered

At 08:56 PM 8/25/2009, Rob Matson wrote:

Hi Eric and List,

 Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people
 really understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize
 how long it would take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe?

At the speed of light, you can actually travel anywhere in the
universe *instantaneously* -- from your own reckoning of time.
Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
(4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
reckoning of time?


Meteorite-list mailing list

John Gwilliam

Too many people were born on third base
and go through life thinking they hit a triple. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread GREG LINDH

Hi Rob,
  As you may remember from my earlier writings to you, I'm no scientist.  But, 
if what you have written is true, and if I've understood you correctly, and if 
someone traveling at the speed of light can travel anywhere in the universe 
*instantaneously* from their own reckoning of time, then it would seem to me 
that traveling to the nearest star (other than our sun) would also be 
*instantaneous*, from the traveler's own reckoning of time.  The 4.73 years of 
travel time would be impossible.  Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?
   Greg Lindh 

 From: mojave_meteori...@cox.net
 To: e...@meteoritesusa.com
 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:56:29 -0700
 CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question
 Hi Eric and List,
 Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people
 really understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize
 how long it would take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe?
 At the speed of light, you can actually travel anywhere in the
 universe *instantaneously* -- from your own reckoning of time.
 Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
 what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
 (4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
 reckoning of time?
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread Mexicodoug

Oh one of these Gamow deals ... lets see, is it:

0.707106781times the speed of light (dividing by the square root of 
two to cancel out the dilution of someone watching you, who thinks you 
have traveled at 6.18... years?)?

The ... because exactly is a pretty strong statement and I am 
keyboard challenged to write (1/(sqrt(2))*c since the parentheses get 

Best wishes, Doug

-Original Message-
From: Rob Matson mojave_meteori...@cox.net
To: Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 11:56 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

Hi Eric and List,

Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people
really understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize
how long it would take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe?

At the speed of light, you can actually travel anywhere in the
universe *instantaneously* -- from your own reckoning of time.
Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
(4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
reckoning of time?


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread Darren Garrison
On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 00:20:31 -0500, you wrote:

If you had to stop at Alpha C, you would need to reach the middle of the trip,
then start decelerating, at-- oh, again a total guess, at a constant 
of around 1.4335g both ways.

Scratch my second calculation here.  The calculator already accounts for halfway
point deceleration.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread Mexicodoug
Greg, if you walked to Alpha Centuri, it would take a long time. (And 
if you wanted to go exactly there, it would be quite a warm welcome).

If you traveled at the speed of light it would be like Juan Salvador 
Gaviota (instant from your point of view). So the question isn't that 
you traveled at the speed of light (impossible), but what is the 
speed you would have to haul at to make all these light year distances 
in astronomy make sense from the point of view of actually getting in a 
ship and going there and taking as long as the star atlas says.

It is clearly between 7 trillion hours (hours, not dollars) which is 
how long it would taker to walk, and 0 hours (instant) if you went at 
the speed of light in the traveling frame of reference.

So you just need to find the happy medium to adjust the detached 
observer's dilation of time to be the inverse of your time, I think. 
70.1% the speed of light seems to do it. The Factor you need to divide 
the speed of light by might be, 1/sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2)). Setting 
v=1/sqrt(2), you get 1/sqrt(1-(1/2)) = 1/sqrt(1/2) = sqrt(2).

Anyways, something like that,
and with that Mr. Thompkins bid the Professor Goodnight :-)

-Original Message-
From: GREG LINDH gee...@msn.com
To: mojave_meteori...@cox.net
Cc: meteorite-list meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wed, Aug 26, 2009 12:22 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

Hi Rob,

As you may remember from my earlier writings to you, I'm no scientist. 
if what you have written is true, and if I've understood you correctly, 
and if
someone traveling at the speed of light can travel anywhere in the 
*instantaneously* from their own reckoning of time, then it would 
seem to me

that traveling to the nearest star (other than our sun) would also be
*instantaneous*, from the traveler's own reckoning of time. The 4.73 
years of

travel time would be impossible. Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?

Greg Lindh

From: mojave_meteori...@cox.net
To: e...@meteoritesusa.com
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:56:29 -0700
CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

Hi Eric and List,

Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people
really understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize
how long it would take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe?

At the speed of light, you can actually travel anywhere in the
universe *instantaneously* -- from your own reckoning of time.
Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
(4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
reckoning of time?


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-25 Thread Sterling K. Webb

Hi, All,

Speaking to this thread, and all the people who
find this sort of thing fun, there are many other
relativity brain teasers you can tease your brain
with... Like this one:


   Consider the admittedly unrealistic situation
of a man carrying horizontally a 20-ft pole and
wanting to get it into a 10-ft garage. He will run at
speed v = 0.866c to make γ = 2, so that the pole
contracts to 10 ft. It will be well to insist on having a
sufficiently massive block of concrete at the back
of the garage, so that there is no question of whether
the pole finally stops in the inertial frame of the
garage, or vice versa.

   So the man runs with his (now contracted) pole
into the garage and a friend quickly closes the door.
In principle we do not doubt the feasibility of this
experiment; that is, the reality of length contraction.
When the pole stops in the rest-frame of the garage,
it will tend to assume, if it can, its original length
relative to the garage. Thus, if it survived the impact,
it must now either bend, or burst the door, or remain

   At this point a paradox might occur to the reader:
What about the symmetry of the phenomenon?
Relative to the runner, won’t the garage be only 5 ft
long? And, if so, how can the 20-ft pole get into the
5-ft garage? Very well, let us consider what happens...


from Wolfgang Rindler's Relativity, probably
the best and clearest book on the subject ever
written. It contains a lot of brain teasers and
it is downloadable at:

And the answer? I won't spoil it, but you can get the
20-foot pole into the 5-foot garage easily, no problemo.
and with room to spare! (p. 63)

Sterling K. Webb
- Original Message - 
From: Mexicodoug mexicod...@aim.com

To: mojave_meteori...@cox.net
Cc: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

Oh one of these Gamow deals ... lets see, is it:

0.707106781times the speed of light (dividing by the square root 
of two to cancel out the dilution of someone watching you, who thinks 
you have traveled at 6.18... years?)?

The ... because exactly is a pretty strong statement and I am 
keyboard challenged to write (1/(sqrt(2))*c since the parentheses get 

Best wishes, Doug

-Original Message-
From: Rob Matson mojave_meteori...@cox.net
To: Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 11:56 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

Hi Eric and List,

Light itself travels 186,000 miles per second. Do most people
really understand how fast that truly is? Do people realize
how long it would take to travel ANYWHERE in our universe?

At the speed of light, you can actually travel anywhere in the
universe *instantaneously* -- from your own reckoning of time.
Which brings up a special relativity question for you all: at
what velocity must you travel in order to reach Alpha Centauri
(4.37 light-years away) in exactly 4.37 years -- by *your*
reckoning of time?


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list