[meteorite-list] Mbosi Iron-ungrouped etched slices

2014-03-05 Thread cbo
Dear List!

I have some fine etched small slices of Mbosi Iron meteorite, the 7th largest 
on the World.
Thay came from UNSM.

My E-Bay:

Coming soon Arltunga IID etched slices. Just two member known from IID type.

Best Regards!

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[meteorite-list] Seymchan / Gibeon slice NEEDED

2014-03-05 Thread PolandMET

Hi list
I need slice around 1-3mm thin 
Around 5x10cm size. No inclusions, etched

Meteorite - any stable iron with good pattern and not expensive

contact me off list

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
http://www.Meteoryty.pl marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
http://www.PolandMET.com   marcin(at)polandmet.com
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com  GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]


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[meteorite-list] Asteroid 2014 DX110 Will Safely Pass Closer Than Moon on March 5

2014-03-05 Thread Ron Baalke


Asteroid Will Safely Pass Closer Than Moon Wednesday
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 04, 2014

As happens about 20 times a year with current detection capabilities, a
known asteroid will safely pass Earth Wednesday closer than the distance
from Earth to the moon.

This asteroid, 2014 DX110, is estimated to be about 100 feet (30 meters)
across. Its closest approach to Earth will be at about 217,000 miles
(about 350,000 kilometers) from Earth at about 1 p.m. PST (4 p.m. EST)
on March 5. The average distance between Earth and its moon is about
239,000 miles (385,000 kilometers).

NASA detects, tracks and characterizes asteroids and comets using both
ground- and space-based telescopes. The Near-Earth Object Observations
Program, commonly called Spaceguard, discovers these objects,
characterizes a subset of them and identifies their close approaches to
determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the
Near-Earth Object Program Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate
in Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of
Technology in Pasadena.

More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is at:

Guy Webster 818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown 202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington



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[meteorite-list] 'Tiny' Asteroid to Give Us a Close Shave Today (2014 DX110 AND 2014 EC)

2014-03-05 Thread Ron Baalke


'Tiny' Asteroid to Give Us a Close Shave Today
By Phil Plait
March 5, 2014

The near-Earth asteroid 2014 DX110 will pass closer than the Moon today. 
You can see it marked in the picture just below center and to the right. 

Photo by Gianluca Masi, Virtual Telescope Project. Used by permission

[Note the update at the bottom of this post about a second asteroid that 
will pass us today.]

At about 21:00 UTC (4:00 p.m. Eastern time) today, the 25-30 meter-wide 
asteroid 2014 DX110 will pass just 350,000 km from the Earth - closer 
than the Moon!

An orbital diagram for the asteroid shows it passing so close the labels 
for it and Earth overlap. Space is big -  that's why it's called space 
- so in fact it will miss us by a decent margin.
diagram by NASA / JPL

We're in no danger from this rock on this go-round, which is nice; it's 
somewhat bigger than the one that exploded over Russia in 2013 so I prefer 
it keeps its distance. But you can watch the pass live using the Virtual 
Telescope Project, an observatory that will follow the asteroid and send 
images out on the web. The picture at the top of this post was taken yesterday, 
Mar. 4, 2014, when DX110 was still about 1.5 million km (900,000 miles) 
from Earth. It's far too faint to see with the unaided eye even during 
this close encounter, so your best chance is to see it online.

You should know that rocks this size pass close to the Earth fairly often, 
but rarely hit us - a circle 350,000 km in radius has 3,000 times the 
area of the Earth! So we're a pretty small target as things go. Averaged 
over time, a 25 meter asteroid is expected to hit us very roughly every 
50 years or so, and would generally do so over the ocean and uninhabited 
territory. But rocks this size do hit us and eventually one will if we 
don't do anything about it. That's why it's something we should be aware 
of and working on.

[UPDATE (Mar. 5, 2014 at 17:00 UTC): An asteroid called 2014 EC that was 
discovered only last night will pass the Earth just after midnight UTC 
tonight, sliding past us at a distance of just 56,000 km (35,000 miles) 
above Earth's surface! This rock is roughly 10 meters across - half the 
diameter of the Chelyabinsk asteroid. A miss is as good as a mile, as 
they say, but it shows that there are lots of these things passing us 
all the time. There's aren't more now than there were; we're just getting 
better at finding them. Thanks to Ron Baalke for the alert.]

[UPDATE 2 (Mar. 5, 2014 at 17:05 UTC): ...and no sooner do I write the 
above update that I find out that 2014 EC has a very, very tiny chance 
of hitting the Earth in 2025. I do mean tiny: the chance is only about 
1 in 2.7 million. Almost certainly, as more observations of this small 
rock are made, the chance of an impact will drop even farther; I explain 
how this works in an earlier post. No need to panic over this one.]


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[meteorite-list] MRO HiRISE Images: March 5, 2014

2014-03-05 Thread Ron Baalke

March 5, 2014

o Sand Dunes in Spring

  Dark, bare south-facing slopes are soaking up the warmth of the sun.

o Don't Get Lost in the North Polar Ice Cap
  The ice cap would be a bad place to get lost: it's one of the 
  smoothest, flattest places on Mars so there are no landmarks visible.

o Many Small Interesting Ridges in Erythraea Fossa  

 These light-toned ridges are found in a large fracture located east of 
  Holden Crater and form a curious box-like pattern.

o A Crater Straddling Two Terrain Units 

  An approximately 1-kilometer impact crater located in northern Sinus 
  Meridiani has formed along the boundary of two different terrain units.

All of the HiRISE images are archived here:


Information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is 
online at http://www.nasa.gov/mro. The mission is 
managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division 
of the California Institute of Technology, for the NASA 
Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. Lockheed 
Martin Space Systems, of Denver, is the prime contractor 
and built the spacecraft. HiRISE is operated by the 
University of Arizona. Ball Aerospace and Technologies 
Corp., of Boulder, Colo., built the HiRISE instrument.


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[meteorite-list] Ad: Yanai 'red books'

2014-03-05 Thread Werner Schroer

Hello list,
I have two extremely rare books fore sale:

'Photographic Catalog of the selected Antarctic Meteorites', National 
Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo 1981

'Photographic Catalog of the selected Antarctic Meteorites', National 
Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo 1987

Both books are in excellent condition and they will only be sold together.

Enquiries/offers to:   schr...@bigpond.com

Werner Schroer
IMCA #2101


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[meteorite-list] AD: Murchison, Tissint, Jbilet Winselwan, Much More

2014-03-05 Thread Ruben Garcia

Ebay auctions ending soon - Take a look!


Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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[meteorite-list] NS NB Canada Fireball approx 2200 AST 05MAR2014

2014-03-05 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,


Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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[meteorite-list] OK AR Meteor 04MAR2014

2014-03-05 Thread drtanuki

OK AR Meteor 04MAR2014

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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[meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2014-03-05 Thread valparint
Today's Meteorite Picture of the Day: EET 83227

Contributed by: AMN


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