[meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2017-03-03 Thread Paul Swartz via Meteorite-list
Today's Meteorite Picture of the Day: Agoult

Contributed by: Solar Anamnesis


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[meteorite-list] AD > Amazing dual lithology lunar for sale

2017-03-03 Thread Pelé Pierre-Marie via Meteorite-list
Hi everyone,

Here's one of my auctions, for an amazing dual lithology lunar slice : NWA 

Pierre-Marie Pelé
Météorites : achat - vente - expertise - expéditions - recherche
Membre de la Meteoritical Society
Membre de l'International Meteorite Association Collectors

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[meteorite-list] MAVEN Orbiter Steers Clear of Mars Moon Phobos

2017-03-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Orbiter Steers Clear of Mars Moon Phobos
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 2, 2017

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft performed a previously unscheduled maneuver this 
week to avoid a collision in the near future with Mars' moon Phobos.

The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft has been 
orbiting Mars for just over two years, studying the Red Planet's upper 
atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun and solar wind. On 
Tuesday, Feb. 28, the spacecraft carried out a rocket motor burn that 
boosted its velocity by 0.4 meters per second (less than 1 mile per hour). 
Although a small correction, it was enough that -- projected to one week 
later when the collision would otherwise have occurred -- MAVEN would 
miss the lumpy, crater-filled moon by about 2.5 minutes.

This is the first collision avoidance maneuver that the MAVEN spacecraft 
has performed at Mars to steer clear of Phobos. The orbits of both MAVEN 
and Phobos are known well enough that this timing difference ensures that 
they will not collide.

MAVEN, with an elliptical orbit around Mars, has an orbit that crosses 
those of other spacecraft and the moon Phobos many times over the course 
of a year. When the orbits cross, the objects have the possibility of 
colliding if they arrive at that intersection at the same time. These 
scenarios are known well in advance and are carefully monitored by NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which sounded the alert 
regarding the possibility of a collision.

With one week's advance notice, it looked like MAVEN and Phobos had a 
good chance of hitting each other on Monday, March 6, arriving at their 
orbit crossing point within about 7 seconds of each other. Given Phobos' 
size (modeled for simplicity as a 30-kilometer sphere, a bit larger than 
the actual moon in order to be conservative), they had a high probability 
of colliding if no action were taken.

Said MAVEN Principal Investigator Bruce Jakosky of the University of Colorado 
in Boulder, "Kudos to the JPL navigation and tracking teams for watching 
out for possible collisions every day of the year, and to the MAVEN spacecraft 
team for carrying out the maneuver flawlessly."

MAVEN's principal investigator is based at the University of Colorado's 
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder. The university 
provided two science instruments and leads science operations, as well 
as education and public outreach, for the mission. NASA's Goddard Space 
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the MAVEN project and provided 
two science instruments for the mission. Lockheed Martin built the spacecraft 
and is responsible for mission operations. The University of California 
at Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory also provided four science instruments 
for the mission. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, 
provides navigation and Deep Space Network support, as well as the Electra 
telecommunications relay hardware and operations.

News Media Contact
By Nancy Neal Jones
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland

Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington

Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - February 27, 2017

2017-03-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
February 27, 2017

Dear Pedawntic Readers,

A sophisticated spaceship in orbit around an alien world has been firing 
its advanced ion engine to execute complex and elegant orbital acrobatics. 
On assignment from Earth at dwarf planet Ceres, Dawn is performing like 
the ace flier that it is.

The spacecraft's activities are part of an ambitious bonus goal the 
team has recently devised for the extended mission. Dawn will maneuver 
to a location exactly on the line connecting Ceres and the sun and take 
pictures and spectra there. Measuring the opposition surge we explained 
last month will help scientists gain insight into the microscopic nature 
of the famous bright material in Occator Crater. Flying to that special 
position and acquiring the pictures and spectra will consume most of the 
rest of the extended mission, which concludes on June 30.

This month, we will look at the probe's intricate maneuvers. Next 
month, we will delve more into the opposition surge itself, and in April 
we will describe Dawn's detailed plans for photography and spectroscopy. 
In May we will discuss further maneuvers that could provide a backup 
for observing the opposition surge in June. 

[Image of Ernutet Crater]

This image combines several photographs of Ernutet Crater taken through 
different color filters in Dawn's science camera. (Ernutet was an 
Egyptian goddess, often depicted with the head of a cobra, who provided 
food and protected grains by eating pests such as rodents.) The colors 
have been enhanced to bring out subtle differences in the chemical composition 
of the material covering the ground that would not be visible to your 
unaided eye (even assuming your unaided eye were in the vicinity of Ceres). 
Using data acquired by the spacecraft's infrared mapping spectrometer, 
scientists have determined that the red regions are rich in organic compounds. 
The organic molecules are based on chains of carbon atoms and represent 
a class of chemicals important in biochemistry. Such a finding, along 
with Dawn's earlier discoveries of ice and other chemicals that likely 
were formed through interactions with water, makes Ceres very interesting 
for studies of astrobiology. Nevertheless, future colonists on Ceres would 
be expected to have little need for protection from native pestilential 
threats. The 32-mile (52-kilometer) Ernutet Crater is on this map at 53°N, 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

First, however, it is worth recalling that this is not Dawn's primary 
responsibility, which is to continue to measure cosmic rays in order to 
improve scientists' ability to establish the atomic species down 
to about a yard (meter) underground. Sensing the space radiation requires 
the spacecraft to stay more than 4,500 miles (7,200 kilometers) above 
the dwarf planet that is its gravitational master. The gamma ray and neutron 
detector will be operated continuously as Dawn changes its orbit and then 
performs the new observations. The ongoing high-priority radiation measurements 
will not be affected by the new plans.

The principal objective of the orbital maneuvers is to swivel Dawn's 
orbit around Ceres. Imagine looking down on Ceres' north pole, with 
the sun far to the left. (To help your imagination, you might refer to 
this figure from last month. As we will explain in May, Dawn's orbital 
plane is slowly rotating clockwise, according to plan, and it is now even 
closer to vertical than depicted in January. That does not affect the 
following discussion.) From your perspective, looking edge-on at Dawn's 
orbit, its elliptical path looks like a line, just as does a coin seen 
from the edge. In its current orbit (labeled 6 in that figure), Dawn moves 
from the bottom to the top over the north pole. When it is over the south 
pole, on the other side of the orbit, it flies from the top of the figure 
back to the bottom. The purpose of the current maneuvering is to make 
Dawn travel instead from the left to the right over the north pole (and 
from the right to the left over the south pole). This is equivalent to 
rotating the plane of the orbit around the axis that extends through Ceres'
poles and up to Dawn's altitude. From the sun's perspective, 
Dawn starts by revolving counterclockwise and the orbit is face-on. We 
want to turn it so it is edge-on to the sun.

That may not sound very difficult. After all, it amounts mostly to turning 
right at the north pole or left at the south pole. Spaceships in science 
fiction do that all the time (although sometimes they turn right at the 
south pole). However, it turns out to be extremely difficult in reality, 
not to mention lacking the cool sounds. When going over the south pole, 
from the top of the figure to the bottom, the spacecraft has momentum 
in that direction. To turn, it needs to cancel that out and then develop 
momentum to the left. 

[meteorite-list] Martian Winds Carve Mountains, Move Dust, Raise Dust (MSL)

2017-03-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Martian Winds Carve Mountains, Move Dust, Raise Dust
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 27, 2017

Fast Facts:

* Wind is a dominant force shaping landscapes on Mars, despite the thin 
* A recent study supports the idea that a mountain that is oddly in the 
middle of a Martian crater was formed by wind subtracting other material 
after the crater had been filled to the brim with sediments.
* Modern winds in the crater show effects such as dusty whirlwinds, shifting 
sand and active dunes.
* NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has begun investigating linear-shaped dunes 
during the crater's windy summer season.

On Mars, wind rules. Wind has been shaping the Red Planet's landscapes 
for billions of years and continues to do so today. Studies using both 
a NASA orbiter and a rover reveal its effects on scales grand to tiny 
on the strangely structured landscapes within Gale Crater.

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, on the lower slope of Mount Sharp -- a layered 
mountain inside the crater -- has begun a second campaign of investigating 
active sand dunes on the mountain's northwestern flank. The rover also 
has been observing whirlwinds carrying dust and checking how far the wind 
moves grains of sand in a single day's time.

Gale Crater observations by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have confirmed 
long-term patterns and rates of wind erosion that help explain the oddity 
of having a layered mountain in the middle of an impact crater.

"The orbiter perspective gives us the bigger picture -- on all sides of 
Mount Sharp and the regional context for Gale Crater. We combine that 
with the local detail and ground-truth we get from the rover," said Mackenzie 
Day of the University of Texas, Austin, lead author of a research report 
in the journal Icarus about wind's dominant role at Gale.

The combined observations show that wind patterns in the crater today 
differ from when winds from the north removed the material that once filled 
the space between Mount Sharp and the crater rim. Now, Mount Sharp itself 
has become a major factor in determining local wind directions. Wind shaped 
the mountain; now the mountain shapes the wind.

The Martian atmosphere is about a hundred times thinner than Earth's, 
so winds on Mars exert much less force than winds on Earth. Time is the 
factor that makes Martian winds so dominant in shaping the landscape. 
Most forces that shape Earth's landscapes -- water that erodes and moves 
sediments, tectonic activity that builds mountains and recycles the planet's 
crust, active volcanism -- haven't influenced Mars much for billions of 
years. Sand transported by wind, even if infrequent, can whittle away 
Martian landscapes over that much time.

How to Make a Layered Mountain

Gale Crater was born when the impact of an asteroid or comet more than 
3.6 billion years ago excavated a basin nearly 100 miles (160 kilometers) 
wide. Sediments including rocks, sand and silt later filled the basin, 
some delivered by rivers that flowed in from higher ground surrounding 
Gale. Curiosity has found evidence of that wet era from more than 3 billion 
years ago. A turning point in Gale's history -- when net accumulation 
of sediments flipped to net removal by wind erosion -- may have coincided 
with a key turning point in the planet's climate as Mars became drier, 
Day noted.

Scientists first proposed in 2000 that the mound at the center of Gale 
Crater is a remnant from wind eroding what had been a totally filled basin. 
The new work calculates that the vast volume of material removed -- about 
15,000 cubic miles (64,000 cubic kilometers) -- is consistent with orbital 
observations of winds' effects in and around the crater, when multiplied 
by a billion or more years.

Other new research, using Curiosity, focuses on modern wind activity in 

The rover this month is investigating a type of sand dune that differs 
in shape from dunes the mission investigated in late 2015 and early 2016. 
Crescent-shaped dunes were the feature of the earlier campaign -- the 
first ever up-close study of active sand dunes anywhere other than Earth. 
The mission's second dune campaign is at a group of ribbon-shaped linear 

"In these linear dunes, the sand is transported along the ribbon pathway, 
while the ribbon can oscillate back and forth, side to side," said Nathan 
Bridges, a Curiosity science team member at the Johns Hopkins University 
Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland.

The season at Gale Crater is now summer, the windiest time of year. That's 
the other chief difference from the first dune campaign, conducted during 
less-windy Martian winter.

"We're keeping Curiosity busy in an area with lots of sand at a season 
when there's plenty of wind blowing it around," said Curiosity Project 
Scientist Ashwin Vasavada of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 
California. "One aspect we want to learn more about is the wind's effect 

[meteorite-list] AD - St. Patrick's Day

2017-03-03 Thread Paul Swartz via Meteorite-list
Something special for Saint Patrick's Day, March 17.



Paul Swartz
IMCA 5204
Meteorite Picture of the Day Web Master

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[meteorite-list] Morocco's stone rush: Hunting meteorites is big business for nomads

2017-03-03 Thread Tommy via Meteorite-list





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