Re: [meteorite-list] Dong UJIMQIN qi and fukang

2005-12-28 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Steve! You've really got to pay attention. The Fukang
pallasite weighed ~1000kg, not 900kg, not 1400kg and
not 2100kg. We've already been over where it is now
located the last time you asked, so please look back
through the list archives to answer that question.
"Dong UJIMQIN qi" is a mesosiderite. We were recently
offered over 3 kilos of it, which we declined, so I
would bet more is on its way, and it may make it to
Tucson. As a consideration to list members could you
please do not keep asking the same questions over and
over and again, ok?

Thanks so much & see you in Tucson!


--- "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!"

> Hi list.I think I got the dong right this time.There
> must be more than 900
> kilo's of the fukang pallasite,with reports of 
> stones totalling 700 and
> 1400 kilo's.To me that equals 2100 kilo's.So then
> where is all of it?With
> reports at munich several kilo's were spotted,the
> main mass is at ASU, and
> some here and there through out the world.For
> something that was found
> last year,there is alot of it,but it seems that no
> one knows where it all
> resides.I just hope some resides in tucson.Also what
> QI?The only place I ever see any is from mike farmer
> on ebay.I hear that
> it is a really nice pallasite.Is there going to be
> any in tucson?These 2
> are just really neat sounding meteorite
> names.Anymore thoughts on this
> enique thread?
> steve arnold,chicago
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url
> __ 
> Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Mutha Stone

2005-12-30 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Adam, that is an interesting question. It is
interesting because Chinese meteorites have been
exported from China for decades if not hundreds of
years. Chinese meteorites have been at all of the gem
and mineral shows across this country for decades. In
fact, I would go as far as to bet that every list
member has a Chinese meteorite or two in their
collection. How many do you have in your collection
Adam? I'm curious as to the motive for your sudden
"interest" in Chinese meteorites. The information that
we have received from reliable sources in China that
there aren't any regulations governing the export of
meteorites from China period. Fossils yes, meteorites
no. Of course this may change in the future, and we
have heard from a source in China that some efforts
are being made by a few to try to start regulating
meteorites as well. I suspect that your "information"
is incorrect. Of course, if you could provide the list
with a written copy of this "specific" legislation
that you are referring to, I'm sure that we could get
it translated into english within a day or two, and we
could all see for ourselves. We would all learn
something if you would do that for us. In the absence
of that though, it is difficult to envision why China
would have a specific "law" to regulate the export of
Rusty Nantans, which are basically the only meteorite
that would be exported from China. The fact that all
of the gem and mineral shows are full of Chinese
meteorites tends to suggest that there is no such law.
I find it a bit odd that you'd claim to be interested
in exporting meteorites from China as there really
hasn't been much to export from China with the
exception of rusty old Nantans. Is that what you were
going to export? Of course there were the five or six
rare Chinese meteorites such as those on Mike Farmer's
website, but these are rare, and would be unavialable
to you. Which Chinese meteorites were you planning on
exporting Adam?
 We find the amount of b.s. being posted about
fukang is quite interesting. I guess it must be just
be jealousy on the part of the dealers that tried
unsucessfully to purchase it from the finder. I guess
they figure if they couldn't get it then they would
try to malign it in an attempt to devalue it. We of
course lost out too, but we can't fathom the extreme
enmity that has been directed towards the people that
ended up puchasing that meteorite-it is really quite
sad. Adam, you seem to have an inordinate amount of
interest in fukang. Just out of curiosity, were you
one of those individuals that tried unsucessfully to
purchase it? We know of several other list members
that tried unsucessfully, and now seem to be suffering
from the sour grape syndrome. Are you also interested
in Sikhote? I notice that you are selling quite a few
Sikhotes. Are you also curious about export
regulations for them too? 



--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I only asked because China has specific laws
prohibiting the export of
meteorites and fossils. A company I work for was
interested in bringing 
out legally but China has a no-deal policy, even if
you represent a 

No paperwork other than an invoice, a declaration and
a waybill is 
from Morocco although a well know dealer from Europe
tried to change 
all of
this a few years back. He only ended up screwing
himself in the long 

I ask again, how was a meteorite legally exported from
China who has
specific laws against such actions?


> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Mutha Stone

2005-12-30 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Adam. It seems you evaded the majority of the
questions that were put to you. If you do have some
actual evidence to back up your claim that there is
some new Chinese "meteorite" law, then please share it
with us and the rest of the list members. We asked you
about the Sikhotes that you are selling. Aren't you
interested in the export laws governing them? 

   As for why fukang is supposedly "not being
promoted", what are you talking about? Maybe you're
Rip Van Hupe and have been asleep for the last hundred
years or so, but just to bring you up to speed, we
purchased a small amount which we have been selling on
ebay and our website for over a year. We also have
made a number of announcements to this list
advertizing it, and I would think that you might have
seen them? As I recall, a very large slice was
recently offer by a major auction house, Butterfields,
did you miss out on that? Perhaps you missed out on
the fact that it was being sold all over the World at
all of the major shows including Tucson, Denver,
Munich and Tokyo? It has been said that the majority
of it is not going to be for sale-that was another
meteorite list posting, miss that one? We don't know
the owners of the mass that is for sale, but I'm
guessing that they may not want to sell it on ebay,
and may have their sights set on a more affluent
clientele. For all I know, they may be taking out full
page ads in Conde nast, have you checked it out lately
Adam? Personally, if it were me, I'd hire Geoff
Notkin, as he certainly did a great job with Brenham.

Now Adam can you please back up your claim or shall we
just drop it and go back to sleep?



--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John and List Members,
> First of all, this is the very first time I have
> talked about Fukang
> publicly. If you read the string, you will see that
> another List member
> brought it up first.  I have no interest at all in
> Chinese meteorites. I do
> not own a single meteorite from China nor have I
> ever sold one. My interest
> lies in legal fossils, minerals and meteorites. I
> have a contract with a
> startup company whom asks questions first and then
> purchases later. After
> investigating Chinese natural history goods we
> decided to stay away from
> them because, for the most part, they are considered
> black market (illegal)
> by legitimate concerns who will not touch them. 
> What good is a product that
> is considered illegal by institutions and museums?
> You may want to tell the rest of the List why this
> is so. Why is it that the
> world's largest pallasite, supposedly as beautiful
> as Esquel is not being
> highly promoted by anybody who has any of it? Could
> it be a problem?
> The curious want to know,
> Adam
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Arizona Skies Meteorites"
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 8:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mutha Stone
> > Hi Adam, that is an interesting question. It is
> > interesting because Chinese meteorites have been
> > exported from China for decades if not hundreds of
> > years. Chinese meteorites have been at all of the
> gem
> > and mineral shows across this country for decades.
> In
> > fact, I would go as far as to bet that every list
> > member has a Chinese meteorite or two in their
> > collection. How many do you have in your
> collection
> > Adam? I'm curious as to the motive for your sudden
> > "interest" in Chinese meteorites. The information
> that
> > we have received from reliable sources in China
> that
> > there aren't any regulations governing the export
> of
> > meteorites from China period. Fossils yes,
> meteorites
> > no. Of course this may change in the future, and
> we
> > have heard from a source in China that some
> efforts
> > are being made by a few to try to start regulating
> > meteorites as well. I suspect that your
> "information"
> > is incorrect. Of course, if you could provide the
> list
> > with a written copy of this "specific" legislation
> > that you are referring to, I'm sure that we could
> get
> > it translated into english within a day or two,
> and we
> > could all see for ourselves. We would all learn
> > something if you would do that for us. In the
> absence
> > of that though, it is difficult to envision why
> China
> > would have a specific "law" to regulate the export
> of
> > Rusty Nantans, which are basically the only
> meteorite
> > that would be exported from China. The f

Re: [meteorite-list] Mutha Stone

2005-12-30 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
 > If you are worried about the legality I suggest
> you
> > stay away from the rock. Let farmer take the risks
> > involved in selling it. But dont be a scumbag and
> try
> > and screw his sales by blowing hot air.
> > Sincerely
> > DEAN
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> On the subject of the Fukang Mutha Stone, how was
> >> this legally exported from
> >> China?
> >>
> >> Adam
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> __
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
> > Just $16.99/mo. or less.
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Mutha Stone

2005-12-31 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Yes Adam, this is a stupid thread that you started and
a nice way to start the New Year. It seems that Dean
Bessy has figured you out though and so have we. Once
again you make unsubstantiated, apparently false
claims that you then get caught at, and can't back up.
Just to set the facts straight, we asked you to
provide the list with a copy of the supposed new
"meteorite" law. We did not ask you to translate it
because we knew you wouldn't be able to, and we
wouldn't trust your translation anyway. We can get it
translated for ourselves. Why don't you just ask your
"most respectable" source to send us a copy, so that
we can see it for ourselves? Surely, that would not be
too difficult. As for your b.s. about us "avoiding"
the so called issue, we answered your first question
in our first email. We answered your second even more
ridiculous question in our second email. Your are the
only one that seems to be consistently evasive. As for
your little qwip at Dean, it would appear that Dean
Bessy is far more knowledgable on this topic than you,
so I certainly wouldn't be making any snide remarks
about his intelligence if I were in your position. 

This is not the first time that you have tried to pull
this type of crap with other dealer's meteorites, and
it is getting old. Your motives are quite transparent.
>From now on Adam if you can't back up your ridiculous
claims then I wouldn't post them in the first place. 



--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John and List,
> I have no interest whatsoever in the Fukang
> pallasite. I do not and will not
> carry natural history items from China because while
> inquiring about them I
> was told by the most respectable sources that they
> are now illegal to
> export. If you are asking if I took the time to
> translate Chinese law, the
> answer is no. In my case, this would be a complete
> waste of time since I
> trust my sources both in the scientific and academic
> communities who now
> also have no interest in these items.
> I do not understand what Sikhote Alin has to do with
> any of this. I only
> market the finest examples I can find and Russia is
> not part of UNESCO group
> as far as I know. Trying to redirect our attention
> to another subject is a
> transparent way of avoiding the issue. I refuse to
> engage any more in this
> stupid string because, again, I never had and never
> will have any interest
> whatsoever in Fukang.  Everybody seems to be taking
> it personally and
> getting angry about it for some reason. I guess I am
> the last of many to get
> caught in this Fukang spider web.  It is up to the
> owners show legal export
> papers, not claim something is iron ore to get it
> out of a country.
> Enough said by me, if somebody else wants to
> continue this, you've got the
> green light,
> Adam
>  - Original Message - 
> From: "Arizona Skies Meteorites"
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 10:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mutha Stone
> > Hi Adam. It seems you evaded the majority of the
> > questions that were put to you. If you do have
> some
> > actual evidence to back up your claim that there
> is
> > some new Chinese "meteorite" law, then please
> share it
> > with us and the rest of the list members. We asked
> you
> > about the Sikhotes that you are selling. Aren't
> you
> > interested in the export laws governing them?
> >
> >As for why fukang is supposedly "not being
> > promoted", what are you talking about? Maybe
> you're
> > Rip Van Hupe and have been asleep for the last
> hundred
> > years or so, but just to bring you up to speed, we
> > purchased a small amount which we have been
> selling on
> > ebay and our website for over a year. We also have
> > made a number of announcements to this list
> > advertizing it, and I would think that you might
> have
> > seen them? As I recall, a very large slice was
> > recently offer by a major auction house,
> Butterfields,
> > did you miss out on that? Perhaps you missed out
> on
> > the fact that it was being sold all over the World
> at
> > all of the major shows including Tucson, Denver,
> > Munich and Tokyo? It has been said that the
> majority
> > of it is not going to be for sale-that was another
> > meteorite list posting, miss that one? We don't
> know
> > the owners of the mass that is for sale, but I'm
> > guessing that they may not want to sell it on
> ebay,
> > and may have their sights set on a m

[meteorite-list] Happy New Years! 2006!

2005-12-31 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all, we too just wanted to wish everyone a Happy
and healthy new years! See you all at Tucson in 2006!


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fukang meteorite

2006-01-05 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Ken and all...There has been some confusion
surrounding the stability of this meteorite. It sounds
as though you may have one of the weathered exterior
pieces that were broken off by one of the list
members. These were fairly weathered and when cut are
not that stable. The interior pieces on the other hand
are quite stable. As I recall, there were some
exterior pieces at the Tucson show last year, and
those are undoubtedly the ones that were less stable.
We have had very good luck with interior pieces, so
when you're shopping, make sure you get the interior!


-John & Dawn

--- AstronomicalResearchNetwork

> The Fukang meteorite is a wonderful specimen as I
> have said .
> I have had a specimen for some time and I live in
> Minnesota .
> One of the worst climates for iron meteorites and I
> have been watching my specimen Rust for the last 3
> months. 
> It was not prepared in any way just hacked off by
> the original 
> owner of the Fukang meteorite . Just a thought when
> purchasing
> specimens . 
> Ken Regelman 
> Astronomical Research Network 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Term Main Mass

2006-01-19 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Adam this has got to be one of the stupidest things
you've posted to this list. The NWA numbering system
really isn't all that complicated. Just to help you
out Adam, each and every NWA numbered meteorite has a
MAIN MASS. For you, Adam that would mean the
B-i-g-g-e-s-t piece. Maybe you have heard of a
publication called the 'Meteoritical Bulletin'?

Here's an excerpt from MB89 to help clarify things for
you. Pay particular attention to the last three words.

"Northwest Africa 2373  Northwest Africa  Purchased
2004 August  Martian (olivine-phyric shergottite) 
Several small stones that weigh 18.1 g were purchased
in Erfoud  Morocco. They are yellow brown with desert
ablation/varnish  surface only, no fusion crust.
Description and classification (T.  Bunch and J.
Wittke, NAU): olivine phenocrysts (<1.25 mm in 
longest dimension) set in a fine-grained groundmass
(<0.1 mm)  of pigeonite, maskelynite, chromite,
Ti-magnetite, augite,  chlorapatite and sulphide.
Olivine has cores of Fa30.7 (FeO/MnO  = 51.9), rims of
Fa50.3 (FeO/MnO = 53.3) and contain micron to 
submicron inclusions of chromite, glass, and barite.
One large  olivine grain, which may be a xenocryst, is
different from the rest  with a core of Fa29.1
(FeO/MnO = 43) and more abundant tiny  inclusions. The
wide (0.2 to 0.4 mm), inclusion-free mantle on  this
grain is Fa32.3 (FeO/MnO = 39.2). Pigeonite is zoned
from  Fs29.4Wo8.4 to Fs36.4Wo14.1 (FeO/MnO = 28);
augite is  Fs21.8Wo29.1. Maskelynite is slightly zoned
with a compositional  average of An52.1Or2.1.
Chromite, cr# = 87, fe# = 90.4. Overall  texture,
mineral content and mineral compositions strongly
suggest that this stone is paired with NWA 1068. The
specimen is  lightly weathered and moderately shocked.
Specimens: type  specimen, 3.7 g and one thin section,
NAU; main mass, Birdsell."

Now Adam are you suggesting that the Scientists that
write these classifications, the Nom Com and the
editors of the Meteoritical Bulletin are somehow
"misleading" and "dishonest"? 


Kind regards


--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear List,
> I noticed some dealers and collectors are calling
> pairings that are smaller
> than the largest piece of a pairing series the "Main
> Mass".  An example
> would be if an 8 kilogram Martian meteorite was
> called DAG 476. Then
> somebody comes up with a smaller 1 kilogram
> meteorite named DAG XXX which
> was found to paired to DAG 476.  Then the dealer
> sells the 1 Kilogram DAG
> XXX as a "Main Mass." I think this practice is
> misleading and dishonest. I
> think the term "Secondary Largest Mass" may be more
> appropriate.
> What do you think?
> Adam
> __________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Term Main Mass

2006-01-19 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Adam please feel free to tell the members of the Nom.
Com., Ted  Bunch, Tony Irving and all of the other
scientists that have written and published their NWA
classifications using the term "main mass" that you
don't agree with the way they are doing things, and
that you feel that they are being "misleading" and
"dishonest" as you put it in your previous post. For
our part, we think they are making the best of a
complicated situation, and as long as people
understand the NWA numbering system there really is no
problem with the way it is currently used.  

As most of us are aware, NWA numbered meteorites are
not in any way analogous to meteorites coming out of a
well characterized strewn field-that's precisely why
they are given NWA numbers. Those that understand the
NWA numbering system also understand that the main
mass of one NWA numbered group may or may not be the
'biggest piece' of the presumed "fall". In fact, the
use of the term 'main mass' in respect to NWA
meteorites has nothing to do with the 'fall' per se,
but rather is the term used to refer to the largest
piece in a group of meteorites assigned a particular
NWA number. Even the "pairing" of meteorites does not,
and can not guarantee that they are part of the same
fall. This is especially true in the case of northwest
Africa where meteorites are collected over a vast area
with little or no record of their coordinates. Since
it will never be known whether "paired" NWAs are
actually part of the same fall or not, it seems that
the term main mass is appropriate unless one can
unambiguously state with complete certainty that two
NWA numbers are from the same fall. This can not be
done without a precise record of coordinates. In our
opinion this discussion over the use of "main mass" is
just a matter semantics, and has nothing to do with
science what-so-ever. That said we can probably bring
this thread to an end.   




--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi John and List,
> I do not agree that there can be more than a single
> Main Mass per fall. That
> is liking saying two Main Masses came out of the
> Brenham strewnfield.  I
> don't think Steve Arnold would like that.
> Take Care,
> Adam
> __________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Term Main Mass

2006-01-19 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
> gig.  This is
> unarguably
> > an
> > > artificially manufactured situation in the dense
>  collection areas.
> > Besides
> > > Adam's, Mike's response was pretty 
> straightforward, too, and Dean's
> logic
> > very
> > > intelligent as well, as well as the
> really sounds much less
> > > scientific and more like discussion among 
> competing cereal companies on
> > who can label
> > > the food as "Heart Healthy" and who  can't.  I'd
> go retro and just ask
> > > "Where's the Beef?" while we watch y'all  in
> this potentially
> high-steaks
> > and
> > > breadwinning issue.
> > >
> > > So as long as we  understand this is more of a
> Cola Wars' type question
> > than
> > > a meaningful  scientific question, it's
> interesting to hear all these
> > > arguments and  occasionally add a peep or two in
> the shadow of the
> giants.
> > >
> > > Maybe I'm  wrong, but we've seen this discussion
> in many presentations
> > > before.  That's  great, as long as everyone
> agrees that this is a
> > commercial and not
> > > a scientific  issue.  It actually looks like you
> all do, in my (very)
> > humble
> > > perception...Saludos, Doug
> > >
> > > PS a known pairing series can be open to 
> interpretation, and are not
> > > exhaustive analyses, right?  The science 
> doesn't feel the need to
> address
> > this
> > > issue, as far as I  gather...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > In a message dated 1/19/2006 10:57:20 P.M.
> Eastern  Standard Time,
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > If I followed this logic, I  would have 48
> planetary "Main Masses." Yeah
> > for
> > > me! In reality, we have less  than a dozen as
> far as I am concerned. I
> > will
> > > stick to the what I believe are  the rules, the
> largest piece in a known
> > > pairing series is the only Main Mass.
> > >
> > > __
> > > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
=== message truncated ===

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Term Main Mass

2006-01-19 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Yes Adam, you may of course use any term you like. In
fact, perhaps the term main mass shouldn't be used at
all since it presupposes that there aren't a larger
yet undiscovered masses from the same fall.  That may
mislead a collector into buying a specimen that isn't
actually the very biggest piece from the fall. Maybe
the term should be "largest individual of NWA 123" or
"largest individual found to date from presumed fall
XYZ". Though, I must confess that I don't quite see
the difference, since the fact of the matter is that
both the terms 'main mass' and 'largest individual'
are still context dependent...



--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I respectfully disagree with the below statement,
> the List seems to be
> divided on its usage therefore it is not currently
> accepted. I feel safer
> using the old established definition of the term
> Main Mass rather than the
> new selectively used definition. I think the term
> "The largest specimen
> under this particular nomenclature" would more
> accurate in describing the
> smaller pairings than "Main Mass."
> >The term main mass is not a difficult concept. In
> its currently accepted
> usage it is context dependent.<
> Take Care,
> Adam
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Arizona Skies Meteorites"
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Term Main Mass
> > The term main mass is not a difficult concept. In
> its
> > currently accepted usage it is context dependent.
> If
> > one states that meteorite "Z" is the main mass of
> the
> > NWA 123, then that clearly means it is the largest
> > extant specimen of the meteorite individuals
> > comprising all individuals belonging to the NWA
> 123
> > grouping. It does not imply anything more or less.
> > That is it. No if's, and's or but's. If on the
> other
> > hand one states that meteorite "Z" is the main
> mass of
> > a particular "fall", then that implys that it is
> the
> > largest extant specimen found to date from a
> defined
> > fall, or the largest remaining specimen if the
> largest
> > specimen has been cut up. This really isn't that
> > diffulcult to understand is it?
> >
> >
> > -John
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- "R. N. Hartman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > > OPINION:
> > >
> > > This has traditionally, for as long as I have
> been
> > > collecting, and that is
> > > for 50+ years, the one largest or primary piece
> has
> > > been the "main mass".
> > > More usually, there had been a loose
> understanding
> > > that the main mass
> > > usually referred to a very large meteorite where
> > > there was one substantially
> > > large piece and many smaller pieces. If there,
> for
> > > example, were a
> > > strewnfield with many pieces that were all
> within a
> > > similar size range, it
> > > served no meaningful purpose to call the largest
> a
> > > main mass.  After 1999
> > > when many small "Saharan" individuals, all
> somewhat
> > > different, started
> > > becoming available, and there was only "one" of
> > > each,  soon each started to
> > > be referred to  a "main mass".  This was a happy
> > > time for dealers and
> > > collectors as collectors could now collect "main
> > > masses"!  But, I don't
> > > think that was the intent of the term as it was
> > > originally used.
> > >
> > > And definitely, as Adam states, there can be
> only
> > > one main mass.  One need
> > > only to look up the term "main" in a dictionary,
> > > i.e. "the first in size".
> > >
> > > Dealers and collectors who try to bend the rules
> > > (broaden established
> > > definitions) for their own gain do nothing in
> the
> > > eyes of researchers to
> > > promote a good image for meteorite collecting in
> > > general.  In the end such
> > > behavior will come back to haunt everyone!
> > >
> > > Ron Hartman
> > >
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9

[meteorite-list] Ad NEW LL3.7, NWA 2836 Available!

2005-06-06 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello all. We would like to announce a beautiful new
LL3.7, which is being provisionally referred to as
'NWA 2836'. It is full of multicolored chondrules of
all sizes, armored chondrules, bullseye chondrules and

Feel free to check it out!


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad Stunning New Silicated Iron NWA 2680 Available!

2005-06-06 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello again...for those of you that love irons we have
a gorgeous silicated iron with exqusite, fine etch
patterns, a moderately high nickel content, and
wonderful angular clasts. This stunning iron has what
appears to be troilite with brecciated olivine &
achondritic material embedded in the troilite! It is
still under study but has a nickel content of 13.2%.
This iron is being provisionally referred to as NWA

Feel free to look at the photos as they can better
describe it than I can.


-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad New Metal-Rich Mesosiderite NWA 2676 (prov.)

2005-06-06 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello again...Here's our final annoucement for today
for the mesosiderophiles out there. We have recently
listed an extremely metal rich Mesosiderite
provisionally referred to as NWA 2676. Some of the
full slices available are almost all metal with
hundreds of tiny troilite & silicate inclusions evenly
dispersed through it. 


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites 

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ad Stunning New Silicated Iron NWA 2680 Available!

2005-06-06 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi DarrenYep we finally got the test results back
on the german "iron" (see below)...Are you in the
market for a nice WWII artifact? ;-)

LA-ICP-MS analysis of sample
All data ppm except where otherwise noted.  

element average error   %error
V   6.2 1.5 24%
Cr  279 27  10%
Mn  96  11  12%
Fe, wt% 99.62   0.010.0%
Co  118 4   3.5%
Ni  1306183 14.0%
Cu  216086  4.0%
Ga  8.860.131.4%
Ge  14.60.4 2.9%
As  92  2   2.5%
Mo  106 2   2.3%
Ru  0.2 
Pd  0.4 0.1 16.5%
Sb  19.20.4 1.9%
W   6   2   34.4%
Re  0.059   0.011   18.3%
Os  0.03
Ir  0.030.0280.2%
Pt  0.1 
Au  0.1 

--- Darren Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On a slightly different note, did you ever get test
> results on that German
> maybe-iron-meteorite-maybe-bomb-fragment?  I'm
> curious as to which it turned out to be.

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: New Plessitic Octahedrite & Ni-Poor Ataxite

2005-06-07 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone. For those of you that own slices of
NWA 2428 the latest information we have received from
UCLA is that it appears that it is structurally a
plessitic octahedrite (IAB sHL). You can read more
about this unusual new iron in the preview of MB89.

For those that own NWA 2678, the lastest word is that
it is a rare IIAB nickel-poor ataxite. 


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OT - NAU

2005-06-08 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Marcin...12:00 noon would be lunch time for
everyone here in Arizona. Better to call in the
morning or afternoon. Also, I believe that Jim has
been recovering from an injured ankle, so he may not
be going to the lab at all.


--- "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, sotty for oftopic
> There are any holidays or something in USA?
> I tryed to call NAU laboratory tooday at 12:00
> (arizona time) but noone
> there !
> This lab is work still ???
> -[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
>  GSM +48(607)535 195
> [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society
> ]
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad: Mesosiderite, Mesosiderite, and more Mesosiderites!

2005-06-15 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all! We have just listed several really beautiful,
metal rich mesosiderites starting at under $3/gram.
They range in size from 35 grams up to a whopping 860
grams! This meso has awesome, big metal nodules and
tons of metal. They are worth a look even if you're
not in the market.


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad New Silicated IIIC (prov.) ending on ebay

2005-06-17 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all. Just a reminder for those intersted in
irons...we have a beautiful new silicated iron which
appears to be a member of the old IIIC group (now
IA-sLM group) ending on ebay in just over 2 hours.

We also have several spectacular slices (both etched
and polished) on the website. Just look for NWA 2680.

We also still have two beautiful (and affordable)
mesosiderites running on ebay.


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ad New Silicated IIIC (prov.) ending on ebay

2005-06-17 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Matteo. Yes, it appears to be stable. Comparing
this to nantan is somewhat like comparing apples to
oranges. Nantan has a nickel content of only 6.88% and
is a member of the IAB main group. This silicated iron
has a nickel content of 13.8% and appears to be a
member of the IAB LM subgroup which corresponds to the
old IIIC group. It is noteworthy that its Cu and Sb
concentrations are higher than those in any current
member of this IAB subgroup. Also, irons which are
found in moist environments tend to be less stable
than irons found in dry environments. Somone may
correct me, but I believe Nantan is from a relatively
moist environment while NWA 2680 is a desert iron.

The elmental composition of NWA 2680 is:

: Cr 96 µg/g, Co 5.4 mg/g, Ni 138 mg/g, Cu 560 µg/g,
Ga 26 µg/g, As 21 µg/g, Sb 890 ng/g, W 0.33 µg/g, Ir
2.1 µg/g, Au 1.77µg/g. 



--- M come Meteorite Meteorites

> Hello
> Its stable the slice? IIICD its a not good class for
> meteorites - seen Nantan...
> regards
> Matteo
> --- Arizona Skies Meteorites
> ha scritto: 
> > Hi all. Just a reminder for those intersted in
> > irons...we have a beautiful new silicated iron
> which
> > appears to be a member of the old IIIC group (now
> > IA-sLM group) ending on ebay in just over 2 hours.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > We also have several spectacular slices (both
> etched
> > and polished) on the website. Just look for NWA
> > 2680.
> > 
> > 
> > We also still have two beautiful (and affordable)
> > mesosiderites running on ebay.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > 
> > -John & Dawn
> > Arizona Skies Meteorites
> >
> > 
> > Arizona Skies Meteorites
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
> Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA,
> Sale Site: 
> Collection Site:
> MSN Messanger: spacerocks at
> ___ 
> Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da
> 10MB 

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad: Announcing a Gorgeous NEW ACAPULCOITE-NWA 2714 (prov.)!

2005-07-28 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone! We are very pleased to announce the
first of several exotic new meteorites: our latest
achodrite-a spectacular new Acapulcoite NWA
2714(prov.)! This is a really beautiful primative
achondrite loaded with olivine crystals ranging in
color from orange to green. Best of all, it is priced
well below the going rate for Acapulcoites. To read
more and to see a number of specimens please visit our

We also have listed a specimen on ebay (6549487914)
which will be starting at 6:00pm this evening for
those of you that are ebay afficionados. Thanks for
looking and stay tuned for some really unique new
meteorites which we will be announcing in the coming


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ad: Announcing a Gorgeous NEWACAPULCOITE-NWA2714 (prov.)!

2005-07-28 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Tom, Darren & Mark and good question. The answer,
as far as we understand it, is that a 7.5kg stone was
found sometime in 2003. It was either broken or fell
apart into pieces which were then sold. Each person
that then submits a sample from this stone for
classification is assigned a unique NWA number. Ours
is NWA 2714. So conceivably there could be 3 or 4
different NWA numbers referring to different parts of
the same stone. It is amost exactly analogous to the
NWA 1069, NWA 1110, NWA 2373, etc set of numbers which
refer to different stones from the same fall, with the
exception that in the latter case the stones
presumably broke apart before they hit the ground.


-John & Dawn

--- MarkF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Makes you wonder if its a typo and should have read
> "from the same ~7.5 kilo 
> "lot" of stone(s)" for if its from the same exact
> "~7.5 kilo stone", what 
> was the purpose?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Tom Knudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite Mailing List" 
> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ad: Announcing a
> Gorgeous 
> > Darren wrote;
> > "If "NWA 2714 comes from the same ~7.5 kilo stone
> as NWA 2656", then why a
> > different number?"
> >
> > That is a great question!!  How can a new
> meteorite come from an old
> > one? Was it brecciaed and this is the other half?
> I really want to know!
> > Thanks, Tom
> > peregrineflier <><
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Darren Garrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Meteorite Mailing List"
> > Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 1:29 PM
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ad: Announcing a
> Gorgeous NEW
> > ACAPULCOITE-NWA2714 (prov.)!
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:11:38 -0700 (PDT), Arizona
> Skies Meteorites
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If "NWA 2714 comes from the same ~7.5 kilo stone
> as NWA 2656", then why a
> > different number?
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.7/60 -
> Release Date: 7/28/2005
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Q: Good Source for Plastic Display Stands?

2005-07-28 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all...does anyone know of a good website for
plastic display stands?

Thanks in advance!


Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Q: Good Source for Plastic Display Stands?

2005-07-28 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Norm, Susan & Tom and thanks for your help and
rapid   resonses! We will check those sources out.



--- Norm Lehrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John & list,
> Try for
> starters.
> Regards,
> Norm
> --- Arizona Skies Meteorites
> wrote:
> > Hi all...does anyone know of a good website for
> > plastic display stands?
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance!
> > 
> > 
> > -John
> > 
> > Arizona Skies Meteorites
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ice lake found on the Red Planet

2005-07-29 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
That is really amazing if it is true. It is somewhat
surprising that a 7-8 mile diameter frozen lake wasn't
spotted sometime ago with all the surveying of the
planet's surface that has been conducted.



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "A giant patch of frozen water has been pictured
> nestled within an unnamed
> impact crater on Mars. 
> The photographs were taken by the High Resolution
> Stereo Camera on board
> Mars Express, the European Space Agency probe which
> is exploring the
> planet."
> Regards
> Ken O'Neill
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-New Acapulcoite Auction ending soon...

2005-08-02 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all...just a reminder. If you're into rare
primative achondrites we have a beautiful new
Acapulcoite NWA 2714 ending in just about 45 minutes.
Even if you're not interested in bidding it is worth a


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Congratulations to Christian and Mike!

2005-08-08 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Wow! Way to go Christian & Mike! Three beautiful, new,
witnessed falls in one evening!


-John & Dawn

--- Christian Anger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am glad to announce two new witnessed falls.
> see
> and
> cheers from Austria,
> Christian
> IMCA #2673
> Christian Anger
> Korngasse 6
> 2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Donating On Ebay

2005-09-02 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello All...It is actually very easy to hold an ebay
auction and to have 100% of the proceeds go to the
non-profit charity of your choice. When you are
setting up the auction there is an option: "Donate
Percentage of Sale" along with a drop-down box showing
hundreds of Non-Profit Charities, including the
American Red Cross, and even aid for Hurrican Katrina
victims! You can choose to donate anywhere from 10% to
100% of the proceeds.



--- MarkF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hold the auction on the list or at Mark B's
> chatroom!
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Notkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite List" 
> Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 5:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: New Orleans
> > Hi again Geoff and List,
> >
> > I am not exactly sure what ebay's rules are but I
> remember them killing
> > auctions for the Tsunami relief effort.  I bid on
> a few to find out the
> > auctions never completed with an explanation from
> ebay.  I would just
> > mention the proceeds are going to a good cause and
> advertise the auction 
> > to
> > the List.
> >
> > Take Care,
> >
> > Adam
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] "Sexy" New Lunar & Martian Photos

2005-09-17 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all...Since it's been a bit quiet on the list
lately, we thought now would be a nice time to share
some photos of our "sexy" new Lunar & Martian
specimens. Enjoy!

-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Nature Quest International

2005-09-23 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Adam since you have taken a temporary position with
"Nature Quest International", I'm sure the list
members would be interested in hearing who the "ex-CEO
of a very successful corporation" is that is on the
Board of Directors (see link below)? Which corporation
was that? And who is the current "CEO" of Nature Quest
International, and in which state and Country is
'Nature Quest International' incorporated? I'm sure
the list members would appreciate knowing with whom
they are dealing before putting down their hard earned




--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear List,
> I received numerous emails pointing out that Nature
> Quest International is
> using some descriptions from The Hupe Collection.
> They have permission to
> use the descriptions since we supplied them with
> most of the meteoritic
> material they will market and they asked in writing.
> They state this at the
> bottom of the descriptions.
> I am working very closely with this well-backed new
> company and have taken a
> temporary position with the company because I
> believe they will do an
> excellent job and have the resources to do so.
> Nature Quest International
> will be offering several types of natural history
> items, not just
> meteorites. They are in the very long process of
> cataloging an extensive
> array of currently warehoused products and decided
> to start out with
> meteorites since some of them have already been
> inventoried and described.
> They will start out with mainly small but really
> nice items to get the
> ratings necessary to move up to Pro Store status. A
> well-known, respected in
> the meteorite community and very professional
> website developer has been
> chosen to develop a web presence but this will take
> some time, as well.
> Here is a link to to Nature Quests International's
> inaugural ebay auctions
> for those who are curious:
> Some of the employees are currently training in
> subjects ranging from
> Accounting to Geology so that they can better serve
> their customer base. I
> believe they will add needed professionalism to the
> diverse product range
> they decide to market. It is my belief that they
> will add great benefit to
> the community they serve otherwise I would not be
> onboard. Two well-known
> and respected scientists have accepted positions on
> the board of directors
> demonstrating the belief that Nature Quest
> International will be a long term
> success.
> Kind Regards,
> Adam Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> Team LunarRock
> IMCA 2185
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: meteorite photo galleries on the web

2005-09-27 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Harlan. Here's the link to our photo gallery. It's
modest, and is still a work in progress, but we think
it has some very interesting pieces.


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

--- harlan trammell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

can anybody out there give me links to large meteorite
photo websites? the more specimens, the better.

i will be gradually switching over to yahoo mail (it
has 100 FREE megs of storage). please cc to:

> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] I had a pretty large problem with an E-bay transaction.

2005-09-30 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Mike and thanks for your post. This should be a
warning to EVERYONE! We had the same thing happen on
an expensive ebay purchase. The seller kept saying
that our order would arrive "soon"...of course it
never arrived. By the time we had decided to report
the seller to ebay and paypal, it was too late. Paypal
likes to pretend that they are the "safest" way to pay
for items, but you are out of luck if the item never
arrives or is not as described and you have waited
longer than the very limited time they allow you to
report a problem. This is why eveyone that uses paypal
should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS choose their credit card
as a payment source. Paypal does not like it when you
do this and they try very hard to trick you into using
an e-check or a transfer from your bank account. Don't
fall for this. Always use your credit card as the
funding source! That way you can file a chargeback
dispute against the seller if you don't receive the
merchandise as described. Paypal won't tell you that
you can file a chargeback either as they don't want
you to know about it. In fact paypal will sometimes
actively try to dispute your chargeback as they tried
unsucessfully in our case. 

Another VERY IMPORTANT warning regarding paypal is
that  you should always remove ALL of your funds from
your account BEFORE you pay w/ a credit card.
Otherwise, paypal will use all of the funds in your
paypal account and only then after the funds are used,
charge the remaining balance due to your credit card.
This is what paypal does even when your specifically
indicate that you want the purchase to be funded by
your credit card. We feel that this is a very
misleading practice on the part of paypal, however if
you read the fine print of your paypal contract very
carefully, it states that they can do this. 

The final note on this...Fortuntately, on our purchase
we used our credit card and only lost a small amount
of funds from our paypal account. We filed a dispute
w/ our credit card company, paypal tried to claim that
we had received the merchandise (which we had not),
and our credit card company credited our account for
the full amount of the purchase. The seller was
delisted from ebay (he did the same thing to 10-15
other buyers), and eventually declared chapter 11

Hope this story along with Mike Miller's serve as a
warning for everyone.



--- Mike /   flattoprocks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hello everyone I  purchased a $1500 item on E-bay
> it was an overseas 
> purchase and I waited too long to report it to
> Pay-Pal or E-bay. I want to 
> let everyone know who the seller is and what
> happened in case they ever want 
> to deal with this person or have a dispute they need
> resolved. Right now I 
> am wondering if it is ok to post the persons  E-bay
> name on the list?
> Mike Miller  //  E-Bay  flattoprocks
> Website //
> Check out the web site it is up and running!
> Mike Miller 230 Greenway Rd. Kingman AZ 86401 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [meteorite-list] I had a pretty large problem with an E-bay transaction.

2005-09-30 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello Ivan and thanks for the information about
MoneyBookers. That sounds as though that may be
something worth looking into.


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

--- ivanmete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hello Arizona, and List!

I use a new money transfer system, named moneybookers.

It is the same like PayPal, but has some difference.
(European online transfer money system, based on UK).

1. Sender pay fees, not receiver. Fees is not high, 1%
of amount but not more than 

70 cents or 50 eurocents per transfer.

PayPal like 30 cents plus 2.9% from amount for
standard account.

2. Moneybookers has an escrow payment: (here is from
help topic)

What if the Seller does not ship the items? -

Funds will not be released to the Seller until the
buyer has received and approved the items he is 

purchasing. This eliminates the concern for
non-shipment of goods. 

How can an Escrow payment be cancelled? -

The seller may cancel the transaction at any time and
the payment and security 

deposit would then be returned to the buyer. The buyer
may reject the transaction during the 

inspection period after receiving the items, but the
buyer is still responsible for 

shipping the merchandise back to the seller, and for
paying any fees. 

For which purposes can I use Moneybookers Escrow for?

Our escrow service is ideal for auction payments,
domain name transfers 

and any other type of national or international

PayPal :(also from help menu)

Are you an escrow service? -

No. We do not provide escrow-related services. We are
a person-to-person payment service that 

enables instant and secure electronic payments.

If you have a new customer or do not trust somebody,
just use escrow. 

It is cost something, but you are feeling better.

When I start use moneybookers, my oversee auctions
grown up.

You can add logo of moneybookers to your auctions the
same way as PayPal does.

If you are a seller you will get more bids from Europe
and other oversee, also from countries which PayPal
doesn't accept.

Did you know that now there are many Russians (I'm not

start collect meteorites, but have a difficulties use
PayPal or other money transfer?

Moneybookers works for Russia too. 

Also safe on PayPal fees (and this is a lot!)

If you a buyer, pay maximum $.70 fee and your seller
would be happy, because there no fees for seller.

Learn more about Moneybookers here:

Friday, September 30, 2005, 3:45:26 AM, you wrote:

> Hi Mike and thanks for your post. This should be a

> warning to EVERYONE! We had the same thing happen on

> an expensive ebay purchase. The seller kept saying

> that our order would arrive "soon"...of course it

> never arrived. By the time we had decided to report

> the seller to ebay and paypal, it was too late.

> likes to pretend that they are the "safest" way to

> for items, but you are out of luck if the item never

> arrives or is not as described and you have waited

> longer than the very limited time they allow you to

> report a problem. This is why eveyone that uses

> should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS choose their credit

> as a payment source. Paypal does not like it when

> do this and they try very hard to trick you into

> an e-check or a transfer from your bank account.

> fall for this. Always use your credit card as the

> funding source! That way you can file a chargeback

> dispute against the seller if you don't receive the

> merchandise as described. Paypal won't tell you that

> you can file a chargeback either as they don't want

> you to know about it. In fact paypal will sometimes

> actively try to dispute your chargeback as they

> unsucessfully in our case. 

> Another VERY IMPORTANT warning regarding paypal is

> that  you should always remove ALL of your funds

> your account BEFORE you pay w/ a credit card.

> Otherwise, paypal will use all of the funds in your

> paypal account and only then after the funds are

> charge the remaining balance due to your credit

> This is what paypal does even when your specifically

> indicate that you want the purchase to be funded by

> your credit card. We feel that this is a very

> misleading practice on the part of paypal, however

> you read the fine print of your paypal contract very

> carefully, it states that they can do this. 

> The final note on this...Fortuntately, on our

> we used our credit card and only lost a small amount

> of funds from our paypal account. We filed a dispute

> w/ our credit card company, paypal tried to claim

> we had received the merchandise 

[meteorite-list] Ad-Announcing NEA 002, a Uniquely Structured NEW IID Anom. Iron!

2005-10-04 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone. We very pleased to announce NEA 002
(prov.)- a unique new Iron from north east Africa!
This iron has been provisionally classified as a very
unusual anomalous IID. It has a fractal like etch
pattern like nothing you have ever seen before, and
you've really got to see it to appreciate it. We have
listed several slices and part slices on the website. 


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-Announcing Two NEW Meteorites: NWA 2784 & NWA 2911

2005-10-22 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello Everyone. We are very pleased to announce a
spectacular, newly classified Eucrite-NWA 2784
This is a particularly showy and beautiful Eucrite,
consisting of a brecciated cumulate eucrite host with
extremely fine grained basaltic clasts. NWA 2784 is a
single stone weighing only 141 grams before cutting
losses. After cutting losses and type specimens
donated for scientific research, only 98 grams remains
for collectors. 

We are also fortunate in being able to announce an
absolutely gorgeous new L3.5-NWA 2911 (prov.). This is
an incredible meteorite with fresh black fusion crust
and some of the most gorgeous, well defined,
multicolored chondrules you have seen-well worth a

You can view both of these along with many other
unique meteorite at our website.

We also have a number of unique new meteorites at
auction on ebay:

These include our NEW Acapulcoite NWA 2714, a
spectacular new Plessitic Octahedrite NWA 2428, our
new silicated iron (final analysis show that it turns
out to be an ungrouped IAB "related" iron NWA 2680,
and of course our unique new Anomalous IID from
northeast Africa, NEA 002 with the fractal-like etch

We will be announcing a number of new meteorites in
the coming weeks, so stay tuned...

We hope you enjoy our two newest additions!


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] What happened to

2005-10-24 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello all. We are just wondering what happened to the website? Apparently it has been
down for sometime now. Steve Arnold IMB, Michael
Blood, someone care to comment? Quite a few people
paid in advance to advertise on this website and it is
rather troubling to find that it is no longer a valid


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: What happened to

2005-10-28 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello Geoff and thanks for the good news! We're
relieved to hear that has Steve's URL back
up and working.


Arizona Skies Meteorites

--- Notkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John Birdsell posted:
> > We are just wondering what happened to the
> website? 
> > . . . Quite a few people
> > paid in advance to advertise on this website and
> it is rather 
> > troubling to find that it is no longer a valid
> > URL.
> John and List:
> Although is not one of the
> websites that I 
> manage I am taking the liberty of replying on Steve
> Arnold IMB's behalf 
> as he is a friend, and because I happen to know that
> he is away on 
> business at the moment.
> is a valid URL. The site was
> temporarily 
> unavailable due to an error made by the host company
> -- 
> Steve was aware of the problem, and doing everything
> possible to get 
> the site back up ASAP. Unfortunately is
> not the most 
> efficient outfit.
> If you check back, you will see that
> is up and 
> running, and I'm sure Steve regrets any temporary
> down time.
> Sincerely,
> Geoff N.
> ______________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-Announcing a NEW South American Iron and Much More!!!

2005-12-16 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi allWe wanted to wish everyone a happy Holiday
season! We are pleased to be able to bring yet another
beautiful, rare New Iron to the scientific and
collecting community. We have recently acquired a
lovely new iron from Patagonia. It is currently under
scientific study and classification, and once we
receive the classification data, we will pass it on to
our customers. We are making a few specimens avialable
now ahead of classification, and you can view these

We were also very fortunate a number of months ago, in
being able to acquire a number of new Uruacu Irons
which were found over the past year or two near Goias,
Brazil. The TKW of this fall is extremely low for an
iron, and with the new finds is still only several
hundred kilos. You can see some of our "baby" Uruacu

For those of you that missed out on our gorgeous New
Anomalous IID -NEA 002, we have listed several more
beautiful specimens. This iron is a must for any
serious iron collector, and has a TKW of only 5.48 kg!

For those of you that love Pallasites, we have some of
the most gorgeous Imilac, Esquel, Fukang, and Brahin
slices and part slices avialable anywhere. You can
view these at:

And for those of you that love Achondrites and
Planetary specimens, feel free to browse some of our
newest additions, including a new Lunar, new
Acopulcoite and our spectacular "Pink" Eucrite here:

We will be announcing a number of other new meteorites
as time permits, so stay tuned...



-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] My website is up and running! Ad

2005-03-03 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Mike and congratulations on your new website! It
looks very nice and you definitely have some nice
pieces available! Good luck!

-John & Dawn

--- Mike /   flattoprocks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello everyone, as some of you know Geoff Notkin
> has been working on a 
> website for me . He has
> finished it and it is up and 
> running! It looks great, Geoff is very good at what
> he does and it was great 
> working with him. Thanks Geoff!
>  I put the word ad in the title since I do have a
> sale page on the site. 
> There are some pretty cool stories on the home page,
> just click on the photo 
> and you get the story behind the picture.
>  I will be adding quite a few collection pieces to
> the site in the next 
> couple of weeks and also many pieces for sale. Don't
> be shy let me know what 
> you think.
> Mike Miller  //  E-Bay  flattoprocks
> Website //
> Check out the web site it is up and running! 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update-NWA 2428 Saharan Iron-Ad

2005-03-10 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone. We just wanted to let those of you
that are interested in rare irons know that we have
received the final irradiation results from UCLA on
our unique new Saharan Iron NWA 2428. The elemental
composition can be viewed on our website. We have also
listed a lovely specimen on ebay starting at just 50%
of its retail value. The etch on this iron is amazing,
and the photos don't begin to do it justice (you
really need to view it under a loop). It has been
assigned to the IAB  subclass HL. The H stands for
High gold content and the L for low nickel content
(see Wasson & Kallemeyn, 2002). This is not a common
type of iron and is well worth a look! We will also be
announcing another phenomenal new iron shortly...


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Announcing NEW IRON-NWA 2679 Saharan Iron-Ad

2005-03-10 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello again everyoneWe are very pleased to
announce an amazing and beautiful new Iron with a
total known weight of only 512 grams! This iron has
long kamacite needles making for an incredible and
unique etch pattern unsimilar to anything we have seen
before (see:
We have received the first results on this iron and it
looks as though it will be a sub class or anomalous
IAB. We are introducing this lovely new iron on ebay
starting at 50% of its retail value. Definitly worth a
look, and if you are into extremely rare irons you may
want to grab one. We will be announcing a number of
other spectacular new meteorites in the comming weeks,
so stay tuned...

Oh yeah, to see NWA 2428 click here:


-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Announcing NEW IRON-NWA 2679 Saharan Iron-Ad

2005-03-10 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Darren...That is a great question. We determined
the value that we would be willing to sell a rare
meteorite for based on a variety of factors including:
its initial cost to us, its rarity, aesthetics,
uniqueness, stability, etc. For something as rare as
this, we recognize its value and are not in a rush to
sell it off as quickly as we can to make a quick buck
like some. We appreciate its beauty, rarity and value.
Since there are only around 360 grams of NWA 2679 that
will ever be made avialable to collectors, this is one
of the rarest irons that you will find (with the
possible exception of NWA 2677). Assuming that we make
all of it available, and assuming an average slice
weighs 18 grams, there will only be 20 people on the
planet that own any of this meteorite. It is also one
of the most unusual, and in our opinon beautiful,
irons that we have seen. Even John Wasson commented on
its beauty, and he's seen them all! I hope this
explains how we came up with the retail pricing on
some of our rare material.

I suppose another possible way to guestimate retail
value would be by assuming a negative log-linear
relationship between price and TAW (total available
weight as opposed to tkw). You can generate a
regression based on the known sales prices and TAWs
and interpolate or extrapolate depending on where you
meteorite's TAW lies. 




--- Darren Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 20:25:00 -0800 (PST), Arizona
> Skies Meteorites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >IAB. We are introducing this lovely new iron on
> ebay
> >starting at 50% of its retail value. Definitly
> worth a
> Hate to play the Devil's Advocate here (okay, no, I
> don't hate to) but how do you determine the
> "retail value" for a unique new item that has never
> been sold before?  Can a unique meteorite have a
> "retail value" before someone buys some of it for
> price "x"?
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What are the latest Iron Falls?

2005-03-11 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Yes Martin, that is a gorgous piece with a beautiful
rolled back lip. It is striking just how few iron
falls there actually are. There must be thousands of
chondritic falls over the same time span. It just goes
to show that the rare desert irons that are coming out
now reflect hundreds of thousands of years of
accumulation. Once these have been picked clean we'll
have a long time to wait for an equally rich hunting
environment ;-) 



--- Martin Altmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Not to forget the killer iron Ali Hmani had in
> Munich,
> must be a recent fall with that blueish fresh crust.
> You can see him, holding that iron in the latest
> Meteorite Magazine issue,
> in Pilski's show report.
> Meow!
> Martin
> - Original Message - 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 6:11 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] What are the latest Iron
> Falls?
> > 1. What were the last 3 to 5 recorded iron
> > falls around the world? Does it include SA?
> Kaposfüred - IVA - Hungary - 1995
> Ban Rong Du - Thailand - 1993
> Sterlitamak - IIIAB - former USSR - 1990
> Chisenga - Malawi - 1988
> Raghunathpura - IIAB - India - 1986
> Akyumak - IVA - Turkey - 1981
> Ningbo - IVA - China - 1975
> Juromenha - IIIAB - Portugal - 1968
> Muzaffarpur - IRANOM - India - 1964
> Bogou - IAB - Upper Volta - 1962
> Kayakent - IIIAB - Turkey - 1961
> Yardymly - IIICD - former USSR - 1959
> Sikhote-Alin - IIAB - former USSR - 1947
> Best wishes,
> Bernd
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> ______________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Announcing NEW, type IIAB iron NWA 2678-Ad

2005-03-11 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello again all. We are pleased to announce another
extremely rare new iron from the Sahara-NWA 2678
(prov.). The tkw on this one was 381g before cutting
and there will only be about 260g available for
collectors. UCLA has provisionally classified this as
a IIAB. It has a spectacular etch pattern somewhat
reminescent of a heat altered Willamette! We have
listed a beautiful full slice of this specimen on ebay
which will start later this evening. We will also list
a smaller end-cut. If you like you can pre-view the
amazing etch at this link:


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] "Bullseye" chondrules?

2005-03-15 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Speaking of chondrules, can anyone please tell me
anything they can about "bullseye" chondrules? We seem
to have several of them in our new LL3. We have not
seen this before:

Thanks in advance for any insights!


-John & Dawn

--- Christian Anger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here are some of my samples of protruding
> chondrules:
> closeup pic at
> and another protruding chondrule 
> cheers,
> Christian
> IMCA #2673
> Christian Anger
> Korngasse 6
> 2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Roman
> Jirasek
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] protruding chondrules?
> I have seen this a few times.
> See the following link of my 226g NWA with a big
> chondrule.
> Best regards,
> Roman Jirasek
> __________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: "Bullseye" chondrules?

2005-03-15 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Christian and thanks for your fast reply. Those are
beautiful LL's! I really liked NWA 1770. Hopefully
Bernd will have some ideas on the formation of
Bullseye chondrules. 



--- Christian Anger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi John & Dawn,
> I have many of them:
> DaG 632 LL3.2-3.4
> NWA 724 LL3
> NWA 1227 LL3
> NWA 1770 LL3.3
> NWA 1806 H3
> NWA 2089 LL3
> NWA 2291 L/LL3
> NWA 3119 LL4
> I don't know about their forming,
> maybe Bernd has answers ?
> Cheers,
> Christian
> IMCA #2673
> Christian Anger
> Korngasse 6
> 2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Arizona
> Skies Meteorites
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 5:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] "Bullseye" chondrules? 
> Speaking of chondrules, can anyone please tell me
> anything they can about "bullseye" chondrules? We
> seem
> to have several of them in our new LL3. We have not
> seen this before:
> Thanks in advance for any insights!
> Cheers
> -John & Dawn
> --- Christian Anger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here are some of my samples of protruding
> > chondrules:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > closeup pic at
> > 
> >
> > 
> > and another protruding chondrule 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > cheers,
> > 
> > Christian
> > 
> > 
> > IMCA #2673
> >
> >  
> > Christian Anger
> > Korngasse 6
> > 2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
> >  
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > -Original Message-
> >
> > On Behalf Of Roman
> > Jirasek
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:29 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] protruding
> chondrules?
> > 
> > 
> > I have seen this a few times.
> > See the following link of my 226g NWA with a big
> > chondrule.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Roman Jirasek
> >
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> Arizona Skies Meteorites
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] black vs. yellow brahins

2005-03-16 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Harlan. We recently noticed some on ebay that
looked like they have black crystals too. We assumed
it was just the photos, but now that you bring this
up, we are curious-did you get them from Meteorock? 



--- harlan trammell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
got 2 megachunx of brahin in the collection- one years
ago w/ YELLOW-GREEN, transluscent, round crystals and
other recently that has black, angular, not really
transluscent crystals. anybody got any insite on why
the differences?!

i will be gradually switching over to yahoo mail (it
has 100 FREE megs of storage). please cc to:

> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Gorgeous New Howardite Available

2005-03-16 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Greg and congratulations on your new Howardite.
That 34.9g slice is awesome! It is not only visually
striking, but the fact that it is so dense is very
interesting. Do you have any ideas as to why it would
be so much more dense than most Howardites? Could it
be  source depth, or are all howardites derived from
relatively shallow depths?




--- Greg Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I have just listed several thin-cut, large and small
> slices of my new 
> brecciated and highly shocked howardite, NWA 3149,
> under my eBay seller 
> name, naturesvault. This has got to be the most
> dense howardite I have ever 
> cut and polished. I used up a new blade and it took
> eight hours to polish 
> the slices from the 1500-gram stone, but the effort
> was well worth it. I was 
> able to cut several complete slices at around 2mm
> thick and the balance of 
> material in part slices. They are all polished to a
> high level on both sides 
> making for great presentation pieces.
> Here are the direct links to all that I have listed
> tonight:
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Complete Slice
> 34.9 grams (Museum 
> Quality Size)
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Complete Slice
> 27.5 grams (Museum 
> Quality Size)
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Part Slice 9.9
> grams
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Part Slice 8.4
> grams
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Part Slice 7.9
> grams
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Part Slice 4.3
> grams
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Part Slice 2.7
> grams
> NEW - NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Part Slice 1.8
> grams
> Even if you do not want to bid, the pictures are
> worth looking at, VERY nice 
> material!
> Best regards,
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> naturesvault (eBay)
> IMCA 2185
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Stunning Taza, Odessa, Esquel, Sikhote, and many more on ebay-Ad

2005-03-17 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone...We have some really amazing
meteorites listed on ebay right now. These include two
unbelieveable, huge etched Tazas with awesome troilite
inclusions surrounded by kamacite, a enormous etched
Henbury full slice, a 15+ pound World Class Sikhote,
two gorgeous Muonionalusta slices, three new,
extremely rare desert irons (NWA 2428, NWA 2678 & NWA
2679), a 9.5 Lb Odessa iron with NO Reserve, several
very nice eucrites, and some awesome pallasites to
name a few. If any of these sound interesting, or just
to check them out go to the following link:

Thanks for looking!

-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What is it??

2005-03-17 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello Jan and Congratulations on your marriage! What a
wonderful place to have the ceremony. Best wishes to
you and your new wife!

-John & Dawn

--- Jan Bartels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List,
> A few weeks ago when we got married at the Meteor
> Crater one of the
> crewmembers gave us a private rim tour. As a kind of
> wedding gift he gave
> us this piece of glass like material which he found
> on the rim some
> thirteen years ago . It has some grayish flakes
> included and even clearly
> visible flowlines. It has a kind of tektite like
> exterior. It is no
> fulgurite for sure but what is it??
> Anyone who can help us with this?. I haven't seen
> any of this before.
> Thanks!!
> Jan
> IMCA# 9833
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-Announcing a New German Iron Meteorite!

2005-03-22 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone! We are extremely pleased to announce a
New German Iron meteorite! This is only the 12th iron
meteorite to ever be found in Germany and it is a
spectacular, sculpted specimen. We are leaving it in
an 'as found' condition for now with the exception of
windowing a small area and etching it. Surprisingly,
it has a brilliant micro-etch pattern somewhat
reminescent to our New NWA 2428! We are accepting
offers and you can check out this unique German iron
on our website.


-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ad-Announcing a New German Iron Meteorite!

2005-03-22 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Matt and all thanks for your emails. Sounds like a
pretty interesting bomb. Do you guys have any photos
that you can share with us of the 'etch' and are you
sure it was a bomb fragment? The etch on this specimen
looks remarkably similar to NWA 2428 which has a 12%
nickel content. At this point in time we have no firm
plans of getting it classified. If a buyer wants to
get it classifed (to make sure its not a "bomb
shrapnel") that will be great, but for right now we
are reluctant to chop off a chunk of this otherwise
very sculptural specimen and ruin its aesthetics. We
are working on getting a non-destructive nickel test


-John & Dawn

--- Matt Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi John:
> Interesting find. Has this been classified?
> Not to burst a bubble but I have seen bomb shrapnel
> etched like that.
> Wondering...
> ===
> Matt Morgan
> Mile High Meteorites
> P.O. Box 151293
> Lakewood, CO 80215 USA
> ebay id: mhmeteorites
> Arizona Skies Meteorites wrote:
> >Hello everyone! We are extremely pleased to
> announce a
> >New German Iron meteorite! This is only the 12th
> iron
> >meteorite to ever be found in Germany and it is a
> >spectacular, sculpted specimen. We are leaving it
> in
> >an 'as found' condition for now with the exception
> of
> >windowing a small area and etching it.
> Surprisingly,
> >it has a brilliant micro-etch pattern somewhat
> >reminescent to our New NWA 2428! We are accepting
> >offers and you can check out this unique German
> iron
> >on our website.
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >
> >-John & Dawn
> >Arizona Skies Meteorites
> >
> >
> >Arizona Skies Meteorites
> >
> >__
> >Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >  
> >

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Ad-Announcing a New German Iron Meteorite!

2005-03-22 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Norbert and thanks for your information about your
wrongs! Yes, we may just have  to go ahead and cut a
sample off of it to make sure that it is what we think
it is. We'll keep you posted!


-John & Dawn

--- Norbert Classen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi John & Dawn,
> Unfortunately, Matt might be right with his
> bombshell comment. Being from
> Germany, I and my partners received several iron
> wrongs that revealed a
> peculiar (often martensitic) etch pattern. I always
> felt I finally had the
> real thing, but then, after an analysis in the lab,
> all (so far) five
> samples turned out to be terrestrial, with a
> Ni-content of below 0,3%. Alpha
> iron (usually with a martensitic structure) often
> reveals an etch pattern,
> and that doesn't seem to mean too much. Hover, I
> hope that you really have
> the real thing here - so don't get me wrong. I just
> want to share my own
> experience with "German irons". My best wrong is a
> mass of several tons (!),
> looking very much like Mundrabilla II. Man, that
> would have been the find of
> my life, but in the end, and after three independent
> test in three different
> labs I had to accept that it turned out to be
> another (big) bummer...
> A nickel test would be the right thing to do, and
> you won't need that much
> to have it performed in a qualified lab. Hope it
> will test positive!
> All the best,
> Norbert
> IMCA #7606
> -UrsprŸngliche Nachricht-
> Hello everyone! We are extremely pleased to announce
> a
> New German Iron meteorite! This is only the 12th
> iron
> meteorite to ever be found in Germany and it is a
> spectacular, sculpted specimen. We are leaving it in
> an 'as found' condition for now with the exception
> of
> windowing a small area and etching it. Surprisingly,
> it has a brilliant micro-etch pattern somewhat
> reminescent to our New NWA 2428! We are accepting
> offers and you can check out this unique German iron
> on our website.
> Cheers
> -John & Dawn
> Arizona Skies Meteorites
> Arizona Skies Meteorites
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-Ebay Auctions Ending Soon-huge Odessa, Taza, Brahin, etc...

2005-03-23 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello all...Just a reminder-we have a number of ebay
auctions ending in just a few hours, many undervalued.
These include a huge Odessa Iron with no reserve which
is currently selling for just $0.18 per gram, brahin,
superb etched Taza, and a huge Muonionalusta slab. We
have also listed several more slices of our rare
Saharan irons to replace those that sold. If you are
interested in viewing any of these or any of our other
auctions please feel free to follow the link below. 

-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-Ebay Huge 1.28 kg Gibeon End-Cut Available! NO RESERVE

2005-03-25 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi all...If anyone is looking for a large Gibeon
end-cut we have just listed one starting off at just
one cent w/ No Reserve! This is a 5 day listing, and
is for an unusual (heat altered?) Gibeon end piece
with beautiful natural thumb-printed crust.



-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-Ebay Sale-Huge Amgala, Gao just 1 cent, Many more too!

2005-03-29 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi everyone...We have just listed a spectacular huge,
nearly fully crusted Amgala for just one cent with NO
RESERVE! We have also listed listed a number of very
nice Gaos for just a penny, as well as numerous other
spectacular specimens, many still a steal! Check out
the big Gibeon end-cut which ends in about 22 hours.
To see these please go to the following URL:


-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-HUGE Odessa Iron just 1 cent on ebay plus many more!

2005-03-31 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone! For those of you that love big irons &
rare irons we have just listed a wonderful 15.9 Lb
Odessa iron starting at just 1 cent with NO RESERVE!
We also have several auctions for extremely rare NEW
Irons ending in just a few minutes. We also have a
number of other rare meteorites selling for just a
fraction of their value. To check out these and our
other auctions to to:


-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad-GORGEOUS, BIG Amgala NO RES on Ebay & many others!

2005-04-08 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi everyone. We have a really beautiful 119g Amgala
ending in a few hours and it is currently going for
just $2.39/g! We also have a wide variety of other
auctions running many starting at just one penny with

You can check out the Amgala and other great auctions

Thanks for looking!


-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Thin Section Book

2005-04-08 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello Michael and all. Yes, we received our copy
yesterday and it is beautiful. Definitely a must for
the serious meteorite collector/enthusiast!


--- Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Marvin Killgore's photographic book on
> meteorite thin sections
> arrived in today's mail: A COLOR ATLAS OF METEORITES
> It has 4 to 6 photos of 75 different
> meteorite types (IE L1.1, L3.2,
> LL4, H5, R, EH, etc.)
> The photos are superb.
> This is ALMOST the text I have been waiting
> for for years. It does
> NOT include an introduction and overview of
> diagnosing the composition
> of meteorites via cross polarized analysis - exactly
> - though much in that
> regard can be  gleaned from what is written. It is,
> essentially, a
> photographic overview of ALL stone meteorite types
> in thin section.
> I consider it a mind boggling masterpiece of superb
> quality.
> While I "pre-ordered" the book, and got one
> of the very first
> delivered, the books are now done and in transit to
> Marvin & Kitty's.
> Anyone who wants one (I can't imagine a thin section
> collector that
> could live without this text) can order it for $98
> +$6 shipping in the
> US or $10 shipping over seas.
> (I in no way benefit from sales - it is just
> something I think all
> TS aficionados will be thrilled to have).
> Best wishes, Michael
> __________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Subject - Nigeria

2005-04-20 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Michael and Martin! Prince Joe is hilarious! I love
the photo of him with the church's "logo" painted in
red paint on his portly chest. The only thing that the
"prince" would look better in that that red paint is a
black & white striped jump suit!

Thanks for sharing Martin!


--- Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "the case of "Prince Joe Eboe" had me laughing
> harder than Proud Tom!
> Too cool!  Michael
> on 4/20/05 11:01 AM, Martin Altmann at
> > Hi Michael,
> > 
> > falls under the category: Scam.
> > 
> > A really cool side, where some made great jokes
> with that scammers and turnd
> > the thing vice versa, you'll find here:
> >
> > 
> > Best I like the case of "Prince Joe Eboe":
> >
> > 
> > In the Hall of Shame, you'll find funny pictures
> of those, who are behind
> > those spams, where you're promised to get 20% of
> 23Mio USD ect.
> >
> > 
> > Enjoy!
> > Martin
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Mike Farmer & Melody"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteoriteshow"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite List"
> > 
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:20 PM
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Subject -
> Nigeria
> > 
> > 
> >> Hi All,
> >> Since the last survey of the list
> resulted in 26% of the members
> >> responding that they considered themselves
> meteorite dealers, I post
> >> this to the entire list:
> >> 
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> "You and I do not see things as they are. We see
> things as we are."
>  -Herb Cohen
> --
> If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still
> a foolish thing.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad: Large Gibeon, Amgala, etc all just 1 cent on ebay!!!

2005-04-20 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hello everyone! We have just listed a beautiful, 7+
pound Sculpted Gibeon, a nice Amgala, a Gao lot, large
Brahin and more all starting at just 1 cent with NO

To check out these and other great auctions:

Cheers & thanks for looking!

-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New database

2005-04-26 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Jeff and thanks for making this searchable database
available. It will undoubtedly be a very useful
resource. Would it be possible to have a link to high
quality photos of the meteorites included in the
dataase? I am sure that people would be very willing
to send photos of representative specimens.

Thanks for your efforts!

-John & Dawn
Arizona Skies Meteorites

--- Jeff Grossman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If anybody would like to test this, I'm putting a
> new database on-line which,
> when finalized, will be the authoritative place to
> search for meteorite 
> names and their status.
> Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome!
> Enjoy,
> Jeff
> Dr. Jeffrey N. Grossman   phone: (703) 648-6184
> US Geological Survey  fax:   (703) 648-6383
> 954 National Center
> Reston, VA 20192, USA
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] cranbourne IRON QUESTION

2005-05-01 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi SteveI believe the old IIICD group is now
considered to be part of the IAB group (subclass LM).
If you want to read more about this I can send you a



--- "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!"
> Hi list.I have a meteorite question.According to
> meteorites A TO Z,it says
> cranbourne is a IAB og.But according to a piece on
> ebay,the seller has it
> listed as an IIICD.I am wondering what is correct?
>   steve
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Who is this meteorite dealer???

2005-05-01 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi allWe're trying to get in touch with a
meteorite dealer that was at the Munich show. We have
posted a photo here:

If anyone knows who this is and how we may contact him
please email us off list.

Thanks for your help!

-John & Dawn

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Nigerian Scammers Having some fun

2005-05-19 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Kevin and MarcActually the nigerian scammer
baiting was a list topic a month or so agoMartin
Altman came up with a very amusing website dedicated
to scamming the scammers. The story of Prince Joe Eboe
was quite fun.



--- Kevin Fly Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark -
> Check out this website -- This guy has take that
> sport to a WHOLE new level
> I have only had time to follow two or so of his
> story lines with these
> idiots, but he gives
> them the major jerk-around in a hilarious fashion.  
> One of the better
> websites I have
> ever seen.
> Fly Hill
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Classification of NWA 1877?

2005-05-21 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi Ken...It was classified as an olivine-rich
diogenite. You can read more about it here:



> Hi, all!
> Can anyone give me the classification for NWA 1877? 
> It was found too late
> to be included in both Grady's Catalogue (5th ed.) &
> online Catalogue, as
> well as "A to Z" (2nd ed.). 
> Thanks!
> Ken Saichek
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A statement in regards to NWA 3133

2005-06-02 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
phy. Amazing that in images on the
> CD-ROM taken at 1800x one
> > can not find any polishing marks. He is a master.
> Still some slices of
> this
> > rare material available, and at the current price
> there isn't any
> recouping
> > the cut/polishing losses.
> >
> >
> >
> > Rob Wesel
> >
> > --
> > We are the music makers...
> > and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
> > Willy Wonka, 1971
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Bob King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:50 AM
> > Subject: [meteorite-list] Rob Wesel's NWA 2653 -
> cool!
> >
> >
> > > Hello all,
> > > After the discussion on the list regarding the
> classification of NWA
> 2653
> > > (primitive ungrouped achondrite) I thought I'd
> just share my
> > > observations of a small slice I purchased from
> Rob. The polish is so
> > > mirror perfect that under the scope at 10x and
> 30x I was able to look
> > > 'deep' into the matrix of glass-like,
> interlocked pale orange and red
> > > crystals. Almost like looking through very
> transparent water into the
> > > deeps. The crystalline appearance reminded me
> right away of a ureilite.
> > > Amazing networks of narrow black veins (shock?)
> threaded through
> > > some of the crystal fields and small, metal
> inclusions were scattered
> > > throughout. No chondrules or remnants were seen.
> This was one
> > > fascinating rock that made for an evening's
> microscopic adventure. A
> > > CD of 48 high quality images was included.
> Looking at the photos was
> > > like walking through a gallery of modern art.
> Very nice!
> > > Bob
> > > __
> > > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Arizona Skies Meteorites

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A statement in regards to NWA 3133

2005-06-02 Thread Arizona Skies Meteorites
Hi AdamIf your description was used in a
scientific journal or published article then anyone
can use it as long as they cite the proper source-that
is just the way scientific literature is used. If, on
the other hand, it was a prosaic description written
by you and used in your ebay ad then you have a right
to complain about someone else copying your wording.
This has happened to us also and can be a bit



--- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear John and List,
> I have no debate in regards to what you said about
> the NSF.  I am sure the
> institution funded by the NSF would not like their
> work taken out of context
> just to improve a dealer's sells on an unofficial
> pairing.  We funded the
> initial studies and copyrighted our descriptions so
> they should never be
> used without our permission.  When a collaborating
> laboratory requests a
> sample of NWA 3133 you can bet they want to make
> sure they are working with
> the same material that was studied not an improperly
> or unofficially defined
> pairing.  My main statement is dealers should learn
> how to describe their
> own pieces and not depend on other dealer's
> descriptions.
> Kind Regards,
> Adam Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> Team LunarRock
> IMCA 2185
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Arizona Skies Meteorites"
> To: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 2:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] A statement in regards
> to NWA 3133
> > Adam hupe stated:
> >
> > "Data from an abstract used to describe NWA 3133,
> not
> > any other meteorite, is
> > being used in reference to other [paired]
> meteorites."
> >
> > Adam -Scientists always make reference to studies
> > published by other scientists in their own
> writings.
> > This is referred to "citation" of the studies.
> > Frequently scientists will actually make a direct
> > quotation of another scientist's published or
> > unpublished study. When a reference or quotation
> is
> > made regarding another study, the scientist will
> > parenthetically give the name of the author of the
> > study along with the date, and will give the
> entire
> > reference in the bibliography. For example (Smith
> &
> > Jones, 2004). This is a normal, accepted and
> > encouraged part of the scientific process. No
> > permission is required to quote other peoples
> > published studies.
> >
> >
> > Adam went on to state:
> >
> > "NWA 3133 is still under intense study, the
> > NSF has spent a great
> > deal of funds in the pursuit of the testing of NWA
> > 3133 and for someone to
> > borrow this work to describe another stone is
> wrong."
> >
> > Actually, any work paid for by NSF is paid for by
> the
> > tax payers of this country. NSF has a strict
> policy
> > that all research paid for by the NSF is to be
> shared
> > (at no cost) with the scientific community or
> anyone
> > that requests the data from any published study.
> This
> > is an obvious requirement as NSF studies are
> funded by
> > the public. The data that you mention is not
> "private"
> > property, and it is meant to be shared. The whole
> > point of NSF is to fund studies that will provide
> data
> > that can be used by others. In other words anyone
> can
> > use any published study about any meteorite for
> any
> > purpose that he or she wishes provided they cite
> the
> > source.
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> >
> > -John
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Adam Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Dear List:
> > >
> > > I just want to make a few points clear since NWA
> > > 3133, one of our meteorites
> > > was brought up again. We spend a lot of time and
> > > money researching our
> > > material and all of our descriptions and images
> are
> > > copyrighted.  We checked
> > > with ebay and they honor all copyright laws and
> in
> > > some cases have already
> > > enforced them our behalf.  As long as somebody
> asks
> > > permission we usually do
> > > not have a problem sharing our work.
> > >
> > > This being said, Rob did check with us in
> regards to
> > > his mat