Re: [meteorite-list] $1,000,000 buy-it-now Martian meteorites!

2007-06-21 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

Seller has seen the light and canceled this auction (he initially dropped 
the buy-it-now from $1 mil to $75K, then thought better of the whole thing 
and got out).   From my correspondence with him I know there were lots of 
other listees who gently (or otherwise) did some back-and-forth with him  -  
congrats on the desired result.

From: "Bruce Yankewitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [meteorite-list] $1,000,000 buy-it-now Martian meteorites!
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:10:23 -0500

If you've ever wanted to have your jen-yoo-wine shergottite meteorites 
hand-delivered rather than waiting for the mail, here's your chance.   No 
need to worry about authentication, the high-rez photos are surely 
conclusive beyond doubt.   :)

(go ahead, start your day with a giggle)


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[meteorite-list] $1,000,000 buy-it-now Martian meteorites!

2007-06-21 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

If you've ever wanted to have your jen-yoo-wine shergottite meteorites 
hand-delivered rather than waiting for the mail, here's your chance.   No 
need to worry about authentication, the high-rez photos are surely 
conclusive beyond doubt.   :)

(go ahead, start your day with a giggle)


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Global Warming - Scientifically proven or afarce

2007-06-11 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

(1)  I find it notable that most (not all) of the posts in favor of 
human-caused global warming have tended toward the emotional and 
feelings-based (some rising to the level of hysteria), whereas most (not 
all) of the skeptics' posts have been cool, calculated, scientific analyses. 
 I don't say it proves anything, I only say it's notable.

(2) Nice to know all of these recent players re global warming and plagues 
and mucks will never, ever again scream about anyone ELSE posting off-topic  
-   I mean, they wouldn't have that much nerve, would they?!  :)


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Mr. Kramskoi & Meteorite Offers from Russia

2007-03-20 Thread Bruce Yankewitz


<<  .from memory, P.T. Barnum did not say
that there is a sucker born every minute. He said that
"no one ever went broke underestimating the
intelligence of the American public"  >>

Pretty sure that the latter quote is H. L. Mencken.uhwho once 
wondered something about meteorites. :)


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites forsale (AD)

2007-03-18 Thread Bruce Yankewitz


The term "paddy" is a dispariging term (an offensive term) for a person of 
Irish descent.

The term is still offensive and polite people do not use the term.

There is (or was) a popular Irish bar in Milwaukee named "Paddy's Pub", and 
the proprieters would probably be amused to be informed that they have been 
"dispariging" (sic) their own heritage all this time.  Steve mentioned St. 
Paddy's Day, Paddy being the short version of the Irish name Padraic 
(Patrick).  It's a name, not a "term".  You brought up the word "polite" - - 
your mass accusation of cultural insensitivity aimed at every single person 
who utters "St. Paddy's Day" is far more impolite and judgmental than the 
imagined insult in Big Steve's post.

"Those who are sufficiently determined to find offense usually succeed."

Let's see - - - - anybody want to discuss the Limerick meteorite? :)


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] all List members & Mike re Threats fromMr Gregory

2007-03-10 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

>If even ONE list member WANTS to hear about it, please post to the
>list your opinion to this effect.

I confess I sometimes find flame-wars entertainingor certainly more 
entertaining than the endless handwringing about them.So my own solution 
is to delete the handwringingkind of like what a person could do with 
the flame-wars.

>From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Meteorite List 
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] all List members & Mike re Threats 
>fromMr Gregory
>Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:19:57 -0800
>on 3/10/07 8:11 AM, Michael Farmer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > List members, this man is now making threats to my
> > home and family.. Read this and tell me..
>Dear Mike and all,
> Mike, would it help if you KNEW that NO ONE on the list wanted
>to read ANY of the posts about issues you and this fellow have with
>one another? If you knew that would you then spare us hearing about it???
> I experience you as a fairly intelligent fellow, so, please, 
>pay attention:
> --
> I suggest EVERYONE on the list think very carefully and decide
>if they want to hear about this dispute between Mike and this fellow.
>If even ONE list member WANTS to hear about it, please post to the
>list your opinion to this effect.
> Mike - if NO ONE responds, perhaps you could leave your emotions
>in check for just a moment, fall back on your ample intelligence and keep
>any communications with this fellow strictly between you and him, as
>clearly, out of the hundreds of list members you will have heard for
>yourself that NOT ONE of the list members wants to hear about it.
> Sincerely, Michael
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] New Orleans

2007-03-10 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

Well, Matt, I understand that there have been SOME larger pieces, that's why 
I chose the word "virually" when referring to the crumb-sized pieces.  I'm 
not particularly looking for a larger piece of New Orleans, I was just 
expressing curiosity at its evolution, from fall to collector market.

Let me try it again.  How about this:  "Compared to other recent, 
similar-TKW falls, it seems like a much higher percentage of the material 
available to collectors is crumb-sized".   OK?


From: Matt Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bruce Yankewitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Orleans
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 15:36:44 -0700

It is not true...therre have been a few 500+g pieces, many 100g, and alot 
of 20g+.


Bruce Yankewitz wrote:

Seems to me that virtually all of the New Orleans meteorite to reach the 
collector market has been in almost indentical, crumb-sized pieces. Anyone 
know why this is so?


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[meteorite-list] New Orleans

2007-03-10 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

Seems to me that virtually all of the New Orleans meteorite to reach the 
collector market has been in almost indentical, crumb-sized pieces.  Anyone 
know why this is so?


Find a local pizza place, movie theater, and more….then map the best route!

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Re: [meteorite-list] zacataces

2007-02-24 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

>>  ZACATACES.Let me know what you think

I think you misspelled it.

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] apology

2006-12-20 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

Well.  That's easy for YOU to say.:)

By the way, before (or maybe after) you delve too deeply into your 
Steve-analysis  -  and this point has been driven home frequently on the 
list, although apparently not frequently enough  - the Steve Arnold of 
Brenham-fame (whom you mention below) and the Steve Arnold currently 
referenced are two entirely different peoplepossibly altering someone's 
proximity to the Ka'bah a smidge. :)



>From: Thaddeus Besedin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Bruce Yankewitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] apology
>Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 22:00:54 -0800 (PST)
>Steve is capable of distinguishing the objective case of the pronoun"who" 
>from its subjective function - this alone constitutes evidence that Steve 
>isn't incapable of commanding acrolectic communication. Orthography is the 
>possession of normative entities. Not all of us have the need to 
>communicate in a fashion exempting us from reproach by merit of formality 
>   Steve is a meteorite dealer, and although I have reservations about the 
>possible loss of paleoenvironmental and archaeological information during 
>the course of deep excavation of Brenham specimens, he is obviously 
>successful at his hobby and livelihood - and I'm sure he thinks the same. 
>This permits us to hold him to high ethical standards, but not to publicly 
>ridicule quirks of his personality irrelevant to business. Offenses 
>committed as a result of exchanges are not unassailable, though.
>   The commodification of meteoritic material is a catalyst for any deceit 
>or misdemeanor.
>   Steve's grammar is fine if we understand what he is saying (I imagine).
>   If I, as a qualified representative of a human in subjective grammatical 
>usage, were dyslexic, my indignation of your belittling patronization, if 
>expressed in language more asyntactic than you permit yourself to leak from 
>your head, would still warrant censorship in most contexts by most censors.
>   We all have our motives for possessing extraterrestrial materials. In 
>the end, the reasons are perhaps tied to metaphysical concerns, even if our 
>positivism denies what is common to our humanity: empirical certainty and 
>faith are equivalent. Both approaches to the limits our experience arrive 
>at security. To be close to the Ka'bah, after all, is to be in the company 
>of the heavens - of the cosmos.
>   -Thaddeus
>Bruce Yankewitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   steve arnold writes:
><< I really want to start gaining the respect of people of whom I know and
>would like to
>know on this list >>
>Steve: Assuming you are getting tired of making endless apologies to the
>list (and most listees are getting tired of reading them), how about giving
>this a try: Stop doing things you will have to apologize FOR.
>Plus (aside from the seemingly self-evident solutions of obeying list-rules
>and displaying higher ethical standards in buying, selling, and posting),
>there are a couple of very simple changes you could make in your posts.
>They couldn't hurt:
>There is no such word (in English anyway) as "forsale". Same for "alot".
>You might introduce yourself to the space bar on your keyboard (it's the
>long skinny one in the bottom row). Use between sentences and after
>While you're figuring out how to correct "forsale", give "stoney" a shot,
>Ditto: Millibbilliee, Glorietta, viens, liesure, givaway, shrapnal,
>mororroco, rediculous, siderlit, nininnger, allie, mes, "to" vs. "too" vs.
>"two", et. al.
>A "fusion-crustless fragment"? Marks for originality.
>While familiarizing yourself with the space bar, spend a little 
>with the key which says "Shift" on it. It Capitalizes things. Consider its
>use with "texas", "monnig", "chicago", "usa", most everyone's 
>even "steve" and "arnold", too.
>Not everything you mention is particularly
>A discernible attempt at eliminating the linguistic laziness in your posts
>would demonstrate that you have some respect for the listees who read them,
>a prerequisite for your receiving their respect in return.
>At the very least, try to set your grammatical goal as high as listees for
>whom English is a second, third, or fourth languag

Re: [meteorite-list] apology

2006-12-19 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

steve arnold writes:

<<  I really want to start gaining the respect of people of whom I know and 
would like to

know on this list >>


Steve:  Assuming you are getting tired of making endless apologies to the 
list (and most listees are getting tired of reading them), how about giving 
this a try:  Stop doing things you will have to apologize FOR.

Plus (aside from the seemingly self-evident solutions of obeying list-rules 
and displaying higher ethical standards in buying, selling, and posting), 
there are a couple of very simple changes you could make in your posts.  
They couldn't hurt:

There is no such word (in English anyway) as "forsale".   Same for "alot".

You might introduce yourself to the space bar on your keyboard (it's the 
long skinny one in the bottom row).   Use between sentences and after 

While you're figuring out how to correct "forsale", give "stoney" a shot, 

Ditto:  Millibbilliee, Glorietta, viens, liesure, givaway, shrapnal, 
mororroco, rediculous, siderlit, nininnger, allie, mes, "to" vs. "too" vs. 
"two", et. al.

A "fusion-crustless fragment"?  Marks for originality.

While familiarizing yourself with the space bar, spend a little quality-time 
with the key which says "Shift" on it.  It Capitalizes things.  Consider its 
use with "texas", "monnig", "chicago", "usa", most everyone's namesmaybe 
even "steve" and "arnold", too.

Not everything you mention is particularly 

A discernible attempt at eliminating the linguistic laziness in your posts 
would demonstrate that you have some respect for the listees who read them, 
a prerequisite for your receiving their respect in return.

At the very least, try to set your grammatical goal as high as listees for 
whom English is a second, third, or fourth language.  From a well-meaning 


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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Lawsuit - Mccartney Taylor, Austin Texas

2006-12-05 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

Bob Evans wrote:

>You left out the part where you failed to disclose to the court the fact
>that you received thousands of dollars worth of Planetary and Achondrite
>meteorites from me.
>Now, why would you do that Mccartney? Shouldnt you have told the court

Shouldn't YOU have?

Did YOU tell the court about these meteorites...and if not, why not?

Just curious.

>Meteorite-list mailing list

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RE: [meteorite-list] BCC "Meteorites" [was Milestones] PLEASE READ

2004-11-23 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

<< I hope Jones remove 2 liars from the list >>
I hope he removes three.
 Bruce Find the music you love on MSN Music.  Start downloading now! 

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] MM = M atteo + M ike

2004-11-05 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

<<  I do not do myself scruples ..threaten me of to come to my house to break me the face. 
Matteo  >>

There's at least one Tucson t-shirt in there.  
      Bruce Rock, jazz, country, soul & more.  Find the music you love on MSN Music! 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Which one came closest?

2004-10-19 Thread Bruce Yankewitz

"Do you know which meteorite came closest to your backyard?" 

A particularly easy question for Matteo to answer:)    (Mauro too)
   Bruce Find the music you love on MSN Music.  Start downloading now! 
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