[meteorite-list] Clogging up the LIST with junk !

2002-03-10 Thread Cox SMTP west

  Do we really need all those little hi's and tests to clog up the 
  List, isthat what Private E- mail is for ?.Could we not 
  have sections for Sale's/Trades, Soap Box's, Picture Galleys, Links, 
  New Finds, General Information on Meteorites, NewMembers Help Page 
  etc. ?.


 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar vs. Owl's Wit

2002-01-29 Thread Cox SMTP west

BRAVO! Bernd...Bravo.
I am personally sick of all this bickering about the price of this or the
availability of that. Seems like the combatants should meet in a cage match
in Tucson and decide the outcomeIf they are going to bicker like the
losers in the WWF then maybe they should just start painting their faces,
dressing in tights and pretend to beat the hell out of each other like they
do on TV. It sure would be more entertaining than reading this childish
pissing match.

Can we just get on with the normal course of business on the list and quit
worrying about this nonsense?

I was going to ride the 2 hours down to Tucson to see the show.I am not
sure if it is going to be worth it nowthis just seems so silly.

I once asked this list if meteorites were a worthwhile investment for people
who were tired of the stock market and had money to burn. Almost EVERYONE at
that time said NO, the price fluctuates, the supply is limited and that it
just wasn't a good idea. I bought 400 grams of Brahin from Ivan when it was
a deal to get it around $3-4 a gram. I sold some of itI also have half
of it sitting hereI haven't yelled or complained to or about IVAN as he
routinely dumps specimens on ebay for less than a dollar. I know that
someday it will go upmaybe not.
Seems to me if you spend a dollar on a meteorite, you may make more, you may
make less, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER INVESTMENT.  I do not think that anyone cares
what anyone says the price should be on any particular meteorite, IF SOMEONE
My wife and I sell collectibles on Ebay, we routinely have bidders pay way
too much for items and we routinely buy items that barely make any money
when they should sell for hundreds. That my friends is free market and
capitalism at its best. Do we tell those people that pay too much for an
item that they didOF COURSE NOT, do we whine when we lose our ass on an

I guess I am rambling and I apologize. It just seems to me that everyone
should realize that we will not all always agree. If someone wants to say
that something should cost more...so be it. If someone wants to say that
there are none of a particular specimen left...so be it.

Please lets just get on with the regular business of the list.

Thanks for reading this farif it doesn't make any sense, I apologize,
but at least it is consistent with what has been here lately.

Mark M.
- Original Message -
From: Bernd Pauli HD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 1:29 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar vs. Owl's Wit

 The Owl Who Was God (by James Thurber)

 Once upon a starless midnight there was an owl who sat on the branch of
 an oak tree. Two ground moles tried to slip quietly by, unnoticed.
 'You!' said the owl. 'Who?' they quavered, in fear and astonishment, for
 they could not believe it was possible for anyone to see them in that
 thick darkness. 'You two!' said the owl. The moles hurried away and told
 the other creatures of the field and forest that the owl was the
 greatest and wisest of all animals because he could see in the dark and
 because he could answer any question. 'I'll see about that,' said a
 secretary bird, and he called on the owl one night when it was again
 very dark. 'How many claws am I holding up?' said the secretary bird.
 'Two,' said the owl, and that was right. 'Can you give me another
 expression for that is to say or namely?' asked the secretary bird.
 'To wit,' said the owl. 'Why does a lover call on his love?' asked the
 secretary bird. 'To woo,' said the owl.
 The secretary bird hastened back to the other creatures and reported
 that the owl was indeed the greatest and wisest animal in the world
 because he could see in the dark and because he could answer any
 question. 'Can he see in the daytime, too?' asked a red fox. 'Yes,'
 echoed a dormouse and a French poodle. 'Can he see in the daytime, too?'
 All the other creatures laughed loudly at this silly question, and they
 set upon the red fox and his friends and drove them out of the region.
 Then they sent a messenger to the owl and asked him to be their leader.
 When the owl appeared among the animals it was high noon and the sun was
 shining brightly. He walked very slowly, which gave him an appearance of
 great dignity, and he peered about him with large, staring eyes, which
 gave him an air of tremendous importance. 'He's God!' screamed a
 Plymouth Rock hen. And the others took up the cry, 'He's God!' So they
 followed him wherever he went and when he began to bump into things they
 began to bump into things, too. Finally he came to a concrete highway
 and he started up the middle of it and all the other creatures followed
 him. Presently a hawk, who was acting as outrider, observed a truck
 coming toward them at fifty miles an hour, and he reported to the
 secretary bird and the secretary bird reported to the