Re: [meteorite-list] President Obama Places Over 265 Million Acres Of Land Off-limits

2016-02-12 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

  Our freedoms have been horribly eroded in the last few years, especially in 
the last 7 years.  People just let it happen and don't complain unless it 
directly, and seriously affects them.  It is now affecting the meteorite 
hunter's ability to hunt for meteorites, and that affects us all, including the 
modest collector. 

From: Meteorite-list  on behalf of 
Dennis Miller via Meteorite-list 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 9:25 PM
To: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Cc:; Raremeteorites
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] President Obama Places Over 265 Million Acres Of 
Land Off-limits

This recent land grab is courtesy of California Senator Dianne Feinstein.  82 
year old
Senator who hates energy, peoples freedoms, and too few regulations on 

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 12, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list 
>  wrote:
> I do agree that the government is terrible at administering anything,
> be it a local neighborhood dog park or a national forest. BLM rules
> are a mess and the enforcement is inconsistent at best.
> But, one thing to remember is that government officials do not come
> from another galaxy and force their way into Congress. They are the
> cream of the private sector crop and we put them there. If government
> sucks, it's because we keep electing people who suck. Worse, 99% of
> the the choices we get to choose from also suck to roughly equal
> degrees.
> What do we expect when we let a bunch of CEO's, lobbyists, hedge
> funders, washed out lawyers, and ego-tripped doctors run the
> government? And we get a selection of idiots to pick from every four
> years - some of those idiots have Ivy League credentials, and some do
> not, but they all suck.
> Until the masses demand competent candidates based on merit and not
> charismatic fools with deep pockets, we will keep getting the same
> treatment every four years.
> I don't care if the president or our congresspeople are black, white,
> male, female, religious, atheist, socialist, libertarian, gay,
> straight, or whatever. But, I think we should demand competence.
> Congressmen which no knowledge of science should not sit on committees
> responsible for funding scientific projects. Presidents or congressmen
> with no war-fighting experience should not be starting wars, etc. And,
> by extension, BLM rangers and officials should not be making or
> enforcing the rules of land management unless they have some degree of
> expertise in the academic/scientific/engineering or field aspects of
> the resources they govern.
> So, back to meteorites and rockhounding - this is what happens when we
> elect people to oversee resource-rich lands who no background or
> interest in geology, forestry, or related fields.  The rank and file
> BLM field rangers might know their business, but they do not know the
> intricacies of the entire body of federal regulations that they are
> trying to interpret and enforce. The bureaucrats at the top of the
> chain are so far removed from the field, that they have no expertise
> with rocks, minerals, or natural resources - they are a bunch of
> former lobbyists, white collars, and people who have never had their
> hands dirty.
> That's my two cents, actual worth may vary widely.  ;)
> PS - I do not think Adam intended his post as racist or Islamophobic.
> People are getting a little too touchy these days. But, there is a lot
> of bigotry out there, so those are the days we live in and sometimes
> appearances matter more than substance. We have to be careful about
> what we say, where, and how we say it - and, how other people might
> interpret what we say or play semantics with our words. It sucks, but
> that's how it is.
> [/rant]
> Best regards and happy huntings,
> MikeG
> On 2/12/16, Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
>  wrote:
>> Where I grew up in the Northwest, if a person is angry or disgusted, they
>> use the person's entire name to emphasize a point.  I knew there was trouble
>> when my mother called out to me, "Adam Charles Hupe, What have you done?"
>> instead of just, "Adam."  People are far too sensitive these days.   I do
>> not like it when a politician of any sort makes unilateral decisions without
>> public input.
>> Rock hounding used to be considered a healthy pursuit.  Now a huge corridor
>> is completely off limits practically in my back yard here in the Mohave
>> Desert.
>> Best,
>> Adam
>> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Guns made of meteorite: Price tag $1 million

2016-01-15 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

 There is *nothing* wrong with crafting the handle of a sidearm using a 
meteorite.  There is *nothing* wrong with pistols or rifles.  Period.  It's no 
different than using meteorites to make the face of a watch.  No difference.  

From: Meteorite-list  on behalf of 
Peter Davidson via Meteorite-list 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 8:40 AM
To: 'Tommy'; Meteorite List (
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Guns made of meteorite: Price tag $1 million

Dear Tommy and All

I will be interested to see the reaction of listees to this article. A few 
years ago I posted a small "flyer" for the work of an artist who had taken a 
piece of Campo, made a mould of it, melted the meteorite then cast it in the 
mould she had made earlier and put it on display in an exhibition of her work. 
This piece of news generated a great deal of, mainly negative, comment on the 
list. Can someone point out to me how this use of a meteorite, to make a 
weapon, is different (for better or worse) to the artwork my friend created?


Peter Davidson
Senior Curator of Mineralogy

Natural Sciences Department
National Museums Collection Centre
242 West Granton Road
TEL: 0131 247 4283

-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Tommy via Meteorite-list
Sent: 15 January 2016 13:16
Subject: [meteorite-list] Guns made of meteorite: Price tag $1 million




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Re: [meteorite-list] The Ultimate Gun Gift: A 1911 Made from Meteorite Metal

2015-12-20 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

  Very nice, Tom.  The 1911 is a great firearm.  I wonder if there would be a 
rust problem on the handle.  In any event, thank you for posting the article.


From: Meteorite-list  on behalf of 
Tommy via Meteorite-list 
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 6:44 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] The Ultimate Gun Gift: A 1911 Made from Meteorite 




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Re: [meteorite-list] Attendees at Tucson Show

2015-02-01 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

Well, I rode my $5.00 bicycle, with coon tails hanging from the bars and a 
clown car horn that I honked all the way from Prescott Valley to Tucson. I 
especially honk the horn when a **$130,000 Tesla** slows me down.

 Yours truly,

 Greg Lindh 

 Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 21:36:20 -0700
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Attendees at Tucson Show

 Good grief. Why worry about it? You aren't here.
 I drive a $130,000 tesla, and I got parking and even made it through the mud! 
 I wouldn't subject it to any bad parking conditions.
 You would think by your post that somehow Tucson has become The Congo. Just 
 play on eBay and leave Tucson to the dealers:)

 Michael Farmer

 On Jan 31, 2015, at 2:57 PM, Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list wrote:

 The reason there were no parking spots left is that the overflow parking in 
 the dirt was muddy from what I was told from a fossil buyer who left early 
 in disgust. Everybody knows that there is no where near enough parking at 
 the Insuites to begin with, even under normal circumstances. There were many 
 spots available Thursday from what I was told, the first time I have heard 
 this during all of the previous shows I have attended. You used to have to 
 circle two or three times to find a spot even with the overflow parking open.

 I am not there this year so depend on reports from others and what is 
 published in the in the media. In any case, I am glad to stay home this year.

 I hope those that spent the money to visit the show are rewarded with some 
 good deals. I just have not heard of any at this point. Only 9 meteorite 
 vendors bother to post the Tucson Show information request, the lowest 
 number I have ever seen since it was started.



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Re: [meteorite-list] Not met. Related - Friend On Meteorite List

2014-12-08 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list
Yeah, well CA doesn't put out as much produce as it used to. Whenever I go back 
to CA from AZ, in order to visit family, I drive up and down Interstate 5. For 
practically the whole I-5 part of my trip I see empty, dusty fields where there 
used to be beautiful orchards and lands full of all kinds of fruits and 
vegetables. Now, just dusty, empty fields..oh yeah, and hundreds of signs 
that say, Congress Created Dustbowl. Yup, devastated, dry land, all because 
Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and crew wanted to save a minnow in the California 
Aqueduct. If I'm not mistaken, that minnow is not even native to the region. It 
was imported. That's CA for you. 


 Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 16:17:39 -0800
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Not met. Related - Friend On Meteorite List
 Average gasoline prices in Arizona ($2.57/gal) are about 13% lower
 than California ($2.97). How does that 13% difference turn into an
 almost 100% (claimed) increase in your fill-up?
 California has more than 3 times the lane-miles of Arizona and it's
 drivers account for 11% of ALL of the miles driven in the entire
 country (more than 5 times Arizona drivers, and we have a lower
 fatality rate because no one from Arizona can drive worth a damn), so
 yes, our roads do get used and abused and could use some love.
 Believe it or not, road maintenance is what the fuel tax is used for,
 we just have a lot more roads that need maintaining.
 And most produce comes from California. And by most we're talking a
 huge majority. Some comes from Mexico, some from other places, too,
 but California is our nation's produce isle.
 Michael is so. Cal.
 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list wrote:
 I do stay out of California unless managing one of my over-taxed investment
 properties.. It cost nearly twice as much to fill up my gas tank there as
 it does in Arizona. They were the first state to have a major city go
 bankrupt demonstrating their ability to manage taxpayer funds. I do not
 know what they do with the nations highest fuel tax. It sure isn't put into
 the roads. I will not drive at night in parts of California since they
 can't even afford to paint the lanes or put up reflectors. I once went
 airborne at night while pulling my enclosed car hauler trailer since
 California was too cheap to mark a raised railroad crossing.

 I have seen better roads in third-world countries. As far as produce goes,
 most of it now comes from Mexico.

 Again, no thanks,


 Drive at your own risk
 - Original Message - From: Michael Mulgrew
 To: Raremeteorites
 Cc: Meteorite List
 Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 10:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Not met. Related - Friend On Meteorite List

 No other state even comes close to California when it comes to produce
 production, so it follows that no other states would have to enact
 protections as tough as California. Don't like it, then stay out of
 my state (and stop eating fruits, nuts, and vegetables altogether,
 chances are they were grown here).

 Michael in so. Cal.

 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list wrote:

 That's California for you. Too much governmental control and wasted tax
 payer money. They tax (fleece) everything and the roads are crap! I can
 tell when I am entering California from Arizona or Nevada just by the
 condition of the roads and the agricultural check points. First you go
 a smooth freeway into a patched together, multi-colored, quilted road
 surface with no shoulders and than go through the indignity of an
 station just have any American grown produce thrown in the trash.

 No thanks!


 - Original Message - From: Jim Wooddell via Meteorite-list
 Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 6:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Not met. Related - Friend On Meteorite List

 Keeping this meteorite related, the California bug stations even look
 firewood coming in from other states. So for example you are planning a
 hunting trip into or through California and figure you would like to
 some firewood with you, you might want to know that they may or will
 it at the border inspection stations.

 Jim Wooddell

 On 12/8/2014 6:51 AM, Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list wrote:

 That is a crime, you really want someone to receive and ship goods to
 in violation of California law? They could be prosecuted for that.

 Sent from my iPad

 On Dec 8, 2014, at 6:55 PM, Michael Blood via Meteorite-list wrote:


 Hi All,

Re: [meteorite-list] Cool article about some of our friends (Piatek, Agee and Labenne)

2014-12-08 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

  What a great article, Ruben.  I envy a man his collection.  

 Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 16:20:15 -0700
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Cool article about some of our friends (Piatek, 
 Agee and Labenne)

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

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[meteorite-list] (no subject)

2014-11-28 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

   I save all of the Meteorite Photos of the Day posts from the Met List.  
Something weird and distressing has happened.  It appears that all of the 
photos sent to me over the years have been magically turned into the photo of 
the thin slice of Zagami submitted by Peter Marmot.  So now I have hundreds of 
photos of the Zagami slice.  Mercy!

  Has this happened to anyone else?

  Greg Lindh  

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[meteorite-list] Photo problem.

2014-11-28 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

  I save all of the Meteorite Photos of the Day posts from the Met List. 
Something weird and distressing has happened. It appears that all of the photos 
sent to me over the years have been magically turned into the photo of the thin 
slice of Zagami submitted by Peter Marmot. So now I have hundreds of photos of 
the Zagami slice. Mercy!

   Has this happened to anyone else?

   Greg Lindh 

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Photo problem.

2014-11-28 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list


  Yeah the photo of Zagami is spectacular, but I just need one photo of it, not 


 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Photo problem.
 Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 08:26:43 -1000

 Aloha Greg, I have not noticed this anomaly you speak of, but must declare 
 that the cross polarized image of Zagami in thin section by Peter Marmet (not 
 Marmot) is spectacular!


 On Nov 28, 2014, at 8:15 AM, GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list wrote:

 I save all of the Meteorite Photos of the Day posts from the Met List. 
 Something weird and distressing has happened. It appears that all of the 
 photos sent to me over the years have been magically turned into the photo 
 of the thin slice of Zagami submitted by Peter Marmot. So now I have 
 hundreds of photos of the Zagami slice. Mercy!

 Has this happened to anyone else?

 Greg Lindh

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 Gary Fujihara
 Big Kahuna Meteorites Inc.
 PO Box 4175, Hilo, HI 96720
 (808) 640-9161

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Re: [meteorite-list] Mike Miller in ICU - Thoughts and Prayers Appreciated

2014-05-19 Thread GREG LINDH via Meteorite-list

  Thanks for the info, Ruben.  I'll be praying for Mike.  Keep us informed 
about the latest.

  Greg Lindh


 Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 15:41:43 -0700
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Mike Miller in ICU - Thoughts and Prayers 
 Hi all,
 I stopped by to see our friend Mike Miller today at the hospital
 (KRMC) in Kingman, AZ.
 He's completely sedated and on a breathing machine. I was told that
 he's been in ICU for a few days and that doctors are somewhat baffled
 as to what has happened. Something is causing fluid build up in his
 lungs that is making it impossible for him to breathe unassisted. He
 entered the hospital on Wednesday evening due to pains in his chest
 and back but within hours had to be put on a ventilator to breathe.
 Mikes daughters (Ashley, and Melissa) work for him and will be
 checking his email. If you'd like to wish Mike well I'm sure he'd
 appreciate it. Here is his email.
 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
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