Re: [meteorite-list] Don't count us out

2002-05-03 Thread KevTK

In a message dated 5/3/02 9:26:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Hey - don't count us North Easterners out for proximity to meteorite falls 
 I live between 20 and 30 miles from the Chicora, Bradford Woods, and 
 Pittsburg meteorite sites.  Now, if I could just find some!! >>

...and I'm 40 miles from Deal, NJ , and 70 miles from Peekskill NY (and I do 
have a teeny, tiny piece of Peekskill).

Kevin K

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] German meteorite

2002-04-11 Thread KevTK

In a message dated 4/11/02 5:00:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<  It's confirmed. The Bavarian bolide IS a meteorite, fragmented in 3 larges
 fragments. This information was confirmed by the Munich satellite survey
 station .One video show the fall of this meteorite. >>

As of my readings there hasn't been a recovery yet, correct? Fireballs in the 
sky doesn't mean meteorites on the ground. I archive fireball reports for the 
North American Meteor Network  and we record dozens of bright to very bright 
fireballs each month. Even the last July 23rd fireball over Pa., that was 
seen in 6 states and Canada did not yield any meteorites (that we know of).


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Important mesaage to friends and customers!

2002-04-10 Thread KevTK

In a message dated 4/10/02 10:27:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< To everyone who has tried to contact me or if you are
 waiting for items or unfinished business please
 bear with me for awhileas there will be delays.
 My previous wife was killed in a motorcycle accident
 last friday and my two oldest  children have lost
 there mother.  They are ages 11 and 14. This is
 a very hard time for them. >>

Prayers to you and the family. I'm sorry for your loss.

Kev the lurker

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: meteorite pronunciation

2002-04-05 Thread KevTK
In a message dated 4/5/02 12:29:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is exciting. I can almost hear the hours upon hours of Texan drawl
rattling off 280 or so meteorite names before handing off to Kansas! Oooo,
can't you just hear the native southern Californian's bubble off meteorite
names in beach-talk or valley-girlese. Cool meteorite names are not just for
the French anymore!

Sounds like a good ideal.  

Hey, even the Noo Yawkas could get involved...  ;-)

Back to lurking...

Re: [meteorite-list] Problems with Dave Weir's Most Excellent Site

2002-03-26 Thread KevTK

In a message dated 3/26/02 5:14:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< s it an AOL-Geocities incompatibility problem?
 Is this caused by trying to memorize and match NWA numbers with types of 
 Should I lay off Oreos and milk for lunch?
 Ideas welcome. (Humor not sought but appreciated). >>


I have AOL and have no problem accessing the site. 

Kevin K (another one)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Percival Lowell Strange Martian Surface Feature

2002-03-08 Thread KevTK
In a message dated 3/8/02 2:24:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lowell observatory is still open today and provides extensive education and
outreach activities to educate visitors and school children about the
exciting world of astronomy.
And is worth the visit if your ever in Flagstaff area.

Lowell Obs. is a wonderful side trip. I did it 2 or 3 years ago. Going during the day gives you the history tour, while the night tour is reserved for observing. I really enjoyed the history tour!  A funny side bar is that I also went back to do the observing. I traveled from NYC to Lowell OBs. to wait in line for an hour, for a 10 second look at... 
Alberio !?!!  You gotta be kidding me!  Nope that was it. "Thanks for coming."
But anyway, the day tour really pointed out Lowell's problem. While he was an educated man, he was just an amateur with lots of expensive "toys."  Instead of have no preconceived notions about the work, he based all his ideas on what had gone before as many amateurs do today. 
The tourguide also tells you that if his scope had a "little more aperture," he would have seen that Chaperelli's (sp?) canals were just geologic features. 
After taking the tour my opinion of Lowell went from dopey guy to Great Astronomer. 
So who knows about our friend Hoagland? I happen to be in the camp that he's dealing in sci-fi, but yet to be written history will tell the story.  Kevin K

Re: [meteorite-list] re Hoagland etc

2002-03-08 Thread KevTK
In a message dated 3/8/02 12:53:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know Mr Hoagland has gone way beyond sensible speculation in this, and that makes me sad, because I can't help thinking that if he turned his considerable intellect towards practical Martian exploration he'd be a real asset to the program. 

But if he did that who would Art Bell have to talk to?  ;-)  Just kidding... I know the last thing we need here is an Art Bell thread. But I agree that in this day and age people want to see the bizarre, and controversial.  In my talks at our Observatory I always add the "out there" stuff to draw the little minds in and then give them the straight  answers.. Kevin K.

Re: [meteorite-list] Field Museum, My Story

2002-03-03 Thread KevTK

In a message dated 3/2/02 9:59:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< I know I'm rambling, but the frustrations you feel towards the Field 
 I can certainly identify with. It would seem that when an institution has 
 of the largest meteorite collections in the free world--the museum curator 
 and research staff could certainly try and advocate for more display room, 
 and / or monetary allocations, grants, at least get something in the museum 
 store! Possibly it's just political. They certainly don't seem to be doing 
 any kind of meteorite-interest outreach program for our young people. >>

I do know the feeling when I go to the Museum of Natual History in NYC. Same 
story - nothing has changed in that room since I became inteseted in 
First of all the collection is stuck way n the back of the building. Anyone 
who enters in through the Central Park West doors may never find it. Those 
lucky enough to enter in throught the 77St entrance only has to travel 
throught the "Hall of Mollusks" and "Hall of Human Biology" - nice segues 
huh? You only have to deal with a Sue Store!  :-)  We have Mollusks!
Why, when they rebuilt the planetarium (ugh, don't get me started) didn't 
they include a new and improved room for the meteorites there?  All they did 
was reinstall Willamette on edge.  
WOW!  :-P There's also no mention of the collection on the far side of 
the building.
My experience with the staff was not asking to volunteer but just to 
photograph some specimens up close or behind the scenes for a TV show I did 
for a local access astronomy show here. I wasn't told no - in so many words - 
I was told that each photo I took would cost $10! Needless to say all I got 
were the ones on display in the poorly lit room for free. None of the photos 
turned out well enough for broadcast. Too bad.

BTW - I am a newbie to the list, and have been lurking for about a week. To 
introduce myself, I'm a firefighter from NYC and have been collecting 
meteorites for almost 15 years now. While I don't have the collections some 
of you guys have (drool) I do own about 40 specimens now, and am a regular in 
the meteorite section of ebay and other personal websites. I am the immediate 
past President of the NJ Astronomical Assn. and am currently incharge of 
building improvements there. Where we are modernizing our lecture room into a 
disply discovery room. Well, I tortured you guys long enuff - back to lurking 
and learning.

Kevin K.

Meteorite-list mailing list