Re: [meteorite-list] SOMETHING COOL IN MY CV3

2004-08-05 Thread Michael Masse
Hi Dean ... from the replies I don't think the 7mm chondrule just beneath
the crust was noticed

Michael M

- Original Message - 
From: "dean bessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 8:07 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] SOMETHING COOL IN MY CV3

> Look here?
> Not sure what it is but these are cool photos anyway
> so take a look.
> If I cant find anybody to buy this I plan on cutting
> into it to see what it is like and if I do will send
> everybody photos of whatever it looks like cut. So
> will somebody save this poor hapless chondrule from my
> say. Somebody send me $500 for it.
> Cheers

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] "New" Campo del Cielo data sought

2004-08-02 Thread Michael Masse
Hi list

Reason for the question:

I am a co-author of the paper "Myth and catastrophic reality: Using
cosmogonic mythology to identify cosmic impacts and massive plinian
eruptions in Holocene South America."  A invited presentation for the
symposium, "Myth and Geology," 32nd Geological Congress, to be submitted
later this month in Florence, Italy


Can anyone with direct knowledge confirm these 1999-recent recoveries were
made within the 80 km strewn field identified in: Cassidy W A, Villar L M,
Bunch T E, Kohman T P, Milton D J, 1965.  Meteorites and craters of Campo
del Cielo, Argentina. Science, Vol 149, No. 3688, 1055-1064?

If outside the known field an approximate distance would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Michael J Masse

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning About Libyan Desert Glass Artifacts

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Masse
I had understood that Libyan glass Paleolithic tools are found in what is
now arid regions of Libya . What does Egypt have to do with it?  If I recall
correctly, several of our members have found/purchased bulk meteorites,
NWAs, etc., have also brought back artifacts and I'm sure they didn't dash
into Egypt to acquire them.  Please correct me if Paleolithic Libyan glass
tools acquired in Libya and Morocco are 'Egyptian' artifacts.

Michael M

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 6:40 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Warning About Libyan Desert Glass Artifacts

Last Saturday evening, I showed a professional
archaeologist friend, who is a member of ROPA*;
has worked in Egypt; and interested in meteorites,
the June issue of "Meteorite Times". As an
archaeologist, she was quite surprised and even
shocked to see pictures of Egyptian artifacts
made from Libyan Desert Glass displayed on the
"Tektite of the Month"- "Libyan Desert Glass
Artifacts"/ web page at:
She was shocked because the buying, selling, and
ownership of Egyptian artifacts, including those
composed of Libyan Desert Glass, which have
illegally exported from Egypt since 1970 is
regarded by both the U.S. Customs Service and
the Egyptian government as a crime. Should
either the Egyptian government or the US Customs
Service decide to go after a person, he or she
can be prosecuted for either selling, buying,
or even owning illicit artifacts.
In her opinion, it is quite possible that all of
the Libyan Desert Glass (LDG) artifacts found in
the United States in private ownership has been
illegally exported from Egypt. She argues, that
is because in 1970, Egypt passed a law making
the export of any prehistoric artifact without
an export license illegal. It was also in 1970
that both the United States and Egypt signed the
"1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting
and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and
Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property" Soon
after that, enabling legislation, the "Convention
on Cultural Property Implementation Act" was
passed by the Congress and signed into law by the
President. This made the 1970 UNESCO legally
enforceable. As a result, any prehistoric artifact
exported after 1970 without an official Egyptian
export permit became either illegal to either sell,
buy, or own in the United States.
>From her experience in Egypt, she is quite
certain that was quite impossible for anyone to
have legally obtained a permit from the Egyptian
Department of Antiquities for the export of any
LDG artifacts for either resale to others or their
own personal collections. (She has sent some emails
to friends in the Supreme Council of Antiquities
to find out if any such permits had been issued by
some chance.) Thus, according to her opinion, any
LDG artifact exported from Egypt after 1970 was
likely exported illegally. Given that the LDG
strewn field wasn't revisited by even scientists
until well after 1970, she believes that just about
every LDG artifact currently in private collections
in the United States was illegally exported. The
practical aspect of this is that any person, who
owns a LDG artifact, but lacks documentation
verifying that the artifact was either exported
legally or it was collected before 1970, might be,
in addition to having their LDG artifacts seized,
open to prosecution by the U.S. Customs Service for
trafficking in or possession of illicit artifacts.
Her personal advice to me was not to buy any Libyan
Desert Glass (LDG) artifact(s) that lacked the proper
official documentation indicating that it was either
legally exported or exported before 1970. Otherwise,
if the Customs Service decided crack down on the
illegal trafficking in Egyptian artifacts, it might
be easy for them to make the case, as discussed
above, that any LDG artifact is in the United States
illegally unless I could prove otherwise. Also, it
would cause me lots of grief if the person, who sold
a LDG artifact to me, copped a plea by turning over
to them a list of persons, whom he or she sold the
artifacts to, along with the name of his supplier of
LDG artifacts. This isn't an unheard of possibility
given that the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities
has created Dept. of Stolen Artifacts in order to
seek out what they consider to be "stolen artifacts"
and by whatever legal means possible force their
owners to return them return them to Egypt. Examples
of this is discussed in:
1. Egypt reclaims stolen antiquities
""No matter how significant or
insignificant a relic is, we will
have lawyers everywhere to return
our antiquities," said Dr Hawass."
2. The Egyptian curse By Zahi Hawass
(Note my friend has worked with and knows Dr.
Hawass quite well. She should know what she is

Re: [meteorite-list] Looking for Michael Masse

2004-05-30 Thread Michael Masse
Hi Christian (and 'list') ...  yes I am out there  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ...
Finally had to change my email address - too much spam

- Original Message - 
From: "Christian Anger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Looking for Michael Masse

Hi all,

I am trying to contact Mr. Michael Masse, but
I always get back a mail system error.

Can anyone help me to get in contact with him or

Michael, are you out there ?

best wishes,


IMCA #2673

Christian Anger
Korngasse 6
2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Sliced and etched Sikhote-Alin available ???

2004-03-10 Thread Michael Masse

Hi ... seeking a nice slice of Sikhote-Alin polished and etched (if it 
takes an etch) ... anyone?  Dealers welcome ... Thank you,  Michael 

[meteorite-list] Glassface email address

2004-02-23 Thread Michael Masse

For anyone interested the email address for Glassface is:

Re: [meteorite-list] List Status - from the Admin

2004-01-12 Thread Michael Masse

Hi Art ... welcome back ...a personal thanks for your time and patience in 
maintaining the 'list' service.  I appreciate and enjoy it and even 
for its brief down-time - it was missed..
Thanks and Best regards,
Michael M.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 8:08 
  Subject: [meteorite-list] List Status - 
  from the Admin
  Good Morning All; 
  The List is back up after experiencing 
  some DNS server issues yesterday. Best Regards, Art

[meteorite-list] Begga

2004-01-08 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'list' ... Has Begga (LL3?) been formally classified yet ?
Thanks,  Michael M

Re: [meteorite-list] A Recent Set Of Ebay Aucitons

2003-08-27 Thread Michael Masse
Hi List ... as a recent successful bidder on one of Serge's auctions I
completely agree with Al.  I have made numerous purchases from his web site
and have never had a problem.  Serge will be a participating dealer at the
Denver show.

There is a fraud currently on ebay : item # 2189101133 is a direct rip-off
of finmet's recent fine auction # 2186394811.

Michael M

- Original Message -
From: "almitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:14 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] A Recent Set Of Ebay Aucitons

> To all,
> Recently a seller known to me posted a bunch of items on ebay. This seller
had a zero
> rating and was new to eBay. I have dealt with this company before and have
only heard
> good things about them and that they do their own hunting for the material
they have.
> Included in these listing were a number of lunar specimens that are listed
in the
> Meteoritical Bulletins.
> I just received notification from eBay that in investigation of this
seller is taking
> place and that I may wish to hold off sending payment for my winning bids.
I know for
> a new user they sold a bunch of material but they had a lot of nice
material to begin
> with and items I wouldn't have minded buying.
> If anyone knows the details of what is going on and wants to send me an
email or send
> one to the list as there were other list members that bid on these items I
would be
> interested in what might be the reason for the suspension of this seller.
> auctions shot up real high for the material being sold at the last minute
and I
> certainly did my part to bid high the last remaining few minutes and saw
others do the
> same. Perhaps this is the basis for ebays concern. All my best!
> --AL Mitterling
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dealer Refunds

2003-06-27 Thread Michael Masse

On more than several occasions I have originally paid a price
for a specimen that was satisfactory between a dealer and 
myself and subsequently found it for less.  At no time would I
even consider I had any right to a refund. 
Michael Masse

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 7:59 PM
  Subject: [meteorite-list] Dealer 
  Hello List,I have an ethical question I would like 
  to get some feedback on.I just got a request from a customer that I 
  give him a refund for a specimen he purchased a month or so ago from me that 
  he wants to return now.  His request was not based on the fact that the 
  specimen was damaged or otherwise in a different condition than described when 
  it was sold to him.The request he felt was justified because he thinks 
  the specimen is now not worth as much as he paid for it bach then.  He 
  seems to think he can get the same thing for a lower price elsewhere.  So 
  I assume he wants the refund to go buy the other cheaper specimen to replace 
  the one he wants to give back to me.While I do guarantee authenticity 
  and that the specimens are as described on all my specimens I sell, I do not 
  have a Walmart style lowest price guarantee, that the person cannot find a 
  similar specimen somewhere else in the present or in the future for a lower 
  price.  If someone bought something and didn't like it for whatever 
  reason and wanted to return it promptly for a refund, that would be one thing 
  but this is another.I find this refund request unreasonable and 
  bordering on unethical.  A similar but opposite request would be if I 
  would contact buyers a month after I sold them a specimen and demanded that 
  they let me buy back a specimen I sold them a month earlier because new 
  information tells me that I sold it to them too cheap and that if I had it 
  back at the price I sold it, I could turn around and sell it to someone for an 
  even higher price.  That request would be absurd.As I recall, 
  there is just one dealer that offers a written lifetime guarantee to buy back 
  any specimens at the customers purchase prices.  However, one would 
  expect that having a stated guarantee such as that would help such a dealer to 
  generate more than enough extra sales to cover the losses when a meteorite 
  genuinely drops in value and a few people decide to take that dealer up on his 
  offer.  But without offering that incentive to make all the extra sales 
  along the way, a dealer could go bankrupt giving refunds on demand for price 
  fluctuation reasons.I guess my question is, how would some of the 
  other dealers respond to such a request?  Has anyone had such a request 
  nade if them?  And for collectors out there, do you feel making such a 
  request (and expecting it to be fulfilled) is reasonable?  Would a direct 
  purchase be different from an ebay purchase?Steve 

[meteorite-list] Specimens sought

2003-03-03 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List'
Seeking macros or slices of 2 breccias:
L3-4,  L/LL3-6
Seeking macros, micros, or fragments
H/L5,  H/L6,  LL4/5,  LL5/6
L4-5,  L/LL5-6,  LL4-5
Thanks for any help,

Re: [meteorite-list] stolen lunar meteorites

2003-01-06 Thread Michael Masse
 My thoughts:

The gov regularly sells at auction all manner of objects and the final
price bears no relationship to the price the gov paid.  "Priceless"
has $ value - the bidder decides.

Lunar material would have to sell at auction to establish a market

As a collector I would have no interest in the 113g UNLESS 
unequilibrated meteoritic material were offered; such is my
specific collecting interest (however, if unequilibrated material
was available I would ravage my credit cards and still loose to
any collector with serious bidding interest) .  So for value I 
suggest dealers who remain in touch with the 'great' collections
canvass their owners with the hypothetical.

The value would remain static or decrease over time as industrial 
development of the moon would effectively create a NWA
syndrome. This is not investment material.

A fragment of ALH84001 on the other hand (If the collector
is convinced that evidence of life has in fact been found in
this specimen) would find a much larger field of bidders who,
I suspect, would 'shoot the moon' to acquire this first evidence.

Michael M

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] September purchase

2003-01-04 Thread Michael Masse

Hi All
If anyone is in contact with the Steve Arnold of International 
Meteorite Brokerage will they please mention that I continue 
to await delivery of the part slice of DaG 180 I purchased 
and paid for in September?  It has been almost four months 
and if he is unable to deliver this specimen it is appropriate 
to return my money.  He has not responded to any emails I
have sent him and as we have had numerous successful
transactions I am confused at his oversight.
Thank you,
Michael Masse

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteor-doubtful

2002-12-18 Thread Michael Masse
Hi again 'List' ... You guy are too polite. It has all the earmarks
of a poorly conceived and executed scam complete with shill
bidders.  (can I get in trouble for expressing this?)

Michael M

- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Masse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matson, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteor-doubtful

> Humorous ... the bid is now up to $247.50 ...
> The seller has newly changed ID; the seller
> and one of the bidders buy gun stuff. One
> bidder's feedback is both low and bad; the
> other bidder has no feedback at all.
> Michael M
> - Original Message -
> From: "Matson, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 4:07 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteor-doubtful
> > Hi All,
> >
> > <>
> >
> > The story says it all.  And yet someone is willing to throw $100 at
> > it... No exact mass, no mention of being attracted to a magnet, and
> > only one low-resolution image.  But $100 was enough to meet the
> > reserve...
> >
> >  --Rob
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteor-doubtful

2002-12-18 Thread Michael Masse
Humorous ... the bid is now up to $247.50 ...
The seller has newly changed ID; the seller 
and one of the bidders buy gun stuff. One 
bidder's feedback is both low and bad; the 
other bidder has no feedback at all.  

Michael M

- Original Message - 
From: "Matson, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 4:07 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteor-doubtful

> Hi All,
> The story says it all.  And yet someone is willing to throw $100 at
> it... No exact mass, no mention of being attracted to a magnet, and
> only one low-resolution image.  But $100 was enough to meet the
> reserve...
>  --Rob
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorites/Meteoroids/Mictometeorites First Day Covers / Event Covers sought

2002-12-14 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List' ... Seeking:

First Day Covers featuring meteorite stamps  
Event Covers including
 All Antartic covers of ANSMET,  Planetary 
 Foundation, and other  meteorite search 
 Micrometeorite / Meteoroid study satellite launch 

 covers including Explorer 45,   
(Congradulations to 'the Big Collector' on your recent
Hoba FDC acquisition)
Michael M

[meteorite-list] Where is the Steve Arnold of I.M.B. ?

2002-12-11 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List'
Does anyone know if the Steve Arnold from the firm of
International Meteorite Brokerage is still in business?
I have been unable contact him since September.
Thank you in advance,
Michael M

[meteorite-list] Has anybody read?

2002-11-05 Thread Michael Masse

Hi List ... Has anyone who has read  Meteorites: Flux With Time and Impact Effects (Geological 
 Special Publication Series, 140) 
by M. M. Grady 
(Editor)  willing to comment on it; i.e. should 
shell out the bucks?
Thanks,  Michael M

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest #8...Free Canyon Diablo

2002-10-23 Thread Michael Masse
Title: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest #8...Free Canyon Diablo

I would love to follow in Martin's footsteps, help him load up even
why?  Even after he razes each place there should be enough left
for a instantly fabulous collection ... but we would also have to 
Japan's Antarctic collection
Michael M

  - Original Message - 
  Martin Horejsi 
  To: MARK BOSTICK ; Meteorite List 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 4:58 
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite 
  Contest #8...Free Canyon Diablo
  Mark Kindly asked: If you could 
go meteorite hunting anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 
  Mark, If I could hunt meteorites anywhere in the world, and keep what 
  I found, I would start at the Smithsonian, then the British Natural History 
  Museum, then the American Museum of Natural History, then the Vienna Museum. I 
  would like to make a couple other stops along the way at Bob Haag’s house, Jim 
  Schwade’s place, and maybe Hupe Brother’s basement (actually their safe 
  deposit box but you know what I mean).Oh, and why? 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritic Misadventure

2002-09-24 Thread Michael Masse

Pleased to hear that you too use a stopwatch when bidding on
desired specimens...sorry you missed...m

- Original Message -
From: "Bernd Pauli HD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "meteorite list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteoritic Misadventure

> Hello All!
> I think I should have waited for another of Mark's contests, but, ...
> I would like to share this with you. Last night I was watching one
> of Philippe Thomas' EBay items - a superb chondritic specimen,
> weighing about half a kilogram ... a veritable dream of  a regmaglypted
> meteorite. One side was showing a rusty brown, weathered fusion crust,
> the other half was almost dark and fresh with what looked like flow
> lines! ... and those regmaglypts!
> Part of the crust was broken away and seemed to show a secondary
> crust. Oh boy (and gals :-), how I envy the one who got it !!! In
> any case, there I was ... sitting with a stop watch in my hands :-))
> (believe it or not) placing my bid amount of US$ 120 in the last
> few seconds when I suddenly got an Ebay message with something like
> "Having trouble with your bid amount". I had so very much concentrated
> on that !*§$! stop watch that should make it possible for me to win that
> item that I forgot that other bidders would raise the bidding amount
> during the last few seconds ...
> :-)  :-(  :-) :-( :-)   :-(
> Moral: You can't always win, or:
> A stitch in time saves nine (No, not always) ...
> No further comments, and, no pun intended,
> Bernd
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Araona Crater (Iturralde Structure) in Bolivia

2002-09-24 Thread Michael Masse

NASA has an interesting web site on the work currently being 
done at Araona Crater (Iturralde Structure) in Bolivia ... some
archieved video and a live cam uplink tomorrow
Michael M

[meteorite-list] Campo del Cielo impact (new finds)

2002-08-21 Thread Michael Masse

Hi list ... Is there information as to the location of the "new" 
in relationship to the original strewn field? The extent of the new 
Has this find been mapped? Any publications since William A. 
Cassidy's excellent article in MAPS 1996? Is this find outside the
originally mapped crater field? 
All responses sincerely appreciated,
Michael M

[meteorite-list] Flooding in Europe

2002-08-15 Thread Michael Masse


  We have a 
  big flood catastrophy in Europe and in Austria. 
  I live in a 
  town which lies on the big river Danube. It has
  come out of 
  his bed. Many people lost their home and
  they had. I am out to help. 
  All the 
  best from Austria,
I view with sadness and offer my best 
wishes to all of our European brothers
during this time of personal and public 
loss.   May you all remain safe.
in respect,

[meteorite-list] Seeking specimens from the newly classified

2002-04-05 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List'
Seeking specimens from the newly classified 

NWA 1222  (EL5)
Dho 416  (L[LL]3)
Dho 428  (H[L]5)
Dho 472  (LL3)

NWA  1227  (LL3)
Dag 964  (H3.9)
Dho 281  (L3.8)
Dho 361  (H3)
Dho 364  (H3)
Dho 474  (H3)
Dho 483  (H3)
NWA 828  (H3)
NWA 844  (H3)
NWA 847 (H3)
NWA 855 (H3.8)
NWA 864  (L3)
NWA 866  (L3)
NWA 1207  (H3)
NWA 1212  (H3)
NWA 1233  (L3.7)
Love those '3's,
Michael M


[meteorite-list] Welcome to

2002-04-01 Thread Michael Masse
Kudos ...enjoyed  Vol.1, No.1 
Thank you contributors and sponsors
Michael M

Re: [meteorite-list] TAZA

2002-03-28 Thread Michael Masse

and of course Thank you David...Michael

- Original Message - 
From: "David Weir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Masse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] TAZA

> Hello Michael,
> I got a fine small etched slice from Scott Brey at a reasonable price
> with excellent service. Check him out before you buy.
> David

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: TAZA

2002-03-28 Thread Michael Masse

Hi ... and Thank you Matteo, Tom,  Ron,  Frank,  Jim, and 

  - Original Message - 
  Michael Masse 

  To: Meteorite-List 
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:36 
  Subject: TAZA
  Hi 'List' ... seeking a small etched slice of TAZA...?
  Thank you, 
  Michael M

[meteorite-list] TAZA

2002-03-28 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List' ... seeking a small etched slice of TAZA...?
Thank you, 
Michael M

[meteorite-list] Chinguetti

2002-03-24 Thread Michael Masse

>>>.discovered the Chinguetti anomaly!<<<
In gentle 
Hi all ... digressing slightly... appearing above is the trigger 
word :
Chinguetti ...  
I, and least one other collector,  am actively
seeking specimen/s from this Stony-Iron ... anybody anywhere???
David Weir would love to acquire a specimen to share on his
excellent site and I am attempting to complete a 'type' set ...
Thanks,  Michael Masse
My GHWonder what would happen if we got near with a 
meteorite cane.  Do you think(s)he causes local magnetic anomalies? 
Bury the person in the Sahara andthey'll think they've discovered the 
Chinguetti anomaly!I just wish I could think of a snappy caption but I 
just can;t!dave--In gentle decay,daveIMCA 

[meteorite-list] A New Use for Gold Basin

2002-02-23 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List'
Stumbled across this site ... they even offer a "Attractor Pull"
that will differentiate between Stony and Iron meteorites (for
only $9.95 including postage and handling) ... the Meteorite
Pain Relief includes chain ...
Have fun,
Michael M

[meteorite-list] Auction results sought

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List'I have recently acquired a number of 
Natural History auction catalogs,containing fossil, minerals, 
meteorites, and other critters...severalare without 'auction prices 
realized' and I am hoping that fellow listmembers can provide these missing 
data...The following companies anddates sought 
are:BONHAMS 8th April, 
1994BUTTERFIELDS   31st October, 
1999PHILLIPS  11th January, 
17th May, 1998also seeking other catalogs, with 'prices realized' that I 
do notyet possess including:BONHAMS    Apr 20, 
1995BUTTERFIELDS  (all earlier than Feb 14, 
Jan 23. 
Jan 21, 
Jun 24, 2001PHILLIPS   June 1994 (and 
December 1995SOUTHEBY'S Oct 4, 1997 
_Thank youMichael 

[meteorite-list] Fw: IIC

2002-01-15 Thread Michael Masse

Hi 'List' ... Seeking a macro of any Iron  
as always .. thanks,  