[meteorite-list] RE:Meteor Spotted Over Utah

2003-10-17 Thread MrX3010

"They changed incoming landing approaches for a
couple of flights to avoid the area. 

There were no close calls, all planes landed safely and
everything shortly returned to normal. "

"And then I recognized it
immediately as a comet or a meteor because of its
shape and the way it was going and then when it
exploded and just disappeared,..."

Exactly how high do the planes out there fly again and when is the last time anyone has seen a comet explode and disappear in the atmosphere?
Yet another desperate example of a need for public education.

Have a good day,

[meteorite-list] Re:India report #2.

2003-10-10 Thread MrX3010
Hey Mike good to hear you at least managed a few grams, but sounds to me like you got more out of this one than some stones. Anyway thanks for the detailed account of your adventures and take care.


[meteorite-list] A question about the Wales Photo

2003-10-04 Thread MrX3010
I have been looking over this image (the Wales photo#1) for a while now, and have to ask this. In the story one of the boys shouts "the sun has exploded.." Then John looks up and snaps the pic. Ok what if John snapped the pic a second after the asteroid either blew apart or disintegrated leaving only a cloud of glowing plasma? Is this possible at all? The point at which he took the photo seems like its right after the main event not during as NASA seemed to first think. I ask because I remember watching the Leonoids a few years ago and some of the larger fireballs left glowing plasma trails that lingered for minutes. Either way I agree the pic is awesome and I don't think it was faked since another image has turned up, and there may be others out there still to turn up.

Just an idea,

[meteorite-list] RE: Wales Photo

2003-10-04 Thread MrX3010
This is the original NASA pic of the day link.



Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hits House In Louisiana

2003-10-01 Thread MrX3010
Unfortunately this is just another example of how public awareness is needed in regard to meteorites. I am pleased that some of you take time to educate individuals on the value (not just monetary) of these rare falls. In the past few years we have been lucky enough to have several really good falls that have come with some great artifacts left behind. There are people out there still today that think that meteorites are actual falling stars! They have no idea how valuable these rocks are to science or collectors. They don't know that each impact could help solve some of the oldest mysteries in our universe. Teachers take note, make a point to educate your pupils on the importance of these cosmic wanderers. 


[meteorite-list] A Daytime Fireball Over South Wales

2003-10-01 Thread MrX3010
Has there been any authenticated data on this event? Satellite heat signature confirmation etc...? As a graphics artist I can tell you this can be faked really easily but just because it can be faked doesn't mean it is fake. If this was a real event I would think it would be all over the press as this picture is awesome, and we know how the press like to hype up meteorite impact events.

Just my 2cents

[meteorite-list] Re:New Asteroid Threat Seen (Asteroid 2003 QQ47)

2003-09-03 Thread MrX3010
Yes, the press likes to play up things quite a bit. However lets not shoot the messengers here just because we dont like the potential message. The truth is we are in a cosmic shooting gallery and have always been in one. There have been untold impacts on our world so it's not as strange or out of the ordinary as some may believe. Yes, people get used to hearing bad news then eventually blow it off, oh well? If a major impactor were headed our way what could your average Joe Shmoe do? Nothing so whether any of us choose to believe it or not the threat is there and will be there. 

The thing I dont understand is the rational of the world in dealing with this likely threat. We are now at a point in our technological development to deal with a credible threat if given enough time to do so. However it seems that its not worth it to the powers that be, that fighting amongst ourselves is more important than trying to avert the biggest threat to our world not our nation or our land, but our entire planet.

Just my opinion,

[meteorite-list] Gelatinous Blobs found in Oakville

2003-07-25 Thread MrX3010
Still doesn't answer what it might be. The last one I heard turned out to be a boing bomb.

just a thought,

[meteorite-list] Apparent Meteorite Lands In Elma High

2003-07-17 Thread MrX3010
Perhaps it was fresh hot asphalt that the boys burned their hands on?

just a thought,

[meteorite-list] Metorites and magnetic displays

2003-07-12 Thread MrX3010
I have heard that magnets can cause iron to oxidize quicker. Is there any truth in that? I am asking because I want to know how safe the magnetic display bases are for specimens as I am thinking about getting some. Any pros or cons?


[meteorite-list] Origin of the Moon God and Meteorites

2003-07-11 Thread MrX3010
Submitted for your approval. A boy dreams of the stars, learning one day that meteorites could be bought he sets out to buy one. But only a small one as he in not wealthy enough to own a large specimen. Still he dreams and believes that one day he will own one. One day while browsing an out of state flea market he picks through a box of artifacts and finds a stone that is different from the others in the box. To make a long story short he finds out that he has in his possession a half pound iron meteorite for the price of a bag of peanuts. Now to me that's a miracle and I should know because it's my story. There were countless things that had to happen in just a certain way before I could have got that specimen. How many had passed it up the day before I got there? No, I will never leave God out of meteorites for that reason alone.

As for the moon I do think it was part of our planet and was gouged out by a massive impact in prehistory. Again think about what had to happen long before that impact to give us the result we know today. Man can claim to know all and have tools that are infallible in his views but I think we show our true minds power when we are confronted by mysteries that our tools cannot solve. Anyone can quote someone else's words think about it.


[meteorite-list] Shooting Star-Tasmania

2003-06-19 Thread MrX3010
"It appears it was a giant shooting star which fell out of the sky 
and exploded into all different colours," Acting Sergeant Parker said..."

"...However, there was also speculation the light display could have been 
a meteor, a satellite burning up or other space junk..."

"It looked to me like a shooting star - the biggest I've ever seen," he 

Speculation? A "shooting star is a meteor is it not? I mean if it was a star I think everyone would know it lol.


RE: [meteorite-list] My meteorite on the news

2003-04-01 Thread MrX3010
See what I mean about the media sending the wrong message in educating people. Sounds more like they want it to sound like something perfectly normal that happens all the time in order not to cause panic or something. But it did cause panic amongst collectors and one of the most awesome events I've witnessed since becoming a list member.

Thanks for the memories Mike and everyone else who was there.

Later all,

[meteorite-list] Meteorite fall Vs. Shower

2003-03-31 Thread MrX3010
I have a proposition can anyone anywhere please tell me why every time there is a "meteorite fall" the media repeatedly calls it a meteor shower? I mean we all know what a meteor shower is. Is there anyway to educate these people? They are supposed to be the ones reporting the news and educating others. I know this seems to be no big deal but think of it like this. Every time one of these ill informed media outlets makes a statement about a meteor fall and calls it a "shower" it's usually reported in the morning before most go to work or school. Work and school is where everyone including teachers spreads the false information like wildfire. Im just curious does this bother anyone else but me?


[meteorite-list] Park Forest Fall

2003-03-29 Thread MrX3010
Just curious guys what do you think the going rate on this rock will be when it finally gets reasonable that is? Im just a collector new to this I might like to have a specimen of a historical fall if it's not $500 an ounce lol.

Later guys best of luck to you all,

[meteorite-list] Re-Asteroid?

2002-12-24 Thread MrX3010
Why don't we just say it was a weather balloon? The point is it was something unidentified and this individual has no clue what it was but he's pretty sure what it wasn't. Meteorite, asteroid, flock of geese, or alien craft we are clueless in the identity of this object. But based on the description I tend to agree with the aircraft hypothesis but that's just me, I wasn't there and respect the eyewitness report. Maybe it was Santa lol

Merry Christmas

[meteorite-list] re-Bright Flashes

2002-10-20 Thread MrX3010
Yes, I have no clue as to what those may be, I have seen them before many times some times in what appears to be a triangle formation with one lagging behind and sort of flashing. Whatever they are they seem to be in a very high orbit. I actually got to observe the triangle pair through 7X50 binoculars and they traveled directly over my head as I watched. 
Believe it or not it makes no difference to me. Just letting you know others have seen them as well. 

Take care, 

[meteorite-list] Asteroid Collision Print

2002-08-02 Thread MrX3010
I thought I would send you all a link to my brand new Digital Art Print of a massive earth impact about to take place it's called "End of an Era."

If your interested or just want to have a look at it heres the link, let me know if you think I portrayed it correctly.



Re: [meteorite-list] TV program on ASTEROIDS/ Cont. Drift/ OT

2002-07-25 Thread MrX3010

That happens a lot with computer recreations I guess no one wants to make a 
texture map for the ancient earth and it's easier to use NASA made (current) 
maps to create earth models in 3D.  Maybe I'll make one one day.

Take care,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Asteroid Comic

2002-07-25 Thread MrX3010
A new method of getting rid of those pesky asteroids that threaten our planet from time to time.



[meteorite-list] Earth Nearly Hit Again?

2002-06-21 Thread MrX3010
I find it amazing how we ridicule those who are trying to educate anyone about the possibility of an earth impact occurring. Before it became common knowledge that we could in fact be hit scientists loved to speculate on how the earth would be hit once again in the near future. Im not sure where all this downplaying of such a serious threat is coming from and maybe I don't want to know, but the point is we just started taking notice and for all we know 9,995 asteroids, comets, or large meteors have skipped past our planet without us even noticing. Just because it's an unpleasant scenario doesn't make it improbable and I think this threat above all threats that mankind faces should be addressed and that starts with education. Of course certain media groups will dramatize these events but so be it, with more education we can be prepared to face what might or might not happen to our world in the future.

[meteorite-list] Asteroid Scare

2002-06-21 Thread MrX3010
Greetings I'm just another citizen who loves meteorites, only have a small Odessa but one day I'll find another. My post about the asteroid impact was just an observation that I've noticed since more and more "near misses" have been reported in the media. I too find it a bit disturbing when media outlets sensationalize such events, but as I said it's better to be safe than sorry and really in today's world I don't think an asteroid scare matters much to most common people. They need sensational artistic interpreted animations of giant fireballs destroying cities in order to fully understand the seriousness of the issue. That's why I say we need more education out there about asteroids and comets. Granted we should be careful about crying wolf one to many times but that wasn't the case this time. This thing was found three days after closest approach? Who knew? Hopefully we all will the next time it happens preferably before it happens.

Thanks all,


[meteorite-list] Help with a Strange Rock

2002-06-05 Thread MrX3010
Hello I would like some information please, I found a strange heavy rock this weekend at a yard sale. I bought it because it was rather nice and I thought it might be raw hematite. However later I thought it might be a meteorite but although it does attract a magnet and passes every test (except chemical analysis) I could find on the web, it also exhibits a very weak magnetic field. I have never heard of this associated with a meteorite. Any ideas of what it might be?


[meteorite-list] Re:Help With Strange Rock

2002-06-05 Thread MrX3010
Thanks for the help and suggestions, I will perform more tests on the rock ASAP. I acquired it at a yard sale from a dealer who appeared to have no idea of what it was, all he knew is that it was a "rock". I got it for a quarter along with other rocks, mostly silicates and flints. I didn't buy it because I thought it was a meteorite but because I thought it might be hematite. So after conducting a tile test I will let you know more about this odd little rock.

Again thanks, 

[meteorite-list] Re: Strange Martian Surface Feature

2002-03-07 Thread MrX3010

My apologies Galileo was not a nutcase in those days people who questioned 
the natural order  were considered Heretics  I wonder what they will 
label them in the future.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Strange Martian Surface Feature

2002-03-06 Thread MrX3010

In regard to the comment about Hoagland being an alleged nutcase  I have to 
ask why?  Why is it that someone is  a nutcase when he or she looks to the 
extraordinary in hopes of  expanding human knowledge?  Was Gallileo a 
nutcase?  Yes, he was in his day a nut case, a heretic and in his own time 
an outcast because he chose unpopular realms of knowledge to delve into.  
Realms of knowledge that we today know of as science.  Why risk being an 
outcast?  The pursuit of knowledge.  If we rest on what we have learned and 
think we are experts, if we sit by and point fingers at everyone who does not 
hold the same view of the world or universe the same as we do then we are 
confined to an infinite loop of blindness.  Before we point fingers and laugh 
or make fun of someone simply because someone else tells us he or she is a 
nutcase perhaps we should look more closely at that persons  research.  In 
time we may find that our place in our perceived universe may not be as 
special as we might like it to be.

Meteorite-list mailing list