Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Crash Site Found In Siberia

2003-06-06 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Hi all.   "Burnt trees"?  I hope this isn't more Shirokovsky.  
Ron Baalke wrote:
Meteorite crash site found in Siberia
Interfax (Russia)
June 6, 2003
IRKUTSK - The crash site of a gigantic meteorite, Vitim, that
hit Earth in September has been discovered in the Irkutsk region.
An expedition from the Kosmopoisk scientific organization found an area
about 100 square kilometers covered with burnt trees and pieces of
meteorite 60 kilometers from the village of Mama, Alexander Bogun,
head of the district administration, told Interfax on Friday.
The meteorite fell in the early hours of September 25, 2002, between
the town
of Bodaibo and the village of Balakhninsky near the Vitim River. The
caused strong tremors in the region, similar to those of an earthquake.
flashes of light were seen over the crash site.
The expedition members said that this is the second largest meteorite,
the famous Tunguska meteorite, to fall on Russian territory.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT - eBay Sputnik Listing

2003-06-05 Thread Stephen E. Smith
Sorry for the off topic post.

This is a cool eBay offering:  # 3611062497

Have a good day everyone.   Steve

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Thuathe Meteorites

2003-03-06 Thread Stephen E. Smith
Hi list,
I just wanted to share my excitement.  I received my Fed-Ex box of
Thuathe Meteorites Monday from Eric Olson.  I couldn't be more pleased.
I received 16 specimens and they are magnificent.  All specimens exhibit
varying amounts of fusion crust with apparent secondary crusting on
some.  The pictures on Eric's and Mike's web sites do not do the stones
justice.  I agree with Michael Cottingham's comments.  It's exciting to
have a new Fall renew one's enthusiasm about the hobby.  Thanks again to
everyone who took the risk to chase down the new Fall.

160.0 gr - slightly oriented, rich fusion crust, broken section w/
slickensides (timely for our list topic)
132.6 gr - nice crusted piece from a trade with the National University
127.3 gr -
67.98 gr -
48.29 gr -
46.87 gr - teardrop shaped, crusted individual. very cool
41.32 gr -
38.30 gr - nice rich crust
28.03 gr -
26.11 gr - well crusted individual
25.91 gr -
25.38 gr -
21.39 gr -  slightly oriented, crusted individual
17.86 gr -
16.52 gr - nice oriented fragment, rich crust
11.86 gr -

Happy hunting,
Steve Smith

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] pariah of the list

2002-10-28 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Ms. Hackney,
  Sorry, we are incapable of comprehending the difficulty you
endure in attempting to communicate with those of lessor intelligence. 
It must be such a hardship for you.
    We, the mentally deficient of the list, will not
miss the endless minutiae of your replies.  Please, go play in the
Mensa International forum.  Their URL is:
S. Smith  (Not much I.Q.  I figure about 98.6, or is that
my temperature?)
Rosemary Hackney wrote:

am sorry to have offended so many. It seems in life all I do is open mouth
to exchange feet.  I so wish I could find a place to fit  in..
I wish I could find the safe little world you guys have.  But for
me is not there.  100 IQ..  must be nice  Since
most have an IQ of 100 it is hard for the masses to understand anything
above that. It is too foreign to their understanding.   So to
fit in.. I have to appear the fool. And am treated as such.I just wanted
friends.  But.. I do not fit in here either. I
am sorry that friends were lost. I have friends with thousands of investigative
pages on it.  I told you what I know. Sorry it was not what you wanted
to hear.  Nothing I know, anyone wants to hear...So..  will say
no more.  I will read the posts...but I doubt I will respond again.
If I know the answer, I will no longer say.My IQ... somewhere between 160
- 200. I think the 200 is about right.   But  .. in your
eyes..I will always be a fool. So
again.. I am sorry and I will not reply to any more posts.Rosie

Re: [meteorite-list] (no subject)

2002-08-15 Thread Stephen E. Smith

We know!!   We know.   Jeez, enough already.   Steve Smith

"Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" wrote:

> Hello list. I have even better news. I'm offering the 12.5 gram slice of
> the TUCSON RING for the same price. This is the one for sale, not the 10
> gram slice. But think, you are getting 2.5 grams more for the same price.
> Please let me know. I now have a photo of it.
> =
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
> I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
> The Midwest Meteorite Collector!
> Website url
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Ready To Tackle Armageddon (Don Quixote Mission)

2002-08-09 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Hey All,
I just hope they knock it the right way and not towards us.  Remember the
Peter Principle.   Steve

Ron Baalke wrote:

> 'Ready to tackle Armageddon'
> By Ivan Noble
> BBC News
> August 9, 2002
> A space mission to knock a
> potential rogue asteroid off course is undergoing feasibility studies with
> money from the European Space Agency (Esa).
> A Spanish company, Deimos-Space, is designing the mission and hopes its
> plans will convince Esa to give the go-ahead for a full scale test on a real
> asteroid.
> The company has come up with a plan, which it calls the Don Quixote mission,
> to launch a pair of probe spacecraft called Hidalgo and Sancho at a far off
> asteroid.
> One would hit the asteroid at extremely high speed, deflecting it slightly
> from its orbit.
> The other would observe the asteroid and make highly accurate measurements
> of what happened to it after the impact.
> Asteroid billiards
> The idea is that the mission would tell scientists how hard they would have
> to hit a real rogue asteroid heading for Earth in order to deflect it
> safely.
> Deimos plans to finish its study early in 2003 and hopes Esa will then come
> up with the cash for the actual mission.
> The company is optimistic.
> "We believe that the outcome of this mission would be good science,"
> Deimos-Space's Jose-Antonio Gonzalez told BBC News Online.
> "And we are trying to demonstrate the feasibility of the mission, not only
> in terms of astrodynamic calculations or technology requirements but also
> financially," he said.
> The company expects plenty of public and scientific interest in the project.
> High-speed impact
> "That's why we expect this mission to go on with the next phases, or at
> least with even more detailed studies on the key aspects of the mission," he
> said.
> If it does, a suitable asteroid will be selected and then Hidalgo will slam
> into it at extremely high speed, probably around 10 kilometres (six and a
> half miles) per second.
> Sancho will be orbiting the asteroid at a safe distance to see what happens.
> If all goes to plan, the asteroid's orbit will be disturbed in the beginning
> by a few fractions of a millimetre.
> The idea is that Sancho will measure this tiny shift and feed the data back
> to Earth.
> Tiny changes in orbit can become much larger over time and Deimos wants to
> use the experiment to calculate how to knock a real rogue asteroid off
> course.
> Early warning
> Whether such an approach to dealing with an asteroid threat would work would
> depend largely on how much warning there is.
> Hidalgo and Sancho would take many months to reach their target.
> Any Hidalgo-like satellite used to deflect an incoming hazard would have to
> hit it in just the right place and at just the right speed.
> Getting it right would involve great precision, but, as Mr Gonzalez points
> out, would not require the nuclear super-rockets of science fiction.
> If the project does get the go-ahead, the Don Quixote mission would provide
> valuable information about the composition of the target asteroid.
> "This mission would provide, for the first time, a look inside the
> asteroids," said Mr Gonzalez.
> "The results of the experiment would either validate our proposed strategy
> or might mean we have to think of other solutions, such as placing a huge
> solar sail on the asteroid's surface to use the solar wind to change its
> trajectory."
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Catalog of Meteorites - Source

2002-07-03 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Hello again,
Just a follow up.  If you don't have the Catalog of Meteorites by
Monica Grady, it's available on  See:


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Source of Birthday Meteorite Info

2002-07-03 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Hi everyone,
Monica Grady's Catalog of Meteorites will search the data base by
any date selected and print reports.
I hope everyone has a copy of the data base.   Steve

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] To My investors

2002-03-13 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Hi all,
    This is a very unfortunate situation.  I personally
enjoy dealing with almost everyone on the list.  I find everyone,
pretty much, a pleasure to deal with.  My interests are wide and varied
as are the personalities on the list.
    I can vouch for how pleased I am with my meager
investments in Mike's expeditions.  Mike is honest, open and has treated
me fairly.  I have never been disappointed with my "shares", especially
    BTW Mike, put me down for a nice little individual
of the new NWA "fall".
    Thanks, Steve Smith
Michael Farmer wrote:

would like to ask my investors to post an email here in public to announce
whether they are happy with my trips or not. You have all been accused
of being ripped off, being unhappy with the trips, of saying that you were
angry at me in posts over the last month. I would like for all of you to
email here, not in a bad way but to say in this forum if you are happy
or not with our trips.If you do not wish to stand up for me and for yourselves,
then I will gladly invite you out of any further trips. you have all had
words put into your mouths that you did not say. Please take a moment and
tell your side to the list, or else you are allowing other people to say
things for you that you never said.If you want this, then I no longer want
investors of this caliber working with me.Mike FarmerP.S. This does not
make you look bad, or is not intended to drag you into a fight, just to
clarify if you are or are not happy with your investment trips. I would
appreciate this as I have been and you have all been publicly quoted as
being unhappy with me and my trips.Lets get it finished here and now today.Quotes
from the Archives"But how much did your investors on your other
trips cash out with? I understand that some of you guys are getting sued
over those trips."

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite May Have Fallen In Maryland

2002-02-28 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Hi everyone,
I just spoke to Mrs. Pearce about the stone.  They took it to the Smithsonian 
today and it
turns out to be sandstone.  They are very embarrassed and were sorry their friend from 
called the media.
I am sending both their boys a meteorite so they aren't disappointed about the 
experience.   Steve

Ron Baalke wrote:

> 'Falling star' may have fallen in Md.
> Rock: If scientists confirm Dale Pearce's find, the plum-sized meteorite would be
> the fifth found in the state.
> By Frank D. Roylance
> Baltimore Sun
> February 28, 2002
> Dale Pearce took a rock to work Tuesday and told his co-workers it fell out of the
> sky Saturday night, and he found it in the woods behind his Pasadena home.
> Sure, Dale.
> They didn't believe him at first. But Pearce may get the last laugh.
> The plum-sized rock that he says blazed out of the sky and smacked into the ground
> behind the Pasadena Crossroads Shopping Center has been identified by a NASA
> scientist as a genuine stony meteorite.
> Pearce and his rock were due at the Smithsonian Institution this morning, where
> experts will cut a slice from it to confirm and classify the discovery.
> If that proves it's the real thing, the meteorite would become only the fifth known 
> have been found in Maryland, and the first in 83 years.
> Following astronomical custom, it would be named after the U.S. post office nearest
> the fall. That would appear to make it the "Glen Burnie Meteorite," although Pearce
> favors Pasadena.
> A 40-year-old painter with the Baltimore City housing department, Pearce hopes to
> sell the space rock and make a down payment on a house for himself, his wife,
> Michelle, and their two sons, Brad, 10, and Collin, 6.
> Turning the dark reddish-brown rock over in his hand yesterday, he said he didn't
> blame people for doubting his story. "It's kind of hard to believe I'd seen a 
> star and actually found it, and here's the rock. I'd be a skeptic, too."
> But Michael J. Mumma, chief scientist for planetary research at NASA's Goddard
> Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, has seen the rock, and the spot where it fell. And
> he's a believer.
> Mumma got involved Sunday after Pearce showed his find to a friend, Terry Kimmel,
> a dentist who lives in Arnold. Kimmel was impressed enough to phone his friend -
> Mumma - who studies comets and other "primitive" relics of the early solar system.
> Mumma invited them to his house in Glen Oban, near Annapolis. "As soon as I saw
> the stone it was immediately obvious to me it was a meteorite," Mumma said.
> The saddle-shaped rock shows no sign of weathering, fracturing or tampering. Most
> tellingly, it has a smooth, black sheen on one side that scientists call a fusion 
>crust -
> a thin layer melted briefly by friction as a meteor blazes through the atmosphere.
> It has evidence of chondrules - tiny spherical globs of minerals that condensed 4 1/2
> billion years ago in the disk of gas and dust that formed the sun and planets.
> "This was another indication this was a chondritic meteorite," a stony type and the
> most common found in observed meteor falls, Mumma said. Iron-metal meteorites,
> and carbonaceous types are rarer, more valuable to collectors and important to
> science.
> If the rock's interior reveals chondrules, that should clinch the identification, 
> said.
> Pearce led Mumma to the impact site Monday morning. The grapefruit-sized crater
> also appeared genuine, Mumma said. "There was a rather small hole in ground,
> which was well-fitted to the size of the meteorite," he said. It was surrounded by a
> foot-wide fan of loose dirt.
> Scientists say meteors this size enter the atmosphere at 18 miles per second. But
> they're slowed by the atmosphere and usually strike the surface at about 200 mph.
> "I asked him to put the stone in the hole exactly where he found it so I could
> photograph it. He put it in with the fusion side down, which is exactly what it 
> be."
> Pearce said he had just gotten into his van about 9:10 p.m. Saturday, preparing to
> drive from his Kellington Drive home to pick up a tool at his brother-in-law's house.
> "I had the key in the ignition, and I looked up and saw a streak of light," he said.
> In a "split second," it flashed from north to south, trailing a column of blue, 
>green and
> red light. It passed behind the tower on the Kaiser Permanente building in the 8000
> block of Ritchie Highway, and vanished into the woods behind.
> "A falling star - that's the first thing that came to my mind, although it was the 
> time I had ever witnessed one," Pearce said.
> He might not be the only one who spotted it. A Lutherville resident telephoned The
> Sun on Monday morning and said he was startled by a bright shooting star toward
> the southeast about 9:15 p.m. Satur

Re: [meteorite-list] NWA LUNAR and MARTIAN

2002-01-28 Thread Stephen E. Smith

The easy answer is "It's priceless."  If you'd like another look
at it, see:
This was like hitting the lottery.  I was in the right place at
the right time.  Otherwise, I might never have been able to own such
a specimen.
Steve Smith
Michael Casper wrote:
 And how much
did you pay? Is it that hard to tell the truth?.

- Original Message -----

E. Smith

To: Michael


Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 2:56

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA
 Wrong again Casper, I am very happy with my piece of NWA482. 
Michael Casper wrote:
to undermine the value of NWA482 right after it was recovered."
I beg your pardon! Those that took my
advice saved thousands!!! Those
like yourself LOST THEIR SHIRT!!! Get
back in your arnchair...  
xoxox, MC

- Original Message -

E. Smith

To: Michael


Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 2:31

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA
 Dejavu!  This sounds like the same e-mail that you sent out
right before the Tucson show last year.  Trying to undermine the value
of NWA482 right after it was recovered.
Steve Smith
Michael Casper wrote:

it or not. I just got off
the phone with a reliable source.(in NWA) Lunar
and Mars material is now wholesaling for$100.00 USD per gram! That is the
initial asking price! Over
1 kg of LUNAR material is available andover 3 kg of Mars
I'd guess I could buy it all for under
$50.00 per gram!  
xox, MC

Re: [meteorite-list] NWA LUNAR and MARTIAN

2002-01-28 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Geez Casper, do you have to send everything in duplicate?  By the
way, if you need assistance in setting your PC's clock, I'm sure someone
can help you.  SS
Michael Casper wrote:
 That's armchair.

- Original Message -




Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 2:40

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA
 "Trying to undermine the value of
NWA482 right after it was recovered." I
beg your pardon! Those that took my advice saved thousands!!! Those
like yourself LOST THEIR SHIRT!!! Get
back in your arnchair...  
xoxox, MC  

- Original Message -

E. Smith

To: Michael


Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 2:31

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA
 Dejavu!  This sounds like the same e-mail that you sent out
right before the Tucson show last year.  Trying to undermine the value
of NWA482 right after it was recovered.
Steve Smith
Michael Casper wrote:

it or not. I just got off
the phone with a reliable source.(in NWA) Lunar
and Mars material is now wholesaling for$100.00 USD per gram! That is the
initial asking price! Over
1 kg of LUNAR material is available andover 3 kg of Mars
I'd guess I could buy it all for under
$50.00 per gram!  
xox, MC

Re: [meteorite-list] NWA LUNAR and MARTIAN

2002-01-28 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Wrong again Casper, I am very happy with my piece of NWA482.  SS
Michael Casper wrote:
 "Trying to
undermine the value of NWA482 right after it was recovered." I
beg your pardon! Those that took my advice saved thousands!!! Those
like yourself LOST THEIR SHIRT!!! Get
back in your arnchair...  
xoxox, MC  

- Original Message -----

E. Smith

To: Michael


Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 2:31

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA
 Dejavu!  This sounds like the same e-mail that you sent out
right before the Tucson show last year.  Trying to undermine the value
of NWA482 right after it was recovered.
Steve Smith
Michael Casper wrote:

it or not. I just got off
the phone with a reliable source.(in NWA) Lunar
and Mars material is now wholesaling for$100.00 USD per gram! That is the
initial asking price! Over
1 kg of LUNAR material is available andover 3 kg of Mars
I'd guess I could buy it all for under
$50.00 per gram!  
xox, MC

Re: [meteorite-list] NWA LUNAR and MARTIAN

2002-01-28 Thread Stephen E. Smith

Dejavu!  This sounds like the same e-mail that you sent out right
before the Tucson show last year.  Trying to undermine the value of
NWA482 right after it was recovered.
Steve Smith
Michael Casper wrote:

it or not. I just got
off the phone with a reliable source.(in
NWA) Lunar and Mars
material is now wholesaling for$100.00
USD per gram! That is the initial asking price! Over
1 kg of LUNAR material is available andover
3 kg of Mars I'd
guess I could buy it all for under $50.00 per gram!  
xox, MC