[meteorite-list] Re: bright flash

2002-10-20 Thread azaware
 Hi Marco

I'm completely surprise no one has seen this before. I'm not surprise that
know ones seen it right when it happens because its taken some 35 years for
me to see it. I'm surprise no ones seen something off to the side. I don't
recall how many of those I've almost seen but I would say maybe 5 times or
so. What it looked like is like a star you can just see then it just gets
bigger and brighter to a point like what the brightest star. Then it was
gone. I'm sure it was just a falling star because it did exactly what a
falling star would do hitting the atmosphere. It was real cool because it
looked like some distant star exploding.

Kim Az

- Original Message -
From: Marco Langbroek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 3:33 AM
Subject: re: bright flash

 Hi Kim, Tracy,

 Indeed, similar to Tracy I find Kim's description most suggestive of an
 Iridium satellite flare. For those who do not know, this is a series of
 artificial communication satellites, initiated some years ago (I believe
 started to first see them in 1997), in order to provide for (expensive)
 satellite telephone from anywhere in the world. The network entailed as
 as 70 satellites, most of which have indeed been launched. The project
 failed as the company in question got bankrupt, but the satellites are
 there although they should be phased out and re-enter as was the plan some
 time ago when the company was dismantled and the network closed. They
 a large antenna panel which reflects beams of sunlight. This creates short
 flashes, sometimes just one, sometimes a series within a few seconds.
 can be very bright; I've seen Iridium flares of magnitude -8, matching the
 waxing moon in brightness. We regularly observe them during our meteor
 observations, if you are watching all night almost inevitably you'll see
 (although not all flashes are necessarily that bright) and they are at the
 same time both a nuisance (as they appear just like bright meteor
 when they appear in the corner of your eye), but sometimes also fun. Quite
 special phenomena. There is a website where you, for your geographic
 location, can check on possible Iridium flares visible from your location;
 so you can check if the flash you saw at a certain time was an iridium, or
 when another one will be visible for a given night. I don't have the URL
 ready here, but with a google search or whatever (wouldn't surprise me if
 sites like ST link to the site) on Iridium flares you might be able to
 find it and check.

 - Marco
 Dutch Meteor Society

  Message: 13
  Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 14:33:16 -1000 (HST)
  From: Tracy Latimer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: azaware [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] bright flash
  Another candidate for bright flashes of unknown origin is iridium
  flares.  They can be as bright or brighter than Venus, and are freaky if
  you don't know what you're looking at.  I've been fooled by them a few
  Tracy Latimer
  On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, azaware wrote:
  Has anyone ever seen this before? You know when you're looking for
  stars. Sometime off to the side of where your looking you see something
  looked like maybe a star getting really bright, but by the time you look
  there, its gone. I've seen this many times and finely I was looking
  it. It was really cool. It looked like a star that just kept getting
  and brighter then it was gone. Then second after there was a little one.
  This all happen with in seconds. For a while I thought for sure it was
  planets exploding. But a guess it was just a falling star coming
  in. If you see this now you know.
  Kim Az

 Marco Langbroeke-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Diefsteeg 1
 NL-2311 TS Leiden
 the Netherlands

 What seest thou else
   In the dark backward and abysm of time?

 William Shakespeare: The Tempest act I scene 2

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] [meteorite-list]Possible Crater

2002-10-18 Thread azaware
I found this; it looks to be a possible crater. I know the chances of this
being a crates is slim, but since is about 3 miles from Meteor Crater there
a good chance it could be. I tried to make it to this spot a few months ago,
but chicken out. I'm looking to maybe find another way in or I'll just go
for it. I know you guys on AOL the pictures usually suck. This is the
biggest I could get it without distorted the photo.

  Kim Az


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite show?

2002-10-16 Thread azaware

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time" 

that is funny. anyways I wanted to tell youI can't believe I could be so 
dumb. To think that Norton could even do something like that. Dam I should of 
calledyou first to find out if that could even be true. I don't even know 
where a thought like that even came from. BoyifI geta crazy 
thought like that again, I'll be should to give you a call to see if it could 
even be true. I'm sorry Gregory Ihave so many crazy thought going through 
my head.What do you think about this one? Ibelieve President Clinton 
had some young girl in has office and they had, well let me say it, a cigar. 
Forget it, even I know that couldn't be true.; 

Kim Az

Original Message - 

  Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 1:04 
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite 
  that would be a fun outing to have. If we all can get 
along. : ) As much sniping as there is on the 
  list, when everyone gets together in Tucson, we put aside our differences 
  (mostly) and get along wonderfully. You just took a few hits 
  because of your statement that Norton actually spreads viruses in order to 
  sell anti-virus software. You can't announce that the Earth is flat and 
  expect to remain bullet-proof. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the 
  time", as Robert Blake's Baretta-theme-song went, as ironic as that is right 
  about now. ;-)Anyway, c'mon to Tucson and you'll see 
  all the cameraderie you could ever 
  want. Gregory 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite show?

2002-10-16 Thread azaware

Come on Gregory just kidding with you. I took your comment 
well. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:30 
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite 
  Now that is funny. anyways I wanted to tell you I can't believe 
I could be so dumb. To think that Norton could even do something like that. 
Dam I should of called you first to find out if that could even be true. I 
don't even know where a thought like that even came from. Boy if I get a 
crazy thought like that again, I'll be should to give you a call to see if 
it could even be true. I'm sorry Gregory I have so many crazy thought going 
through my head. What do you think about this one? I believe President 
Clinton had some young girl in has office and they had, well let me say it, 
a cigar. Forget it, even I know that couldn't be true. ; ) 
That's ok, the list will forgive you for being 
  so dumb, there's a lot of that going around. So, are you 
  obsessed with Clinton, or what? You keep bringing him up even 
  though it doesn't have anything to do with anything. Are you insinuating 
  that because I was critical of an absurd statemnt that YOU made, that somehow 
  that means I must like Clinton or something? Strange logic. No, on 
  second thought, NO logic. I'm really curious why the 
  Clinton-connection is something you seem compelled to attach to 
  me.You'll notice I took this off-list to avoid any more embarrassment 
  for you. Many of the list-regulars have been circulating hilarious 
  emails to each other, away from the list, about the notion of Norton inventing 
  viruses, so you might want to cut your losses and stop peprpetuating this 
  nonsense. If you want to continue to be ridiculed, that's up to 
  you, but it reminds me of the old saying, "Never try to teach a pig to 
  sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig". 
  RSVP. Gregory 

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: azaware@msn.com

2002-10-16 Thread azaware

Gregory, I'm sorry I honestly was just replying to you, to let you know I
was just kidding with you. I was just thinking that you took what I said
wrong and just wanted you to know that and wasn't even thinking that was on
there. There was know reason I would of want the list to see that. Really if
I could change that I would. To make up when I find a piece of the Tucson
meteorite I'll give to first shot at it.

  Kim Az

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How DARE you post my private, one-on-one response to the whole list.  How
 utterly, utterly slimy.  I need to go wash my hands.   Anyone with a shred
 dignity might want to filter/block this subhuman's email address, as I
 do shortly.  I TRIED to take it off-list, folks, really I did  -  but
 evidently Darwin hasn't gotten ALL of us walking erect quite yet.


 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

2002-10-13 Thread azaware

  Oh no not another Norton employee. You sound like you graduated from the
school of Bill Clinton, belittle the messenger.

- Original Message -
From: Mark Miconi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

 Having worked in the computer industry for almost 16 years I can tell you
 that viruses and their spread are the product of 2 things in this order:

 1). Computer experts that have nothing better to do then find a way to
 their talent by creating a virus.
 2). Malicious individuals that seek to cause havoc for various reasons.

 The reason that they are so prolific and spread so easily is that most of
 the users in this world are ignorant enough to believe that they will
 be infected. These are the same individuals that fall for telephone scams,
 buy the Banjo Minnow, and believe that they can swallow a pill and lose 50
 pounds in 6 weeks. These people are found in the dictionarylook under
 clueless and victims for pictures.

 Anyone that would even begin to believe that a company like
 Symantec(Nortons) would deliberately create a virus to sell their product
 regularly drink their own bath water and have a family tree that does not

 With the general public walking about so completely clueless it would be a
 waste of capital for a company to invest in a R  D program to create
 something that already is being made for free and that the mainstream
 population is so willing to spread.

 There is a moral to all of thisMilk does not come from a jug, crime is
 not something that happens to your neighbor and being on the internet
 without virus protection is just plain stupid.

 Mark M.
 - Original Message -
 From: azaware [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

  Below is a weeks worth of emails sent to me with viruses. I will grant
  there really are some real lunatics out there, but what are we talking
  a couple ok 5 all right 10 a week. The reason I get so many is because
  Email is 7 years old, so I'm on every kind of list out there. I remember
  when we didn't have viruses or Norton and now we have Norton and
  wouldn't be surprise if Norton the company were started from the guys
  started sending virus.  I remember the first viruses, I can see it now
  guy thought wow I can give this guy a virus then he can call me to fix
  And now you can call Norton on the phone and for $35 + $99 will help you
  it off. You almost sound like you work for Norton and this is something
  Norton would not want to get around, because until now they was this
  savor. Ok have the big guy at Norton give me a call I could be quit for
  price! Other wise I going to expose those s.o.b's. Now you see all these
  emails. I hardly think kids or these other people are going to go to
  great length to take the time to send out this many viruses with all
  different email address.
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:18 AM
  Subject: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)
   Dear Ken, Kim and List:
   I realize this is more than a little OT and probably wasting some
   people's time -- so I apologize in advance -- but I just couldn't
   resist. Of all the weird things I've seen on the M-List (and there
   have been plenty), accusing Symantec of creating new viruses in order
   to sell their own products is one of the nuttiest . . . right up
   there with the Frass meteorite even!
   Kim posted:
 Norton has to behind this, who else is making out.
 Norton paying these guys to this.
   Ken posted:
   I agree with you, Norton was behind this!
   I vowed then and there not to buy their product!
   People create viruses for all sorts of reasons: Kids do it for fun;
   anarchists do it because it's anarchistic; hackers target companies
   they don't like; disgruntled employees ditto; and so on. In the
   hacker subculture it is a major status symbol to have created a virus

Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

2002-10-13 Thread azaware

This is the last word from me on this subject.  I dare you or any others to
take Norton test drive virus protection program, which requires giving
them your email, address and see what happens (but as a friend I strongly
advise not to do this). The last virus I got on my computer was from this
list. Jonathan said something about viruses, so I put my thought on the
subject. This doesn't have anything to do with meteorite, but it does have
something to do with people sending viruses on this list. My point is simple
someone getting paid to spend everyday trying to infected computers. It's
not even new viruses; it's the some old ones they keep sending over and
over. I'm not saying don't buy the Norton Antivirus program. At this point
you have to have something. But if these companies ever get caught maybe we
might get are money back.

- Original Message -
From: Mark Miconi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

 Bill Clinton is an idiot and he was stupid enough to believe that his
 stroking intern could keep a secret.
 I was not belittling anyone in particular just making a broad statement
 about society.

 Why does it always seem to be a conspiracy to those that fail to do the
 simplest of things to prevent the worse of things?
 In most cases this world would rather believe in what is not possible
 instead of doing what is most practical.
 I suppose that the oil companies force you to drive more by making
 you need to go farther away from you so you can consume more gasoline, and
 when your house was built they were there to be sure it was not properly
 insulated and now make the winters colder so you use more fuel oil?

 Maybe the bread companies created mold. Think that battery companies
 on their product wearing out? Could be that doctors actually help the
 cigarette makers, and dentists created gingivitus in a secret lab?

 But if you want to believe that Symantec is actually creating viruses so
 they can sell you software that is your right.

 My suggestion is that you drain your bathtub and not re-use the water.

 And learn your name so you can sign your posts

 Mark M.
 Phoenix Arizona

 - Original Message -
 From: azaware [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 9:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

Oh no not another Norton employee. You sound like you graduated from
  school of Bill Clinton, belittle the messenger.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Miconi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: azaware [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 9:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)
   Having worked in the computer industry for almost 16 years I can tell
   that viruses and their spread are the product of 2 things in this
   1). Computer experts that have nothing better to do then find a way to
   their talent by creating a virus.
   2). Malicious individuals that seek to cause havoc for various
   The reason that they are so prolific and spread so easily is that most
   the users in this world are ignorant enough to believe that they will
   be infected. These are the same individuals that fall for telephone
   buy the Banjo Minnow, and believe that they can swallow a pill and
   pounds in 6 weeks. These people are found in the dictionarylook
   clueless and victims for pictures.
   Anyone that would even begin to believe that a company like
   Symantec(Nortons) would deliberately create a virus to sell their
   regularly drink their own bath water and have a family tree that does
   With the general public walking about so completely clueless it would
   waste of capital for a company to invest in a R  D program to create
   something that already is being made for free and that the mainstream
   population is so willing to spread.
   There is a moral to all of thisMilk does not come from a jug,
   not something that happens to your neighbor and being on the internet
   without virus protection is just plain stupid.
   Mark M.
   - Original Message -
   From: azaware [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:35 AM
   Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)
Below is a weeks worth of emails sent to me with viruses. I will
there really are some real lunatics out there, but what are we
a couple ok 5 all right 10 a week. The reason I get so many is
Email is 7 years old, so I'm on every kind of list out there. I
when we didn't have viruses or Norton and now we have

Re: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

2002-10-12 Thread azaware

 Below is a weeks worth of emails sent to me with viruses. I will grant you
there really are some real lunatics out there, but what are we talking about
a couple ok 5 all right 10 a week. The reason I get so many is because this
Email is 7 years old, so I'm on every kind of list out there. I remember
when we didn't have viruses or Norton and now we have Norton and viruses. I
wouldn't be surprise if Norton the company were started from the guys who
started sending virus.  I remember the first viruses, I can see it now the
guy thought wow I can give this guy a virus then he can call me to fix it.
And now you can call Norton on the phone and for $35 + $99 will help you get
it off. You almost sound like you work for Norton and this is something
Norton would not want to get around, because until now they was this great
savor. Ok have the big guy at Norton give me a call I could be quit for a
price! Other wise I going to expose those s.o.b's. Now you see all these
emails. I hardly think kids or these other people are going to go to this
great length to take the time to send out this many viruses with all these
different email address.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:18 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] [OT] Re: Norton behind the Virus (!?)

 Dear Ken, Kim and List:

 I realize this is more than a little OT and probably wasting some
 people's time -- so I apologize in advance -- but I just couldn't
 resist. Of all the weird things I've seen on the M-List (and there
 have been plenty), accusing Symantec of creating new viruses in order
 to sell their own products is one of the nuttiest . . . right up
 there with the Frass meteorite even!

 Kim posted:

   Norton has to behind this, who else is making out.
   Norton paying these guys to this.

 Ken posted:

 I agree with you, Norton was behind this!
 I vowed then and there not to buy their product!

 People create viruses for all sorts of reasons: Kids do it for fun;
 anarchists do it because it's anarchistic; hackers target companies
 they don't like; disgruntled employees ditto; and so on. In the
 hacker subculture it is a major status symbol to have created a virus
 that's caused international mayhem. You may not have encountered
 these types of characters in real life but I have, and I assure you
 they are active, numerous, and damn clever. I suppose you could say
 they are the digital age's version of the neighborhood prankster.
 Some have eventually been employed by our own government, in a sort
 of If we can't beat them, get them on the payroll scenario.

 Symantec -- the company that manufactures Norton Antivirus, Norton
 Utilities, Systemworks, etc. -- is an excellent outfit and in my
 opinion vital to the professional computer user. I couldn't have kept
 my numerous computer stations running all these years with them. I've
 employed nearly all of their products for as long as I've been using
 computers for a living. They've helped me root out all kinds of virus
 trouble, hardware problems, prevented hackers getting into my
 systems, and on and on.

 I don't want to waste the List's time with OT discussions, but -- no
 offense intended -- your statements are absolute nonsense, and could
 actually be damaging by negatively influencing List subscribers who
 might otherwise buy these useful products. Hence the rebuttal.

 We all get angry over virus issues, and really I do sympathize with
 you guys, but posting preposterous statements about one of the few
 companies that combats the problem is not going to help. If you would
 like to discuss this further, please write to me off-List. I would be
 happy to furnish you with additional information on the subject that
 may be useful to you.


 Geoff N.

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: [meteorite-list]Norton behide the Virus

2002-10-12 Thread azaware

Hey Ken

  I know they are, who going to spend 8 hours a day sending virus out for
free. All I want to do is to expose it and hope something come of it. It
take a lot of my time. First I have to wait for Norton to tell me the email
has a virus then I need to delete it. Before I do that I put a block on that
address. But they just keep coming with different addresses.


- Original Message -
From: magellon
To: azaware ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list]Norton behide the Virus

I took Norton's  test drive virus protection program which required giving
my email address.
My system had no viruses. The day before  the test drive was up,
I get mysteriously bombarded with anonymous virus laden emails every day for
a week.
( Looked like spam but was addressed only to my email address )
I agree with you, Norton was behind this!
I vowed then and there not to buy their product!
Ken Newton

- Original Message -
From: azaware [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list]Norton behide the Virus

 I have outlook express and I get about 5 emails a day with virus. I get
 them every way you can think of. I'm getting these one emails
 mail. As far as I can see it looks like I'm sending them and then they
 back to me saying that it couldn't be sent, with the virus.  Then to top
 off you can't email them back to give them a few words. Norton has to
 this, who else is making out.  Norton paying these guys to this. If they
 were just sending here and there I could understand, but this is a full
 job. Who's getting rich. The more computers they can infect the more money
 they make. Norton is a growing company, are they just going to sit there
 hope some lunatics send out viruses. What if they stopped sending viruses,
 then Norton would go out of business. Are they going to sit there and wait
 to go out of business? I don't think so. I've seen fad come and go and
 usually go, but this fad just keeps getting bigger. You can bank on it,
 there behind this. Also its always a virus Norton can fix.

 Been hit with a meteorite and lived.

 - Original Message -
 From: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 7:25 PM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Virus

  Sounds to me like you got a bad one! There has got to be some way to fix
  this. If I just knew what it was doing. They ought to lock them virus
  Jonathan M. Gore
  The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein
  - Original Message -
  From: Steven Drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm Forecast
  | Hi,   System restore does not work,   I have reinstalled Norton
  | times today and it will not work,   Norton can't find the virus
  | upon start up, I called Symantec they said that the registry info has
  | compromised.Scan disk finds no errors either.
  |It seems everything else works just fine, But without a virus
  | it missed this one anyway...   I have tried to fix
  | 2 days now , I am pretty mad at this point, Damn people have nothing
  | to do except screw with everybodys computers.I really have no Idea
  | to do at this point ? Steven
  | - Original Message -
  | From: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | To: Steven Drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 6:59 PM
  | Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm Forecast
  |  I'm sorry you got the virus. This sounds like one of those virus
  |  attacks the virus program along with other files. I manually removed
  |  virus, I don't how good you are at programming, but that is what I
  |  suggest. But I guess that doesn't help now. Does your computer has a
  | system
  |  restore point? That is probably what it will take to fix it now. Or
  |  you need to reinstall Norton. Have you tried restarting your
  | What
  |  does Norton say when you try to run it? Let me know because a
  | with
  |  virus protection is like a human with an immune system. Don't these
  |  who make virus have something better to do?
  |  Jonathan M. Gore
  |  The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein
  |  Jonathan M. Gore
  |  The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein
  |  - Original Message -
  |  From: Steven Drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |  To: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |  Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 9:51 PM

[meteorite-list] Re: [meteorite-list]Norton behide the Virus

2002-10-10 Thread azaware

 I have outlook express and I get about 5 emails a day with virus. I get
them every way you can think of. I'm getting these one emails Undeliverable
mail. As far as I can see it looks like I'm sending them and then they come
back to me saying that it couldn't be sent, with the virus.  Then to top it
off you can't email them back to give them a few words. Norton has to behind
this, who else is making out.  Norton paying these guys to this. If they
were just sending here and there I could understand, but this is a full time
job. Who's getting rich. The more computers they can infect the more money
they make. Norton is a growing company, are they just going to sit there and
hope some lunatics send out viruses. What if they stopped sending viruses,
then Norton would go out of business. Are they going to sit there and wait
to go out of business? I don't think so. I've seen fad come and go and they
usually go, but this fad just keeps getting bigger. You can bank on it,
there behind this. Also its always a virus Norton can fix.

Been hit with a meteorite and lived.

- Original Message -
From: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 7:25 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Virus

 Sounds to me like you got a bad one! There has got to be some way to fix
 this. If I just knew what it was doing. They ought to lock them virus

 Jonathan M. Gore
 The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein

 - Original Message -
 From: Steven Drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm Forecast

 | Hi,   System restore does not work,   I have reinstalled Norton
 | times today and it will not work,   Norton can't find the virus
 | upon start up, I called Symantec they said that the registry info has
 | compromised.Scan disk finds no errors either.
 |It seems everything else works just fine, But without a virus scanner
 | it missed this one anyway...   I have tried to fix this
 | 2 days now , I am pretty mad at this point, Damn people have nothing
 | to do except screw with everybodys computers.I really have no Idea
 | to do at this point ? Steven
 | - Original Message -
 | From: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | To: Steven Drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 6:59 PM
 | Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm Forecast
 |  I'm sorry you got the virus. This sounds like one of those virus that
 |  attacks the virus program along with other files. I manually removed
 |  virus, I don't how good you are at programming, but that is what I
 |  suggest. But I guess that doesn't help now. Does your computer has a
 | system
 |  restore point? That is probably what it will take to fix it now. Or
 |  you need to reinstall Norton. Have you tried restarting your computer?
 | What
 |  does Norton say when you try to run it? Let me know because a computer
 | with
 |  virus protection is like a human with an immune system. Don't these
 |  who make virus have something better to do?
 |  Jonathan M. Gore
 |  The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein
 |  Jonathan M. Gore
 |  The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein
 |  - Original Message -
 |  From: Steven Drummond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  To: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 9:51 PM
 |  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm Forecast
 |  | Hi Jonathan,Please tell me what you had to do when your system
 |  | sending out all those emails to fix it,  There was a virus in them
 | it
 |  | got into my computes , I have removed this virus but I am having
 |  | with trying to get Norton running again, It has done something that
 |  not
 |  | allow me to run my virus program.   The virus name is  Js.Gigger.a
 |  found
 |  | the tool in symantic website and removed the virus.Any Help ?
 |  | Regards, Steven Drummond
 |  | - Original Message -
 |  | From: Jonathan Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  | Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 9:15 AM
 |  | Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm Forecast
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |  I saw 300 meters at 1045-1100 UT  here on the east coast. For some
 |  bizarre
 |  |  reason it was clear while most the east coast was rainy. There
 |  one
 |  |  cloud in the sky! Perfect conditions!!
 |  | 
 |  | 
 |  |  Jonathan M. Gore
 |  |  The Wonderful Wolfgang Mozart  Albert Einstein
 |  |  - Original Message -
 |  |  From: David Freeman 


2002-10-05 Thread azaware

HOW TO PROTECT YOUR ADDRESS BOOK! Try this. It came from one of our computer
guys. Found this handy tip about keeping your e-mail virus free. Thought
everyone would like to know about this. A friend passed along this computer
trick today ... As you may know, when/if a worm virus gets into your
computer it heads straight for your email address book, and sends itself to
everyone in there, thus infecting all your friends and associates. This
trick won't keep the virus from getting into your computer, but it will stop
it from using your address book to spread further, and it will alert you to
the fact that the worm has gotten into your system. Here's what you do:
first, open your address book and click on new contact, just as you would
do if you were adding a new friend to your list of email addresses. In the
window where you would type your friend's first name, type in AAA. last
Name type in AAA, email address type [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now, here's what
you've done and why it works: The name AAA will be placed at the top
of your address book as entry #1. This will be where the worm will start in
an effort to send itself to all your friends. But, when it tries to send
itself to AAA, it will be undeliverable because of the phony email
address you entered. If the first attempt fails (which it will because of
the phony address), the
worm goes no further and your friends will not be infected.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Witness fall in the 40's

2002-04-15 Thread azaware

Hi all

  I was in a restaurant showing a friend my meteorite. I go there so much
the manager know me. He came over when I was showing the meteorite. He told
an interesting story. He said in the mountains around Tucson his dad witness
a meteorite hit. He said its about the size of a softball. He just has it at
home all these year uninterested in having it looked at. I'm hoping I can
get over there and get a picture. Any commits.

  Kim (Az)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites Hitting People/Animals

2002-04-10 Thread azaware
Title: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites Hitting People/Animals

Hi Tom and Michael

 The linksare working now. 

Michael it would take a lot of$ before I would 
part with that tiny meteorite.

 Kim Fenn(Az)


[meteorite-list] Meteorites Hitting People/Animals

2002-04-09 Thread azaware

Hi Bob

 I was just standing outside
 and on 2-28-02 something hit me. It stung pretty good.
 I was surprise it hurt because it felt really small when it hit. That
was so weird to feel something so small hit with such force. I
had two light shirts on and that didn't slow it down a bit. I took a magnet
 to the area right in front of me. Just running the mag about an inch above
 the ground. Looking thought the rocks I picked up this one piece stuck out
 right away. It weighs under a half grain. It looks to have a crust. I have
few pictures. Bob Haag looked at some picture and he said it looked like a
meteorite to him. Until now I never heard of a meteorite hitting anything
alive. Its ironic that I been really interested in searching for meteorites,
then one hits me.
How lucky could I get. Tucson lookout here I come.


   Kim (Az)

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Hit by a Meteorite

2002-03-29 Thread azaware

Hey All

 I was just standing outside
and on 2-28-02 something hit me. It stung pretty good.
I could feel that it was really small when it hit. I was surprise it hurt.
It must of been
something off a meteorite. That
was so weird to feel something so small hit with such force.
I was standing east in front of this build. So it come from the sky. It
couldn't of been a bug because a bug that little couldn't hit that hard. I
had two light shirts on and that didn't slow it down a bit. I took a magnet
to the area right in front of me. Just running the mag about an inch above
the ground. Looking thought the rocks I picked up this one piece stuck out
right away. It weighs under a half grain. It looks to have a crust. I have a
few pictures. I'm in Phoenix, is there anybody that could tell if its a
meteorite without destroying it? This piece of metal is really small I could
see this if it was going fast enough it could sting. How fast could it be


   Kim (Az)

Meteorite-list mailing list