[meteorite-list] Hamburgers and meteorites?

2007-04-06 Thread doctor death
I don't know of any relationship between the two. However I do recall  
Robert Crumb's underground Zap Comics about people being hammered my 

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[meteorite-list] Pnew Moona-ultramicroscopicsilicosis

2007-03-19 Thread doctor death

Watch out for those sneezers:


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Steve of Chicago's listings.

2007-03-01 Thread doctor death
We of the meteorite collecting community owe alot to Big Steve of Chicago.  
His trades are more like veiled donations to keep specimens flowing into the 
hands of a luck few who take advantage while his bogus dealing reminders to 
keep alert to suspicious trades. He is a random as the meteorite falls we 
cherish.  Why without him we'd be calling Steve Arnold of Arkansas... we'll 
Steve Arnold and what would be the fun of that?

Most of all, why if it were not for Steve we would not be blessed with so 
many meteorites on earth as the Gods in Heaven keep on pummetting down in an 
attempt to end his merry existance. Oh, how they almost got him in Forrest 
Park. I hope they keep trying. The day they do, that hammer will go for 
astromonical amounts as we'll all want a piece of the rock that did in SA of 
C. I'm sure that's the way he'd like to go, and be remembered.

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[meteorite-list] Cold find

2007-02-24 Thread doctor death

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simple tips. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Fukang preparation extraneous material

2007-02-19 Thread doctor death
I've recenly bought a 14 gram  Fukang on ebay. While it wasn't apparrent in 
the photos, when I received it I noticed on one edge of the slice a  yellow 
crystal fragment  seemed floating separated a few mm by a clear matrix . I 
suspect that this was material used to stablitize this pallasite in 
preparation, although it looks more like glass than epoxy. Could this 
posibly be melt, or were most of these slices being prepared using some 
hardener to aid cutting.

Howard Wu

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Posting prices at Blood's auction.

2007-02-08 Thread doctor death
A few years ago I suggested to Michael Blood that a collector/dealer buying 
a piece for resell may not want his buy price to become public knowledge. 
And that some people come to auctions just to watch prices.  He liked my 
reasoning and withdrew posting that year and since, My bad.

Howard Wu

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[meteorite-list] Strangest link between life on earth and mars yet!

2007-01-07 Thread doctor death

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[meteorite-list] Hammer story in LATimes

2007-01-06 Thread doctor death
Is this old new?

Tiny meteorite crashes into house
>From Times Wire Reports
January 6, 2007

A mysterious object that crashed through the roof of a home and landed in 
the bathroom was a meteorite, experts said. No one was injured.

For now, scientists are calling the dense metallic object "Freehold 
Township" after the place where it fell. The meteorite, about the size of a 
golf ball, weighs about 13 ounces. Geologists determined it was an iron 
meteorite because of its density and magnetic properties.

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[meteorite-list] Martian find raises chances of life.

2006-12-06 Thread doctor death
We know so little about Mars how do we know that this wasn't wasn't whiskey 
flowing freely?

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[meteorite-list] Meteor showers and meteorite falls

2006-11-17 Thread doctor death
Meteorite showers from Comet trails might be CM2  or CI1 types if this 
happens. Not big rocky ones like observed bolides. Perhaps more dust in the 
raingutters. Somewhere I recall that the best time to watch meteors is 
around 4:00 am where the Earth is facing foward in orbit. And the most 
likely time for a  retrivable fall is 4:00 pm when a meteorite is 
approaching earth is catching up to it in orbit.  Kind of like retriving 
bugs off the front and  back windshields. Anybody care to back me up on 

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[meteorite-list] Rover's on Mars-humour.

2006-11-16 Thread doctor death
It was bound to happen:


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[meteorite-list] Alien red rain not in Spain

2006-11-14 Thread doctor death

BBC News story on  "Searching for 'our Alien Origins'"


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[meteorite-list] Sorry List removal mistake.

2006-11-11 Thread doctor death

No I don't want to be removed from this list.

I gave an out of town Aussie access to my PC as the library was closed today 
for Veterans Day and he couldn't understand why he had all this meteorite 
stuff when he looked up his hotmail and sent that unsubscribe. Then latter 
realized he was in my mailbox instead of his.

Just  got back here myself.Didn't know he did that. Nice to know so many 

Howard Wu

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Remove me from the list

2006-11-11 Thread doctor death

Please remove me from your email list.

Reply-To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Meteorite-list Digest, Vol 35, Issue 25
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:00:55 -0500 (EST)

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Meteorite-list digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. AD: Rabimmel Day Sale (Martin Altmann)
   2. Re: NEW photos of the silicated iron. Formation   mechanism?
  (E.P. Grondine)
   3. (AD) 4 EBAY AUCTIONS (steve arnold)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 15:49:11 +0100
From: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD: Rabimmel Day Sale
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

Ho list,

it’s St.Martin’s Day, thus I have to buy a lampion.
To realize this keen project, I’ll sell some stuff at low prrrices:

DaG 318
Libya, found 1997,
tkw 4.236kg
Riker boxed fullslice 64 grams  190$.
(the most unstriking H3, I know of. Bought it once from Buehler).

The CO3.1 fall from 1937.
Rikered 86.3grams
Folks, if a Chladni’s Heir is selling a Kainsaz, then you simply can forget
about that hefty weathered material offered during the last years from
recent finds,
My one is absolutely fall-fresh and NOT oxydized.
Price – yep, you get it for that, what the rotten stuff costs:  23.17$/g =

Aah, another historic Cabonaceous:  VIGARANO
I have 12 little cuts left, from 0.10g to 0.75g.
Prrice  100$/g. Compare with web, where they start at 250$ and on ebay
they bring 300$+, don’t they Peter?
(Would be interesting for resale..).

And let’s carry on with history:
The 1st and the 5th US-Fall I have here in affordable sizes and more than
competitive prices!
5 fragments from WESTON are left. 0.55g – 2.35g, two of them nicely fresh,
another one has a little crust. Anyone here to sell them cheaper than my
And a last slice, very fresh too of DRAKE CREEK I brought back from the
show.  1.62grams. If I price the better available Weston at 60$, why not
Drake Creek too?

Gosh, if I wouldn’t be so lazy, I’d load up all the micromounts on ebay…

Let’s google a little bit for BÉRÉBA – some write, that despite the tkw of
18kg, there was only 1kg or so ever available.
I enter: “Bereba meteorite sale”
Dealer A  180$/g
Dealer B  250$/g
Dealer C  150$/g
Dealer D is just working on his page, but I know them, he’s not the 

with Bereba
Captain B - ask him, for what he was selling them out.
That was google.

I’ve a flat fragment = nice surface here, with a super-nice net of shock
veins – 6.18g.
No, I’m sober – what about 75$/g ?
Hey and if you are a good boy or girl, I’ll give you the fine larger
fragment from our show case – remember the Munich pics.
33.41g it has – for 70$/g.

Huh, I had some argues with my compadre, who was not amused, that in my 

report here on the list, I praised all other tables and dealers,
but not or own presentation and assortment on the Munich show.
Perhaps some eyewitnesses could make some words here, whether they liked 

booth or not, to disprove the hypothesis that modesty kills.

Hum, what more I find in our boxes..
Oman main masses seems to get popular again, Huh Mike?

Zufar, Oman
Found 2001
Tkw 680g

Main Mass 651g  400$.

Possible fall, Ungrouped E-Anchondrite, yummy.
Small slices up to 8g  50buxx a gram.

You want a COSMIC ONION, but you feel a revulsion to buy from Chicago’s
Conatct me, we have a slice with such an incredible accident of cosmic
nature left.

Aaand –Heirs don’t beat me up!
Only, solely and by way of the exception of St.Martin’s Day:
A single slice of our new Moon 4483 – 1.015g  for 1000$.

But now I have to stop, before I ruin myself.
And don’t come next week and ask me for such prices, it is a special.

Email for details
And now to all to you a nice weekend (and a fine St.Martin’s day).


(PS. If I only could remember the price of our Air with Paris label… I 

I’ll keep it for the other Martin on the list).


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:23:45 -0800 (PST)
From: "E.P. Grondine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NEW photos of the silicated iron.
Formation   mechanism?
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hi everyone -

Well, Mike certainly has obtained a rare specimen.

The question is "Why are silic

[meteorite-list] Radar locates meteortite story in LA Times.

2006-10-21 Thread doctor death

Where do I get my radar gun?


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Totally awlsome mars crater picture

2006-10-06 Thread doctor death
There's a most fantastic picture of the crater near the Opportunity rover 
taken by the Mars Orbiter in this BBC story:


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Unbelievably late package story.

2006-09-25 Thread doctor death

Hi List. I rejoined so I can  get my favorite mail horror story out.

I had ordered a 56 mg Angra dos Reis, shipped overseas by Fedex. And 
somebody in the Fedex office in New Jersy decided to hold it pending me 
sending them a Hazardous Matterial report on this exotic material. This was 
to include a list of all the chemicals within and their toxicity, explosive 
risk, etc. Like has if anybody ever done a rat LD50 study on this unique 
angrite before? Listing the composition down to ppb would have been posible, 
but with all those heavy metals that form could get complicated. So I lied 
and said it was all perfectly safe not know if I were to inhale this crumb 
what harm it would do me. I mean like it was only 56 mg!

Howard Wu

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